By shannonwoodhouse

8.4K 252 10

Story 1 in a Supernatural series named Another World. Sky thought her life was pretty straight forward, forev... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.

Chapter 5.

315 11 0
By shannonwoodhouse

Chapter 5.

            I haven’t left my house in nearly two weeks now. Fear kept me trapped inside. I haven’t eaten in at least a week, completely out of food, the only drink is from the taps. I just sit in my window and watch the woods behind my house, or lye in bed, or sit on the sofa. The phone would keep ringing, I assumed it was the school wanting to know why I wasn’t in school. My mobile was full of concerned texts from George and Lexi. I replied to neither and let the phone ring. I sighed as I climbed into the shower, I’d hidden away for long enough and I needed to eat, I haven’t slept properly the whole time I’ve been here. Now it was time to return to school and face… whatever David was.

            I walked through the doors of my form and everyone turned to stare, David was one of them people. I saw an empty seat at the very back of the classroom, a table all to myself, I made my way too it trying to ignore the stares and trying so hard to ignore David and not turn around and run away screaming. I sat down in the seat and began playing with my hands. I looked up at someone pulled the chair beside me out and sat down. CRAP! It was David, my heartbeat began racing and I froze with fear as his arm brushed against mine. Nathan strode into the room, greeting the class but I couldn’t concentrate, David was distracting me.

            “You haven’t been in school.” He whispered into my ear, no body else had heard, they were all hanging on Nathan’s every word.

            “No.” I answered trying to keep my voice controlled.

            “Is everything ok?” Stupid question, really, how can he just ask me that? I remained silent. I could see that Nathan was talking to the class but he was watching our conversation out of the corner of his eye every now and again. “Have I done something wrong?” Really?! How can he ask these questions. “Wait…” I looked up at him, watching him as realisation hit him, what was he thinking? I couldn’t sit here for much longer, I needed to get out of here. “Do you remember?” He looked shocked that that was even a possibilty!

            “Yes.” With that I got up and left the class, I looked behind me to check no one was following me and they weren’t, Nathan had even continued with his lecture when I’d gotten up. One thing to be thankful for, not making a drama out of my exit. I locked myself in a bathroom stall, putting the seat down and sitting on the toilet, then the tears came, out of no where into my hands. Why was I crying? Maybe it’s just what I do when I’m scared, its just an emotion, a way of getting emotions out. Or maybe it was because everything was changing, nothing I knew seemed right anymore, nothing I knew seemed real or honest anymore, everything seemed like a lie, just a facade. An illusion.

            Composed I came out of my stall and looked in the mirror, jeez I’d lost weight. I was skin and bones, so pale, that’s why every one stared this morning, not just because I’d been a-wall. I hadn’t noticed, but then I didn’t have anyone to compare myself too, now I have the whole school looking healthy and me… I look dead. I grabbed my make-up bag out of my bag and put on some make-up, my foundation was the wrong shade to my current shade of skin but blended in it looked ok. Oh who am I kidding, I wiped it all off and started again, just a layer of mascara and some tinted lip balm on my lips. My clothes hung off my body awkwardly, man, I have to eat, guess I’m working tonight. I pulled my lifeless hair out of it’s bun and puffed it up around my shoulders. It just hung there but it looked better than it did up in a bun. I held my head up, I’ll do what I always do, put on a show in front of people, then a bigger one at night. Resume normatilty, whatever normal was anymore…

            I walked out of the girls bathroom and walked to my English lesson keeping my composure and walking with confidence. Everyone continued to stare but I kept my head held high, ignoring all of them, I will get through this day of school even if it kills me, then I will go home and prepare to get ready to get through work.

            Lunch time came, I’d made it half way through the day with venemous stares from Pixie, they were hard to ignore. I sat down beside George with a sandwich, all I could manage to get from the shop keeper with intent persuasion, I didn’t usually give things away for free but I had no money whatsoever until tonight. I smiled at George, a friendly smile, I did appreciate him being so nice to me.

            “So… are you ok?” He asked, I opened my sandwich and began eating it, oh my god food is so good!

            “Ok.” I shrugged as I continued to eat, upset that I’d almost finished. George reached into his lunchbox and placed and apple in front of me giving me a friendly smile. I finished up the sandwich and took a bite out of the apple. “Thanks.”

            “Oh, so you protected him at the lake and now you’re together, sweet.” Pixie called to us from accross the room, I looked up at her with my best death glare.

            “Get lost.” I scoffed.

            “Have fun at the bottom of the food chain because I’m going to take you for all you’re worth.” Man, she was such a bitch! I stood up, the sound of my chair screeching accross the floor.

            “What is your problem?! Since when did you hate me so much? WHY do you hate me so much?” My voice was raised, bordering on shouting.

            “Since he chose YOU over me. It’s always you. Little miss perfect Sky, oh no her parents died in a crash lets pity her. Well no body cares anymore so stop playing that card.” She put her tray on some table, still full of food before turning and storming out of the canteen. I sat down slowly.

            “WILL EVERYBODY PLEASE STOP STARING!” I yelled in frustration, making George and every one jump. Then the canteen erupted in awkward chatter as they all tried not to stare or even look in my direction. I put down my apple core and put my head in my hands and shut my eyes.

            “I, erm, you don’t have to sit by me if it’s going to cause you any trouble.” George spoke in his timid voice beside me. I sighed and opened my eyes to look at him.

            “If you think that some stupid rumours is going to stop me from sitting by you, and the way people look at me, then you’re insane. Let them judge I’m really past caring.” I pushed my way up from the table. “Thank you by the way.”

            “For what?” He questioned in confusion.

            “For being a true friend.” I turned and left the canteen the same way Pixie had, feeling everybody staring at my back, then all over again I got the sudden urge to cry, I held it all in though, I went outside for some air, sitting with my back against the wall, shutting my eyes for just a few seconds overwhelmed with tiredness.

            The school bell woke me with a jolt, wait, oh god. I’ve just fallen asleep against the school wall. Man, I’m really tired. I pushed myself up off the ground and made my way to class, two more lessons, I can do this.

            I got in and crashed out on the sofa, only awake long enough to set an alarm for work.

            Dressed in my usual stripper attire with some jogging bottoms and a jacket on I made my way to work thankful that the storm that had hung over the town for the past two weeks had passed. However, it didn’t take long for the eerie feeling that I was being watched returned. I briskley walked through the streets wishing my car was working, I seriously needed to sort it out. Lexi’s dad was mechanic, maybe I can get him to look at it. I head footsteps behind me, not too far, I turned so my chin touched my shoulder, just to look, almost convince it was my imagination, there was Nathan then blackness.

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