By shannonwoodhouse

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Story 1 in a Supernatural series named Another World. Sky thought her life was pretty straight forward, forev... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.

Chapter 3.

387 13 0
By shannonwoodhouse

Chapter 3.

        The alarm on the floor beside my bed began it’s annoying beeping, I rolled over and tapped the bottom on top of it before rolling out of the bed itself. I made my way accross the cold hard floor to the bathroom. I washed the remaining make-up from last night off of my face and applied a fresh layer, the usual minimal girly look. I pulled on my cheerleader outfit, Pixie has put the team up on the notice board yesterday and it included me. Wearing a miniskirt and a midrif bearing tank top probably wasn’t the best attire for September but it was a far cry more than my night outfits. I pulled on the knee length socks we were allowed to wear during the colder months and then slipped on my trainers. I brushed my long hair back into a ponytail. I grabbed my keys and bag and left for school.

            I pulled up and got out of my car, great it was raining. I shielded my head as I grabbed my stuff out of the backseat. I flung the bag on my shoulder then suddenly I couldn’t feel the rain anymore. I turned and David stood with an umbrella over me, he smiled at me.

            “Thanks.” I smiled back as I shut the door. Every girl in the car park turned to look at us, gawping. He took my files out of my arms and carried them for me as we made our way to the school. Once inside he took the umbrella down. “Thanks again.” I smiled at him.

            “Your welcome.” He nodded one nod at me, his face now emotionless, he handed me my files back and walked off. Wow ok, his moods change quickly. I shook my head, he was so confusing. I walked to my locker opening it up and sliding my folders into it. I don’t know why I don’t just leave them in there considering they just stay in my car anyway.

            “HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW TEACHER!?” Pixie screamed at me, I knew when I shut the locker door she’d be there, I shut the locker door and there she stood.

            “No, what does he teach?” I questioned not really paying attention, still too confused by David.

            “He’s our form tutor and History teacher!” She squelled. “Come see, he’s super nice as well as yummy!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the halls to our class.

            “What happened to Mr Black?” I asked as she dragged me through the halls.

            “Found dead last night at his desk, blood everywhere, aparently an animal got in and malled him to death. Anyway, who cares? You wont when you see Mr Jocks!” She spoke as if what she’d just told me didn’t matter. It DID matter! He died just last night in the room I was about to enter! Not only for form but I also had double history this morning!

            “Jocks?” I questioned finally realising it was David’s last name.

            “Yeah! David’s older brother!” She came to a halt in the doorway, everybody was already seated and turned to look at us as we walked in, including Mr Jocks. My heart stopped and my face drained of blood, I felt like I was about to pass out. It was the man from last night. There he sat, in the seat behind the desk, in dark jeans and a dark shirt, his leather jacket on the back of his seat. Now that I think about it, he was wearing a similar outfit last night. All black and that leather jacket.

            “Hi sir!” Pixie giggled and waved at him as she took my hand to pull me to my seat.

            “Hey girls.” He spoke back but looking at me, a smile spread accross his lips, not a nice one. Pixie huffed and sat down, I took my seat beside her and just kept my head down. However, I did notice Pixie had folded her arms and turned away from me, she was in a mood with me. “Now, I can see we’re missing one student but that just happens to be my little brother so, lets just begin.” All the girls giggled at his deep voice I remained silent. He pushed himself from the desk and rose from the chair, he turned to the whiteboard and pulled a top off of a pen placing it on the end. “My name is-” He wrote it out as her said it. “Nathan Jocks.”

            “Can we call you Nathan, sir?” One of the giggly girls asked.

            “Sure.” He shrugged. Then in stormed David, his face one of pure anger as he stormed towards Nathan. They were having a heated conversation unaudiable to my ears. Everyone watched but I looked down, just him being in this room was making me sick. Nathan that is. What if he dropped hints about last night and someone in the class picked up on it all? Or what if he just came out and said it, tell the entire class that I’m a stripper.

            “Sky are you ok?” Lexi, the girl the other side of me asked. I looked at her. I was shaking and I must have been incredibly pale as sweat beaded on my forehead. As she asked this everyone turned to look at me.

            “No, I’m not feeling to good, I’m going to go get some air.” I rose from my seat, grabbing my bag along with my History file and left the classroom avoiding eye contact with everyone, especially Nathan.

            “Aren’t you going to tell her off for not asking to leave?” Pixie’s spiteful voice asked Nathan. I sighed, definitely in a mood with me. I picked up my pace to leave the building, I was going home, I couldn’t go through with today. Either way I definitely wasn’t going to be returning to my History class. I stopped at my locker to slide the file inside, shutting it loudly behind me as I ran through the empty hallway to leave the building.

            I ran straight out into the rain, the cold heavy drops of water pelting my face, cooling me down. I ran accross the car park I got to my car and got in, happy to be out of the rain. My whole body was soaked. I ditched my bag on the passenger seat and rested my head in my arms on the steering wheel. Breathe, just breathe Sky. You’re stronger than him, you got through everything with the accident you can get over this. But did I really get over it? Yes, as much as I can possibly in the time given anyway. I took deep breaths. Would he really be that spiteful to tell everyone? He could be telling everyone right now. The way he smiled at me this morning, almost maliciously, certainly suggested that he could tell the class. I had to get out of here. I rummaged through my bag, getting the key out and sliding it into the ignition, I turned it and started the car up. I pulled out of my space, out of the corner of my eye I saw David stood in the entrance of the school watching me. I hurried to drive out of the car park, speeding slightly over the limit in my confusion but knowing exactly where I was going.

            I pulled into the empty car park, finding a seat nearest the entrance. I got out and ran through the rain, running through the big metal gates. I ran past all the graves of everyone else’s lost ones, up the hill, turned the corner then up another hill into the expensive everywhere which was sealed with a gate. I opened it and slid in. In the top left corner was my parents and my little sisters’ graves. A lump got stuck in my through only by seeing it. I stopped running and walked over, sitting down on the muddy grass infront of the family grave where I was set to be burried when I died.

            ‘Here lies the Print family.

            George Franklin Print

            Joanna Georgia Print (Locket)

            Daizy-Lou Print

            Roxi-Anne Print

            Beloved family.’

            My mum had Locket in brackets beside her name because that’s her maiden name. It hurt everytime I saw the gap between Roxi’s name and Beloved family. That gap was where my name will go. Where it should be because I should of died in that accident too. Tears began streaming down my face, getting lost in the raindrops falling down my face. Suddenly, the raindrops stopped hitting me, I looked up in confusion, and umbrella. David causiously sat down beside watching me as he did. I couldn’t stop the tears so I looked at him through them confused.

            “H-how did you know I was here?” I asked, the umbrella was just on me, he was still out in the rain.

            “I erm… followed you here.” He looked down. He’d followed me? Isn’t that slightly creepy, following someone to a graveyard.

            “Why?” I questioned, still pretty confused to why he’d WANT to follow me here.

            “You were upset so… I don’t know, I should just leave, sorry.” He went to get up.

            “No, no, it’s fine.” I told him, it didn’t bother me as much as it should. Though, no body else had ever bothered to follow me, why him? “I should of died that night too you know.” I turned back to the gravestone, however I felt his gaze souly on me. “No body knows how I survived. They call me the miracle survivor.”

            “How did they die? Sorry… thats a bit personal.” He looked at him out of the corner of my eye, still watching me. I returned my eyes back to the grave.

            “No, everyone else knows so… I was out with Pixie and all that drinking. Pixie and I got into a heated argument so I made them come pick me up, they were all out for dinner but came and got me anyway. They were mad at me for underage drinking so shouting, then out of no where came a lorry we crashed into it, it was a start of a massive crash. Everyone in it died. All 17 people. I was the only one who survived.” Tears had flowed down my face as I relived that night. “It’s my fault but I survived.”

            “Horrible accidents like that happen everyday, you can’t blame yourself.” He told me what everyone else had told me, I turned to look at him.

            “It’s the first accident in Wanes Spire in over 100 years.” I told him. “It doesn’t happen in Wanes Spire. Car accident anyway, there’s always been teh odd animal attack like Mr Black last night.” He shifted uncomfortably at this. “How old’s your brother, he looks pretty young?” I changed the subject, he went blank now, completly shutting me out. It’s almost as if a door had been slammed shut in my face.

            “Don’t go near him Sky, don’t even talk to him-“

            “But why?” I cut him off. He had already stood up so I stood up with him.

            “JUST PROMISE ME YOU’LL STAY AWAY FROM HIM!” His voice was loud as he shouted, scaring me slightly.           

            “I wasn’t planning on going near him anyway!” I raised my voice back at him, it was shouting like his but he’d annoyed me. I’d just told him everything and he yells at me!

            “Good.” He stormed off then, leaving me in the rain all over again.

            “HEY!” I ran after him, but he was long gone, no where to be seen. Once again he’d just dissapeared. “HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!” I yelled into empty air. I left the graveyard and got back in my car going straight home, I couldn’t be bothered with school today. I climbed back into bed to catch up on my sleep before my shift tonight.

            I woke up letting happy that the day light had gone. I got up off of the mattress  and got into the shower. Once my long black hair was hanging straight around my shoulders I dressed in the apropriate attire for my job. A lacey number with clips attatching to thigh socks, all black. I slipped my stripper shoes in my bag, pulled on some trainers and wrapped myself up in long coat. I got in my car and drove downtown to the club.

            I strode into the club, ditched my stuff upstairs and changed my shoes before going down into the club and up onto the bar. Scanning the room I took my first customer, clearly married by the tan line left on his ring finger, only recently been abroad but I wasn’t the one cheating.

            I returned back to the club £100 richer, the money stuffed into my bra.

            “Girls, you all get £20 if you do routine 4.” Dom yelled up to us from behind the bar. We nodded and possitioned ourselves in front of our usual poles on the bar, the music started and we began the provocative routine. Half way through my eyes caught onto his. Nathan’s. He was smiling that smile he’d smiled at me this morning. It took everything in my power to continue the routine, knowing I’d be £20 poorer if I didn’t. I avoided eye contact with him. Why had he come back? Once the routine was done three men came up to me.

            “We want you.” They said in unison. They weren’t bad looking, even if they were though I’d have to do it.

            “All three of you?” I questioned faking shock, I’d had to do seven people in the past. The nodded, eager to get me alone. I looked them up and down, they seemed loaded and keen enough for me to ask for a top end price. “£200 each to the man behind the bar.” The grabbed money out of their pockets counting it out and handing it to Dom.

            “Lucky you.” He winked before sliding £200 into my bra. Dom was always nice giving me a portion of the price if it was high enough. I grinned at him and lead the three men up the stairs. The entire time knowing I was being watched.

            The three men scattered into the club as I made my way over to the bar. Though, I could just finnish right now after earning £560 just from them three. Eager was to say the least. I don’t go all the way but my rates are high. Believe it or not, I’m still a virgin. But those men were keen so I pushed for as high as I could. I had already pocketed £880, that was a lot for one night. But the more the better. A body stepped in front of me, I already knew who it was from the leather jacket and black clothes.

            “Hello my student.” He purred. I looked up at him, why? Just why?

            “Get lost.” I tried to push him aside but he didn’t move, not even sway.

            “My brother and you missed the rest of school and he still hasn’t returned home.”

            “I haven’t seen him.” I lied, I had this morning, but that didn’t acount for me not seeing him lately.

            “But maybe he’s seen you.” With that he walked off, when I turned he’d dissapeared. What did he mean maybe David had seen me? I gathered my things and went home, not wanting to work any longer.

            I threw myself down onto the mattress and drifted to sleep. Though, unfortunately it wasn’t and empty one. I had the usual crash dream. But then, I had one which was uncomfortable and eerie. Nathan’s words played in my mind as I was running through the graveyard being chased by something, no, someone. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw David.

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