I Am Lacerta - HP fanfic

By BooshBaby

146K 1.5K 1K


I Am Lacerta
I Am Lacerta Chapter 1
I Am Lacerta Chapter 2
I Am Lacerta Chapter 3
I Am Lacerta Chapter 4
I Am Lacerta Chapter 5
I Am Lacerta Chapter 6
I Am Lacerta Chapter 7
I Am Lacerta Chapter 8
I Am Lacerta Chapter 9
I Am Lacerta Chapter 11
I Am Lacerta Chapter 12
I Am Lacerta Chapter 13
I Am Lacerta Chapter 14
I Am Lacerta Chapter 15
I Am Lacerta Chapter 16
I Am Lacerta Chapter 17
I Am Lacerta Chapter 18
I Am Lacerta Chapter 19
I Am Lacerta Chapter 20
I Am Lacerta Chapter 21
I Am Lacerta Chapter 22
I Am Lacerta Chapter 23
I Am Lacerta Chapter 24
I Am Lacerta Chapter 25
I Am Lacerta Chapter 26
I Am Lacerta Chapter 27
I Am Lacerta Chapter 28
I Am Lacerta Chapter 29
I Am Lacerta Chapter 30
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 32
I Am Lacerta Chapter 33
I Am Lacerta Chapter 34
I Am Lacerta Chapter 35
I Am Lacerta Chapter 36
I Am Lacerta Chapter 37
I Am Lacerta Chapter 38
I Am Lacerta Chapter 39
I Am Lacerta Chapter 40
I Am Lacerta Chapter 41
I Am Lacerta Chapter 42
I Am Lacerta Chapter 43
I Am Lacerta Chapter 44
I Am Lacerta Chapter 45
I Am Lacerta Chapter 46
I Am Lacerta Chapter 47
I Am Lacerta Chapter 48
I Am Lacerta Chapter 49
I Am Lacerta Chapter 50

I Am Lacerta Chapter 10

3.6K 32 18
By BooshBaby

YAYAYAYAY!!!! thanx to every1 who COMMENTs - VOTEs - FANs!! i love u all - please keep it up xxxxxxxxx i have some amazing news - I Am Lacerta is officially what's hot #141!!! thats so amazingly amazing :D!! thank u everyone who put me up there!! love everyone, especially my amazing and talented (check them out!!) fans: evelynjaded33(thanx for the advice :) luvs_to_read rachelsmss inak14 ImaginaryKrystal audreynicole MonsterTati xXChocoCrazeXx smileluvfromme DemigodAngel NINJA98 Senecka Because_I_Promise hreader15 wiccanruler21 xNataliex3xNataliex writingpassion harypotersbigestfan babyMO Sheri_Dancez InternetJUnkie bannana9hpagentenock ourstories AND CoffeeBreakCalls!! Also thanks to everyone who reads and COMMENTs - VOTEs - FANs i really appreciate it xxx enjoy! :D

I Am Lacerta Chapter 10

The first thing I need to mention about Narcissa Malfoy is to a lot of people she's not a very nice person. I mean she is a Black for goodness sakes. But she absolutely adores her older sister Bellatrix to such an extent that she loves me too. I look quite a lot like my mother- my aunt sometimes even calls me Belle or Bella by accident - and I remind her of her sister I guess.

She raised me like she knew Bellatrix would, always mentioning the Dark Lord and how he will rise again (although she never said that infront of her husband), she never spoiled me, and taught me that blood-quality is your whole reputation.

But she didn't treat me like her own. Draco was always her top priority. Then Lucius, a man so spineless he can hardly be called a man. Then me. Don't get me wrong, she loved me and all, but I always got a vibe that if Draco and I both but ourselves (he got a papercut and I sliced my arm) she would definitely tend to him first. My room was in the basement. Draco had a state-of-the-art bedroom with an adjoining bathroom, walk-in wardrobe and a large balcony.

By this time I had arrived at Malfoy Manor, so I stepped of my broom. Narcissa walked to the front door to greet me with a genuine smile on her face. "Lacy! How are you, my darling? I've been dying to see you - where have you been?" she said while hugging me. "I'm good thanks. How are you?" I said clearly dodging the last question, but Cissy didn't notice.

I walked into the house and sat in the front room. Cissy sat opposite me and looked at me closely. "Have you been riding that godforsaken broom again? Why do you always use that thing - you can just morph into any old animal you like - have you been keeping up your practice?"

I sighed before saying, "Yes, I've been keeping up practice. The red flecks just won't go away, Cissy. And I can't just morph all the time, my arms get tired if I fly too hard, and cheetahs are really hard to morph to. Anyway, I have something to ask, are you okay with the fact that loads of death eaters are going to be hanging around nowadays - now that the Dark Lord has returned?" "Yes, dear. Don't worry about that - worrying's my job. Your job is to give me something to worry about. You weren't thinking about moving out or anything were you?" she asked suddenly very worried.

"No of course not, I'm only fourteen after all." I lied straight to her face, Sirius had taught me how to do that - lie through your teeth without breaking eye contact or focus. "Good. Well I unpacked for you, honey, but now I need to get back to preparing the dinner. The Minister is coming around again tonight, do you want to eat with us? Draco will be but I'm thinking you don't want to bring to much attention to yourself ..." " I never eat with you when the Minister's over - you know that! Besides when have you ever prepared the dinner?" "Well... I'm going to check up on Linzy - ever since thatwretched Dobby I can't trust house-elves at all ..." she trailed off as she headed towards the kitchen.

I lay back on the sofa and was just about to fall into a well-earned sleep when a large bang on the window woke me up. I propelled myself upwards, exactely how I had been trained to do, pulled the wand out of my hair (A/N Whenever I say that I mean she was using her wand like a chopstick, if you've ever seen them used to hold up a bun, I may say that again just to warn you!!), and cast a shield infront of me.

There was no one there, just a tattered old owl sitting on the windowsill. I walked towards it and took the letter off it's leg. It was addressed to me, so I opened it and it read:


What's going on? Why can't you come back to Hogwarts? I've only known for a couple of hours and it's still sinking in. I'm numb - will we ever see each other again. George gave me your hug by the way - I'm kind of glad you didn't kiss him! How could you ever think I would move on? And yes we should definitely meet up in the holidays, as soon as possible. I'm going to miss seeing you around - but I'm sure Ginny won't. No offence but she will be in a very good mood when she realises you've left. I hope that whatever you're doing is worthwhile, I miss you already. I love you too - you know that right? Love, Fred.

I sat down on the sofa, slowly, drinking up all the words on the page. I knew I would miss him like hell aswell. "Accio parchment. Accio quill." I muttered and a piece of parchment and a quill span from no where, the quill jabbing me in the eye. I really wasn't very good at that spell, it always went wrong. After deciding that I could infact see out of my left eye, I began to write:


I thought I told you NOT to ask questions - I know it seems really spooky and mysterious and everything but I really can't tell you! Don't think I don't trust you - it's not my secret to tell. When do you break up from school? I could come and meet you at the station while Cissy and Malfoy pick up Draco. I hate it here - I'm fourteen and I think I've already had enough of Malfoy Manor for a lifetime! Maybe I should run away - any thoughts where? I miss you already aswell - and Luna. And surprisingly enough Hogwarts - but mostly you and Luna. Give her my love if you see her by the way - she's such a good person but she doesn't have many friends. Look out for her aswell - she has a tendency to be a little ditzy. Fred, the second you break up from school, I'll be there. Love, Lacy X

When I'd finished writing I attached the parchment to the owl's leg and he flew off again, crashing into several trees as he went. I then lay back and fell into a surprisingly dreamless sleep.

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