The Erudite [Divergent]

By CristineofAsgard15

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Cassandra Richardson isn't your typical erudite. For one, she's not smart. For another, her aunt is Jeanine M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 12

153 9 2
By CristineofAsgard15

PUT DOWN YOUR PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES. Here's an update. Once again, I'm sorry for the wait. I really thought I could get an update in but I'm really busy. Things will slow down though and then maybe I can get in an update at least once a week.

Wouldn't you rather have quality over quantity? Would you rather have tiny short 1 page chapters, or  3 page chapters? 

For now, please ignore the cast list. 

-Back to Cassandra's P.O.V

A four days go by and we've all got to know each other better. We've also completed about 20 things on the list. Turns out, Vaeh loves working in the fields, Robbie is great at cooking , and Sam is a natural at using the harvesting equipment and stuff. While Kaylie and me continue to suck at everything. Nah, I'm kidding. We just haven't found anything that we're good at, or that we like doing. Besides helping people, that is. I'm actually starting to question my test results. 

Judith,the lady who administered the test to me, said I got Amity. But, I know by the way she was acting nervous that something was up. She seemed anxious for me to leave. Her eyes at widened when I woke up. Something wasn't right. I need to find her and ask her about it. I would have to go back to Abnegation and search for her,and I need to do it alone. Something tells me its a secret, or else she would've told me. I'll have to do it later,though. Today I think I should finally tell Robbie, Kaylie, and Vaeh the truth about Jeanine.

I wake up feeling energized. I feel like I could take on the world. I think I could handle going to see Will,even. Maybe I really should tell Robbie, Kaylie, and Vaeh about my past. I trust them. Plus it seems unfair that  Sam knows,but they don't. We're all friends here. Kaylie knows about Jeanine being my aunt,but that's all.

"Guys, I need to talk to you before we go work on the list." I mumble, my mouth full of pancakes.  Today on the Amity breakfast buffet there was  pancakes, orange juice, bacon, syrup, fruit, cereal, and milk.  The food is made by angels I swear. 

"What about?" Vaeh asks, somehow able to understand me. She stuffs a few raspberries into her mouth. Sam gives me a look and I nod. Today I'll tell them. 

"You'll see."I say, drinking some orange juice.

"Okay, but can we finally go to Dauntless today?" Kaylie asks, stealing a few blueberries from Robbie's plate. Robbie raises his eyebrows at her, a playful smirk on his face. He looks like he's going to say something about it, but instead reaches over and grabs a piece of bacon from her plate. Kaylie, in turn, gasps. "You did not just steal a piece of my bacon Robert whatever-your-last-name-is!"

Robbie shrugs. "Looks like I did, Kaylie Daniels." He takes a bite of it and it crunches in his mouth. Kaylie looks like he just insulted ten of her ancestors, but doesn't say anything. She grabs his plate and empties out all of his blueberries onto her tray. Then she holds her bacon tightly in her hands.

"Mine!" She warns,taking a bite of one of the bacon strips in her hands. Robbie reaches over to her plate and plops a few blueberries in his mouth.

Vaeh and I try to not to smile and giggle like five year old's,but we fail. This conversation is just too cute. Even Sam smiles and shakes his head at the two of them. we've all been getting closer,but Robbie and Kaylie have started to become the closest. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. Maybe not this exactly,but they've both been flirting a little here and there.

I honestly could not be happier for the two of them. Especially Kaylie. After what she told me about what happened with Brenton, I'm really excited that she's trying to move on. I couldn't imagine life here without her. Without any of them,really. They're like the family I've never had,but always wanted. It's so amazing having more than one friend. And the conversations we all get into are insane.

Kaylie is obsessed with food; surprisingly considering how skinny she is. She'll eat like a starving orphan. She's funny and will start an argument with you about just about anything she wants. It's weird,though, because when she argues, she's hardly ever mean. She's creative,too, and outgoing. Plus she's kick butt. dauntless made her strong and almost fearless. She's scared of bees, closed spaces, Brenton (her ex boyfriend),  and a few other things. She's become a lot happier since she got here though. And a lot nicer. This place is changing her. It's changing all of us. And I can't tell whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. 

Nevaeh is a complete weirdo. She's crazy. She's more girly than Kaylie and I, but she isn't overly girly. Like, she isn't afraid of getting dirty or anything. But she loves dressing up, clothes,shoes, hair products, and makeup.  She's also really hilarious and quirky.  She's pretty smart too. She wonders about everything,I swear. She could be sitting on the toilet and all of a sudden wonder why the earth is round or something.  Vaeh is a sucker for romance. She's never had a boyfriend,but she can come up with some pretty good relationship advice. If we ever need any,that is. I'm positive that Robbie and Kaylie's innocent flirting is the only thing even close to a relationship between any of us. Its more like a flirtation-ship. 

Robbie is a completely different story. He's mature at times,but other times he's a complete goofball. I sometimes question his sanity. He's also pretty outgoing and ,out of all of us, I'm pretty sure he enjoys doing this list the most. He's really tech savvy and doesn't really care much about what others think of him. He just does his own thing. He's himself and some of the other girl initiates are swooning. He's pretty good looking, I'll secretly admit.  He's not the most flirty in our group,but he is a complete and utter sweetheart. Especially to us girls. He treats Kaylie a little differently,though. He's extra sweet to her, and he'll argue with her over whatever she wants to argue about.

Sam is, however, the flirty one of our rag tag group of five. He's the jokester and will do anything for a laugh. He also annoys the heck out of all of us,but we put up with it. He's a great listener, as you can tell, and loves making people smile.  Sometimes he'll just make faces in the middle of whatever we're doing, and will keep making that same stupid gorgeous face until one of us says something or laughs.  He's the comedian. The all around good guy. At first when you meet him, he's shy. But once you get to know him and he gets used to you, a huge explosion or something happens and you get what he's normally like. A loud, funny, flirty, kind,annoying, all around hot mess. He's extremely attractive. Girl initiates also swoon over him.

Sam and I are still comfortable together. He's comfortable around all of us. He's really touchy. Not like, appropriately though!  Like, holding hands (in a friendly way) , messing/ playing with your hair, laying his head on your lap, putting an arm around your shoulders--- that kind of thing. Ew. Gross what did you think? 

We agree to do to Dauntless after I tell them what I need to tell them. We all finish up breakfast (Kaylie eventually grabbing all of Robbie's blueberries and stuffing them all in her mouth before he could protest and Robbie messing up her hair.) and then head out to the girl transfer dorms. I've decided to tell them here, instead of having to go all the way somewhere. When we get there, and make sure the other girls are gone, we all sit down on mine and Kaylie's beds.

Somehow, Sam ends up next to me on my bed and he lays his head on my shoulder. How am I supposed to focus like this?  Don't blush, Cassie. Don't blush. Chill. Will used to do this all the time. Why are you suddenly getting butterflies and having trouble breathing properly? Okay so maybe I have a little bit of a crush on Sam. 

I take a deep breath and close my eyes.  "You can do this." Sam whispers in my ear huskily. Thanks Sam. Like that's going to calm down my racing heart.

"Before I transferred here, my name was Cassandra Richardson. Jeanine Matthews is my biological aunt. My parents were from different factions and used to sneak around to see each other. They were arrested or something and I've lived with Jeanine my entire life. But that's not all, she used to abuse me." With this, I bit my lip and pulled down my pajamas a little to reveal a bruise on my stomach. Yes, I'm still wearing my pajamas. Don't judge me, it's only 8:30 am.  I don't look up to see who,but someone gasps. I pull it back up and pull my shirt down a little to reveal a bruise on my shoulder.

"My best friend's name was Will and he was in love with me, "I start off talking again. At this, Sam tenses. I guess I forgot to mention that little detail. " he chose Dauntless ,but before that we got into a huge fight because of this crazy plan that I know about-" I stop again, and gulp before telling them about that day when I came home from school and found everything. I tell them about Jeanine's plan. I tell them about my fight with Will. I even tell them about Will and I almost falling out of the tree.

While I explain, Sam rubs my back softly, urging me to continue telling them. When I finish, I'm actually not crying. I look up and meet the eyes of all my friends (except Sam of course). They all look worried and I see some sympathy there. Sympathy for me and what happened with Jeanine and Will, and sympathy for what will happen to Abnegation unless we do something. 

"What are we going to do?" Kaylie stammers. I can tell it really hurts her to hear this. To know that your family and old friends are all going to become murderers isn't exactly a comforting thought. 

"I tried telling people. I've tried." I say softly, frustrated with the fact that the people I told might sit back and do nothing. 

"Maybe it won't happen. Maybe you told the right people."Robbie reassures us, leaning over and gently grabbing Kaylie's hand. He rubs it, trying to comfort her. I can only imagine what hearing this does to him,too.  His family,his sister (which he loves and tells us about all the time) and his old friends could be dead soon. Its worse on him than it is Kaylie. Kaylie must realize this because she takes his hand in hers and interlocks their fingers. She leans against him.

"Yeah. You know, Robbie is right for once. That Uriah guy seems like he wouldn't do nothing. And if he doesn't do anything we can." Vaeh stands up off Kaylie's bed, looking completely sure of herself even though she's like 5'5 tall. But it's cool. Not all heroes are 6 foot tall. "Why do we have to sit here and do nothing and hope that someone else is doing the work? We can do something. We can let people know. We can save the Abnegation!"

"She's got a point,"Sam agrees after a minute. He gets up off my bed and stands up. The place where he was is now cold. "We don't have to do nothing like lazy cowards."

"But we are lazy cowards..." I mutter. Sam and Vaeh give me a look and I hold my hands up in defense.

"Its not our job to go save people. Our job is to complete this list in two weeks and work in the fields or else we'll be factionless." Robbie interjects, "And besides, how can we do anything? We're not tough like the Dauntless. We don't know how to fight."

A smile that has been growing on Kaylie's face since Vaeh said something, suddenly gets really wide. She raises her hand high in the air. "Guys, you're forgetting who I am. I'm Kaylie Daniels, daughter of Micheal and Bridget Daniels. I was a Dauntless. I can train you guys."

"We can be the best butt-kicking Amity ever! No one will ever suspect it! I mean, who would suspect five amity to secretly be butt-kicking warriors?" Kaylie sounds way too excited. I guess Amity hasn't really changed her much after all.

"But I thought you didn't belong there." Vaeh looks slightly confused. 

 I think Kaylie's about to go and tell them about Brenton,but instead she rolls her eyes, for the first time since the first day. "My test result was Dauntless."

"but then why did yo-" Kaylie stops Sam cold with a little glare. Yep, that's the Kaylie I first met. Hi. I kind of missed you.

"That doesn't matter. But for now, lets go to Dauntless. Its probably to late to actually stop Jeanine's plan from happening,but we can still get people ready. We can still be ready." There's a certain fire in her eyes, like she's been waiting forever to talk about her old faction and the things she knows. 

"You're forgetting something," I remind her, "How are we going to have time? We have to complete this list or else we'll be factionless. And the work."

She thinks for a few moments before smirking. "Simple. We'll go to Dauntless every day to complete our lists. That Uriah guy that you guys were talking about is one of my close friends. He can teach you things. A bunch of my old dauntless friends can.And then ,after working in the fields, I'll start teaching you how to fight. Any other objections?"

Robbie and I go silent and we both can't think of any reason not to do this. They're right. We have to try. We can't be lazy cowards, as much as Robbie and I want to. Kaylie has it all figured out and it's a good plan.  We all agree to it and it's settled. 

The guys go to their dorm and us girls change into our red dresses. Vaeh somehow talks Kaylie and I into having our hair braided. For Kaylie, it's just a side fishtail braid. For me, some of my dark brown hair is pulled over to the side and the part of my hair that's close to my face is braided.

Then we're off to Dauntless. And really, who would expect Amity kids to know how to kick-butt and fight like the Dauntless? We're supposed to be peaceful farmers ,but instead, we're going to learn how to fight so we can defend another faction from attack. Saving someone's life is a kind thing to do.  I guess bravery and kindness aren't all that different after all.

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