The Roswell Coven: Circle of...

By Ohgal625

174 17 0

Brady Andrews, vampire turned guardian, joins forces with fellow guardian Violet Kline and newcomer Foster... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-one.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six.

Chapter Four.

7 2 0
By Ohgal625

A long billowing cloud shot across the eastern sky before disappearing behind Athena Mountain. I stood next to the welcome sign at the base of the her twin Apollo Mountain. They were named after a Greek god and goddess, and long rumored to contain piece of their respective souls.
It is also believed the mountains protect the inhabitants within their borders from magical beings.  I know better than most how little protection they actual give to the souls in Brookville.
After all it was here I drew my very last human breath, and took my first non-human one. Katherine must have known sending me here, would be like staring my own personal Achilles heel in the face.
I cannot shake the feeling some kind of sinister element is at play here. I took a deep cleansing breath and then drove across the town line.
The drive into town was short, as the only place is no bigger than one of those overdeveloped mall parking lots. The sad part is for how much time that's passed since my last visit so much had stayed the same.
Long rows of corn fields still ran diagonal with the roads. The massive farm houses with their tall chimneys and painted barns, still loomed in the distance.
I smiled a little when I spotted an old weather worn tire swing handing off a nearby tree. I guess some things should be preserved throughout time.
I think the oldest building still standing in its original place is the white clapboard church with its slightly leaning steeple.
The rest were new modern buildings as was the new square. A part of me had hoped they had left the square untouched. There was a time when Brookville was known all across the state for its lavish town square. People used to travel from all over to visit our handcrafted shops, walk on the cobblestone paths, and picnic on the blankets of lush grass surrounded by bushes of pink, yellow, and blue azalea's.
What remains is a single long strip of grass in between a string of brick and mortar shops and concrete sidewalks. I recognized a few names on  the shops which indicated most of the founding families were probably still running the town.
I pulled into a gravel parking lot across the street from a two-toned brick building known as Brookville High School.
The parking lot was pretty full but I managed to squeeze my bike in between a red Honda and a chain linked fence. I unstrapped my bag from the back, heaved it over my shoulder, and headed across the street. When Violet suggest I infiltrate the high school to flush out the perp I thought her idea was brilliant.
Now that I'm about to walk in the front doors it doesn't seem like such a brilliant plan after all. I pulled on one of the glass doors and stepped inside. Every nerve-ending in my body tingled and burned as the smell of iron and salt saturated the air. My gums throbbed and my mouth watered in anticipation.
On second thought this is a terrible plan. It has been far too long since I have been in the presence of so many human bodies. Violet is the one who goes undercover on these kind of jobs. She is much better with humans then I ever could be. No. I have do this on my own. I need to keep Violet safe.
I located the office door and ducked inside the tiny wood panel room. To my relief the air was slight more tolerable.
A short plump woman with greying brown curls glance up from her decade old computer as I approached the counter. A look of annoyance crossed her face.

"The attendance office is across the hall. They will give you a pass." She immediately turned her attention back to the screen.

I hope Foster remembered to call. I folded my hands neatly on the counter. "Excuse me. I believe you may have spoken to my Brother on the phone about my intended transfer to this school." I flashed a polite smile.

The woman stared at me with a blank expression. "Brady Andrews from Liberty High in Montana." She pulled a folder from a mounding stack of papers on the corner of her desk.

"Brady Andrews." She laid the folder on the counter. "It says here you're a senior and an honor student with an impeccable record."

I gave a polite nod. Foster may have gone a tad overboard selling my abilities to the school. Once upon a time I had been a decent student but a lot has changed in the world since I last attended school.
Hopefully I will not be here long enough to live up to those standards.
Ms. Wright whose name I learned from the partially hidden placard on her desk gave me a packet of forms and went back to her desk.
I slid into one of the three conjoining orange chairs and went to work on the forms.
As I worked on my emergency contact form a girl entered the office and accidental bushed her leg against my arm. A wave of energy shot through my body awakening every one of my nerves. A hushed gasp escaped the girl lips. She glanced at me curiously. "I umm am sorry."

"No worries." I answered automatically.

I could see the girl was clearly embarrassed by her misstep so I glanced back down at the papers. When I looked up again she was gone. Ms. Wright glanced up in surprise as I laid the completed forms on the counter.
"Wow." She remarked. "That was quick. Are you sure you wouldn't like to take these home to your folks?"

Now was the time to put Violet's story to use. "My Brother is still in Montana working with lawyers to settle father's estate. He could be here in a week or a month from now. It is hard to say." I explained.

"Always a tragedy to lose someone you love." Ms. Wright patted my hand. "If you need anything just let me know dear." She offered warmly.

A pang of guilt hit me as I thought about my real father buried across town. What would he think about my white lie? He would be disappointed in me for many reason but this lie would bring him shame.
My father went to great length to instill honesty, integrity, and a sense of family into all us boys.
Each day I get further away from my humanity and closer to the monster I have become.

"Thank you." I pressed my lips together. "Do you know when I should expect to start classes?"

Ms. Wright flipped through the file one more time. "I should have your schedule done by Monday." She sat the folder on the desk. "Actually do you have time for a tour?"

I glanced down at my watch. "I have a little time."

"Okay. I will be right back." She disappeared into one of the dozen side offices. A moment later she returned with a small framed girl. The same girl who had bumped into me earlier.

"This is Abigail Johnson." Ms. Wright said. "She has graciously agreed to be your guide. Good luck. I'll see you Monday." She turned to the girl Abigail. "Be sure to show him where the senior lockers are located. If you run late for your next class just come back and I'll write you a note."

The girl nodded. "Thank you Ms. Wright."

Ms. Wright waved to us both then headed straight back to her desk. The girl came around the side of the counter.
"Hi. It's Brady, right?" She asked. "Ms. Wright has a tendency to talk so fast I don't always catch everything." She explained.

"Yes.  Brady Andrews." I held the door open for her to pass then reluctantly followed behind. Even though I knew what to expect the pungent smell was like a punch to my gut.

"Hello Abigail. It's a pleasure to meet you." I spoked through gritted teeth but still managed to force a smile. The end of her nose crinkled up as if she was too was smelling something unpleasant.
"Please just Abby." She corrected. "My mother is the only person who insists on calling me Abigail." She explained.

I could tell by the way her lips curled to one side, she did not find this an endearing quality.

"Well let's try this again." I held out my hand. "Nice to meet you Abby." She raised an eyebrow but shook my hand anyway. I found this slightly amusing. "What? Has proper manners fallen out of favor in Brookville?" I teased.

Abby laughed. "Unless you're like eighty years old, all manners have been lost." She changed the subject. "So where did you move here from? Did you participate in any clubs or sports?"

"I'm from Montana." I answered. "No clubs or sports but was pretty dedicated to my studies." This was partly true because in  eighteen hundreds schools didn't have them.

We stopped in the history wing so Abby could point out each individual class room. She listed which teacher were the best and what each class was currently learning.
She did the same for the English, Science, and Math wings as well. She took me for a quick peek at the gym, art, and music rooms as to not disturb the classes currently in session.
We were leaving the band room when she return the conversation to a more personal nature.

"Are you sad about leaving home?" Abby asked.

Her question caught me off guard. "No. Why would I be sad?"

"I thought...You know with starting over." She stammered over her words. "You might be sad to leave behind your old life and friends. Too personal. I shouldn't have asked."

A normal human develops attachments to people and places so they most likely would be upset to leave them behind. Violet would have known that without thinking about it. I'm already messing this all up and I've only met two humans so far.

"I was upset." I changed my answer. "I hated the idea of leaving my friends, but then I remembered after graduation we'd all go our separate ways. I just got an early start." I added to lighten the mood back up.

Violet probably would hav given an epic answer but I think I did pretty good.

Abby frowned. "I kind of see where you're coming from but I've never lived anywhere else so I have zero reference point." She admitted. "I may be able to help with the friend issue. Come with me I have an idea."

She took a sharp right into the one place I'd been hoping we'd avoid. The jammed packed cafeteria. The noise level alone was maddening but the overpowering scent of warm fresh blood had my gums once again throbbing.
I held my breath in a last ditch effort to remain in control. I made a mental note to avoid the cafeteria in the future as we worked our way across the room to a table in the corner. Lucky for me it was next to an open window. I took advantage of the burst of fresh air to steal a breath or two.

Abby stole a tater tot off one of the trays. She popped it into her mouth with a smile. A girl with long silky black hair and ice blue eyes jumped to her feet with a fist drawn.

"What the heck." The girl shrieked.

Abby blew a kiss at the dark hair girl. All my muscles tensed up at once. What if this comes to blows? The dark hair girl looks like a heavy weight come pare to the petite girl next to me. I had to fight off the urge to throw myself between them.

The dark hair girl relaxed. "I almost hit you."

Abby smiled. " Well you didn't so it doesn't count." The girl rolled her eyes but I could see the anger dissipating. "See I knew you couldn't stay mad at me." Abby teased.

"You call me the bad one." The other girl mocked.

Abby glanced over her shoulder. "Watch out for this one." She nodded at the girl. "Chloe is a real trouble maker and legend around here." She grinned. "What is it sixty-three detentions?"

"Sixty-seven as of this morning." Chloe shrugged. She turned her blue eyes on me. "Don't let those eyes fool you. Abby is the real threat around here." She flashed a smirk. "She just doesn't know it yet."

There was something in her tone which led me to believe she's telling the truth. I glanced over at the petite blond. She looks innocent enough and I'm not picking up any non-human indications.
There was the strange way my body reacted to hers, but I wouldn't really consider that a marking for anything supernatural. I just haven't been in skin contact with a human in years.

"I'll heed the warning." I replied.

Chloe tilted her head. "So you're the new victim."

"I'm afraid so." I answered.

Her eyes seemed to be shifting back and forth as if she was assessing me from top to bottom. "What brought to the boring town of Brookville?" Chloe asked.

She was asking normal questions but how she was asking them was making me feel anxious. 
A rouge vampire or two making your fellow classmates their personal buffet is what I wanted to say. What I said instead was "Nothing real exciting." I forced a smile. "I'm Brady by the way." I added out of politeness.

"Chloe Raines." She responded. "Did you purposely avoid my question or were you hoping I didn't notice how you attempted to side step it? Don't worry I'll give you another chance."

Abby shot her friend a questioning look. I took this as a sign this behavior was not typical for her friend.
The name Raines was ringing in my head with some familiarity. Where had I encounter the name before?
I took a closer look at Chloe. She is of average height, weight, and build.
Her skin is the shade of slightly burnt toast. The high cheekbones and aquiline nose hinted at possible native origins. I noted above average muscle definition but not enough to be of concern.
The steady heart beat indicated she is definitely of human descent. I couldn't shake the feeling I was missing something. I glanced up to take one more overall assessment and found both of the girls staring at me.
They were waiting to hear my answer to Chloe's last question.

"What can I say? I'm a private person." I would let that answer stand on its own. I just want this part of the tour to be done.

I was staring at the doors when a wooden sign jumped out at me. Well actually it was the name on the sign. It was a name I knew rather well.

"The cafeteria is named Redwood Hall?" I said this more out loud than to either of the girls standing across from me.

Abby smiled. "In honor of Chief Redwood Raines."

My past came flooding back to me. I never met Chief Redwood himself but I did work his son Jolon to reestablish territory lines during the rebuild of Brooks town after the war.

"Brady doesn't know who Redwood is Abby." Chloe sighed. "Redwood was the chief of the Eumac tribe. He gave away some of his land to William T. Brooks, who founded Brooksville along with seven other families." She explained.

I knew the histories considering my family was among the seven and Redwood didn't so much as give it away freely.
There was a treaty between the parties promising varies supplies and goods but mostly it was agreement to stay away from the tribe.

Abby flashed a smile. "Chloe is the fourth great-granddaughter of Chief Redwood. Her father John is the current chief which kind of makes her a princess." She looked over at her friend with pride.
Chloe however was not smiling back if anything she looked rather angry.

"No. It does not." Chloe snapped. "Abby has an overactive imagination with the occasional overshare." She swung her eyes from Abby back to me. "I should get back to my lunch. You're a bit of a mystery Brady. I love a good mystery but often find they are too easy to solve." She warned.

I knew she meant for her words to be somewhat cryptic but I got the message loud and clear. She knew I was hiding something and she was going to find out what.

"Enjoy your lunch." I mumbled.

Abby stared in disbelief at her friend. She picked an apple off the tray of a kid passing by and tossed it at Chloe.

"I hope this solves the blood sugar issue you're having today." She spun on her heels without warning and strolled away.

Chloe glared at me. "I will find out why you're really here."

"Good Luck." I laughed.

There is a lot she can find out about me which is potentially bad all the way around. The reason why I am here though is the one thing she'll never know.
I could feel Chloe's eyes on the back of my neck all the way out the doors of the cafeteria.
Abby apologized profusely for her behavior all the way down the hall. I used the opportunity to dig a little deeper into Chloe's family tree.
I make it a point to know my enemies and she is now my enemy. There was not much to learn beyond the Redwood connection other than she has two older brother's and one younger sister.
When I started asking questions about Chloe's mother is when Abby shut down the conversation. I was able to learn her mother is of Romanian descent and no longer in the picture.

"Sorry if I wandered into forbidden territory. My mind sometimes forgets what is acceptable and what is considered rude."
This was more accurate than anything else I have said to her today. The odd thing is I'm feeling rather relaxed around her which is disturbing since we just met.

Abby sighed. "It was not you."

"Were you seriously going to do the whole it's not you, it's me bit?" I laughed. "You know I've heard it before. I may have even used it before and I have to say it's always you."

She giggled. "No really. It's honestly me. No matter how I try, I just cannot understand how someone could leave the people they love especially at a time when she witnessed firsthand what my family was going through." Abby pointed out the library.

"At the risk of being rude again. How is Chloe's mother abandoning her family in any way related to your family?" I was trying to understand her point but was not seeing how the two events were connected.

Abby looked away from me. "Sasha kind of used my sister's memorial service to sneak out of town. I'd say they were pretty well connected." She glanced behind where we just came from. "We passed the auditorium."

I could tell she was fighting off the urge to cry while I was fighting off the urge to comfort her.

"All school auditorium have the same basic design from my experience." I offered. My experiences were exactly none. I had never seen one before.
A small part of me was disappointed when we once again reached the main lobby. The other part of me was excited by the prospect of being able to breath in clean fresh air.

She stopped by the office doors. "Do you have any questions?"

I found my lips curling up into another genuine smile for the second time this afternoon.
"I think you covered it quite well. Thank you Abby." I placed my hand against the door handle.

"You're not like any of the guys around here. You are different Brady Andrews." She smiled back at me.

If she knew how different she would not be smiling at me. Abby is different from any of the girls I've met. She has a pure almost innocent charm.

"Will I see you on Monday?" I asked with my best smile.

Her face turned a bright red. "I believe you will."

I made her uncomfortable. What made me think she would even talk to me after today anyway? I am a fool.

"Have a great weekend." I stepped out into the mid-afternoon sun and inhaled deeply.

The brisk autumn air was a welcomed relief from the onslaught my nose had suffered the last thirty minutes.

"Brady, wait!" Abby called.

I heard her breath catch as I looked back over my shoulder. She had taken four large steps forward.
She hesitated for a second and then dropped her arms to her sides in defeat. "Welcome to Brookville." She called as the door slammed closed.

To be continued....

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