Only you; Jack Hughes


191K 1.3K 573

Annabella Brodeur, well Ava. Yep, the daughter of the one and only Martin Brodeur. With a child's whole life... More

Chapter 1- cutie at Dunkin
Chapter 2 - Blue eyed hottie
Chapter 3- Bruised knuckles
Chapter 4- Kisses, surprises, and cries
Chapter 5- Date night
Chapter 6- America's Ass
Chapter 7 - Panick attacks & Jealousy
Chapter 8 - Oh My Friend
Chapter 9- a constant thing
chapter 10 - expecting the unexpected
Chapter 11 - pappa brods
Chapter 12 - family
Chapter 13 - birthday
chapter 14 - No. Fricken. Way
Chapter 15 - wait 'til later
chapter 16 - one week
17 - things must come to an end
Chapter 19 - NHL
chapter 20 - so am i
chapter 21 - number one! Lets go baby!
chapter 22 - baseball boys
Chapter 23 - Happily Ever After
Chapter 24 - dreams
Chapter 25 - the same
hola chicitos

Chapter 18 - Don't want to feel another kiss if its not from your lips

5.4K 52 24

(It fits the ending more BUT STILL)


A day where life is learned to be loved, a day where everyone's emotional stress is relieved for the long loved weekend. The day that everyone looked forward to because of the pure joy that came with it. That was only true for about 99% of the population usually.

Today, I was that 1%.

I sat up in my bed, looking around the room at all of the boxes scattered around, or at least trying to with my swollen eyes. I've been crying for a good two days straight. The only time I stopped crying was Wednesday night while the boys were here, so I could make our last night fun. But the second they left, I was a mess.

I looked at my post last night and smiled

avabrodeur just an appreciation post for my bff <3 (and my two others)
tagged; cmcdavid dylanstrome marner1993


cmcdavid this is why you're my favorite
willbrodeur wowwwww I see how it is
trevorzegras ^^ fr
trevorzegras I still love you avers😔
avabrodeur cmcdavid 🥰
avabrodeur willbrodeur trevorzegras I love both of you idiots
dylanstrome omg ily princess
alexturcotte ur actually the strongest person ik
joshnorris ^holy mood
quinnhughes I'm sorry my brothers an idiot
avabrodeur dislikes your comment
avabrodeur quinnhughes hes not an idiot I am
mitchmarner I LOVE U ALWAYS
avabrodeur mitchmarner dylanstrome <<3333
avabrodeur joshnorris alexturcotte 💚💚

I groaned and got out of bed, putting my glasses on because my eyes were too dry for my contacts. I walked down the stairs and made myself a cup of coffee. I needed a lot of energy if I wanted to get through the day.

I sat at the kitchen counter and decided I wanted to post one more time.

avabrodeur good days> bad days * DC --> NJ

I posted the picture and Will came downstairs. He gave me a sad look, "Why don't you just stay with me for the extra week while my tournaments are going on? We're still leaving at the same time as the rest of the boys?"

I shook my head, "I've already prepared myself for the mental stress of leaving. I can't stay another week knowing how many days I have left." I said as a tear slid down my face.

He comfortingly rubbed my back, "Have you tried to talk to him?" I couldn't even hear his name without getting sad anymore, and Will knew it.

I frowned, "Yes. He's just not answering my texts. All I want to do is get a goodbye at least, but I don't deserve anything from him." I said letting another tear fall, "If I even get eye contact from him I'll be happy."

Will sighed and tightened me into a hug, "Youre going to be okay, I promise." I nodded and pulled away, checking the time.

We have about an hour before we have to leave to the airport, so I sighed and went back upstairs to get ready for the day.

I took a twenty minute shower and then threw on a pair of black leggings, with Connors black sweatshirt, Trevor's black beanie, and my white nike socks pulled over my leggings with a pair of slides. I looked great. Especially with my glasses.

All of our stuff was getting driven by a truck, and my dad hired a company to drive all of our cars. We were going to go by plane, so I was about to grab my luggage, when Trevor walked in the room.

"Hey cupcake." He said making me chuckle and pill me into a hug. I hugged him back tight, "Thank you for everything Trev. You're literally my best friend here and I wouldn't want anyone else take up that spot."

He gave me a sad smile, "Well I'm happy that I have that spot, so you better not let anyone in Jersey take it." I laughed and he continued, "Nice hat."

I smiled at him and he helped me bring all the luggage downstairs. The boys were all sitting on the couch, including my family.

My dad stood up, "C'mon boys. Let's let Ava say her goodbyes." All of my brothers complied and followed my dad except will.

Here come the goodbyes. I know that I'd have to say them even if I wasn't moving because they would go get drafted to different places, but it still sucks either way.

The first ones to come up to me were Cole and Alex.
"Thank you for letting us hang out here even when we weren't that close." Cole said with a smile.
"Yeah." Alex added, "It's been great this last month, hanging out with you."

I greatfully hugged them and then Spencer came up to me.
"I don't know what I'm going to do without a piggy back ride everyday or without you giving me a stupid joke to laugh at." I said, letting a tear out.

He gave me a pity smile, "Trust me, it's not any easier for me either." He said and hugged me tight. Then Josh came up to me.

"Thank you for teaching me how to actually not be a smart ass all of the time." He said with a smile and I laughed, "Well thank you for teaching me something new everyday. You were basically my school for the year." I said, another tear falling.
I hugged him, and then Quinn came up to me.

He was holding a bright pink stack of envelopes but didn't say anything about it yet, "I'm gonna miss my favorite sister in law." I hugged him and got a little tear stain on him.
He then cleared his throat, "I'm sorry my brother didn't show, but he said to open one of these every two weeks. They have numbers on them for when to open." He said and handed me the stack of them.
I nodded and moved to Trevor. Oh god.

"I don't even know what to say Avers." Trevor said and his voice slightly cracked. Oh god I've never heard Trevor cry before.

"Then don't say anything." I said, letting a couple years fall. He nodded and hugged me in a tight embrace. "I'm gonna miss you short stack." He said with a laugh and a tear escaped from his eye.

I wiped it before the guys could see it and he smiled at me, "I'll see you soon, I promise."
He nodded and I pulled away.

"Well I guess I'm going now." I said, and gave Will one last hug. They nodded and I grabbed the last of my luggage, heading into my dads SUV.

I sat in the third row by myself, because I wanted to be by myself before I had to head on a plane for a couple of hours


I plugged my headphones in and listened to I'll never love again by lady Gaga. My curiosity kicked in as I turned to look at the stack of envelopes to my right.

The one on top read 'open before you head on the plane' I slowly grabbed it and picked it up in my hands. Just seeing his scribbly and messed up handwriting made me smile.

I opened the envelope to a letter.
Dear Ava,

For me, it's Thursday, and for you it's Friday. That's if you decide to actually read these. I'm currently sitting at the booth in Dunkin' Donuts, when I first met you. It was the time that I first laid my eyes on you. The first time that I realized how beautiful you were and how amazing you seemed to be. I don't know if you noticed but I told you're brother that you were beautiful and he smacked me.

I just smiled at their foolishness and couldn't help but feel like someone was staring at me. I turned my head to the group of boys my brother was talking to and they were all staring at me. I then noticed them all quickly turn around and my brother slapped one of their heads.

I wouldn't ever take back that day if I could because I met the love of my life. If you see tears at the bottom of this page it's because I'm crying so I'm sorry if the pen is smudged. I want you to know that it's okay. I forgive you for breaking up with me. I'm sorry for not showing up today, but I just couldn't. Just know that I will always wait for you. I don't care if I'm single until I'm 90 years old. If you ever miss me, like I'm missing you already, just read one of these every two weeks. Hopefully you'll get some comfort out of this.

Alright, all of these workers are looking at me weird so I'm gonna go, but just know that I'll never love again until I get you back. I'm sorry if that's going to hold you back from other guys, and I hope it won't, but I just need you to know that. And I know you have some friends in NJ, so stay happy my love.

"Well, New Jersey has a good chance of picking me, and I wouldn't mind going there because they have a lot of talent there." He said honestly.

"Well, I know a couple of guys from there, and they're super cool and chill." I said with a smile, thinking about Taylor and Mackenzie.

P.S I got Will to sneak youre favorite sweatshirt of mine in Youre bag, I know it comforts you.

Love, Jack

I messed up big time. I had the love of my life right in front of me and I was stupid enough to take that for granted. The thought of even being with anyone else makes me wince.

I leaned my head against the sad window and just let what was left of my tears just fall. I couldn't handle all of this. I feel like absolute shit. Not only for not having Jack here with me, but because of how selfish I was.

I didn't want to deal with this stress, I didn't want to tell him, and now look where it got us.

"Annabella" Alex said, getting my attention. I looked to see everyone was getting out of the car, so I followed. The second I got out of the car, Max gave me a giant hug, "Please don't cry, you're making me upset."
I smiled at him, "I'm trying, Maxy."

He gave me a toothy smile, and we headed to my dads private plane.

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