Family Beginnings

By loppity_lop

19.1K 534 269

This is continued from my first book called 'The Only One Whose Seen Him Cry' Ludwig and Feliciano have been... More

A "Small" Secret
A Visit/Business Trip pt. 1
A Visit/Buissness Trip pt. 2
The World Meeting
Holy Mother Of Fucks
Music and Singing
Good Ol Fashioned Family Time
The First Night


861 30 26
By loppity_lop

Your guys' comments practically just kill me, you make me wanna spoil it for you
I want gonna publish this til later but someone threatened to kill me.
But if I die I won't be able to continue this story, or my other ones.
So have this, and enjoy~
(FYI, this chapter is shorter)


The brothers hugged each other and sobbed as the reread what happened. Ludwig and Antonio were now in the room, listening to the shocking news.

"I- It was a group of our own people.. OUR OWN PEOPLE FOR FUCK'S SAKE!"

"Th- they had sent us food to celebrate our pregnancies.. but there were medications in it, to kill our bambini.."

Ludwig and Antonio didn't know what to say. All they could do was hug the brothers.

"I will make-a them pay. I WILL MAKE-A THEM PAY!"

"Fratello! They've already been caught by our Mafia, what exactly are you going to do?! I'm sure they've already taken care of it by now!"

Lovino tightly grasped Antonio's shirt as he cried harder.


Feliciano cried along with him. Ludwig held him even closer to him, stroking his hair gently.

"It may definitely not be okay now, and I can't say for sure vhen it vill be.. but it'll be okay eventually. I know it isn't now, but I know it vill be.."

The couples stayed like that for most of the day. They were too devastated to move.

First, they lose their kids, then they find out it was their own people's fault.

The twins had gotten messages from their Mafia about the group, but they only answered less than half of them. They didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

They felt devastated. They felt angry. They felt exhausted. They felt betrayed. None of them knew what to do. They had practically just lost their children. Their daughters. Maddelena and Aurora.

They would never get the chance to raise them. They would never get the chance to see them grow up.

A few countries had eventually found out what happened. They messaged the countries, trying to send comforting words. Elizabeta and Roderich had come and visit, but left soon after. They knew they wanted space.

Antonio sighed.

"We can't sit like this all day. Let's eat something."

"No body wants to cook, idiota.."

"We can order a pizza."

"..fine. But make it quick."

Antonio nodded and stood up to retrieve his phone. They could hear him sniffling as he ordered the food and drinks. But as soon as he was done, he didn't return to the couch.

Lovino sighed and stood, wanting to know where his boyfriend went. Feliciano and Ludwig eventually followed suit, finding the two outside on the porch.

They sat down with them and waited. They were silent for what seemed like hours, but it had only been four minutes.

The pizza eventually arrived, along with the drinks. Antonio payed, and the group dug in.

They were just about done, when Ludwig's phone rang. He walked down the little path to answer it. They could hear him, but not the caller.


"Ja, zhis is Ludwig Beilschmidt."

The group exchanged confused glances.

"A- Are jou serious?!"

Ludwig faced the three, a shocked look placed on his face.


Ludwig hung up and ran back to the three very frightened males.

"Hurry up! Ve need to leave!"

"Luddy? Who was-a that?"

"It vas zhe hospital! Our kids are alive!"

"Que?! They're alive?! How?!"

"Zhey said zhat zhey vere monitoring zhem one last time, ad zheir heart rates vere going again!"

The group excitedly drove back to the hospital. The Italians took the one to message back everyone who contacted them to tell them the news. While also messaging their Mafia to stand guard outside the hospital and their own homes.

They did not want anything going wrong like that ever again.

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