XiYou One Shot Collection

By XiJia_Pinay

8.2K 144 27

Collection of stand alone stories. More

Boys & Girls Night Out (Alternate Ending Number 1)
Last Night
Tea Encounters
Two Wives
Four Years Later
Rooftop Kiss
First Date Part 1
First Date Part 2

Four Bosses and One Assistant

668 12 6
By XiJia_Pinay

“YOU’RE LATE!” A voice boomed the moment Xiao You entered the office.
“I’m sorry but-” She tried to explain but the Advertising Agency Director Xi Men Yan signaled for her to shut her mouth.
“What is it this time? You overslept? You’re mother is sick? Your friend had an emergency? Traffic? Road accident?” Xi Men ticked off each finger as he enumerated the possible excuses Xiao You could have.
“Yes.” Xiao You responded meekly. “To all.” She added.
Xi Men rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. “One more late and you’re fired.” He warned.
Xiao You nodded, bowing her head. “Yes sir.”
They each went to their respective tables.
As she relieved herself of her belongings, her other boss the Marketing Director Feng Mei Zuo approached her. “I’m sorry.” She quickly apologized.
Mei Zuo smiled at her. “It’s fine. Never mind Xi Men. He’s just stressed and nervous for the product presentation later.”
“He is?”
Mei Zuo nodded. “Besides, I knew for a fact that you stayed up late last night in the office to finish the PowerPoint presentation which Xi Men will use later.”
“It’s still not an excuse for me to arrive late for work.”
“Don’t fuss about it. You’re the best assistant we could ever have. Just hang in there. Jiayou!” He winked at her and left.

Later in the afternoon, Xiao You’s four bosses returned from their product presentation for their new client.
Finance & Accounting Director Dao Ming Si was the one who told Xiao You the good news that they got the deal. “I’m afraid this will require you to work long hours Xiao You.”
“I don’t mind. I’ll do anything to achieve our company’s goal however it takes.”
“I knew we didn’t make a wrong decision to hire you.” Dao Ming Si said.
Xiao You felt embarrassed.
“That’s right.” Mei Zuo agreed. “We rely on your support once more Xiao You.”
“I already have an idea for this project. Your creative and artistic skills will be of great help to me,” spoke Product Designer Hua Ze Lei.
“You can count on me.” Xiao You smiled.
From behind Xi Men scoffed.
Mei Zuo patted Xi Men on the shoulder. “Hey! Go easy on our one and only employee. She’s already helped us so much with our company. The clients earlier were wowed not just with your explanation but with the PowerPoint presentation as well. Can you at least give Xiao You the credit for a job well done? She didn’t leave the office til it was past midnight just to finish it you know.”
Mei Zuo’s guilt trip worked.
Xi Men walked towards Xiao You’s table. “Thank you, Xiao You.”
“It’s okay.” She replied.
The other three were amused at the scene before them.
Xi Men cleared his throat. “You can go home now and get some rest. We will discuss our next action plan tomorrow morning.”
“Yes sir.”

One week later…
Despite working long hours to meet their deadline, Xiao You managed to get to work without being tardy.
Over the week she had assisted Lei with the layout design. She went along with Mei Zuo to get customer surveys. She helped Dao Ming Si update their accounting records. As for their agency director, Xi Men had errands and tasks for her in between.

On the day of the presentation, Lei arrived to work informing them that Xi Men had a nasty cold and would be unable to go to work. It worried them all that after all their hard labor they encountered such problem.
“Wait.” Dao Ming Si spoke. “Xiao You knows everything about this presentation.”
Mei Zuo and Lei glanced at each other then to Dao Ming Si.
“Of course.” Mei Zuo said. Looking at Xiao You, “Is it okay Xiao You if you do Xi Men’s presentation instead?”
Xiao You was overwhelmed by the sudden task that befell her. “Me?”
Three heads nodded in unison.
“It’s gonna be okay Xiao You.” It was Lei speaking to her. “It was your ideas I used on the layout design so you’re already familiar with it.”
“But…” She tried to object. She is just an assistant after all. And before her are her three bosses who are more qualified than her.
“We will be behind you to support you.” Encouraged Dao Ming Si. “You did say you will do anything to achieve our company’s goal, right?”
“I did.”
“Problem solved.” Dao Ming Si said cheerfully.
“What if I messed up?”
“You won’t.” Mei Zuo said confidently.
“Are you sure?” Xiao You dubiously asked.
“Very much sure.” It was Xi Men. He looked pale and his nose was all red.
“Xi Men, what are you doing here?” Dao Ming Si asked.
“I knew you three would not step up,” Xi Men said. “And I knew you three would gang up on Xiao You to do the presentation in my place.”
The three grinned.
Facing Xiao You, “But they’re right. The one who knows well everything about this presentation is you. So if it’s not much, I’d like to impose on you to help us.”
Xiao You had no more reasons to decline. She nodded her head.
“Thank you.” Chorused four voices.

Right before the presentation, four voices cheered her on. “Jiang Xiao You, jiayou!!!!”

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: July 10, 2019

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