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Premise: Xi Men is missing for three years.

--- Present time ---

"Hua Ze Lei!" Xiao You blurted out as soon as she saw Lei entered the store premises. "What are you doing here?"

"I suddenly craved for milk teas." Lei replied.

"Really? Because I clearly remember you don't like milk teas." She said.

"I've grown to love its taste now." He said.

"Well, if you say so. So what would you like? My treat."

He scanned the menu. "Hmm, how about this one?” Points to their best-seller list.

Xiao You nodded. "White Jasmine Dew coming up." She then proceeded to prepare his order of milk tea while Lei sat on the table by the corner.

After a few minutes she joined Lei and placed his milk tea. "Here you go." She sat across him.

"Thank you." Lei said. He took a sip. "The best milk tea I've tasted."

Xiao You laughed. "It must be since it's the only milk tea you've probably tasted. And the one you keep ordering whenever you come and visit me."

"Have I been that obvious?" He asked.

"Yes. All of you." She looked at Lei. "Yesterday, Mei Zuo came. The other day Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si. Then, today it's you."

Lei remained silent.

"It's been three years." She blurted out. Lei eyed her. "I'm actually okay now. You guys don't have to keep doing this."

"It's Shan Cai's orders you know." He smiled.

She laughed. "So you guys have no choice but to obey?”

"Something like that."

"Don't worry I'll talk to Shan Cai about this." She said. "Well, I better get back to work now. Thanks for dropping by and checking on me." She stood up and began to walk away when Lei said something that made her stop and turn around.

"What did you say?"

Lei now standing up as well repeated what he said earlier. "Xi Men is back."

--- 3 years ago ---

Xi Men stood next to her mother. Both dressed in black. The place is filled with people who were paying respects to his deceased father. Clan relatives living all over the country and overseas from his father's side came to Shanghai. There were also business people their family company is connected with. On the right corner he could see his friends - Dao Ming Si, Shan Cai, Lei and Mei Zuo. Sobbing quietly at the far end was his girlfriend of five years, Xiao You. They were all dressed in black too.

Xi Men could not accept yet that his father has passed away. Even though they didn't live in the same house for over a decade but since he started working at their family company he has seen more often of his father. He was always so healthy and strong in his eyes. He had no idea that his health was failing. A heart attack. A sudden heart attack killed his beloved father. Not that they really had the best of father-son relationship but in the last five years since he joined the company they managed to reconcile their differences and come to an understanding and respect for each other.
As the president and CEO of Xi Men Enterprises, his own father became his boss and mentor in succeeding the family business. Now... Now that his father is gone, even though he's still young and lacks skills and experience, he just became the next president and CEO of Xi Men Enterprises.
He glanced at his mother. She wasn't crying. But he could sense that in her own way his mother was also grieving the loss of her husband. In spite of the way his father treated and left his mother, she had always loved him and remained supportive.

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