Four Years Later

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Dao Ming Si and Shan Cai are back in Shanghai after living in London for two years. At the moment F4 together with Shan Cai have a reunion at the Dao Ming Residence.
“It’s so good to be back here in Shanghai.” Shan Cai said out loud.
“You miss it?” Lei asked.
“So much!” She replied. “I miss the hustle and bustle, the smell and the smog, the food, the people, my parents, my friends, my school, my work.”
“In short, you missed everything!” Mei Zuo remarked.
She nodded. “Above all, I miss having to speak in Chinese.”
The guys laughed at her.
“What are you complaining about? Now you’re a good English speaker.” Dao Ming Si her husband spoke.
“Well, it’s still so much better to speak with people who understands my native language.”
“So how long will you be in Shanghai then?” Xi Men inquired.
“For a while.” Dao Ming Si answered.
“That’s unusual.” Xi Men commented. “Do you have a business engagement here?”
“More like a baby business.” Dao Ming Si’s three best friends looked at him and his wife in bewilderment.
“What do you mean by baby business?” Xi Men clarified.
“I’m pregnant.” Shan Cai muttered. “That’s what my husband mean.”
“Really?” Mei Zuo asked.
“Yes, we are!” Dao Ming Si joyously announced.
“Congratulations!” chorused their three friends.

The group of five continued on their celebration through dinner and drinks; except Shan Cai who only had water. They were enjoying their dessert when the butler announced the arrival of one more guest.
“Miss Jiang has arrived, young mistress.” He stepped aside to let a small framed lady walked inside the dining hall.
At the mention of her name, Xi Men stiffened. He got over it quickly as he knew his friends would be eyeing him closely. He didn’t want them to tease him or her.
“Xiao You!” Shan Cai ran towards her best friend - Dao Ming Si distressed at her running - and gave her a tight hug. “Oh it’s so good to see you. I miss you so much!”
“I miss you too Shan Cai.” Xiao You said hugging her best friend back.
“Shan Cai, please don’t run.” Dao Ming Si said but wasn’t heard by her at all.
“Come and join us for dessert.” Shan Cai said, dragging Xiao You to the dinner table. “Sit here.” She pointed on the chair opposite Xi Men. They looked at each other. While the rest were looking in amusement at the two of them.
Xiao You sat and greeted the guys, quickly overcoming that awkward moment. She knew she would see Xi Men. There was no escaping it.
Shan Cai went back to her seat. “Oh, I forgot. Have you had dinner already? I can asked the maid to serve another plate.”
“Yes, thanks. That’s why I arrived late because my business associates and I had a dinner meeting.” Xiao You explained.
“Then have some of the dessert.” Shan Cai offered.
Xiao You helped herself to some dessert while the group continued on with their conversation. Once a while she would catch Xi Men glancing at her.

Later that evening, she found herself alone standing by the balcony.
“It’s nice to see you again, Xiao You.” She turned around and saw Xi Men leaning by the door. She supposed it was inevitable that they would find themselves alone and have a conversation without the others gawking at them.
“You too.” She said.
He stood beside her. “You look nice.”
“Thanks.” She glanced at him. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“Thanks. How’s work?” He asked.
“Good. Business is good. Exhausting but good.” She replied. “And you? Aren’t you managing your family’s business already?”
He nodded. “I am. I’m still not used to being called the CEO. But thanks to my father’s guidance, I am handling the business quite well.”
“I read on the news that you’re preparing for the centennial anniversary of your company.” She stated.
“We are. I’m the chairperson for the entire event and it’s giving me a few headaches to be honest.”
“Well, I’m sure it’s gonna be a success.”
Silence followed.
Both of them stared on the night sky.
“Xiao You?” Xi Men broke the silence.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
The question took Xiao You by surprise. “Excuse me?” She snapped a look at him.
“Are you seeing someone right now?” He asked again. Xiao You didn’t know what to make of Xi Men’s question but he seemed serious when he asked.
“No,” was her honest reply. “Why are you suddenly interested about my love life?”
“So I can ask you out on a date tomorrow.”
Xiao You was confused and bewildered.
“Xi Men?”
“What’s going on? Why are you asking me out on a date?”
He chuckled. “Aren’t I allowed to ask a pretty lady out on a date?”
“Thank you for saying I’m pretty but it’s over between us already. It’s been over for four years.”
“And so?”
“So why are you suddenly asking me out on a date?”
“Why are you making it so hard to ask you out on date?” He countered.
Xiao You sighed. “There’s a reason we broke up four years ago, remember?”
“I know but the situation has changed now. I’ve changed.” He stated.
Xiao You kept quiet. The memory from four years ago flashed before her eyes. They had an argument which led into a big fight which ended with them breaking up. It was the first time she ever felt neglected by him. It was the first time she ever felt truly jealous of another woman in his life. It was the very first fight they ever had. Until now, she can still vividly remember the words Xi Men spoke to her that break her heart into a million pieces.
“I hate you.” Three little words. Three powerful words. Three stabbing words.
“I still love you.” Xi Men’s voice brought her back to the present. “I am and will always be in love with you Xiao You.” He took both her hands into his. She didn’t protest. “Do you still love me?”
Xiao You would be lying if she answered no. Even now, her heart still beat for Xi Men. The familiar feel of the warmth of his hands over hers, his nearness, and everything brought back the sensations of good times they were still together, happy and so much in love with each other.
She nodded in response. Against her better judgment.
Xi Men took two steps forward and he had Xiao You in a tight hug. His chin resting atop her head.
“Give me a second chance Xiao You. Give us a second chance.” He whispered.
Xiao You’s heart was beating so fast as well as Xi Men’s who seemed to be in rhythm with hers. Two hearts beating as one.
If ever she needed more validation this was it. She had never loved anyone than him and she would never ever loved another man the way she loved him. She belonged to him. So she simply said to him, “Okay.”
Xi Men loosen his arms around her, stepped back. They both stared at each other. A smile on their faces.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
After all these years of being apart, their lips were acquainted once again. And it felt good and natural. Like they were coming home. Four years of loneliness, four years of sadness, four years of misery, four years of heartaches, four years of missing each other, four years of longing for each other…gone.

Their reunion kiss came to an abrupt pause when Xiao You felt her cheeks wet. She looked up and Xi Men was crying.
Laughing, “I’m sorry. I’m just so happy.” She helped him wiped away the tears.
“Me too.” She smiled at laughed together with him.

“Do you think we should go back inside?” He asked later. They were sitting on the floor of the balcony. His arms around her as she leaned on him, her head resting on her chest.
“Do you want to go back inside?” She asked back.
He shook his head.
“I thought so.” She snuggled closer to him. “Let’s just stay here for a while.”
“Okay.” He agreed then kissed the top of her head.


© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018 and Twitter @caesarwunickyli

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