South Park One-Shots (Complet...

By P_Chaos

64.2K 255 52

Found my book huh? Well, this is my first, so enjoy go ahead and enjoy it. Edit: I have closed the book, but... More

Unexpected Date
Life Under The Waves Exist
Once Lost is Found
Music From the Soul
Mixed-Up the Potions
Nighttime Troubles
Clashing Teams With Love
A Human At Monster High
Exchange School
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Journal Entries Surprise
It Starts With an Action
(A/N) Taking Requests
Love Always Wins
I Do Adore
Real Flowers Speak Better Than Photographed Ones Do
10 Things I Hate About You
Smile, The Worst Is Yet To Come
H&H University
Passive-Aggressive Insult

Sick Days

3.6K 11 3
By P_Chaos

(Michael x Henrietta x Pete)

{Henrietta's P.O.V}
Currently, I'm in the kitchen making coffee and a light breakfast. Firkle is asleep in the spare room upstairs, and both Michael and Pete are asleep on the couch in the living room. You may ask, " Well, why are they still in your house?" You see, they walked here from Pete's house, which is in the farthest neighborhood from my house, in the rain while not wearing proper rain clothes, and caught the common cold. So now I'm stuck taking care of the three of them, but I honestly don't mind. I love each and every one of them equally.

I finish making breakfast and coffee, and I hear the quiet scrape of a chair on the tile floor, then somebody sitting down at the table and placing their head on their arms on top of the table. 'Hmm...8:45. Not a bad time to be waking up now.' I bring a plate of some breakfast to the table along with the 3 separate medicine bottles that each one needs, finding Firkle at the table. "Morning Firkle. Sleep well?" I ask him, setting the plate of food in front of him and setting the medicine bottles on the table. I get a groan as a response from him, not making an effort to move from his position. I prepare his medicine as I continue to talk to him. "Made some breakfast for you. I know that the kitchen light bothers you, but please sit up and eat a little. Then you can your medicine and go back upstairs to sleep more." I receive a muttered 'Okay' from him as he slightly sits up, and slowly starts to eat a little bit of the breakfast. I set the little cup of his liquid medicine in from of his plate for him to take when he's done, then bends down a little to place a light kiss on the side of his head. Afterwards, I go back into the kitchen and prepare the older boys' breakfast and medicine. They aren't allowed to have any coffee for the time being, so they get either water or orange juice. Michael refuses to drink orange juice because he doesn't like the taste of it, and his body does not like it one bit and he ends up puking whatever little bit food he ate earlier in the toilet. So he usually drinks water. Pete, on the other hand, actually likes orange juice, and choosing to drink it more often than water.

Just as I finish up what I was doing, I hear both of them sit at the table with Firkle. I bring out their plates first, and see that they're doing what Firkle was doing earlier. Setting their plates down in front of them, I peck them on their lips when they lift their head, telling them something similar to what I told Firkle earlier. As I walk back into the kitchen to get their medicine, I hear Firkle fake gag, and Pete tiredly telling him to be quiet. Firkle says something quietly, and Michael wearily replies back with, "Don't act like you don't do more than that with Ike when you're healthy." When I walk back to the table again, they're all eating silently, while Firkle's face is slightly pale pink with blush. I set Pete's medicine down in front of his plate, and lifts Michael head up by his chin as he stops eating for a minute. He isn't the most cooperative when taking any kind of medicine. "Just take it this time." I tell him, hoping he'll do it. He sighs and reluctantly opens his mouth to let me give him his medicine. When he finishes taking it, I give him his glass of water. As he sips his water, I kiss his cheek and clean up the empty plates on the table.

Firkle has already gone back upstairs after taking his medicine, and Pete's gone back to the couch without taking his medicine. I pick up his medicine from the table and take it over to him. "Come on Pete. You can't get better if you don't take your medicine." I scold him, handing him his medicine. "I'll be fine...I don't need the medicine." He replies drowsily. After a bit of our quiet arguing, Michael comes over from the table and sits down next to Pete on the couch, pulling him onto his lap. Then Michael whispers something in Pete's ear, and Pete's face flares up a hilariously adorable shade of red. He finally takes his medicine slowly from my hand, and afterward Michael and I kiss each side of his head. He turns an even brighter shade of red, closest to pink, and closes his eyes so he doesn't have to look at us. "You know that you can't not look at us forever. You're our adorable boyfriend." Michael quietly tells Pete, causing him to open his eyes again. Before I can walk back to the kitchen again, Pete grabs my arm and pulls me down into the couch next to him and Michael. Michael then puts one of his arms around my shoulders, pulling me closer to them. "You two are silly while you're sick." I receive a huff as a response from both of them in denial. "Would you like to watch tv?" I ask them, to which they nod their heads. I grab the remote and turn on the tv, flipping through channels for something interesting to watch. Eventually we decide on watching a murder mysteries solving show. After a while of watching, I notice that both of them have fallen asleep. I gently kiss both of their foreheads, then carefully get up to get a blanket for them, and to also check on Firkle. I love my boys equally because we'll always be our own little gothic family, unbothered by the changes of this conformist world.

Sick days will always be the good days.

(Hey everybody! Here's another story for you all. More stories are coming soon, so stick around for upcoming stories. Goodbye for now lovely readers!-Author)

(P.S: Here's the next few stories planned: Fike, K2, Style, CuRed, and MikexLarry)

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