Playing Cupid

By mylutteoheart

3.5K 51 20

Luna and Matteo have been building their lives together slowly. Fresh out of college, they're planning their... More

Chapter 2: Completing Step 1
Chapter 3: The Truth Will Set You Free
Chapter 4: A Shocking Surprise
Chapter 5: Changed Dinner Plans
Chapter 6: Meeting Face To Face
Chapter 7: What The Future Holds
Chapter 8: The Next Step
Chapter 9: A Bump in the Road
Chapter 10: Setting Up the Ultimate Step

Chapter 1: Coming Up With The Plan

497 6 2
By mylutteoheart

After a long day at the rink because of training the new Roller team, Luna comes home to her fiancé who she's lived with ever since they both got their degrees. He was cooking dinner after all the times she's done it.

She walks inside the house, a delicious smell filling the house. She followed this scent to the kitchen and saw Matteo cooking away at the stove.

"What are we eating?" was the first thing she asked before she went over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He wasn't happy with this though so he turned his face towards her and gave her a lingering kiss on the lips. This made her smile.

After a while of staring at each other, he answers: "Pasta a la pesto, your favorite Italian food." 

"Can I help you with something?" she asked.

"No, I just finished it but you can set the table if you want." he gestures towards the plates and utensils that were already set on the counter top. Silently, they got everything ready for dinner and took their usual spots at the kitchen table.

During dinner, they talked about each other's days and teased each other just like any other day. Luna did feel as if Matteo wanted to tell her somethin because every time they were eating in silence, he glanced back at her, a questioning look on his face and it made her nervous.

"Okay, Matteo, what is going on? You've been acting strange." she couldn't take it anymore and looked at him expectantly.

"I...uhm... I actually wanted to talk to you about our wedding." he seemed nervous asking this.

Luna laughed a little at his behaviour. "You don't have to be nervous about it, I've actually been meanning to talk to you about it."

Matteo couldn't help but smile at this. "Really?"

"Yes but what exactly did you want to talk about?" she frowned, she had no idea what exactly he wanted to discuss.

"You see, we've been engaged for a little over a week now and we've told everyone about it already and I was actually wondering when you wanted to start planning for it? I mean we didn't exactly talk about when exactly we wanted to get married." he ranted but it was true, they have told everyone about the wedding and everyone was ecstatic to hear it but they never actually talked about the real wedding before.

"Well, I would like to get married as soon as possible if that's what you want as well." She bit her lip in a nervous gesture.

"I'd really like that too but that means we have to plan as soon as possible. This event needs to be memorable for the both of us." he says excitedly.

"Something tells me, you're more excited about this wedding than I am." she chuckles.

"I've been planning this proposal for months, of course I'm excited to finally tie the knot with you." 

"Okay, well, chico fresa, I don't have anything to do tomorrow so why don't we start then?" 

"I have rehearsal in the morning but I have all the time in the world in the afternoon." he checks his agenda on his phone to double check.

"We'll discuss everything tomorrow then, right now I'm too tired to talk about it." she let out a small yawn.

"I'll do the dishes, why don't you rest on the couch, I'll join in half an hour." he tells her.

She didn't need to be told twice as she makes her way to the living room, settling down on the couch and putting on the tv.

Soon after, Matteo joined her.  They watched the tv silently but Matteo wasn't paying much attention to the show that was playing. He looked at the ring on her left ring finger and he couldn't hold back the smile that was appearing on his face. He absentmindedly played with the ring and Luna didn't seem to notice since she was slowly drifting to sleep. He was overjoyed about the fact that he finally got to marry her soon, he's been waiting for that moment a while now and he couldn't wait for it to come.

After he felt that he was getting tired too, he turned off the tv and stood up, gathering her in his arms bridal style. He carried her up to their bedroom and took off her shoes, then tucked her into bed. He also got ready to climb in next to her. He  put an arm around her waist while she automatically rests her head on his chest. He fell asleep, excited about the next day because they were finally making plans to make their wedding perfect.

Luna woke up to an empty bed, she was confused at first on how she ended up in their bedroom and she was wondering where Matteo went. With sleep still in her eyes, she decided to go downstairs to see what's going on.

She didn't see him anywhere but then she saw the note on the fridge and went to read it, it said: 'Had to go to rehearsal earlier, will be back by noon. Breakfast is in the fridge. -Your chico fresa.' She couldn't hold back the smile. He was always this sweet ever since they moved in together.

She opened the fridge and saw that he made pancakes and on top of the first one, there was whipped cream and strawberries that formed a face that winks. She couldn't help but laugh at the joke behind this face.

The rest of the morning, she spent cleaning the house, they never wanted any help around because they wanted to take care of the house all on their own, neither of them minded.

She was eating a sandwich when the front door suddenly opened and she saw Matteo walking to the counter where she was sat at on of the stools.

"Hello, chica delivery." he greeted her with a small peck on the lips.

"Hi, how was rehearsal?" she asked.

"It was great, I did miss you though." he said casually but this made butterflies erupt inside Luna's stomach.

He made a sandwich of his own and sat down next to his fiancée. "Are you excited for today?"

"Yeah, I am. So what do you want to discuss first?"

"Straight to the point, I see." he smiles his typical chico fresa smile. 

She just laughed in response.

"I've been thinking about who my best man should be." he sarted after a moment of silence. She looked at him curiously, waiting for him to continue. "I talked to Gastón and told him about the wedding. He's always been my best friend, even when he left to study at Oxford but he's coming back permanently now and I was thinking to ask him to be my best man." 

"That's great, he's your best friend so that's a logical thing to do." she agrees.

"I haven't asked him yet though." he answered and she frowned in confusion. He noticed and elaborated: "It's just that I know you want to ask Nina to be your maid of honour and I'm not sure whether they'll like walking down the aisle together."

Luna thinks about this for a moment but eventually said: "I think you should ask him, he is your best friend after all, they'll understand." she pauses for a moment. "I have to say, I don't think Nina will be too thrilled about the idea. She might not say it but even after all this time, I still see that she's in love with him. She might have been with Eric for a while but I don't think her feelings for Gastón ever faded." 

"Yeah, he won't be too happy either. He hasn't had a girlfriend since Nina and he still keeps asking how she's doing whenever we talk. I don't think he's over her either."

They pondered on this for a while, but then both their faces light up and they looked at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" they asked in unison.

They smiled at each other and said at the same time: "We should use the wedding as a way to get them back together." their faces light up with mischief.

I guess it's time that they both start Playing Cupid for Nina and Gastón.



This should have been posted ages ago but the fact that I'm juggling two stories and two youtube channels at the same time isn't helpful but here is the first chapter, hopefully I won't wait too long to update next time.

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