The Kiss

By RainyNights95

19.5K 1.5K 199

Hello... It's not new story. It's old one which I deleted few months ago. Now I re-post it with little editi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

2.8K 257 56
By RainyNights95

I'm highly disappointed with previous part response

I received only 2 comments.

Very bad readers. 

I didn't expected this from you.

I'm very upset with you all.



Randhir stopped the car at Agrawal mansion and her friends get shocked because how does he know about her address. Meanwhile Sanyu was sleeping peacefully.

"How do you know her home's address?" Tanya asked suspiciously.

"I'll tell about it to your dear friend. You girls go inside the house. We'll back in few minutes." Randhir replied looking at them through mirror.

"But why not us? Tell us how did you know about her address?" Sanaya asked.

"Your friend will tell you. Now go inside. I'll wake up her." Randhir said looking at Sanyu.

They nodded their heads and left from there leaving them alone. He looked at her sleepy face and caressed her cheeks.

"You are still beautiful Sanyu." He mumbled touching her nose with his finger and her sleep disturbed by his touch.

She stirred in sleep but continued with her beauty sleep ignoring other things.

"Get Ms Nobody." Randhir whispered in her ear and moved away from her.

She woke up with jolt and looked around.

"Did you just call me nobody?" she asked shockingly.

"No... why would I call you nobody?" he asked back.

She just nods her head and looked outside of window. They come out of car and suddenly something hit her mind.

"How do you know my address?" she asked him.

He smirked and turned toward her. An unknown fear ran in her body seeing his smirk and her heartbeat gets increase with unknown emotion.

"Aree... Give me the answer." Sanyu cringed.

"What if I won't answer you?" he asked coming close to her and her breathe hitched for a moment.

"Umm... I..I'll.." she couldn't speaks as caged her waist.

"You still didn't recognize me Ms Nobody." He said and she instantly looked in his eyes.

But her eyes get closed feeling his lips on her right cheek.

"See you inside Ms Nobody." He said winking at her and went inside mansion leaving her in shock.

She placed her hand on her right cheek and again closed her eyes tightly. The touch of his lips same like before. His lips were magical. This was her feeling for that simple kiss. Her cheeks become red than apple.

After sometime she entered in the house. She saw him was talking with Ankit. Anju saw her and called her.

"Sanyu come fast. See Randhir is also here. Now you both can apply haldi together to Ankit." Anju said with smile.

She forcefully smiled and goes near them. Anju gave her haldi's bowl and she applied haldi on Ankit's face.

"Fatty do it properly naa?" Ankit said annoyingly.

"I am doing it properly idiot. You just close your mouth otherwise I will put haldi inside your mouth." Sanyu said slapping his arms.

"Fatty buffalo." Ankit muttered only to earn another hit from her.

"Don't call me that." Sanyu said rubbing her hands on his shoulder.

"I said the truth buffalo." Ankit said with smirk.

Randhir laughed hearing this and she glared him. He also applied haldi on Ankit's cheeks. Meanwhile Vidushi comes there and saw them.

"Sanyu, Ron you both go and get fresh up. Ron where are your bags?" She asked.

"Bhabhi it's in car." Randhir replied getting up and hugs her.

She hugs him back.

"I missed you bhabhi." He said with pout.

"I can see that." She giggled pulling his cheeks.

Their relationship is pure like sea water. Sometimes she behaves with him like mother or sometimes like sister.

"Gives me the keys. I will tell servants to bring them." Vidushi said.

"Okay Bhabhi. Here is the key." He said giving her key.

Sanyu was going to her room but someone pulled her in store room. It was none other than our hero Randhir. Before she could shouts he put his hand on her mouth. She saw him and he removes his hand from her mouth.

"What a.. are.. yu.. you.. do.. doing?" she stammered at their closeness.

"Ssshh..hhh.. Keep quite."

He applied some haldi on her both cheeks. She closed her eyes as she felt sensation in her body. After applying haldi he kissed on her nose and left from there. Sanyu was not in her sense because she always forgets everything whenever he comes close to her. well, whenever she sees herself in mirror she always imagine him behind her and kissing her cheeks.

She comes out of store room and directly goes to her room. She ran inside bathroom and watched her face in mirror. Her cheeks are yellow yet pin and looking beautiful and a shy smile appears on her face.


After getting freshens they come down for breakfast. Sanyu sat on her chair while Param took seat beside her. Sanaya, Vidushi and Kaustuki were already seated there.

She didn't look at him as she was feeling very shy after that incident. Vidushir served them Pasta. Mayra (Vidarth's 4 yr daughter) comes and sat in Sanyu lap.

"Masi pasta.. pasta..." she clapped her hands seeing her favorites tomato pasta.

Sanyu didn't speak anything just smiled at her because of Randhir. He took Mayra in his lap and kissed her chubby cheeks.

"Today chachu will feed you sweetheart. Let masi take some breathe." He said pinching her nose and she kissed his both cheeks.

Sanyu looked at him and he winked at her. She blushed little and looked away.

"Miss you chachu." She said hugging him.

"Miss you to darling." He said hugging her back and they broke the hug.

"Chachu pasta.. pasta.." Mayra pointed at pasta plate.

"Okay let me feed you and here we go. Hot and yummy pasta in doll's tummy." He said taking spoonful pasta and put in her mouth.

She clapped her hand as she liked it's taste.

"Bhabhi where are my plate?" Randhir asked as he didn't found his plate.

"Ohh Sorry!! I forgot to tell you that Sanyu you have to share pasta with Randhir. Actually I didn't count Mayra." Vidushi replied looking at Sanyu.

"Okay di." Sanyu faked smile while Randhir kissed Mayra's cheeks in happiness.

Vidushi left from there leaving them alone with her friends and Mayra. They started eating pasta meanwhile Randhir suddenly held her hand under the table and spoon fell from her hand.

"Sanyu what happens? Are you alright?" Sanaya asked.

Sanyu looked at him who was smirking at her. She started struggling her hand but his grip was tight around her wrist.

"Sanyu, why did you stop eating?" Tanya asked looking at her.

Sanyu pleaded Randhir through her eyes and he left her hand. She started eating silently blushing inwardly.

"Randhir we heard a lot about you? I mean someone was saying that you are cheater? Is it right?" Kaustuki said eying at Sanyu.

Sanyu started coughing hearing this and Randhir made her drink water rubbing her back.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly and she nodded her head.

"Randhir tell us naa. I mean someone was praising you a lot in car." Kaustuki said.

"Well I just stole someone's heart." He replied winking at her.

He looked at Sanyu who was blushing silently and they just gave him teasing smile.

"Oohhh... is that so? But one thing Randhir, you are really handsome and hot." Tanya said in flirting tone.

Sanyu clutched spoon tightly hearing this and her eyes turned red due to anger. She was sulking in anger now.

"Thank you so much sweetheart." He said taking her hand and kissed back of palm.

"I am done. Let's go Myra baby. No one needs us." She said taking Myra in her arms and left from there.

They all looked at each other and burst out in laughter.

"Ohhh... God!! She is damm jealous Randhir. But what had you done with her?" Tanya asked still laughing at Sanyu.

"It's a small secret between us. You just enjoy this moment. Okay I'll check her." He said getting up and smiled.

Randhir Pov

I met her again. Yes, I met her after 7 years. She is still looking very beautiful. Her shy face was making her more beautiful. I so wants to kiss her pink cheeks.

I never knew Parth bro's wedding became my life's turning point. The very first time I saw her in Music ceremony and I fell in love with her beauty. Not her eternal beauty but with her internal beauty. Love at first sight... well, that time I don't know that it was love.

That day, I kissed on her right cheek and she thought it was my trick to takes shoes. That's why she was calling me cheater. But no, it was not my trick. Before I left India I just wanted to leave my effect on her and that's why I kissed her cheek.

And today we again met. She asked me for lift but she couldn't recognize me. Well, it doesn't matter to me as far as I was just happy.

As soon as I spoke my name to her she stumbled little in shock. That means she remembered me. Means she has some feelings for me. I did happy dance in mind.

When her friends told her to marry with me, she denied and told them that I am cheater. And then her cheeks turned to pink color. I feel so happy because the effect of kiss still visible on her face.

I purposely teased her by telling her that her cheeks were looking deep red color. She denied about her cheeks but she was blushing and looking cute.

We reached her mansion and their friend went inside mansion. I looked at her face and my heart flew away in second. She was looking more beautiful while sleeping.

The way she twisted her nose and her pink lips are so attractive. I just want to kiss her in any way but I controlled myself.

She was going in her room but I pulled her in store room. Everyone was busy in marriage function so no one was there. First she was scared and about to shout but I closed her mouth.

Slowly I applied haldi on her cheeks, but yellow color gets invisible as her cheeks turned to red. She is indeed cute. I love her so much.

I left her from kissing her nose as I know she was surely blushing. Oh!!! She is my blushing queen; only mine.

On breakfast table, I sat beside her. I could clearly saw her shy face and she looks very cute with her red nose.

I know she was not able look at me, because of shyness. I adore her shamelessly, I can't help it. After all I saw her after 7 years. Yes, it's true I saw her photos on social media but she looks more beautiful then photo.

I was teasing her time to time but when her friend complimented me she immediately left from there. OMG!! She was jealous. This makes me so happy because I realized she also loves me.

In this 7 years I missed her a lot because I madly in love with her. Somewhere I also scared what if she fell in love with someone else.

But I have faint on God. If she was written in my destiny, we will surly meet again. And we met again and most importantly I could see my effect on her.

Yes, that means she has also some feeling for me. I love her so much. I just want to be with her every time. I want to die in her arms.

Pov End

Sanyu was going to her room with Myra and Parth saw them.

"Hey pretty girls!!!" he said with smile.

Myra jumped on him and he raised her in air which she giggled loudly but Sanyu was so lost in her thoughts.

"Hey sister!! Where are you lost?" Parth asked loudly breaking her trance.

She come back to sense and looked at him.

"No, Jiju nowhere. It just my head is aching little." She said nervously and Parth noticed Randhir behind her.

Randhir indicated him to no to tell her about him.

"Okay go and take rest." He chirped and Sanyu left to her room.

Randhir comes to him and Parth patted Mayra's back as she was in verge to sleep.

"What are you doing Randhir?" Parth asked raising his brows.

"What? I am not doing anything bro." He replied not looking at him.

Vansh: Oh!!! Then when are you going to confess your love to Anki?

Randhir's eyes popped out in socket hearing this and he blushed little.

"You are blushing that means you love her. Right..." Parth said in teasing tone.

He nodded his head while Myra was sleeping on her father's shoulder.

"Then propose her before anyone come and takes her." Parth said winking at him and left from there while Randhir smiled idiotically.

Sanyu's room

"Why he is so affecting me? Why my heart starts beating fast when he comes close to me? Why I feel shy when he was around me? Why I don't like when he flirts with other girls? Mr whatever what you have done with me? Am I in love with him?" she said looking herself in mirror and noticed him standing behind her.

She turned behind to look at him but didn't find anyone and slapped her forehead on her stupidity. She lay on bed and closed her eyes while he saw her from outside of room.

"I'm going to propose you soon my Ms nobody. Get ready for my surprise." He said with smile and left from there.

To be continued...

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