Undeniable Desires

Par ScarlettDaniels

457K 9K 1.2K

"So, you've been on a date with each of us now." Declan said, taking a hold of Emmalee's hand and bringing it... Plus

Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
I'm sorry.

Chapter One.

83.8K 1.1K 228
Par ScarlettDaniels

The lights were dim, bodies grinding into one another to the beat of the latest dubstep song, but yet virtually unnoticed Emmalee Larkin smiled anyway. She stood there in New York's hottest night club surrounded by the worlds most elite and felt happy. She had never seen anything like it. It was beautiful in it's own way and for once she was apart of it, even if she was only the help. She held the order pad to her chest, taking it all in, remembering when her father had sat her down last night and asked her if she would be interested in giving him a hand. Yes fell out of her mouth with a giddy laugh even before she even thought about it.

She needed the money after all. Having gotten laid off a little over three months ago, Emmalee was learning for the first time what financial hardship was. She was down to the nitty gritty in her savings account and her rent was past due and whereas this wouldn't pay in full what she owed to her landlord it would help a lot.

Emmalee didn't really know what she doing though. Previously, she had worked as a personal assistant at a law firm, so the art of bartending was a bit lost on her. It was the reason her father had set her up with taking orders, nothing more nothing less.

Her head shot up as someone placed there hand on her shoulder from behind and leaned against her. "Emmalee, it's not the time for daydreaming," She relaxed. It was only her father. "We are extremely busy tonight. Thea could use your help behind the bar." He all but shouted to be heard over the music.

Turning to to her father, she nodded with a smile and headed towards the bar. As she approached it a skinny blonde with far too much make up that she assumed was Thea glared at her. "Of course," she muttered under her breath. " I get stuck with the fatass. She better not slow me down..."

Emmalee let the comment roll over her shoulders and continued on passed her, heading over to the two men that took a seat at the end of the bar. She heard comments like that all her life and she tried not to let it get to her. She had been a big girl all her life, but as far as she was concerned she had a beautiful personality and in return that made her a beautiful person. It wasn't as if everyone was going to like her anyway and she wasn't going to base her life trying to please everyone.

Stopping in front of the two men, she smiled, taking in the sight of them. Even sitting down she could tell they were both tall. If they were to stand they would tower over her five foot two inch frame for days. As her eyes trailed over them she couldn't help but notice their flawless beauty, sculpted to perfection with their hair combed neatly into place. They have to be models, she thought with a breathless sigh.

"We like what we see, too, love."

What was that suppose to mean?

The accent took her by surprise and she inhaled deeply as her face flushed crimson at being caught looking them over, but yet she couldn't keep her eyes off them. Her eyes fell the the man had just spoke, noting how lovely the bronze color of his hair was and how it brilliantly complimented the green of his eyes. His delicate lips curled into a knowing smirk as his friend beside him chuckled softly.

Her gaze averted to him as her blush deepened. His chocolate brown as met her own blue gaze and he smile brightly before lifting his hand to lightly run his fingers through his golden locks. Her mouth fell open as she struggled to breath properly. She was suppose to be doing something, but she wasn't entirely sure what. Only thing she could concentrate on in that moment was her breathing. Nothing would be more embarrassing than passing out from lack of air.

"Are you kidding me?" Thea growled, coming up behind her. " Are you not competent enough to take an order? Too much fat surrounding your brain to allow you to function?"

Apparently she was wrong. There was something more embarrassing. Emmalee blushed and quickly turned to face the angry blond to apologize. "Don't," Thea spat, pointing off to the other direction. " There is a spill down there. Let's see if you can handle that."

Eyes down cast, Emmalee nodded before heading away. This was the second time she messed up tonight; her father wouldn't be pleased.

"Oi!" Declan yelled out, his displeasure evident on his face.

Thea turned to him with a smile and leaned against the counter. "I'm sorry, I can help you now. I'm also a bit easier on the eyes." She said with a laugh, obviously tickled by her own little joke.

Asher snorted, turning his head to look at Declan. The bronzed hair god met his gaze and rolled his eyes.

"More like a downgrade." Declan finally said, his eyes turning to Thea. "We don't like stuck up skinny girls that have to starve themselves to look pretty."

Thea gasped, obviously shocked. "What?" She blurted, stupidly. "I do not- how dare you!"

Asher snickered at her outrage, shooing her away silently.

"Carry on." Declan said, pointing in the direction she had sent the other girl in. " and please be a dear and send the lovely woman back. "

Thea screeched, stomping her feet on the ground as she stalked off towards Emmalee. She stood behind we a moment, glaring daggers at the back of her head watching as she finished cleaning the alcohol she had purposely spilled when she saw her gawking at the two gorgeous men at the end of the bar. At first glance they had looked familiar, but she couldn't quite pin where she had seen them before.

"Move over," She snapped, pushing her aside. "You can't even clean up a spill properly."

Emmalee stumbled a bit, but quickly caught her footing, shooting Thea a glare of her own. She didn't know where this woman's attitude was coming from, but she was getting sick and tired of being the butt end of it. Sure, it was extremely rude of her to stare at the customers, she felt really guilty about it, but she didn't have the right to go pushing her around.

"They want you back down there." She muttered, throwing the wet rag forcibly into the sink.

Emmalee's eyes widen a bit. " What?"

Thea narrowed her eyes and she pointed back to the end of the bar where the men were sitting. "Are you that stupid? Just go!"

Emmalee grabbed her order pad and scurried off.

Thea watched her with disgust as she approached the two men, a smile quickly forming on their faces as Emmalee approached them. With one last look of disgust, Thea turned on heel and headed from behind the bar.

"I'm sorry, about before." Emmalee spoke softly as she once again stood before the two men. Her gaze dropped to the pen and paper in her hands and she took a deep breath. "What can I get for you two?"

"Hey, nothing to be sorry about." Emmalee looked up into the eyes of the blonde hair man as he spoke, smiling shyly. "But you can help us. How about starting with your name?"

Emmalee's lips parted slightly as a light blush crept to her cheeks. "Emmalee." She said softly.

The man smiled. "Emmalee," He let the name roll off his tongue and thought for a moment. It wouldn't definitely sound better rolling off his tongue in throes of an orgasm with her writhing beneath him. " I'm Asher, this is my buddy Declan."

Declan nodded with a smile, his eyes scanning her succulent form. This woman was the definition of beauty and sadly she didn't know it. God, would he love to be the one to show her, to teach her that she was worth more than the rug she acted like; letting people walk all over her and call her whatever they pleased.

"It's a pleasure to meet the both of you." She said politely, glancing back down at the order pad in her hand. "So, what can I get for you two tonight?"

"Are you on the menu?" Declan asked, folding his fingers together and resting his chin on top of them.

Emmalee's blushed deepened, sucking in a deep breath of air.

"I'm afraid she's not."

She tensed at the sound of her father's disapproving tone and turned to face him, glancing up at him under her lashes like a scolded child.

"Meet me in my office Emma. I'll be there shortly." He said with a sigh.

Shoulders slumping, Emmalee nodded and stalked off, placing the order pad and pen on the table as she left. Looking up as she passed Thea she noted the small smirk the blonde girl wore and merely shook her head. She didn't know what she did to the woman, but at this point it didn't really matter. Her father was heated.

Declan and Asher looked up at the man that sent Emmalee away. Either of them able to understand what had just happened.

"I apologize for my daughter's behavior." Ronnie said on a sigh. "Next drink is on the house. Thea will be helping you out from here on out."

Asher and Declan both glanced down at the other end of the bar and stuck up their noses. They didn't know what had just happened, but there was no doubt in their minds that that vile woman was involved.

"No thanks, mate." Declan scooted the bar stool back and stood.

"We were good with Emmalee." Asher said, following suit.4

Merely shaking his head, Ronnie turned and headed towards his office where he knew his daughter was anxiously waiting, but for the first time in his life he wasn't sure how to approached this. Soliciting herself for sex with the customers? That was completely uncalled for. He knew things were tight for his daughter since getting fired, but this wasn't the way to go at it. At this point he couldn't help but wonder if this was the reason she got fired from the firm in the first place. With a sigh, he pushed opened his office door and stepped inside.

Emmalee looked up from the floor as her father shut his office door behind him, folding her hands in her lap. For the first time in her life she couldn't read the expression on his face and that scared her. "Daddy," She said softly.

"Emma," He groaned, holding up his hand. "I don't want to talk about this right now. I can't. I think it is just time you head home, alright?"

"But daddy-"

"Emma," He warned. Another sigh passed his lips and he shook his head. "Maybe you just aren't cut out for this. You just don't..." His words trailed off.

"I just don't belong." Emmalee said with a sad smile. "I just don't fit in, in a place like this."

Ronnie returned her smile sadly. "I'm sorry."

Shaking her head she got to her feet. "It's okay. I don't seem to belong anywhere." She murmured softly, moving to walk passed him to the door.

"Emmalee Rose that isn't what I said."

You didn't have to she thought sadly.

"I know. Goodnight daddy."

With another sigh he watched her walk out of his office. "I'll call you later!" He yelled out.

After grabbing her coat from the break room, Emmalee headed to the front of the club, squeezing through couples thrashing on the dance floor. A few patron's spilled their drinks on her, cursing as she forced her way through, but she ignored them. Their words didn't matter. At this point nothing did. Without finishing out the night her pay would be crap. She wouldn't have enough to pay any of her bills, and what made things worse was her father was upset with her and she didn't even know what. One thing she did know was her father was disappointing in her, believed she didn't fit in, but in a way she knew that for years. He was thin and good looking and to be someone that was all that mattered.

Pushing the door open she pulled her coat tightly over her chest, the cold October air biting at her nose. Her cheeks burned as the wind blew and she reached to wipe at her face, becoming aware that she was crying. More tears fell from her eyes and a soft sob escaped her lips. Why couldn't she be thin and beautiful like Thea? With her parents she just didn't understand where the short, fat, and ugly gene had come from.

"Awe, love, don't cry."

Emmalee jumped at the sound of Declan's voice. She hadn't even been aware she was followed out. Quickly turning on heel she turned to face him, noticing that Asher stood close by with a frown tugging his beautiful lips. What were they doing here? She couldn't possibly have anything they could want.

"We didn't mean to get you in trouble." Asher spoke softly.

Emmalee smiled and shook her head. "You didn't. I did that all on my own."

Declan snorted. "I'm not even sure you did anything." He said bitterly as he continued to replay the events in his head. "Regardless we feel responsible."

"Is there anything we can do to make it up to you?" Asher asked, taking a step closer to her.

Emmalee pulled her jacket closer as the wind blew sharply. "Don't be silly. You didn't do anything."

Asher watched as she pulled her jacket closer and wanted nothing more than to pull her close and warm her up with his naked body ramming into her own. He had never been this attracted to a single woman before and she was no doubt waking the sleeping pervert within. Turning his head he looked at Declan who quickly returned his glance.

"At least let us give you a life home." Declan offered, causing Emmalee's brows to knit together in confusion.


So, I've been having dreams about this for days and decided it's time to write it down and see where it goes. I would love to know what you think thus far, so Vote, Comment, and follow. For the time being this is unedited. If you are interested in peer editing for me, as I am a mom and a student I wouldn't have the time to do so excessively, send me a message! Thank you.

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