I'm Fine

Nycnewsgirl tarafından

5.5K 166 932

❝said "i'm fine but it wasn't true❞ The Newsies had just won their strike against Pulitzer, but in the afterm... Daha Fazla

You're Safe Now
Day Off
Back on the Job
Hot then Cold
The Nightmare
It's a Start
Whaddya Say?
It's Bout Time
No Words
The Night
The Note

Stay Away

389 14 36
Nycnewsgirl tarafından

After running for a few minutes Feister was pulled into a alleyway against her will, and without even thinking twice, she shoved whoever had yanked her and made a run for it. There was no way she was going to let who ever grabbed her soak her. While Feister could soak whoever grabbed her, she knew she didn't have enough strength to do so, at least not yet.

While running through the alleyways, Feister knew she had lost her chaser. That is until she tripped over something and fell into a blocked off corner. It was at that moment Feister knew there would be no escaping now. Memories of the Refuge quickly flooded her mind. Feister is a strong girl, sure, but even the strongest person can break after being pushed to the limit.

As he slowed his pace down Mush finally found Feister backed up in a blocked off alley. Why she had run away from him, he had no idea, he was just glad he found her before anything bad happened. After taking a few deep breaths Mush slowly walked up to her as he said, "There ya are."

"Stay back," Feister replied shakily as her breath quicken.

"Feisty, it's just me," Mush said as he took a few more steps closer to her.

"Stay back!" Feister yelled. "Please, just leave me alone." she hugged her knees to her chest. Fear quickly filled her eyes as she started to shake as if it was a cold December night. Her heart pounded out of her chest, as her body tensed up.

It then hit Mush what was going on. Memories from the Refuge were without a doubt swirling around her mind. Mush took his cap off and stuffed it in his back pocket before ever so slowly making his way to where Feister had backed herself up to Every time she told him to stay away he stopped in his tracks before slowly walking up to her again. It hurt to hear Feister to tell him to just stay away, and honestly, he wanted to stop hearing that. But he wasn't about to just leave her with those memories running lose in her mind.

In a matter of moments Mush was now just a few feet away from Feister, he kneeled down so now they were face and face. Those brown eyes that were filled with fire was replaced with fear, but what hurt Mush more was seeing such a strong girl to be pressing herself in a small corner. "Hey, it's ok," he said quietly. "I ain't gonna hurt ya, Claire." it still felt odd to use her 'real' name. But if it woke her up from a nightmare it should get her out of whatever was going on.

"H-how do ya know my name?" Feister asked quietly while looking the boy who was next to her up and down.

"Since the first time we's met," Mush replied. "Remember? Ya said I's had mush for brains." Mush smiled at the fond memory. When Feister nodded her head slightly, Mush carefully brushed his fingers on hers. Feister didn't pull her hand back, she seemed to hesitate for a moment before she ever so lightly brushed her fingers with his.

Memories from the Refuge started to wash away little by little every time she brushed her finger's with the boy's. Feister didn't know why she felt so connected to the boy. Eventually they were soon holding hands, and Feister felt so relaxed just as when a lightbulb went off in her head. "Mush?" she asked once it hit her what was going on.

"Yeah?" he asked. Feister didn't say anything, she only hugged him tightly. "Yer safe now, no one's gonna hurt ya," Mush whispered in her ear, he was relieved that whatever just happened was over. There was no telling if it would happen again or not. For now however, it was over. "C'mon, let's get some lunch. I's starving' something' fierce. I'll pay."

"It was yer day ta pay anyways," Feister replied with the smallest smile. Mush laughed and shook his head as he got up. After dusting off his pants he helped Feister up in one swift move. At first, she was a little wobbly on her feet, but after a few moments she was fine.

The two newsies walked to Jacobi's hand in hand. It was quiet, sure, but that was the least of their problems. Feister was worried about the memories of the Refuge coming back to haunt her, while Mush was worried about pretty much everything that had to do with Feister and the Refuge. Mush knew it would be hard to get through to Feister if anything happened, but for now things were back to normal.

When they entered Jacobi's Deli most of the newsies were back from the morning's work. As usual some of them were talking very loudly, while others were playing some sort of card game. "So, whaddya in the mood for?" Mush asked. Feister shrugged before saying, "I don't care. Just get whatever."

"Alright, I'll just tell Jacobi ta toss whatever in between two slices of bread." for the first time in who knows how long, Feister laughed. She actually laughed! Mush felt a small relief wash over him. The events that had happened not too long ago, he thought that Feister would back track. But instead she actually laughed! It wasn't a big laugh or anything. Just a little one, but never the less, it still brought some ease to Mush. It was a sign that somewhere inside, Feister was healing. Though, it would be a slow process for Feister to completely heal. At least Mush knew that she was getting onto the right track. Mush smiled as he said, "I'll get the food an' you'se get our usual table." Feister nodded before going over to their table.

While some were talking others were in a pretty intense game of cards, instead of putting their money on the line, the boys were using peanuts. Little Les was in the game, and so far it looked like he was beating Jojo and Tommy, which made Feister smile. "Heya Feisty, how was yer first day back?" Kid Blink asked as he slid into the spot next to her on the table.

"Good," Feister replied with a small nod, just as Mush came over with a small plate with a sandwich. "I's pretty sure yer in my seat, Blink," Mush said as he glared at said boy.

"Don't see yer name on it," Kid Blink replied with a smirk.

"Yeah, well, my goil is sitting' next ta ya."

"Will you boys please play nice," Feister asked. She knew it was just good old fashion teasing, but you can never be too safe with a group like the newsies. Well...that and there's also the fact about what Mush said just moments ago. The part about how Blink is sitting next to his girl. And knowing how protective Mush can get...yeah that wouldn't be a pretty sight.

"Whatever ya say sweetheart, I'll see yer pretty little face later," Blink said. He sent a quick wink to Feister before hopping off the table and went back to his own seat.

"Blink I catch ya flirtin' with Feisty again yer gonna get it!" Mush yelled. Once Kid Blink went back to his own seat Mush rolled his eyes as he set the plate on the table, and then took a seat next to Feister.

"Relax Mush brains," Feister said in a calm tone. "Blink's just tryin' ta annoy ya," just to get one thing straight, Feister was used to the boys flirting with her. After all, there were the many times where they'd practice on her when they were having girl troubles. Though she knew nothing when it came to anything on the lines of flirting, they still did it. Yes it did feel a bit weird on both parts, but the boys are hopeless when it comes to girls, and Feister is well...she just did it so they'd leave her alone. "Sides, that's gonna be happening' a lot now."

"If it happens again someone is gettin' a black eye!" Mush yelled while sending a glaring back off look to all the boys. Who stopped what they were doing and looked at each with a "ya sure" facial expression. "I's warning ya bums now. Don't go makin' any moves on Feisty." Mush slung an arm around Feister before saying, "This one's off limits. So stay away."

Feister couldn't help but blush, she tried to hide it, but someone had to go on and yell, "Aww...little Feisty's blushin'!" which only made Feister hide the dark red color on her cheeks. "Shut up," she said in a embarrassed tone. That only made the boys to tease her even more to the point where Feister hid her face in Mush's chest. Which he found kind of cute, but that also prompt the other newsies to continue the teasing. And while Mush said he wasn't blushing, his pink ears betrayed him. In other words, it was a very interesting lunch, with endless teasing and blushing.

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