I'm Fine

By Nycnewsgirl

5.5K 166 932

❝said "i'm fine but it wasn't true❞ The Newsies had just won their strike against Pulitzer, but in the afterm... More

You're Safe Now
Day Off
Stay Away
Hot then Cold
The Nightmare
It's a Start
Whaddya Say?
It's Bout Time
No Words
The Night
The Note

Back on the Job

476 14 96
By Nycnewsgirl

A few days had gone by and while the boys wanted Feister to stay in bed a little bit longer, she was very relentless in talking all of them into letting her go back out into the city. Despite their better judgment they let her. Which brings us to now. After getting dressed and heading of the door Feister couldn't help but smile to see that nothing had changed.

The boys were still rowdy as ever, running around stealing this, or throwing that, with the occasional, "I'll soak ya!" from Race to Albert who wouldn't give up the game of steal the cigar. And once again, Feister wondered if Albert had a death wish or something. "So, it's yer first day back, you'se excited?" Mush asked happily as he walked up to Feister, and leaned on the doorframe with a little smile.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Feister replied quietly before going to the sink to wash up her face. For the rest of the morning all Feister heard was, "little Feisty's first day back", and "you'se must be excited bout sellin' again" oh and let's not forget the, "take it easy now. Don't work yourself too hard, ya hear". Now, while Feister knew the boys were just being sweet, it annoyed the heck out of her. It was both one of the many perks and downfalls of being one girl in a million boys. They all took it upon themselves to look out for her like she's a helpless little baby. Even though she's proved more than once she can take care of herself, that never stopped the boys from being mamma birds.

After the rather crazy morning and a quick stop at the nuns wagon it was once again off to The World gate, where the newsies were waiting for the headline. To pass the time and keep their minds off the heat some of the boys started to amuse themselves as they waited for the headline.

But at the moment Feister was slowly closing and opening her eyes every few seconds, it was one long night with barely any sleep, sure, she got a few minutes worth of sleep before a nightmare woke her up. A few minutes isn't enough to keep her up all day. "Ya sure yer fine ta sell today?" Mush asked as he wrapped an arm around Feister. Usually Mush would feel Feister relax with the tiniest sigh whenever he would wrap an arm around her, but this time he felt her tense up.

"I's sure," Feister replied quietly as she brushed away Mush's arm. While that was something that she'd usually love, it just brought back old memories from the Refuge. The way Snyder's goons would grab her by surprise before....let's not go there.

"Hey guys!" Les exclaimed as he ran up to the gate. The ten (almost) year old's face was as red and had a light sweat from both running and the heat.

"Hey," most of the newsies replied. The almost ten year old's landed on a news girl who was trying to keep herself awake. But what ended up happening was, "Davey!" with in seconds Davey had ran the last few feet and was right next to Les and asked, "What's wrong, are you hurt, do you need to go to the doctor?" Davey asked quickly as he looked Les over for injuries.

"Feister's back," Les chirped happily with a huge smile. Davey only blinked as he processed that was the reason Les yelled. Before Davey could ask how Feister was feeling, the Delancey brothers came to unlock the gate. 

"Lookie what we's got here Oscar," Morris taunted. "A couple of street rats an' their little alley cat."

"If I's was you'se I'd shut my mouth fore a fist went in it," Jack replied in a serious tone while clenching his fists tightly.

"Sides, it's bout twenty of us, ta the two of you'se," Race added confidently.

"Aww, c'mon Racer," Albert said as he rested his elbow on the blonde's shoulder. "They's probably just bitter bout how we's kicked their a-"

"Penny for the swear jar!" Elmer shouted before Albert could finish.

"There's a child present!" Davey added as he covered Les' ears.

"Absolutely sorry little butts," Albert finished.

"Funny comin' from the guy who didn't get yer little goily outta the wagon soon as Snyder came," Oscar added with a smirk. A small silence fell over the newsies. Oscar's eyes darted over to Feister as he said, "Oh, you'se didn't tell 'em what happened fore-"

"Say anudda word, an' ya die right here, right now Delancey," Mush cut off as he stepped in front of Feister. More insults were traded back and fourth. Only Davey, Crutchie and Feister stayed quiet. Feister started to tense up a bit, to which Crutchie started to lightly rub her back to put her at ease a bit. But when a few insults were thrown at Feister, she didn't even think twice about throwing a punch at Oscar (who had taunted her the most). Sadly, Feister didn't have as much strength as she used to. She didn't move her arm fast enough. Which resulted in Oscar catching her fist and threw her down to the ground.

You know how if you throw food some birds they go into attack mood? Well, let's just say that's how the boys are with someone hurts Feister in anyway possible, even if some bum looks at her wrong they'll do something. And there was no stopping these boys from getting back at the Delancey brothers.

By the end of everything, the Delancey brothers faces were messed up, the newsies got off easy, and Les learned some new words. In which Davey said if he ever used them he'd be in massive trouble. "You ok?" Mush asked as he helped Feister up from the ground. 

"Yeah," Feister replied with the smallest smile. "Thanks for what ya did. Same goes for all ya bummers."

"That was awesome!" Les exclaimed with the happiest face possible.

"A little overboard if you ask me," Davey mumbled.

"You mess with this little gem, we's mess with you'se," Mush said as he slung an arm around Feister, to which she once again removed because even the smallest touch could remind her of the Refuge.

"If you're done bein' sappy we's got work ta do," Kid Blink said as he pulled Mush into a headlock. The two boys started to rough house a bit, in which Davey had to pull them apart because Jack was too busy laughing. After getting in line to get their papers Davey said, "Hey Feister. Are you feeling ok?" he put on a brave face as he took in the sight, bruises, and cuts all over her arms, and probably on her legs too.

"Fit as a fiddle." Feister smiled, but tensed up a bit. Not because she didn't trust Davey, but because memories of the brawl came flooding back. When she felt a hand on her shoulder she flinched at the sudden contact, but then relax once she saw who it was. "Yer sure yer up for this?" Mush asked. His voice was asking, but his eyes were telling her she wasn't.

"Carryin' the banner," was her reply. Mush sighed, probably for the hundred time that day. Feister was stubborn, sometimes too much for her own good. He was going to protest, but decided not too. He knew that she would tired herself out and it would be easier to get her to go back to the Lodge.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"The headlines seem to be gettin' worse an' worse by the second," Mush said, trying to strike up a conversation with Feister as they walked to their selling spot.. "I's think ole Pulitzer is just mad that we's won. I's wouldn't be surprised if he's mood last longer than you'se. An' you'se can get pretty moody. You'se got a temper shorter you'se is."

Mush was sure that would get Feister to laugh, but he was wrong. Heck, not even a simple smile or nod. All she did was keep her eyes on the ground. "Smile, will ya!" he exclaimed happily. "You'se back out in the big city. Not cooped up in yer room."

For the rest of the walk Mush kept trying to get Feister to so much as to look at him (he'd given up on the smiling about ten minutes ago) but nothing seemed to work. The only work that was done was selling the papers. As they sold every so often Mush would glance over at Feister, who seemed to be doing alright. But lacked her usual energy, he guessed she was either tired, or was just a little rusty since it was her first day back on the job.

There were no good stories in the paper so business was slow. It was a hot day and Feister decided to take a small break. She sat down on the curb and wiped away the sweat from her forehead. Seeing as there was nothing much to do Feister took one of the newspapers from her bag and started reading it a bit. It was all boring stuff like what the big shots are doing, or about the mayor's family, and how the butcher's meat order is a week late.

That's when a light bulb turned on in Feister's. So, without even thinking twice she shot up and yelled, "Extra! Extra! Mayor's daughter runs off with the butcher's son! Ya heard the story right here!" Soon enough a few people came by to buy a paper. Even though it's been awhile since she had carried the banner, she could sell like nobody's business.

"Looks like you'se still got it," Mush said as he walked up to Feister with a smile on his face.

"I's never lost it," Feister replied in a obvious tone. Mush's smiled seemed to have grown in the few moments. Which gave Feister a somewhat bad feeling, she took the smallest step back as she asked ever so quietly "Whaddya smilin' at?"

"You, ya nitwit," Mush replied with a small laugh. Now, Mush would be lying to himself is he said that the didn't see the fear in Feister's eyes. "Are you ok?" he asked taking a step forward, which only made her take a step back. "Feisty, it's just me, it's Mush. I's ain't gonna hurt ya."

"H-how do I know yer tellin' the truth?" Feister asked with the smallest hint of fear in her voice. Mush felt his heart rip in that moment. Never in a million years did he think Feister would ever ask him something like that. Which made him wonder, was the Refuge really that bad? But the bigger question is, what happened to make Feister think that he would hurt her.

"Hey kid, you gave me fake news! I want my money back." a very angry voice yelled. Mush and Feister looked up to see a very big and very angry looking guy who was in a nice suit and clenching the newspaper in his fist.

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