The God and The Youth [Identi...

By re_frAIne

19.9K 823 440

Never again would the Sun God believe he would fall, but he did. Time will only tell if he will be taken away... More

Lonely travels of a Sun God
Hyacinth's Morning
Apollo's Night
Revealed but unsaid
Music for a sleepless soul
My eyes, your eyes
Your Haven, My Haven
Vulnerability of the Heart
Scene One
Scene Two
Scene three
Act 2
Act 3
Small Truths
If only
Lucky Lucky!
Happy Birthday (Unedited)
Bargaining (Unedited)
Breakthrough (Unedited)

Two Fates and One untold

1K 50 31
By re_frAIne

It was a warm morning for one Aesop Carl. The sun was not bathing him its light anymore, for the sun had gone a head above him. That day, The youth had opted to sleep in, was it out of embarrassment for yesterday's events? Sheer tiredness? Perhaps a mixture of both. He would have been late had it been a normal day, but he was in luck. Today was a free day, one of the rare days where warriors are allowed to roam around without training, work—anything of the sort. As long as they return before dusk.

Because of this, and possibly yesterday's wreckage, he decided to dress differently. When he was a child, after being adopted as Leo Beck's child, he had grown used to wearing garments women would wear. As a young child, his father would allow him to attend plays, and due to the fact he had rather feminine features as a child, he normally took on the role of the girl. It was normal then for a young child, but now as he was—it was not.

Now that he is older, he thought it is odd that Leo allowed him to do these kinds of things. The more he pondered, the more he thought that it made sense since he was essentially a replacement for his daughter. It might be just him thinking of it pessimistically though as Leo always tried to make sure he never felt that way. Nevertheless, he still maintains the habit yet shy of this knowledge. The good side was if no one knew him, what's the harm in dressing as a woman?

So that day, he wore one of his most prized possessions. A dyed tunic his father had gifted him long ago, the color similar to that of a blue hued flower that had started to dull out but nevertheless ageless. It draped around him seamlessly, adding with that his cloak. He looked at his side to see his ribbon, he decided to forego wearing it today, letting his hair fall down to his shoulders, but he couldn't leave it there, so he tied it around his small wrist.

Once he left his room, something was different, or rather, something was missing. There were no flowers at all. He stood there, glancing at every direction, but no flower in sight. For some reason, he could not help but feel a weird sense of sadness instead. He could get his own flowers, but he had been starting to expect it. Still, he brushes it off and went on his way.

The women, like that of Ms. Dyer, were nowhere in sight. He guesses they might be doing the same thing he is planning to do—visit the temples. "Hey! Morning 'Sop!" He looked on as Naib waved wildly; the rest of his friends casually conversed with one another. "Good morning." Aesop gave a small smile, his eyes immediately softening. "Wow 'Sop! This is definitely a new look on you." Norton said, sizing him up with a critical eye. "A good or a bad one?" Aesop asked, starting to get a bit worried about his stylistic choices. Maybe it was not a good idea to wear this dress after all. "No not at all, you look beautiful 'Cinth." Eli said, giving his brightest smile. Warmth burst in his cheeks, Aesop smiled happily, not saying a word but visibly very very happy at his words. "Well come on man, let's get moving! We gotta eat first." William said, gesturing out as he did.

They walked leisurely as William led them up front, Norton and Naib stuck with one another while Eli walked beside Aesop. The place was bustling—loud with offers of fresh fish, ripe fruit and much more. It was not surprising that it would be a busy day today. Still, the amount of people made the place look overcrowded. "How will we eat.." Aesop muttered, scanning his eyes at the people filing. "Ey I got it!" Naib suddenly perked up. "Let's just split up and buy some food separately, and we'll just regroup and find each other." They thought for a bit.

"That might work!"

"I don't mind man."

"I'm fine with it."


"That settles it!" Naib grinned, "Me and Nort will go east." "I'll go west." Aesop stated. "Mm okay! So who wants to go with—" "I'll go." Eli piped in, immediately placing himself at Aesop's side. "Ohoho that's a fast answer! Ey wait, what about—" "I'll be fine man." William assured Naib, "Besides I'm the fastest one out of all of you, I might even leave you in the dust." He grinned. Naib stuck his tongue out saying "Sure sure!"

The two partners split up to go east and west while William went solo up north.

Naib and Norton walked around the streets, but no food in sight. Unless you consider flowers and greenery as food. They are in a way, but for meat lovers such as Naib and Norton—it is definitely not.

"Hey Naib!"


"I think we won't find anything here, I only see flowers and all that jazz. "

"hmm, yeah—you're right, how bout' we ask someone for any place with food ey?"

Usually there are vendors selling skewers here; Naib looked around, squinting his eyes before picking out a person in the crowd. A woman with long curly hair mixed with beaded dreads came into picture. Her dark skin littered with white markings, A follower? Naib first thought.

"Good morning Miss! Can I ask a question?" Norton went on a head and approached her, she turned around. The white markings on her face became even more apparent. She looked beautiful, "Of course" she said, her voice deep and leveled. "Do you know where we could buy some food?" "I am afraid every shop I've encountered has been full, but from what I'm aware of, the north street has more chances."

"Ah! So Will beat us to it." Naib grimaced a bit; a bit miffed that he gets to eat first and not him. The girl chuckled, Norton looked a bit antsy before turning back to her. "So ugh—I'm Norton and this is my friend Naib. What's your name miss? Are you from around here?" Naib immediately caught on, giving his friend a smirk, along with a tiny shove. The girl gave a raised brow but she smiled, "I am Patricia Dorval, no appellative title. I live with my sisters deep in the forest." Naib hummed, sharing his side, "We're both warriors in training at Sir Leos. What do you do? Miss Patricia."

She fiddled with the basket she carried "You could say I am an Enchantress. I can see the future through your hearts, if you allow that to be." She smiled. Naib grinned at this information—already concocting a situation in his mind.

"Like a fortune teller?"

"Not quite though similar."

"Can you try to look at Nort norts future?"


"Sure, come closer Nort."

Patricia snickered, as Norton went closer. She placed her hands to his; clasping it gently as if reading his pulse. She closed her eyes while Norton tried to control the beat of his fast heart. Her facial expression was neutral for the most part, but upon closer inspection, she seemed troubled in some parts. When she opened her eyes she told him this.

"Grey thread mends in exchange for green that trails beneath water and broken ground."

"...can't say I understand what that means but it does sound—grim."

"Perhaps—" Patricia gave a contemplating look. "Explaining visions is complicated. The Gods have granted a select few to perceive visions, but they are never allowed to fully comprehend the words they wish to say." It is common knowledge that in spite of the fact that humans worship their Gods, they are not treated with such courtesy. In fact, time and time again stories have emerged of Gods toying with humans instead. What Patricia said made Norton think that even though she and those similar to her may have been blessed by this gift, it may be another game the Gods are playing.

It is as if the Gods are saying Your fate is inevitable by not allowing them to fully say the contents of the vision. He was concerned though. Grey thread? For green? The word thread alone made him feel as though this might not be as straightforward as it should be.

"To be blunt, I cannot see the whole picture of this particular future." "Future?" "Yes, it is as though something is purposely making it...unclear." The woman grasped his hands again.

"But, no need to worry. When these kinds of visions happen, the likelihood of them happening is slim. It only represents the possibility. On the brightside, do you happen to have a job relating to metalwork?"

"Yeah—how did you know?"

"It seems that you'll be given an opportunity very soon. They do say the end is just the start of a new beginning."

Naib grew even more curious, "Hey! What about me! I wanna try Pat!" "P-pat?" Naib stood his ground, offering his hands to Patricia. "How straight forward." She commented, before taking his hands in hers and closing her eyes. Seconds seemed to tick slower and slower the longer she held his hands, her features contorted into a somewhat confused expression. This time, unlike Norton, she could not control her expressions. This had him worried. "Is something wrong?" He asked as she opened her eyes to look at him.

She pressed her lips and sighed tiredly before saying "Not quite, I could not see anything. Instead, I felt it." Seeing Naib's confused face she continued. "In the near future, you will meet someone in your life that will make you feel many things. Confusion, anger, affection, longing. I cannot tell you who it is or who it might be, but I do know you'll have to suffer for this person. Though they are also the one to set you free"

Naib couldn't help but shiver at this. Futures are mere possibilities but that sounded horrible to him. He has never had an intimate relationship that extended past friends before, for many valid reasons in his opinion, and there is a chance that his first one might end badly?

"...Can you tell me what I can do?"

"I'm afraid that is not something I can do. I'm not the one who knows." She almost looked sorry at that moment, but it was clear that she was distracted.

"I must go my friends; it has been a—pleasure meeting you, but do tell me Naib, do you have a title?"

"I do."

"Can you tell?"

"—It's Persephone."

Patricia's eyes widened for a brief moment. She looked shocked, but nodded her head as if— "it all makes sense.. If the Gods permit it, we will all meet again." She then disappeared into the crowd. Norton looked somewhat perplexed when he looked back at Naib. "You never told us your title before." The shorter man sighed, scratching the back of his neck, "That's cause I don't use it anymore. It doesn't really suit me. Don't even know the 'prophecy' with it—" Suddenly, a series of in coming footsteps caught their attention.

"Naib! Norton! Heads up—"

On the west side, Aesop and Eli walked at their own leisurely pace. Aesop walked with slight caution, making sure to check every shop while Eli just made sure no one looked at Aesop badly to be honest. From a bystanders perspective, it looks as though Eli Clark was a hired mercenary; a guard dog for a young maiden. Both assumptions in reality are false, but also have some truth to it.

"I don't think there's any food here, Zeph." Gesturing to the large abundance of fabrics. Aesop looked on with defeat. This wasn't the first time they've circled the streets, and yet the usual places they knew have relocated. "I guess you're right." Eli sighed, but he seemed stunned for some reason.


"Wait here Hyacinth, I'll be right back." Eli said, squeezing his hands before venturing into the heart of the crowd.

The youth sighed, left alone to wait as he looked for a place to shelter from the sweltering heat. While he looked, he heard a voice say, "You can stay here if you want." He looked around to see a small girl but not a kin to that of a child, but that of a young woman. She was small in size and serene in expression; her eyes were gently closed shut. If he hadn't seen the wooden cane by her side, he would have thought she was attempting to meditate. "T-thank you Miss." He sat down quietly beside her. The silence was actually rather comforting, she smiled a small smile looking to his side.

"Did you come here alone?"

"No, I went with a friend.. w-we were looking for food."

"Ah yes." She nodded. "Today is one of the busiest days with everyone going to the Markets or visiting Temples." She commented, her hand extending forward "I'm Helena Adams, it's nice to meet you." She smiled. Aesop couldn't help but smile at this. Giving his hand "It's nice to meet you Helena, my name is Aesop Carl. Title: Hyacinth."

Just before their hands could touch, Helena suddenly jolted. her eyes flashing open. Her lips gasped for air. "H-helena!" Aesop said, panicking at Helena's sudden reaction. "D-do you need some water?" Her body continued to heave rapidly while her skin flushed red—she radiated like a hearth. When she came to, she slumped over into Aesop, folding over. "I'm fi-fine Hyacinth, it's just the heat haha." She said nervously, looking at him directly.

He let out a silent gasp, her eyes were.. "Helena.. your.. your eyes are." Helena sighed. He had thought she had weak eyes, but this was—"I'm blind." She hummed. Her milky white eyes expressed no emotion. It looked like a ball of condensed fog. There was no pupil to be seen nor a defined iris. "S-sorry." Aesop muttered, looking dejected having felt as though he had offended her. Helena however smiled thinly.

"It's okay. I think it's a gift, at least I won't see the evil of the world." She paused for a while, she took in Aesop's hands carefully. She looked worried as she said "I fear for you my friend. Please be careful."

This had Aesop reeling a bit. Why is she afraid? So he asked her why. "Promise me Aesop, promise me you must never anger the Gods. Don't just don't—." Despite the noise from the vendors, he could hear Helena's voice so clearly. The scared edge in her voice did not lose its translation in her haste—if anything it amplified it. "I-I need to go now, I'm sorry m-my sisters must be looking for me." She said, hobbling through the crowd until the tippy taps of her cane joined the amalgamation of noise. Leaving Aesop in a state of confusion, left him thinking—

What did she see?

Is she blessed?

Why was she scared?

Will I see her again?

They ran through his mind and wreaked havoc in its silent yet deafening attack. "—ey 'Sop! catch!" A loaf of bread landed in his lap. "Thank you Willia—" but the moment he looked up, he instead saw Joseph smiling merrily at him with William by his back. "H-hello Joseph, g-good day?" Aesop stuttered through. Joseph grinned saying "Good morning petit oiseau. Am quite sad no one informed me that today was a free day, did you not want me there?" "N-no! That's not it!" Aesop said, his hands waving frantically In front of him. Blue eyes looked at him pitifully pouting. While Aesop was fussing over Joseph, he slid in familiar white flowers in grey locks making the other stunned. It was a simple gesture attached with a simple compliment of "You look gorgeous today." but it made Aesop feel—

"Ay ay ay! This is cute but man! Didn't really need to be fed dog food right now" William looked around. "Where is Eli?" Aesop looked toward the path Eli took, "he went over there after he told me to wait.". "Should I go look for him?" William suggested, already planning to move to that direction but—


They looked up to see an Owl perch itself unto Aesop, his shoulder being used like that of a tree branch, yet its claws held on delicately. "If Zephyr's owl is here, he must be close." Aesop commented, ruffling the owl's feathers. The owl bobbed her head cooing. Not long after that, a rather disturbed and angered face popped up in the crowd. Eli came up to them with irritation seeping off of him. "Woah man you okay?" Eli didn't answer. " Are you alright Eli?" This only seemed to add fuel to the fire. "Are you okay Zeph?" This time, he looked at the owner of the soft voice.

A smile broke through him and he said "I'm fine Cinth, no need to worry." "Hm." Aesop nodded, gesturing the owl back to Eli, muttering "Come on little owl. Go back to your master." The owl visibly saddened from leaving him hopped back to Eli's shoulders.

"Where is Nort and Naib?" Aesop asked William, "Well they went on a head to the temples." He answered. "They said they'll meet us there." "Well what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Joseph said, guiding Aesop with him. Eli gazes at him in the corner of his eye as he walks, visibly frowning due to the cloth covering his eyes directing attention to his handsome face. The longer Joseph's hand stayed at Aesop's shoulder, the more aggravated Eli seemed to become.

As soon as they arrived at the Temples, they split up, "I'll be going to Hermes! I think Nort and Naib went to Ares or Hephaestus." William said before he ran off. "I'll be going to Poseidon's.. see you Hyacinth.. Joseph." Eli trailed before leaving completely.

Which leaves Aesop and Joseph.

"J-Joseph, who are you worshiping?" "Hmm." Joseph smiled cheekily. "Apollo of course! Isn't he handsome? petit oiseau?" "We worship the same God.." Aesop commented, before saying "W-well.. I wouldn't say he isn't handsome b-but we can't really confirm if the image of them is true." Joseph grinned at this, "right you are petit oiseau."

They walked in comfortable silence as they entered the Temple designated for Apollo. How strange, Joseph thought, he was giving himself an offering. He couldn't help but find it amusing. A question arose in his mind, of all Gods, why did Aesop worship him? Not that it doesn't make him unhappy, in fact he is in Joy knowing someone like him believes in him. Sometimes, children follow in the footsteps of their parents to worship the God they choose. Some choose because the God they currently worship is related to the skills they have or wish to achieve—or because they were blessed.

So right after they have been given their blessing, Joseph couldn't help but ask, "So hy— Aesop, why do you worship Apollo? Out of all the Gods and Goddesses." Hearing his name fall out of his lips, Aesop couldn't help but give a tiny smile, "From the first day I was taken in by my father, he had me blessed into Apollo's light." He took a brief pause before he continued "—Exactly like what he should've done had his daughter never disappeared... he hoped that by Blessing me to Apollo, I wouldn't be taken away again. The sun is God's dominion after all."

Well... It does not really work that way—but, I definitely won't let you be taken away Joseph thought, but instead he hummed noncommittally.

They spent the day exploring the Temples after that. When they met up with Naib and Norton, they seemed almost out of it. Aesop on the other hand kept Helena's words in the back of his head. He didn't miss the way Joseph and William exchanged knowing looks and Eli's departure and reappearance is left unexplained. Nonetheless, it was certainly something.

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