Thoughts of a Haley

Da Hazeleyes23

2K 76 69

This story is about Hazel, who struggles to overcome her reflection... after a mysterious event with her frie... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note!!
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

78 3 4
Da Hazeleyes23

Hey guys :) Sorry for updating at the most random time at night. I usually get my inspiration at midnight :P So I'm so sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long and then leaving you with a very bad chapter but here goes nothing. Or everything? I dont know.

I just hope you like it :) And for everyone waiting for the update of 'Avengers+One Direction=Chaos' Imma try to update that soon. Im working on it definitely. 

And one more thing guys. You guys hear about the Danielle and Liam break up? Is it true? Not true? Im so confused! I just hope none of them are heartbroken. I always just took Danielle for granted. I mean I always loved her with all my heart but once I heard she was gone, I just realized how much I actually love her. She is perfect with Liam!!! Seriously! I hope they stay together!! </3

Last thing.... R.I.P Avalanna, May you rest in peace :)

Imma stop blabbering now. Here's the story :)


Chapter 18: Who is he?

Alex’s POV:

This was it. We were done. Samantha was dead. She was the only one that actually knew a lot about the eternity dungeons. We didn’t know much about them sadly. But we knew where it was of course. We had taken quite a few training lessons back at the council.

Me and Vira were just sitting down next to a tree. We had walked a few miles more and we decided to take a break. Right now, we were playing angry birds. We both loved that game so much for odd reasons. We took turns.

“You’re good at this.” I said to her. She smiled and said, “I know! I’ve been playing this game since it came out! It’s your turn.” She handed me her phone. I started on this level. It was quite hard and I couldn’t finish it.

After 5 failed attempts I said, “Here, you try. I think this is a tricky level.” I handed it to her and she finished it on the first try, and not only that, she got three stars!

“Woah… you are good at this.” I said to her then kissed her cheek. She instantly smiled and even though it was dark I saw her go a shade of pink.

Then we both heard a few sobs. What? We both stood up. I took her hand and we walked towards the sound. It was coming behind a nearby tree.

We walked towards the tree and then looked behind it. Jake was there obviously crying but trying not to make anyone hear. This must’ve impacted him so hard. How were we supposed to get to Hazel now?

Vira saw him and gasped. Jake’s head instantly shot up and saw us. He quickly tried to cover up his tears, but he knew we saw him already. Then Vira said, “Jake… if you wanted to play so badly, we would’ve given you a turn too.” Her face concerned. I chuckled at her remark. She was so innocent. Jake also attempted to laugh, but it came out a sad chuckle.

He hung his head and said, “No. We’re done. I let Hazel down. I really thought we had a chance to beat Haley but I guess not.”

Vira sat down beside him and said, “We’re not done. We can still get Hazel without Samantha. We don’t need enchantments. We just need will power. And we have three times more than enough of that. And even more from Jason and Jade. And we have more will power from Noah and Amelia back at the hideaway. J” She said to him and smiled. He smiled back and said, “thank you. I didn’t understand how much she meant to you until I realized she was your best friend even longer than she knew me.”

We set off once again and me and Vira started to talk to each other. Jake was alone with his thoughts as usual.

“You did well, Vira. I think he is a bit better now.” I whispered to her. She whispered back, “Thanks.” And kissed my cheek softly.

*Quite a bit more of walking, even more walking, and a lot more walking.*

We were finally there. We reached our place. All the decorations were still here. The girls did an amazing job with the decorations. I don’t think I could do even as near as half of it. And everything was still in place. Everything before Hazel’s reflection could move. Me and Vira looked around. It looked like one of those horror movie scenes where there was a completely innocent looking area which was truthfully, very deadly.

I held her very close to me. She had goose bumps. I could feel her body tense up. I remembered everything from the party. We were having so much fun. But fate was too cruel.

Jake went towards the table we brought here. He picked something up. Me and Vira walked closer towards him. It was a bright pink bag. I frowned in confusion. Then Jake said, “This is Hazel’s bag.” Then I smirked and murmured to myself, “You should know…” And rolled my eyes. He shot daggers at me and I pulled my hands up to surrender. He opened the bag. I thought of another remark but I didn’t dare say it.  

His brows furrowed and I peered inside the bag. He lifted a book out of it. A book? Well we all know Hazel is a book worm. His eyes went wide and had a glazy look about them. What the hell was going on? He slowly opened it and on the front cover it was written ‘for the first time… you should really try reading this book ;)’

What did that mean? I’m officially lost. I saw him smirk and he passed the book to me. I looked at it. It was ‘around the world in eighty days’. I have read that book. It was a great book. Vira peered at it and was puzzled. “Jake, what happened?”

This was the first time me and Hazel met.” He said. The first time? Okay, but Jake doesn’t read. And how does a book make two people meet?

“Explain,” I said.

“Okay it happened like this…”


I was in the library doing work and what not. I was looking for a book to read. I picked up one called ‘around the world in eighty days’. It looked interesting but it was quite big. I’m not much of a reader. Then I lay my eyes on her. It was Hazel. I had only seen pictures of her. I needed to talk to her but I think she was quite busy. So I picked up the book. I gathered all my courage and went up to her.

 “Is this what you’re looking for? I held it up and she said, “no! But is it a good book? I might read it later…”

“Yah, it’s a really good book.” I said. I hadn’t read it but I didn’t have anything else to say. I was improvising. “Have you actually read it?” she asked suspiciously. Oh great, she was on to me. “Well… no, but I mean look at the cover. Its so colourful and has the title and the authors name…” I trailed off and I instantly wanted to face palm myself. Seriously Jake seriously?

Then she asked me, “why did you recommend this book to me. The TRUTH!” I looked around looking for an answer but finally said “Well I had to find an excuse to come talk to you. And I had no other option really.” I could feel myself going red. She somewhat flinched but said, “You could’ve just talked to me you know. I won’t bite… yet” And she gave me a relaxing smile.


Jake was finally done with his little story. Me and Vira looked at each other and then burst into laughter after a few seconds.

“Look at the cover, it’s quite colourful…” I said mocking his accent and I held my sides. I was having a laughing fit. “What would you do?” He said to me and raised an eyebrow.”

I retaliated by saying, “I’ve already read the book, so I could actually tell her something about it. Something PRODUCTIVE.” He rolled his eyes and said, “Okay fine, not one of my best moments, but at least that’s how we became friends.”

Suddenly we heard a noise behind us. Was it some more minions? I turned around and saw two people. One girl and one guy. I recognized Jade from our class. She was the typical goth girl. I barely talked to her. What was she doing here? I assumed the other was Hazel’s brother Jason. They saw us and recognized us. Vira went up to Jason and said, “ Hey Jason. I haven’t seen you in quite a bit. What happened?” He smiled and said, “Oh I was quite sick and fire came out of my hands. Same old, same old.” “wait what? Fire came out of your hands? How?” she said puzzled.

“I don’t know. I was sick and I felt this surge of energy rush to me and suddenly I saw my hands were on fire. Actually they were producing fire. And I didn’t feel a thing. Weird right?” He said bluntly. “Don’t tell me you’re enchanted too?” I said shocked. Too many surprises for one day. “I seriously have no idea.” He said back. He walked up to me and said, “I don’t think we’ve met. You’re Alex right?” He said. I nodded and shook his hand. Then he went to Jake and said, “You must be Jake. So did you or did you not kidnap Hazel?” He asked him. Kidnap Hazel. Who said that?

“For the last time Jason, I didn’t kidnap her. See all this decoration? It was a surprise birthday party for her. Then when we found out about Haley, we took her and Vira and Amelia to the hideaway. Get it?” He explained.

“Ohh, I get it now. By the way, where is Amelia?” She isn’t here and neither is that Noah guy.”

“Oh, she broke her leg and got a concussion. She was out cold when we left. Noah is looking after her.” I said. His mouth turned into an ‘O’. “Really, is she okay?” He asked. I nodded and said, “she is making progress by the minute.”

I felt sorry for Jade. She was just awkwardly standing there so I said, “Hey Jade. We haven’t talked much. Why are you here?” I asked her. She said, “I was supposed to do a project with Hazel but I guess she wasn’t here so Jason asked me if I would come with him here.”

Oh, so Jason asked her here. That’s interesting.

“So guys, ready to go to the eternity dungeons?” Jake said desperately. He was patiently waiting this whole time.

“Game on.”

Amelia’s POV:

I gently opened my eyes but blinded with the light, I closed them again. I had a small headache but all the major pain had gone away. I guess pain was contagious. I opened my eyes again and looked to my left. Noah was sitting on the floor, his head resting on the bed. He was fast asleep and he was holding my hand. I felt guilty. Why was he in such an uncomfortable position just for me?

I slowly brushed through his hair with my palm and whispered, “Noah, wake up,” softly to him. He slowly regained consciousness and he looked at me. He smiled. I guess he was awake. I said, “Go get some sleep. Proper sleep. It’s too uncomfortable here and you’ve been up all night for me. I’m okay now. Just go get some rest.” I said to him. He replied, “No Amelia, I’m fine. I’ll never leave your side.” He said and slowly stood up. I tried sitting up and he helped me. My leg was much better now. I was recovering. Alex is a miracle doctor.

Noah’s eyes had black lines around them. I felt so guilty. Why was he so sweet? “Noah, please don’t do this to yourself.” I said concerned like hell.

He said, “Let’s take a walk.” I just looked at him. My leg was hurt. I cannot walk properly. “Umm, Noah my leg…” I said trailing off. He didn’t say anything though. He just stared at me. I was getting quite flustered and uncomfortable. Then I said, “Okay fine, let’s go for a walk.” I said, clearly out of my senses. I tried standing up. A small pain shot through my leg but not as bad as I thought. I guess I was recovering. He stood up and held my hand tightly and we started walking. I took it a bit slow and he helped me. We were already out of the room! That was fast! We kept walking in silence. It felt nice that way. Just in each other’s presence and company but I still felt guilty. I started looking around for everyone. No one was around. That was odd.

“Noah? Where is everyone?” He looked at me and smiled. He said, “They all went to the eternity dungeons. They didn’t want us to go because I needed to look after you.” My world spun around remembering everything. The coma brought all the memories back. All the torture. The pain I went through. Just because of…

I can’t even mention it. My stepdad. How he treated me. He made my childhood the worst childhood anyone can have. Just because of Justin…

Should I explain? Justin was my friend when I was small. I don’t mean like a normal friend. He used to be my imaginary friend. But not like a normal imaginary friend. He was real, I know it. He wasn’t like a normal imaginary friend. He used to help me when I was sad. He was magical. Was it possible that he was enchanted too? My whole childhood I shared with him. And my stepdad didn’t allow that. He abused me and my mother because of him. I was only 8 at the time.

I remember all the times he hurt me…


“Uncle David! Justin wants to come over for dinner. Is that fine?” I pleaded. I spent the whole time today with Justin after school. I got into trouble for staying late after school, but I felt complete with him. He spun his head towards me and gave me a glare. “Justin again? I told you never to speak of him again! He’s just a stupid figment of your imagination.” He shouted at me. I replied back, “But he’s not in my head! I see him, and hear him, and talk to him like I talk to you!” He came over to me and slapped me right across the face.

I fell to the ground stunned and started crying. What was wrong? I had millions of friends. Why was Justin a problem? What if no one could see him? Maybe he was a ghost?

My mother came running to me and shouted at uncle, “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! Why did you slap her? She’s my daughter!” She grabbed me and hugged me, I felt safe with her, but she was going to get hurt.

Uncle David was just boiling. I could literally see him going red. “SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT JUSTIN AGAIN! I told you it is forbidden to talk about him in my house! No one is allowed imaginary friends! No matter how real!”

He must be crazy. It’s not that big of a deal. I was still crying my eyes out. I didn’t want my mother to get hurt. “IT’S JUST AN IMAGINARY FRIEND! She’s just a LITTLE GIRL! Don’t you dare touch her again!” She shouted. Oh God, I wish she didn’t say that. I knew something bad was going to happen. I stood up and infront of her but he just pushed me away like a savage and grabbed my mother by the arm. I started shouting at him and hitting him everywhere. It didn’t make much of a difference. He pulled her off the ground and said to her face, “I gave you a place to stay. I gave you food and shelter and everything you needed. And you don’t give me any respect? This is my house. And my rules.” I kept hitting and kicking him but he just threw her on the ground.

I ran to my mother and held her. She was in tears now but trying to stay strong for my sake. How dare he do that to her? I just lost it and ran to him and punched him in the stomach. It didn’t make much of a difference to him. I wasn’t quite strong. He was still red as ever. He turned his back to us, and started walking away. My mother shouted back to him, “You gave us everything but love! That’s all we wanted.” She was in great pain I could tell. I rushed to her and brushed her hair with my fingers and just stopped her from shaking. He gave one look back and said, “What is love nowadays? Nothing.”

“Wrong, love is everything. It is food for the soul and calming for the brain. It’s everything a person needs and you are so bitter because you don’t have any!” She screamed. I expected something bad to happen but his lips turned into a thin line and he just stormed off…

Love is everything indeed.


Once again... Sorry for the slow moving chapter. I'll try making it better next time. And I hope you liked it :)

P.S: Poor Amelia. I feel she's gone through the most. And is like the most exposed to the enchanted life! And by @Summerforever1  's request, Justin!! Who do you think he is? 

xHazel Payne ;)

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