Od TheDepthOfWords

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She wants a normal life, but he sees behind her facade. Více



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Od TheDepthOfWords

I feel like shit. Not like literal shit but metaphorical shit. It's the middle of the first semester of my first year of university yet they decided it would be fun to host a party. One where all students must attend to release our stress or some shit along those lines.

Most students studying law are super happy but I for one am not, mainly because the stupid student president is hosting the party at his place. Why I'm upset over a guy who doesn't know I exist is because his name is Bang Chan. One of the nine playboy shits that are on campus. A group of overly hot or cute guys that call themselves straykids. And he happens to study law. Like me... yay.

Most girls are happy where I am not, mainly because every time one of my friends get involved with one of the nine it's bad news, to me. I'm always stuck with them crying cause they got dumped cause, wow surprise, they are playboys. They sleep with you and dump you. Unlike me they have never read a fan fiction so I can't really blame them because the main character will most likely fall for one of the assholes.

Thankfully I'm not main character material so I'm safe, from the sex and dumping but not from my friends whining. Don't get me wrong I don't personally have a vendetta against any of the nine boys but, like the good girl I am, I'll keep my legs closed thanks. But to be nice to my friends I have to admit the boys are inhumanly handsome. If I was in their six inch high heel shoes than I'd get some of that-

I'm off track, any way, parties are hell for people like me. People who just want nice and quiet and some junk food. That's all I want. Well I could go for other things but THE MAIN POINT IS, I hate these parties. And whist I'm breaking the fourth dimension pray for me please. Okay back to the real world.

"Mihyun does the green one look too slutty or the pink?" My dearest friend Yerhi asks as she holds up a dress with a dark green material that looks way to small even for a nine year old. Or the bright pink one which is pretty but has so many openings that it scares me that a piece of her will pop out when she least expects it.

"I love the green one" I say pointing to the green, Yerhi smiles brightly showing her perfect straight teeth as she chucks the pink dress making her dyed blond hair move around her. To be honest Yerhi is a hottie, and my bisexual ass would love some of that- I'm off topic again.

"Your so sweet One, while I change can you give Minyu a call?" She asks but doesn't wait for an answer as I nod my head straining a smile, I call the bitch of bitches. Minyu, she likes me well not like like let's be best friends but like as I want to fuck you.

To be honest I was as shocked as fuck cause I most definitely thought she was straight. She ain't she just a hoe. But I can't judge cause it's her life and she can do what she likes, and whoever she likes. If it's consensual of course.

She is a bitch, not like a oblivious bitch but like a bully bitch. Beats me how were even friends. "What is it now Yerhi?" A high pitched voice asks through the phone as I mentally choke her. Pinching my leg to keep myself calm I begin to speak.

"It's One, I'm ringing to ask if you want to come over tonight? Us girls are going to a party and I was hoping you could make it?" I ask her as I hope she declines. Decline, decline please fucking decline!

"Oh hey One I'd love to come with you. I'll be there soon" she says as her voice literally goes up higher and she hangs up... yay she's going to get drunk and try to make out with me again. This night is going to be hectic.

Minyu is one fine girl, her body is nice and slim but her curves are still there. Her face is an amazing porcelain white and her bright pink hair is always left loose. I'd have a massive crush on her if I hadn't first met her banging a senior in one of the girl stalls. I just don't like people who like sleeping around.

As I wait for Yerhi to finish changing and for Minyu and the other girls to come I silently die of dread for the night to come. Yet my death was interrupted when Suhyuk came flying through the dorm door. His gorgeous, shiny pants nearly blinding me as his hair is kept in a neat man bun.

"Oh my god girl why aren't you getting ready for the party? It starts in like four hours" He screeches as I mentally kill myself. Nearly like always I'm dressed in black skinny jeans and a horribly bright yellow jumper with a cute cat face on it which reaches my lower thighs. It's cute but not my friends style.

"Suhyuk you know I don't like dressing up, plus this is cute" I tell him as he just shakes his head and makes his way over to me. He sighs as he touches my jumper slightly as he shakes his head.

"Your so cute, yet I've seen you wearing revealing clothes before and girl you almost turned me straight" he laughs as he crouches in front of me taking my hands.

"One, your like my sister, if you don't get laid before the end of the year I'm going to get someone for you" he says as he let's go of my hands and slaps my thigh. I yelp at the sudden hit.

"Yah! I love you too but the only reason you saw me in revealing clothes was when you gave me four sizes too small when I was looking for a Halloween outfit. And I ain't getting laid so get your weird ass up" I say hitting his ass as he rolls his eyes and goes to check on Yerhi.

"Bitches I'm here" yells/slurs another voice as two girls walk into the open door and pout while I just sigh at them. Great here comes trouble.

"Hima and Zima, when will you guys stop drinking before five?" I ask the girls as they struggle to maintain stable steps as they plunge themselves into Yerhi's bed.

"One are you coming to the party?" Zima asks as she back hugs me. Despite being south African, she speaks korean better than me and I'm fully korean. Her dark chocolate like skin is smooth and unblemished as her dark eyes are big and round. She is quite tall at 6'1 and is slimmer than Minyu. She's extremely gorgeous and extravagant.

And right now she was extremely drunk.

"I swear Zima, you and Hima need to control your drinking" I say as I pat her arm in worry. I may be a secretive bitch but I do care for my friends. If I didn't I wouldn't care about Zima and Hima's drinking problem or the fact the Yerhi and Minyu wear way to little clothing. Or that Suhyuk is too carefree.

Sadly I'm to much of a kind person to leave them...*cough* liar *cough* *cough*.... okay maybe I'm not that good a person. Still I do care....

"Okay girls do I look slutty or do I look slutty?" Yerhi asks as she finally makes her appearance with Suhyuk.

"You look so beautiful... a bit too revealing for me, but still beautiful" I say giving a thumbs up as she grins. She does a bit of a turn showing off her outfit that seems to hardly cover her ass.

"Damn girl did your boobs grow or are you just stuffing your bra?" Hima asks slurring a bit as she makes her way over to Yerhi and feels her up. Despite Hima being half korean and half Japanese she barley could speak either right. Hima, to say in a nice way, was missing a few bolts up there and was overly loving. Just like how her name meant, Hima was like a princess spoiled and beautiful, and I don't even think she has ever said an insult before. She was a tad chubby but that added to her charm, she was beautiful and her shoulder length brown hair decorated her face extremely well. In simple words she was a cute but a naive drunk.

"Yah Hima don't touch me there" Yerhi yells though she giggles as she fights with a drunk Hima. I laugh as the two fight each other and Suhyuk tries to take a feel as well. Zima just quietly watches the fight as she stays hugging me. Soon Hima ends up pulling some tissues out of Yerhi's bra and grins in satisfaction that she was right as Yerhi blushes awfully.

"What's all the yelling about you children?" A high pitch voice asks as I groan knowing who was about to enter. Most likely wearing pretty much nothing just like Yerhi.

"Hey Minyu, your looking gorgeous" I say getting up to give her a hug as she hugs back, noticeably and uncomfortably shifting her hands lower than they should be to stay at a friendly level. She was wearing a bright pink dress that was missing a chunk at the front and at the back and her ass was nearly hanging out.

"Love birds are now together" Suhyuk yells as all attention makes their way to us as I awkwardly try to free myself from Miss touchy.

"If any of you see some boy or girl feeling up my one than call me" Minyu tells them sternly as Zima salutes to her in a yes and Hima makes her way over to feel up Minyu as I make my way back to Zima on the bed.

"Okay everyone ready to get fucked up?" Yerhi asks as everyone but me loudly cheers. The reason I don't say anything is because my mouth is full of doritos as I try and eat as much as I can before the long night ahead. The only thing at the party is either alcohol or food that is most definitely not safe to eat. Let's just hope I survive tonight without jumping out a window.


The party, despite only it being 9pm was already in full mode. People where making out, dancing together, grinding and swimming in the pool. Naked. That's right how unsanitary is that, yuck. Who knows how many people are fucking in it right now too. I won't ever go swimming again without re-seeing that.

"Hey sexy, I'll be your sugar daddy if you strip some of your clothing off. No need to be shy, I bet you like it" says a guy who most definitely is drunk and probably won't remember today tomorrow. I look him up and down already annoyed that I'm all alone since Yerhi, Minyu and the rest aren't with me right now.

"Come here" I say smiling seductively as the guy who believes me makes his way towards me smiles drunkenly as he wraps an arm over my shoulder. "Here is a quick tip, when asking a girl to drop her clothes don't treat her like a slut. Second I wouldn't even show you my elbows if you where a millionaire, it's creepy so fuck off" I tell him quietly as he awkwardly and quickly  takes his arm off me and stumbles away in confusion.

"Where the hell did Yerhi go?" I mutter as I try and find my friend who said she would keep me company but ditched me before I could even get out of Suhyuk's car. I swear she is going to regret leaving me alone with people.

"Hey one, quick Yerhi is about to get into a fight with Minho" Suhyuk says appearing out of thin air as he pulls me towards the supposed fight. Now I'm worried, Minho, one of the playboys is well known for a quick temper and when he even has the slightest bit of alcohol in his system he can be bad. Not bullying bad but if it goes further enough than murder is a possible for him.

"I said sorry jeez it's just a bit of beer" Yerhi's voice was loud and clear as Suhyuk dragged me into a room where nearly half of the people from the party where gathered.

"A bit? You spilt a whole cup of alcohol over my head you dip shit" Minho yells as the two come into my sight. I stop, I don't want a to be the reason he snaps but I don't want a pissed Yerhi to get injured or in worse case scenario... you know! [lee Know].

"I'm sorry, I'll do whatever you want" Yerhi says, now thankfully noticing the murderous energy radiating from him. Minho gets the drift of what Yerhi is saying, I get the drift of what Yerhi is saying. The whole god damn party gets the drift of what she's saying.

And I was scared for nothing, I could have just peacefully stayed in a dark corner and metaphorically vomit by the kids here. The crowd dispenses leaving me and Suhyuk watching as Yerhi and Minho start making out. "I'm suppose to be getting me some not watching Yerhi getting it" Suhyuk says obvious annoyed at the fact he wasn't the first out of us to start getting some action tonight.

Making my way out of the room I make my way down the stairs and pushing through the tons of people who are now definitely drunk. Either that or fucking at this very second. Soon my eyes make their way over to another group of people, and of course I was just too curious to continue making my way out so I go over to it.

"Okay Chan truth or dare" says a voice as I click. This must be where the rest of the nine are. Great I'm leaving this, out of most fanfics that I've read truth and dare are not a good idea and never end well.

"Dare" Chan says earning "oohs" from the crowd as I roll my eyes and walk down the stairs. I was now officially bored, knowing Zima she is most likely passed out by now with Hima somewhere and Suhyuk is probably making out with a hot dude. Yerhi, everyone knows where she is so that leaves Minyu. Where is that sexy friend of mine.

She's probably passed out, dancing on a table or found some innocent person to ruin. "One my good friend" a high voice I know all to well says, guess its the third option, shes going to ruin my innocent soul. Looking behind me I find Minyu with her hair a mess and her pink lipstick smudged. She's been having fun.

"Are you okay?" I ask worried as I go to her as she leans on me for support. Her breathe which hits my face smells putrid of alchol and... is- is that meat? Damn I though she was vegan. Guess she forgot in her drunk state or if I'm just smelling her insides.

"I am now that your here, want to have some fun?" She asks as she moves her boobs and her hair around in her sense of flirt. Minyu, to admit that you are sexy in this minute is the truth but I ain't going near that mouth of yours while it smells like that and I don't feel that way towards you. Agh why must she tempt me?

My inner fighting was halted when Minyu started vomiting, thankfully not on me but I feel bad for the dude that ended up getting some of it. Wait isn't that one of the nine, fuck why now? First Yerhi and now Minyu?

"I'm so incredibly sorry about this, she didn't mean it" I say trying to hold up the now passed out Minyu and apologise to the guy who I have no clue who's name. His demeanour didn't seem hostile like Minho but there definitely was something scary there. Wait a minute i know that deep voice, fuck it's Felix.

Great. Just kill me now, why put me through the torture of this dick?

"It's fine, wait nerd?" He asks as he try's to look at me better in the dim light. Fuck I though I was invisible to them. Damn you and your good memory, I was starting to forget you why didn't you forget me? Agh why why why?

"Yeah it's me, look I'm so sorry Felix" I say bowing as I struggle with holding Minyu, as my arms nearly give out to her. Felix laughs a bit but he most definitely isn't happy. Felix is in the graphic design department in university and he only knows me as I helped him do one of his assignments, not really helped he just heard a rumour saying I was a push over and boom. I was apparently doing his assignment. He's a major dick... and he uses it probably the most out of all the boys. Yet thankfully I'm not exactly Bae Suzy so he didn't even try flirting with me. I don't blame him I'm as attractive as a mashed up potato.

"If your really sorry than finish my assignment for me" He says chucking a bag at me as I have the urge to kick him in the balls. Control, control yourself Mihyun. You don't want a repeat of what happened in middle school now. Smiling at the boy he just smiles smugly and pushes past us. Though I'm pissed that Minyu vomited on him I'm happy that he got some shit on the well looked after body.

Stupid, good looking asshole.... that sounded weird. Anyway I better get Minyu to a couch before I drop her. Putting a strap of the backpack in my mouth a readjust my hold to Minyu on my back and look for a couch. Placing her down I sit down next to her, not trusting leaving a passed out hottie alone in a house full of drunk people.

Sighing I just sit on the couch waiting for time to fly by so I can leave.


Three hours later it was 11pm and I'm in the middle of driving these bitches home. I swear to god why am I friends with these irresponsible and immature bitches? Looking through the rear view mirror at my passed out friends excluding Yerhi and Suhyuk cause they are getting it. I was indeed correct when it was near midnight and I found Zima and Hima passed out in the car, beats me how long they were there but heck I just wanted to get back to the dorms.

Despite me not living at the dorms for... specific reasons.... I ain't taking them to my place so I thought it would be a good surprise for Yerhi to find three passed out chicks in her room. Laughing evilly I pull into a maccas drive through and order a quarter pounder and a large coke cause this bitch gotta eat.

"Here's your meal, have a nice day" says a young boy who I almost choke as I recognise the cute guy. Jeongin, the boy was still in high school but everyone knew him as he was part of the playboy fuck-head nine. He was alright and cute but shit was he a player. Not as much as Felix and probably would only have one or two girlfriends a month but shit was he good looking.

"Thanks" I say taking the bag and driving away as my face flushes. I don't have a thing for Jeongin but anything cute or small I just love. Not that I'd ever let anyone know but still fuck me dead he is just adorable. Finally getting to the dorm I carry the girls up individually and drop them into Yerhi's bed before locking the door and heading down stairs.

Taking out my food I eat my burger as I lock up Suhyuks car and make my way down to my place. Technically I don't have a legal license to drive but hey at least I had one made by a good friend a year or two ago. Yes a shocker I ain't no innocent pudding but a girl need a few things done illegally to live... okay not really but who cares.

"Fuck Felix's backpack I forgot" I mutter hitting myself at my stupidness earning a few shocked glances and glares from the restaurant on the other side of the street. "Shit why am I so weird?" I ask myself as I quickly walk away.

Calling a taxi I get in and give the directions to Chan's house. Finishing my food and drink I pay the driver and walk back into the now nearly quiet house full of either unconscious or drunk people. This died down quickly. Going back to the couch I was on before I picked up the bag happy that no one had decided to nick it.

"Looks like someone wants to have fun".....

..who the fuck said that?

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