Ahoy? | Steve Harrington

By crixbabyy

489K 7.7K 13.2K

---------------------------- "Sorry, I didn't catch your name what was it?" I pitched in the conversation. "S... More

chapter one: MADMAX (p1)
chapter one: MADMAX (p2)
chapter two: Trick Or Treat, Freak (p1)
chapter two: Trick Or Treat, Freak (p2)
chapter three: The Pollywog (p1)
chapter three: The Pollywog (p2)
chapter three: The Pollywog (p3)
chapter five: Dig Dug (p1)
chapter five: Dig Dug (p2)
chapter six: The Spy (p1)
chapter six: The Spy (p2)
chapter six: The Spy (p3)
chapter seven: The Lost Sister
chapter eight: The Mind Flayer (p1)
chapter eight: The Mind Flayer (p2)
chapter nine: The Gate (p1)
chapter nine: The Gate (p2)
christmas chapter (extra chapter, but very important)
before season 3 (extra chapter, but very important)
chapter one: Suzy, Do You Copy? (p1)
chapter one: Suzy, Do You Copy? (p2)
chapter two: The Mall Rats (p1)
chapter two: The Mall Rats (p2)
chapter three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (p1)
chapter three: The Case of The Missing Lifeguard (p2)
chapter three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (p3)
chapter three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (p4)
chapter four: the sauna test (p1)
chapter four: the sauna test (p2)
chapter five: the flayed
chapter six: e pluribus unum
chapter seven: the bite (p1)
chapter seven: the bite (p2)
chapter eight: the battle of starcourt (p1)
chapter eight: the battle of startcourt (p2)
pre-season 4 chapter
chapter one: The Hellfire Club
chapter two: Vecna's Curse
chapter three: The Monster and The Superhero
chapter four: Dear Billy
chapter five: The Nina Project
chapter six: The Dive
chapter seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
chapter eight: Papa
chapter nine: The Piggyback
Eddie Book
explaining some things

chapter four: Will the Wise

15.6K 296 1K
By crixbabyy

The majority vote was Scoops Troop, so the reader will be going with Scoops Troop :).
*El's POV:*
I was walking home and it was dark outside. Hopper was on the porch standing and smoking a cigarette. I just walked through the house and stomped to my room angrily and slammed the door shut.

"'Friend's Don't Lie.' Isn't that your bullshit saying? Hey, hey! Hey! Don't walk away from me!" Hopper yelled opening my door, "Where'd you go on your little field trip, huh? Where? Did you go see Mike?" He asked.

"He didn't see me," I replied. Should I tell him about (Y/N)?

"Yeah, well, that mother and her daughter did and they called the cops. Now did anyone else see you?" Hopper interrogated me.

"Yes, (Y/N) did," I looked at him.

He sighed, "You put us in danger. You realize that, right?"

"You promised...I go! And I never leave! Nothing ever happens!" I screamed at him.

"Yeah! Nothing happens and you stay safe!" Hopper slammed his hand on a dresser.

"You lie!" I yelled.

"I don't lie! I protect and I feed and I teach! And all I ask of you is that you follow three simple rules. Three rules. And you know what? You can't even do that!" He went to the living room. I banged my hand on the dresser I was near. "You're grounded. You know what that means? It means no eggos. And no TV for a week." He three the eggos out and walked next to the TV. He tried pulling the TV away from where it was sitting but I used my powers to keep it down. "All right, knock it off. Let go," I shook my head in a 'no' motion. He tried pulling it again but I still used my powers. "Okay. Two weeks," the TV wouldn't budge since I was still using my powers. "Let go!" I shook my head 'no' again. "A month!"

"No!" I said firmly, blood dripping out of my nose.

"Well, congratulations. You just graduated from no TV for a month to no TV at all!" And with that Hopper pulled out all the plugs to the TV.

"No!" I yelled at him. "No! No. No!" I tried to fix the TV.

"You have got to understand that there are consequences to your actions," Hopper said.

"You are like Papa!" I yelled at him.

"Really? I'm like that psychotic son of a bitch? Wow! All right. You wanna go back in the lab? One phone call. I can make that happen," Hopper said.

"I hate you," I pointed at Hopper.

"Yeah, well, I'm not so crazy about you, either. You know why? 'Cause your a brat. You know what that word means? How about that be your word for the day, huh? Brat. Why don't we look it up? B-R-A-T. Brat," Hopper said and threw me a book. I used my powers to keep it in the air and then throw it at Hopper.

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?" Hopper asked and I moved the couch to get in his way so he couldn't get to me. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" I slammed my door shut and locked it. "Open this door! Open this damn door!" I sat against my door on the ground and started crying. "You wanna go out in the world?" (My introvert self: no.) "You better grow up! Grow the hell up!" Hopper yelled. I screamed so loud  some windows broke. And then I continued to cry.

*(Y/N) POV:*
I woke up at 5 in the morning and I remembered what Billy said when we talked last night. "I would risk my life for both of you since I lo- care for both of you shitheads." Would he really do that or was he just saying that to make me feel less upset? I simply just crossed that out of my mind and changed into (outfit above), and I pulled my (h/l) (h/c) locks into a (any hairstyle/left it down.) It was still pretty early and I decided to walk Max to school because we always go in Billy's car, and I got tired of his rock music that blared so loudly my ears started to bleed. Anyways, I walked her to the front of the school, then I walked to the high school that wasn't too far away. When I opened my locker, a note fell out along with a bouquet of red roses. It read,

Dear (Y/N) Hargrove,

Meet me at the track field after school. I'll be there, most likely sweaty  from basketball practice. Be there. After school, 3:00 pm, sharp.
S? Who could this 'S' be? (Honestly I don't even know why I made her act so oblivious to who S could be, but I'm basing her off of me so we can just all agree that I'm a dumbass and get back to the story lmao.) Well I knew it had to be for me since it had both my first and last name. Whatever. The bell rang and that signaled that first period was starting. I sat in my normal spot next to Steve and the teacher wasn't there yet so me and him talked for a while.

"Hey," I greeted him with a wave and a smile.

"Hey shortie," he said with the nickname he called me. (So basically your height would have to be shorter than Steve's in this story, but if you use your actual height and it's taller than him then just pretend he said regular "Hey".)

"So earlier before I came to class when I opened my locker there was a note that told me to meet this mysterious S person after school at 3:00 at the track field. I knew it was for me since it had my full name on it. Do you have any idea of who it could be?" I asked him.

"No no, uh no I have no idea who it could be, w-why do you think I know who it is?" He shot back a question completely flustered in embarrassment and was a total nervous wreck. It was cute.

"Is the...Steve Harrington...nervous?" I teased him.

"W-What? Psh. Why would you th-think that?" He was like a tomato by now. He definitely knew who S was. (Honestly this is hilarious because my name starts with an S and it's so weird writing S because so far I have already accidentally written my name about 3 times. Back to the story.)

"Because...you secretly know who S is but won't tell me," I smirked. There was a small moment of silence before we both turned into a laughing fit and other student were trying to shut us up. We stopped laughing but we were both still smiling like crazy people. Mr. Jones walked into the classroom and we started our lesson on atoms. Me and Steve would always joke around when we had work to do or whisper things in each other's ears while Mr. Jones was talking. I stared at him for a little just to take in all of his features. His light brown/hazel eyes, his soft looking brown hair, his contagious smile. Wow. I can't believe I like someone who is a literal god. He caught me staring after a while.

"You like what you see?" He whispered.

"Maybe," I winked. (Bold of you (Y/N), tbh I would do this though and I have 😂.) After I said that I could feel my cheeks beating up and I could see his obvious blush. Did I really just say that? (I don't know, did you?)

*time skip to 3:00 brought to you by my highlighted hair.*

It was 3:00 and I was waiting for this S person and the only other person I could see was Steve. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around looking nervous.

"Hey Steve! What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"It was me," he just blurted our with his eyes closed.

"What-" then I started thinking. S = Steve Harrington; when I heard him say he liked me when him and Nancy had that argument; whenever he would blush when I would make a flirty joke or comment; how he would always hug me longer than anyone else; how he always lingered to make sure I got to my class safe even if his was in the opposite side of the school. It hit me. Holy. Shit.

"So you're S?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Did you like the roses? I didn't know if you liked red or even if you liked roses in general. Is this going to ruin our friendship? If it does then forget that this ever even happen-" I cut off his blabbering by placing my lips on his soft plump ones. (This is so cliché lmao. I'm gonna stop with these mini things if they're too annoying 💀.) We kissed for a while, him pulling me in closer, (🎶sO bAby pUlL mE clOsEr in tHe baCksEaT Of yOuR rOveR-🙈🎶 last one, I promise.) and me wrapping my arms around his neck. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever and I never wanted it to end. Then we pulled away needing air, obviously.

"Wow," we both said at the same time.

"So..." Steve said.

"So..." I said. "Did that mean anything to you? Because it sure as hell meant something to me."

"It did mean something. It meant that you like me back," he smiled and I smiled too.

"Oh shush," I rolled my eyes playfully. We talked a little longer and we didn't even realize it was late until it got dark. He walked me home and when we got to the door I kissed him in the cheek.

"See you later shortie," he winked and left.

"See you later Mr. Good Hair!" I yelled back to him. (Yes Mr. Good Hair is his nickname that you gave him.) I just couldn't stop thinking about what had happened just a few hours earlier. I kissed the guy that I had a huge crush on. And I WAS THE ONE that made the FIRST move! That night before I went to bed I read a few chapters of a random book I found on one of the shelves in my room. When I went to sleep all I had were good dreams of Steve and I. Life was good...for now.

Hey! I'm so sleep deprived right now it's not even funny but honestly writing this book makes me happy, it's like an escape from reality and I just love it. Anyways you and Steve kissed, ooooh, but y'all aren't official yet. That may be happening soon. There is going to be some Steve and reader drama coming up too... tea. Anyway, bye guys! ~Crixbabyy 💖.

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