Alphas daughter rejected

By thepotatoqueen4

2.1M 46.8K 4.1K

"You know the stories about the alpha who rejected his mate, but she's pregnant? Yeah, I'm the daughter in on... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 23

45.3K 1K 36
By thepotatoqueen4

Cassie's POV 

The drive to Cole's pack wasn't something I stressed about. Even when I saw the carnage that was left behind after the attack, I trusted Cole when he said no one was hurt. I saw my mom waiting on the doorstep and pacing and that was when I got stressed. Still, I wouldn't show it because mom needed a shoulder. 

"Mom, what's wrong?" 

"Cole is in the infirmary and I don't want to stress him out because the cut on his arm is pretty bad." 

"He told us it wasn't that bad. How are you?" 

"I'm fine, just a bump on my head. The cut he got required stitches but he refused help until he saw that his pack was fine. Sweetie, he almost passed out from the blood loss before he went back."

"Well then let's go check on him. I'll walk back with you." 

"Axel, can you come with us? I know Cole wanted to talk to you about something." 

"Of course Ari." 

We all walk back and see that there are only minor injuries that are being taken care of. When we get back to the area with doctors running around like headless chickens, we see Cole on a gurney with an arm over his eyes and his shirt off showing a scratch that goes the length of his arm. It's currently being stitched up because werewolf healing wouldn't heal it fast enough. The stitches will come out in a day or two but they will have to stay in and pain killers wont do jack so Cole is in obvious pain. 

"Oh Cole! How are you doing?"

"I'm fine my love. Really. How are you? Headache? Are you cold? Hungry or thirsty? Can I get you anything?" Cole asks, the concern clear on his face. He earns some more respect for worrying about my mother despite his clear injury. 

"Cole, let me worry about you. You're the one who stopped people from getting major injuries and you suffered the worst. Stop fretting about me and let me fret about you." 

"I would suffer worse for you. How are you kids?" 

"We're fine Cole. Do you know why you were attacked?"

"There were a couple of rouges that had teamed up in their last bout with sanity and decided to attack. There were three of them and 80 of us present at the time but one was slightly more sane. The other two turned on each other and killed each other but the leader went for me to try and win a pack. He lost his humanity at the last minute and lost his life. We burnt the bodies."

"So it was a one off kind of thing? We shouldn't have to worry about another targeted attack?" Axel asks, wrapping his arms around me.

"No. It was three crazy rogues. You'll be the first I tell should I suspect different. Now why don't you two lovely ladies take a walk and get something to eat while I talk to this young man. Cassie, your mother hasn't had dinner yet."

"Have your little man talk. Babe, what do you want to eat? I'll bring you something." I ask Axel. 

"I'll have whatever you're having. I'm not picky." He kisses my forehead and mom and I go towards the kitchen in silence. Granted, the silence doesn't last. 

"He treats you right." Mom and I say at the same time. We both chuckle and smile at each other. 

"I'm glad Cole is trying. He makes you happy and treats you like you should have been years ago. I wish you the best in your relationship."

"Ditto my love. " 

We gather food and take it back to the boys who are having a conversation about Axel treating me right and taking care of me properly. I can't help but laugh a little but I guess Cole would know. I smile a little at him giving him the dad speech but interrupt him with food. They both light up at the sight of food. We all eat in relative silence and then mom sends us home, saying she's staying with Cole for the night. 

We get back to the car and drive out of the territory holding hands. We give a swift update to the pack and then head up to bed. We sleep side by side in our matching pajamas. 


OK so I'm sorry this chapter is shorter, but the story is coming to an end soon and I felt this was a good stopping place for this chapter. I will try to have another one soon, but I can't make a promise of it being within the week. Enjoy!

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