
Von megan_miller1300

470 76 0

Once again, Cornelia Moreau finds herself in the middle of drama, chaos, and a three-hundred-year-old Witch t... Mehr

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Three

6 2 0
Von megan_miller1300

The way home, I wrestled with myself. Should I go back? I didn't like leaving things so hostile. Ivelyn hadn't meant it. I knew deep down she was a good person and didn't want Dara dead. She was just so driven, it sometimes made her callous. I didn't turn back, I kept driving forward. I did want to go home. It was a little past seven anyways. 

I pulled into the driveway. All the lights were off, which wasn't too odd. I already knew mom, Dolores, and Dara were going to be gone. Maybe Gran was in her room reading. She never was one to leave lights on if it was just her. I, on the other hand, liked to have all the lights on if I'm home alone. It wasn't the dark that bothered me, it was the feeling like you were alone that was unsettling. 

I grabbed my things, taking my time to get out of the car. My mind still reeling from my conversation with Ivelyn. My phone vibrated, but I ignored it. It took me forever to unlock the front door. Mainly, because it was always unlocked. Finally, I pushed open the door.

"Hello?" I called into the dark living room. I didn't want to startle her if she was here. Sometimes, this big old house was spooky. Then again, Gran saw dead people every day, so there wasn't much she was afraid of. I flipped on the light, set my keys and bag down. I took out my phone, giving in to curiosity.

There was a text from Ivelyn, apologizing again. Another text was from Addie, saying her and Erik were home and wanted to hang out. I started to text Addie back, saying I was just going to stay in. Sighing, I opened up Ivelyn's text. I should probably text her back, but I didn't. Let her be apologetic a little longer. It would do her some good.

"Gran? Anyone home?" I called into the darkness, slipping my phone into my back pocket. "Phantom?" I called him. Maybe Gran's in the kitchen? Hopefully, she made dinner because I was starving. I hadn't had a chance to finish Erik's salad. 

I pushed open the door. Again, there were no lights on. I took a step forward, searching for the light switch. I lost my footing and slipped on something wet and sticky. The fall to the floor hurt, my knee struck the ground with a loud crack. I tried to get back up, but there was water or something all over the floor. I was soaked in whatever it was. I found the wall and reached upwards, trying to flip the light switch. 

My eyes burned as light flooded the room. I blinked several times, but the scene before me didn't make any sense. It wasn't water on the floor. It was blood. I was covered in blood and it wasn't mine. My hands started to shake as I stared at them. I had seen blood before, but not like this. The floor was covered, as my eyes followed the trail of blood to the end, I wailed.

I couldn't stop the tears or my cries for help. At first, I couldn't move, completely frozen to my spot on the ground. Then, on my knees, I crawled towards the body in the center of the kitchen floor. It was Evanora -- my Gran, lying limp and bloodred. She couldn't be dead, there's no way. My mind raced, trying to think of what to do.

Never in a million years did I think Gran would die. I reached for her body, afraid at first, then found myself needing to wake her. She was just sleeping from the blood loss, right? I tried to shake her, softly then hard. 

"Wake up, Gran. Come on, we have to go to the hospital." I hiccuped through the tears. She wasn't waking up. I screamed so loud it scared me. How had this happened? I looked around, wondering if I could make sense of this. There was no making sense of this.

Sarah Good had killed Gran. 

This was my fault. 

Where was everyone? 

As I searched the room, my eyes fell on a furry black figure in the corner. 

"Phantom?" My eyes were blurry from the constant stream of tears. It was Phantom's body, but he wasn't moving. Why had this happened? What did Sarah Good have to gain from killing Phantom? He was an innocent cat! Except, he wasn't and she had to have known that. She must have known he was my Familiar.

I cried, laying my head on Gran's body. I tried to think, searching for a spell to bring her back. Except that wasn't my power. What good were my powers if I couldn't use them to save people I loved? I couldn't protect Gran with a shield if she was dead and since Sarah Good had figured out a way to block my visions, I couldn't see the future. 

I hadn't seen this coming.

I couldn't stop crying, my throat was raw from screaming. There were no spells I knew to bring her back. I should have paid more attention to all those spellbooks. I should have been here. Where was everyone? Why had we left Gran home alone? I had made Gran the perfect victim for Sarah Good.

"Cornelia, I-I--

I looked up, seeing Phantom slowly standing up. He shook his head. He was alive? 

"Phantom? You're alive? I thought you were--

"Dead? No, as long as you're alive, so am I. Sarah Good was here and used a sleep spell on me. I am terribly sorry, I tried my best, but she was no match for me." He hung his head low. My breathing was irregular, making me almost hyperventilate. 

"Sarah Good killed Gran." He already knew this, but I had to hear it out loud. It still didn't feel real, like I was in a dream. Phantom nodded, tiptoeing towards me. He tried to walk around the blood, but it was nearly impossible. I hadn't realized how much blood the human body held.

"She did and I am so sorry. I cannot fathom what you are feeling right now. Let me go get someone, who should I get?" Phantom offered, wanting to help somehow. My mind felt numb as if I couldn't register his words.  

When I didn't say something, he asked again.

"Who should I get?" I tried to take a breath in. The tears kept coming, having a will of their own. Who did I want him to get? Daniel was an obvious choice, but there's no way he could be around all of this blood. I couldn't handle Daniel being thirsty for my dead grandmother's blood. No, not happening. 

Then, I remembered that Addie had text me, saying her and Erik were home. 

"Can you get Addie and Erik? I think they're at the lake." I didn't even know if Phantom knew where that was. He didn't ask for directions, so I guess he did. My brain moved sluggishly as I tried to keep up.

"I will be back with them," he vowed. He morphed into the black smoke and moved through the walls. It was cool how he could go from smoke to cat, but I didn't even react to that. I continued to hold Gran. I never wanted to let her go. If I did, then it would mean she was really gone. Right now, it felt like apart of her was still here.

It didn't take Phantom long, only a few minutes, then he was back. I saw the swirl of black smoke enter the kitchen, then morphed back into the small cat.

"I told them, Erik is flying here. He should be here any--

"Corn?" Erik's voice came from the front door. There was shuffling noises, he was probably putting clothes on. I didn't move or say anything. He pushed open the kitchen door, stepping around the blood. He was wearing black sweats and combat boots. He was shirtless, but I barely even noticed. "Jesus," he whispered, taking in the sight of the kitchen. 

"She won't get up," Phantom informed Erik. 

"Corn, we need to call 9-1-1 and your mom. Where is your mom?" I couldn't answer. I felt the words die in the back of my throat. Thankfully, Phantom was there to speak for me.

"Her mom is in Boston with that teacher fella. Dolores is on a date with Ember and Dara is with her new friend. I think her name is Gemma?" He told Erik. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Erik pull out his phone. 

"I'm going to call 9-1-1, then your mom." As Erik dialed, something snapped inside of me. I felt my brain psychically crack open. 

"Stop!" I screamed, lunging forward, knocking his phone out of his hand. It clattered to the floor, somehow missing the pile of blood. He frowned, bent down to pick it up. "Help me." I pleaded. My knees ached from the wooden floor digging into the holes in my jeans. He offered me a hand to get up, but I didn't take it. My hands were covered in blood. 

"I'm trying, that's why we need to call--

"No, stop, just listen. We can bring her back. I know you know how. Just help me." I stared into those grey eyes, watching them fill with doubt. He reached out for me, sympathy on his face. I recoiled. "Help me!" I screamed. Phantom, jumped onto the table, meowed.

"We can't do that. You know, that's not what she would want." He pressed his lips together, cautious of me. Erik looked at me like I was a bomb about to go off, which was exactly what I felt like. Neither of them were listening to me.

"Do you think she wants to be cut up, bloody on the floor?" I snapped, my voice teetering on squealing. This wasn't me, but I couldn't control myself. I couldn't control anything. Life was constant chaos, tempting me towards turmoil. 

"Addie is driving here, just a heads up." Phantom purred.

"Even if I did know how which I don't, I don't think it's a good idea. You aren't thinking clearly or you would agree with me. Now, please let's get out of here." Again, he reached forward me and I took a step back. My shoes were slippery with blood and I almost fell again. Thankfully, Erik caught me and steadied me.

"Why are you always saving me?" The words slipped out. I searched his face for a reason. "I don't deserve it." I choked out, tears burning my eyes. Erik was always there when I needed him, sometimes before I even realized it. But why? It didn't make any sense to me. 

"I think you do," he told me in a small voice. He was still holding onto my arm. My chest heaved. It was getting hard to breathe. "Come on, we shouldn't be in here." Gently, he pulled me forward. My heart sunk, realizing that meant leaving Gran.

"I can't leave her," I whimpered. I wasn't ready to leave her, alone in the kitchen. "We left her once and she died," I trailed off, guilt-ridden. Erik tried again, not listening to what I was saying, bringing me forward. 

"She wouldn't want you to see her like this. She'd want you to remember the good times: her making tea, planting in her garden, and the talks you two had." As he said this, tears brimmed his eyes. Gran hadn't just been my grandma. She had touched the hearts of everyone she met, including Erik. 

This couldn't be the end. This couldn't be how she went. I didn't want to believe it, but as I looked over my shoulder as her crumpled body, I knew it was. Gran had died. There wasn't anything I could do. I pursed my lips, in an attempt to stop wailing. I didn't try to stop crying because it was no use. 

I let him lead me out of the kitchen. On the way out, he grabbed a hand towel and started wiping the blood off my body. There was too much for one towel to wipe up. I didn't tell Erik that. I stood there, as he tried. Phantom disappeared upstairs. I tried to pinpoint my emotions and what I was thinking.

The only thing that came close was how I imagined a planet being knocked off orbit. The feeling that you no longer have a purpose and everything you thought you knew -- gone. I was spinning further and further into space. 

The pitter patter of Phantom's paws coming down the staircase, snapped me form this thought. He was carrying another towel in his mouth. He dropped it at Erik's feet. A second towel wasn't enough blood. I was going to have to take several showers.

"I'm going to call 9-1-1, are you going to be--

Erik stopped himself. He knew it was no use to finish that sentence. He took out his phone and dialed. This time, I didn't stop him. I stood there, completely numb. I barely heard Erik on the phone. There were bits and pieces that I caught:

"Evanora Solart, Sir. Yes, we're sure." He tried to conceal what he was saying, to spare my feelings. I dropped to the ground, shaking. He came around towards me, sitting on the ground with me. "Do you want me to call your mom? Or should I call Dolores?" He had my phone out, scrolling through the contacts. "Or Daniel?" I shook my head. 

"Not Daniel," I finally said. Erik looked confused. 

"Are you guys fighting or--

"The blood," I replied in monotone. It was a consequence of dating someone who drank blood. 

"Oh, right." He muttered. "I'm going to call your mom, do you want to talk to her?" The phone was ringing. I tried to say no, but I couldn't. Instead, I shook my head. "Okay, let me know if you do." Again, I didn't say anything. I wasn't trying to be rude or impolite, it was that the effort it would take to talk wasn't available. 

I was exhausted mentally and physically. I was lost. I didn't know what to do. Then, after all of those feelings and emotions, I felt guilty. Part of me didn't want to tell anyone what happened because I knew I was to blame. It was hard to admit that, but it was harder for other people to think it.

"Mrs. Moreau, uh this is Erik Crone. I think you should come home." Erik always knew what to say, even in moments of crisis like this. He was trying to spare my mom the pain of hearing the news over the phone. But I knew my mom and she was going to demand to know what was going on. There was silence, but I could hear the noise of my mom talking on the other line.

"I-I think it's best if you hear it in person. Corn is okay. I can call Dolores and have her pick up Dara if you'd like. Corn tells me you're in Boston?" I hadn't -- Phantom had, but that wasn't irrelevant. I couldn't stop staring at my hands. The blood had dried, so Erik hadn't been able to wipe it off. 

"Ma'am, please don't make me say it over the phone." There was a brief pause. "Okay, okay." Erik sighed, giving in. My mom was just as stubborn as the rest of us. "When Corn came home tonight, she found Evanora's body on the kitchen floor. Phantom came and got me. I-I'm afraid she's dead ma'am." I had never taken Erik as a "ma'am" or "sir" kind of guy, but I guess under certain circumstances he was.

He and my mom continued to talk, but I was done listening. 

I didn't even pay attention when he called Dolores. 

Addie bursts through the front door, sweat beads on her forehead. She and Erik locked gazes, silently communicating. Then, she rushed over towards me, grabbing me in a hug. I let her hold me, my arms limp by my sides. 

"Corn, I can't even imagine what you're going through. Phantom told us about Gran, but I don't get it. What even happened? Oh God, Corn, I'm so sorry." She rambled on, unable to stop talking. It was ironic that she couldn't stop talking and I couldn't talk.

"She isn't really talking." Erik offered kindly. 

"That's okay, Corn, you talk or don't talk. Whatever you want. Has anyone told Daniel?" I appreciated her words and the fact that everyone was thinking about Daniel. I wish he could be here, but I knew that was impossible. 

It wasn't like I didn't want him here. It would be nice. I already missed him. Yet, I knew it wouldn't be wise to have him over. The blood alone, but also everything else. There was going to be police and family over. It would be too much. It was already too much. 

"I should probably shower." I finally was able to speak. The two of them looked shocked but moved fast to help me up. 

"Of course, I'll help you. Erik can you stay down here, let the police in and--

"Yes," he said before she could finish. "I'll be here until you want me to leave." He said the last part to me. I should have said something, a simple thank you, but I couldn't. I didn't want to ruin things more than I already had. 

Addie helped me up the stairs. When we passed Gran's door I stopped and reached outwards. My fingertips danced along the edges. I wanted to go inside, but it wasn't the time. I would have plenty of time to go in there, but not now. Addie waited, giving me my space. 

"I'm ready," I told her as I sighed. She didn't say anything, just helped me into my room. I went straight for the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and contemplating locking it. At first, I did, then I unlocked it, not trusting myself. I peeled my clothes off, chucking them in the laundry hamper. I let the shower on full blast and made sure the water was extra hot. 

I watched the drain as the water poured over me. At first, it was scarlet red and I cried at the sight. I scrubbed my body clean until the water was clear. I had to have been in there for close to an hour. I wanted to make sure there wasn't a single trace of blood on my body. I took my time to wash and condition my hair, which might seem silly, but it was all apart of cleaning myself.

When I got out of the shower, I blow dried my hair. Something, I rarely did. When I saw my reflection in my mirror I gasped. I didn't look like me. My eyes were puffy and bloodshot, but it was more than that. You could see the trauma on my face. You could tell I had seen something horrific. My skin, pale and translucent, my veins seemed to pop out. 

I braided my hair in a French braid, the first braid Gran taught me and wrapped my towel around my body. Addie was sitting on the edge of my bed. She had laid out some Pajamas for me. It was a black t-shirt and black and white long PJ pants that had tiny skulls on them. They were my favorite. 

"I'll let you get dressed. Everyone is downstairs, but I told them to wait downstairs until you're ready." I nodded, appreciative for that. I wasn't ready to face anyone. She went downstairs. I waited for a moment, then changed into the clothes she had laid out. 

Addie had left my phone on the nightstand by my bed, plugged in. I checked my notifications. There was a couple of missed calls from Daniel and a few texts. I opened them:

"Corn, please call me when you can. Erik told me what happened. I wish I could come be there with you, but I think we both know that's not a good idea. Please tell me you're okay. I love you." 

I wanted to text him back and tell him I was okay. It wasn't the truth, so I didn't. Instead, I sent him a short text back.

"I love you too." I hit send and pulled the covers back, slipping into my bed. There was nothing I could do, except for sleep. I was no good to anyone as exhausted as I was. It was like Gran always said, things were better in the morning after a good rest. I hope it were true. 


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