|| She's Perfect || BNHA x OP...

By mxmxbird

1.2M 34.3K 57.4K

discontinued [F/N] [L/N] is an incredibly powerful young woman, living with one of the most powerful quirks... More

~01 Backstory~
~02 Friends~
~03 I Believe in You! ~
~04 Here We Go!~
~05 Preparation~
~06 Entrance Exams Pt. 1~
~07 Entrance Exams Pt. 2~
~08 Welcome to UA~
~09 Topping the Charts~
~10 Gone Enemies~
~11 Please~
~12 I'm Here~
~13 Go Iida!~
~14 Trouble at USJ Pt. 1~
~15 Trouble at USJ Pt. 2~
~16 Frog Days~
~17 UA's Sports Festival~
~18 Let the Battle Begin~
~19 Obstacle Race~
Happy Birthday Bakugo!
~20 Cavalry Battle~
~21 Shouto...?~
~22 Encounter~
~23 Claiming Victory~
~24 Round One, Complete~
~25 Round Two, Battle One~
Happy Birthday Kaminari!!
~27 Broken Fuse~
~28 Girls Night~
~29 Truth~
Happy Birthday Jiro!!
~30 Kiri Island~
Not an Update
~31 The Elemental Hero~
~32 The First Day~
~33 Hero Killer Stain~
~35 Kitty Greeting~
~36 Return~
~Christmas Special~
~37 Finals~
~38 Practical Exams, Begin!~
~39 Every Time~
~40 F/N vs Phoenix~
~41 Class Trip: Intro.~
~42.1 Katsuki Bakugo~
~42.2 Eijirou Kirishima~
~42.3 Ochaco Uraraka~
~42.4 Denki Kaminari~
~42.5 Mina Ashido~
~42.6 Shouto Todoroki~
~42.7 Izuku Midoriya~
Welcome to Part Two
43 - Enter the Pussycats
44 - Camp Time

~ 26 A Hidden Foe?~

21.4K 610 907
By mxmxbird

We in first person POV

            "Hm, Katsuki? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be watching the games?" I was sitting in one of the school's waiting rooms when all of a sudden, Katsuki walked through the door.

            "What's there to fucking watch? All they're doing is repairing the fighting grounds after Icyhot and Deku's fight." He responded sitting across from me at the table. "But, to answer your question, I've come to talk to you."

            "Pfft, about what?"

            "Your fight, duh. You better not lose, especially to four eyes. We're going into the finals together, alright? And there, I'm gonna pummel your ass into the ground." He finished with a devilish smirk.

            "Oh really?" I said leaning back in my seat. "We'll see about that, in the finals."

             "Attention sport's fans! The arena has finally been put back together. The next battle with commence in five minutes!" Present Mic's voice rang through the speakers in the room.

            "Well that's our cue to leave." I sighed standing up. "Wish me luck KitKat."

            "Tch, you don't need luck to win this round." I heard him mumble as I walked out the door and to the field.

            "Okay everyone in the stadium! Lets welcome into the rink our next two contestants! Both coming from the hero course and the same class its Tenya Iida and [F/N] [L/N]!!" The crowd cheered as Iida and I faced each other in the arena.

            "I'm looking forward to a fair fight [F/N]." Iida said slightly bowing to me.

            "Same to you." I replied. 'Knowing Iida he'll use his speed to try and push me out of bounds before I'd get a chance to react. I just need to be ready for it.'

            "BEGIN!" Just as I though Iida fired up his engines and started pushing me out of the arena. 'This is a bit dramatic but its the easiest scenario for this battle.' About five feet before hitting out of bounds I flipped up, pushing myself off Iida's shoulders, landing behind him. And with a gentle shove, I pushed him out of the rink, him falling onto his knees.

            "Uh, Iida's out of bounds! [F/N] wins!" Midnight called as the crowd erupted.

            "I...how? How were you able to react that quickly [F/N]?" Iida turned to me, shock adorning his face.

            "My reflexes have always been pretty fast. They were even faster seeing as I was expecting you to use your engines right of the bat." I giggled outstretching my hand to help him off the ground.

            "I see. Well, thank you for the fight."

            "Haha, no problem." The two of us then walked out of the arena. I continued up to the seating area while Iida walked into a waiting room to call his brother.

Lets speed through the next two battles, shall we?

Tokoyami vs Niko

            Surprisingly, Niko's quirk didn't seem to affect Tokoyami like it did Mina. At the beginning Tokoyami did seemed transfixed on whatever he was seeing, until he all of a sudden turned to the stands, and seconds later got his head back in the game. In the end, Tokoyami was able to win by having Dark Shadow knock Niko out of bounds.

Kirishima vs Katsuki

            This fight was rather interesting. For the majority of it, Katsuki was on the defensive while Kirishima sent punches at him from every which way. But after a minute or two of constant dodging, Katsuki hit Kiri is the side with an explosion, singeing a whole is his gym outfit. He must of noticed that Kirishima was overusing his quirk, desperately working to keep his body rock hard. Katsuki sent bigger explosions to weaken him even more before finishing it off to and explosion rigged punch to the jaw, blowing the red head back and knocking him unconscious. And with that, the second round was over. The final four being Shouto, myself, Tokoyami, and Katsuki.

            "Izuku! You're back!" I cheered once I noticed a head of green hair walking over. "Uraraka told me you had surgery. Did it go okay?"

            "Yep, I'm all good. Recovery Girl is amazing at what she does. She healed me enough to walk."

           "Well yeah, but you still have some pretty big injuries. Shouldn't you be resting in the nurse's office?" I questioned as he took a seat in the center of Uraraka and me.

            "I wanna watch these matches in person. Speaking of which, you're up against Todoroki next. You nervous?"

            "Nervous is an understatement. But I think I can take him!" I said standing up as a burst of energy flowed through my veins. Well, I'm off! I'll see you after alright?"

            "I'll be waiting."

            "Here's another match we've all been eager to see. Its [F/N] [L/N] and her classmate Shouto Todoroki from the hero course! Begin!" Shouto's first move was a wave of ice in my direction, which, I've noticed, seems to be his default. Using my speed I quickly sped around the icy wall, stopping behind my opponent.

            "Hiya Shouto!" Without enough time to react Shouto was cut up in a ball of water. Now people with quirks like Katsuki's or Uraraka's wouldn't very easily be able to break free. But Shouto's quirk would allow him to escape rather easily, which he did indeed do. Shouto froze the ball and proceeded to melt it, falling back down to the ground. In turn, he created more ice, though even if he did succeed to trap me in it, I'd very easily be able to melt through.

            Shouto seemed to be playing on the offensive and kept a steady distance away from me. So I decided to play it close range. I engulfed my fists in flames and ran toward Shouto, throwing punches in every direction. I was able to land three hits on him. One in the chest, one in the stomach, and one square in the face. Shouto went flying backwards and rolled along across the rink. I took the moment try and incase him in water again but he was surprisingly able to get back up rather quickly and send more ice at me, which I was not ready for.

            I flew backwards, landing on my stomach. Sitting up I saw more ice only a few feet away from were I as laying on the ground. A million scenarios ran through my brain at what to do. With mere milliseconds left, I stuck my hand out letting my body take over and choose something to keep me in the game. But suddenly, the ice stopped coming. It was incredibly close to my face, so close in fact I could feel its cool temperature spreading across my face. "What..?"

            I stood up with my hand still raised. I looked over to Shouto, who seemed just as confused as I. It was obvious he didn't stop the ice. So does that mean....

            "How are you doing that?" Shouto shouted to me, referring to the sudden stopping of the ice.

            "I...I don't know." I raised my hand higher into the air, the ice following in the same pattern. "Ohhoho, well isn't this a fun turn of events." Raising my other hand I started bringing all the previously made ice towards me, including the ice Shouto was desperately making to stop me. After accumulating all the ice together into one big cube, I spread it out into one long wall that went from each side of the ring and quickly pushed it in Shouto's direction.

            From what I could see he tried melting though it but didn't have enough time before he was knocked off the side. "Todoroki has been knocked out of bounds. [F/N] advances the finals!" The crowd erupted as I melted down the ice wall, allowing Shouto to pass though.

            "Since when can you control my ice?" He said rushing over to me. "Can you control my fire as well? What about elements made by others? What if-"

            "Slow down, slow down!" I said grabbing his shoulders. "You're starting to sound like Izuku. I had no idea I could do that either. It was a surprise to both of us, okay? I guess there's a lot more to my quirk then I initially thought." He nodded as we both walked out of the arena.

            The final match for the semi finals, Tokoyami and Katsuki, went as follows. Katsuki continuously shot explosions directed at Dark Shadow in order to weaken him. Because of the light emitting from Katsuki's explosions Dark Shadow couldn't go on the offensive side. Explosion after explosion came from Katsuki's palms until he shot a huge one, creating a smoke screen no one could see past.

            After a few moments the smoke dispersed Katsuki was seen pinning down Tokoyami, fist raised above his head. Though it was incredibly hard to hear, I made out what the feathered boy said to the ash blonde. "...I surrender."

            "Tokoyami gives up! Bakugo is the winner of this match!" Katsuki got up from Tokoyami, not bothering to help him up.

            "That means our last match will be between [F/N] and Bakugo! We'll take a quick brake before we dive into our final round!" That's it. The semi finals was over. It was going to be me and Katsuki, face to face in the rink. I've envisioned this day for years, awaiting the day of this Sport's Festival. And here I am, getting ready to fight one of my closest friends in mere minutes.

            The two of us have joked about this countless times, both prepared to battle each other head on. But now, I couldn't be more unprepared. I took a deep breath and stood from my seat and made my way to the exit. "[F/N]!!" I turned around to see almost the entire class looking my way. "Good luck!" Izuku cheered with his forever cheerful smile.

            "You got this!" Mina cheered.

            "Show the world what you're made of!" Sero added.

            "You'll shine like a blazing star mon cher!" Aoyama said from the far end of the stands. I always found it funny how he acted like he knew French, so I decided to humor him.

            "Je suis heureux de savior que vous croyez tous en moi. Je vais vous garder tous dans mon coeur alors que je me bats pour la victoire." (I'm pleased to know you all believe in me. I'll keep you all in my heart as I fight for victory. I think that's what it says anyway XD) Did I not mention I was fluent in a multitude of languages? Aoyama stared at me stunned, a deep blush rushing to his face, as the rest of the class bursted with joy. I waved to them all as I made my way through the door. "Its just me versus Katsuki. Just me... and Katsuki." Instead of going to a waiting room I went to the back of the school and rested my head on my knees. "This can't end well."

Bakugo's POV

            The time had finally come, well, was coming. In a matter of minutes I'd be battling it out with Angel, [F/N]. Ever since I met her all those years ago I've dreamt of the day we'd go head to head. My classmate, my friend, my c- NO! 'Damnit Katsuki. Get it in your head, you have no time for...that. Your only focus, is becoming number one.'

              I shoved that thought into my head as I started walking up the stairs to the waiting rooms. Just as I was about to turn the corner, I was interrupted.

            "Excuse me? You're Bakugo right? Katsuki Bakugo?" I whipped my head around to see the boy from the first and second round. I saw Angel talking with him earlier. What was his name? Hinado? Hajime? Fuck it, he's blue boy.

            "What's it to you, blue boy?"

            "Heh, well, I've come to talk to you about something that might catch your interest." His aura seemed to change in that moment. Before he seemed shy and childish. But at this moment he was confident, calm...intimidating.

            "Catch my interest? What the fuck do you mean by that?" I said turning my body to face him.

            "Hehe, well you see..." The guy in front of me put his hands behind his back and dipped his head down but kept his gaze on me. His teal hair fell over his eyes casting a shadow over his face. His smile was creepy in a way. This guy, he's bad news. "Its about [F/N]."




omg will someone teach me how to write a damn fight scene properly? Side note, we've hit 16k reads AND 300+ votes so thank you to all who are enjoying the book <3

The next chapter will be the finals. I hope y'all are okay with how it all played out. Most of you wanted to have Bakugo and MC in the finals so  that's what I did. Anyway until next time.


(Edit: While editing this chapter I noticed that my book ranked #3 in bnha and I'm crying T^T)

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