For You {BWWM}

By omfgitssomo

375K 12.1K 9.3K

"Everything I do is for you." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All Danny Castillo wanted was to prove that he loved... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
Chapter 14
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•

•Chapter 9•

15.4K 521 302
By omfgitssomo


I'm officially the dumbest human to walk on this earth.

I mean how could I agree to date this cocky douchebag that was a bystander to my bullying for one month?

Just the thought of it had me wanting to bang my head against the science table.

"What's wrong?" I looked up to face the voice that was speaking to me.

"Hey Karson," I smiled weakly.

"Hey," he sat down next to me, "What's wrong?" He asked leaning into me to where our faces were inches apart.

He was staring into my eyes so deeply my heart felt like it was about to explode out of my chest.

"N-Nothing," I said while turning away.

"Wanna try that again and not lie?" He asked while making me turn my face back to him.

"I may or may not have agreed to go out with Danny for a month,"

Karson raised an eyebrow at me, "You're going out with Danny? The overbearing possessively annoying Danny?"

"...yes," I sighed before dropping my head to my hands, "and I regret it fully," i muffled into my hand.

"Well you're not dating him anyways," Karson said causing me to rise my head up to look at him dumbly as he flipped through the science book nonchalantly. 

"Excuse me?" I asked raising an eyebrow and fully turning my body to him.

"I said you're not dating him," he said shrugging his shoulders, but still keeping his focus on the book.

"And who are you to tell me that?" I asked suddenly sounding defiant. 

"Doesn't matter who I am right now, I'm just telling you you're not gonna date him. He's gonna end up hurting you," He said finally looking me dead in my eyes.

"and how do you know that?"

"Come on now Dallie," he said giving me a dry laugh, "after everything you told me, you don't think he's gonna end up hurting you? He used to laugh in your face whenever someone called you names, he literally stood there and watched as you got beat up. Now you're saying he wants to date you? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." The said shaking his head and turning away from me once again.

I just sat there in shock, not really knowing how to respond. I mean everything he said was true but hearing him say it, made it sting a little more.

I turned back forward in my seat and laid my head on my arms, thinking about the hurtful truth of Danny.

Could I really agree to date him for a month?







"What you getting for lunch?" Karson asked nudging me with his shoulder.

"Um I'm thinking about just getting a Powerade and a bag of chips," I quickly stopped to face Karson and gave him a harsh glare, "and don't you fucking dare eat my food again, you still owe me some from last time," I hissed before stomping into the cafeteria angry as the memory of him eating my food reappeared.

"Hey, hey!" Karson laughed as he jogged after me, "I'll get you, you're food. and I won't eat It this time," he laughed as we walked to the lunch line.

"You better not," I huffed as I snatched a Powerade and chips off the shelf.

When we both finally got our food, we started making our way to the table we sat in the other day with Karson's arm around me until I heard a voice call for me.

"Dallie!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face the voice that was calling out for me.

My eyes scanned the room until they landed on an angry looking Danny. I looked at him confused until I realized it was because of Karson's arm around me.

I unconsciously side stepped Karson and felt his arm fall off my shoulders, all the while my eyes never left Danny.

"Come here baby," he smirked as he looked right at Karson causing my eyes to shift to Karson as well.

He looked angry, his face was slightly red, and his jaw was clenched.

I was in a bit of a dilemma here, I could sit with Karson, or I could sit with Danny. Either way there was gonna be an angry alpha male on my hands.

"Come sit with me," I whispered to Karson who just nodded his head and followed me as I made my way towards Danny.

"Who said he could sit with us?" Danny said as we came closer.

"I did," I said badly, the confidence completely fake.

Danny glared down at me for a moment before looking back up at Karson, "I don't want him sitting with us baby," Danny gritted out. It was now his turn to have his face reddening with anger.

"Well I do," I shrugged my shoulders before finding an empty seat as I sat down, Karson did as well and Danny made some kid move so he could sit on the other side of me.

I could feel the overwhelming heat of both their bodies invading my space, and that mixed with their manly scent had my brain going haywire.

As Danny got comfortable in his spot he put a possessive hand on my thigh.

"Wha-" before I could finish speaking, Danny raised his hand to palm my pussy, making me gasp out in shock.

The other kids at the table, including Karson all looked at me confused, and all I could do was smile embarrassingly as I tried to push Danny's hand off me.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I continued to try and push his hand off under the table.

"move your hand," I hissed.

"No, this is my pussy now, and if I want to touch it I will." his said huskily before bitting my earlobe, "and you're ass is coming home with me after school today,"

"fuck that!" I gritted out as he began to message me through my shorts, making a pool of wetness to form in my panties.

"That's right, imma fuck this pussy, but not yet. You're getting punished."


"shhhh," he finally moved his hand from my core before giving it a quick slap, "eat your food now,"

He turned away from me and began talking to one of his jock friends. I could tell that my face was probably flushed but I went on to eat as if nothing happened.

"What did he say to you?" Karson asked next to me, making sure to keep his voice low.

"Nothing," I mumbled, "Just eat your food.

"you know you can tell me right?" He said sweetly. I glanced up at him and gave him a small smile.

There was no way I was gonna tell him I was steps away from finding Danny's hands in my pants.

"Yeah, but it's really nothing. Eat your food," Karson looked at me for a few moments before nodding his head and going back to eating his food as a bunch of cheerleaders chatted his ear off.

Yayyyyyyy For You has been Updated!!!! can I get a round of applause??

Sorry it took so long to updated, but as some of y'all know, I got a Job and I literally work all day and like 5 times out of 7 days in the week so it's been really tight for me. I hope y'all under stand and continue to support!

Love y'all!!! 

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