I'll Ride For You, Homie

By unrelatedrae

317K 11K 22K

Down-low, bi-curious thug, Delontae "Smutt" Williams, has had curious thoughts about sexual activities with... More

c h a r a c t e r s
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t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
c h a r a c t e r*u p d a t e
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n t y - e i g h t
t w e n t y - n i n e
t h i r t y
c o n f e s s i o n a l s

t h r e e

11.1K 417 1K
By unrelatedrae

June 26, 1999

Delontae "Smutt" Williams

"We here for my birthday though, tell me how that work." Ericka and KiKi are in our King Suite in New Braunfels, TX, trying to convince me to let them, along with Arique, go out to San Antonio to party.

"Well, technically it's yours and Smuttie's birthday, so y'all should celebrate it together." KiKi adds in. "We tryna let y'all get some father son time in." I don't respond verbally, but I do give her a look that says "shut the fuck up" which makes her lift her hands in mock surrender.

"It would be different if you was tryna go aht and you wanted to include me. Or hell, even if it were jus' them, or, jus' us, butchu goin' outta yo way to leave me aht the equation." I start explaining to Ericka. I may sound like a bitch right now, but I'm tryna put Bugg off on one these other grown people here just for tonight. I just want to be able to fuck as loud and raunchy as we want to. But naw, she ain't picking up what I'm putting down.

"Well where is yo friend at?" Ericka asks inquiring Weasel's whereabouts.

"That nigga got his hotel in San Antone so he could parlay. He thought we was gon' be on some family type shit." I say before I sigh lowly. "Shit I did too." I mumbled.

"Why can't you jus' watch yo son for a couple hours while we go aht Delontae?" She asks me, attitude very evident in her tone. She has this "good girl" act that she tries to portray like Ion know that she a hood rat like the rest of 'em. I don't have a problem with how she talks either way, but when she let the hood come out, she is pissed and becoming impatient. I don't put my hands on females so I let her make it. I'm not fucked up about her doing her.

"Gon'." It's the only response I have for her. She just gets her shit to get ready in their room, which is pretty much her whole suitcase and leaves. I'm not about to argue over no small shit.

I'm pissed because one; she made it seem like it's a task to watch my son as if I don't be around him or some shit. Like, this is a piece of me in human form, you don't have to ask me to do anything for him because that's off the muscle. He will never be a burden to me. Two; the attitude is completely unnecessary. Fuck you mad for anyway? You just sprung the shit on me a couple of minutes ago. Three; it's my fucking birthday. Granted, it's my sons too, but the fact that I'm purposely being excluded from the adult portion just doesn't sit right with me. Am I wrong for feeling like this?

Maybe I am, but for reason one, I'm not going to trip or be fucked up about the situation. Me and my little nigga about to kick it like Mr. Miyagi. He my reason anyway. Me and my son 'til the world blow.

I turn around to see KiKi ass is still in here. "Whassup, whatchu need?" I ask her, calmed down a bit more than a mere few minutes ago.

It takes a while before she responds, "I'll tell her I don't wanna go out if you want me to. I don't know if it'll help since she's the one that wanted to go in the first place." Nah.

"You good, y'all enjoy ya'selves." I tell her giving her a half smile. She smiles back as she starts making her way over to me. She gives me a nice tight hug.

"Happy birthday D." She tells me right before she lets me go and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Kie'Anne." I return the smile, kiss her forehead and walk her out of the room part of the suite.

"Happy early birthday Smuttie," she tells him when she sees him sitting down in the mini living room that is a part of the King Suite. She goes over to him and peels off some money to hand him, along with a kiss on the cheek. Ericka is already gone.

"Thank you TT!" He exclaims, he was pretty excited to be in a hotel when we first got here about thirty minutes ago. He chilling and watching TV now though.

"Alright, Smutt, y'all birthday boys have fun, but behave." KiKi is walking backwards towards the door with a smile on her face. Me and my junior return the smile.

"Already," we both say, causing her to shake her head, but she doesn't say anything as she walks out.

"What we doin' Twin?" I ask him even though there isn't much we really can do since it's nine o'clock something at night.

"We tan juh thill, Pops, tommar' we goin' shitterbonn and we all gon' be tired from bein' in the hot sun."

"Aight pahtna, pizza and movies it is." I exhale with a small smile. I called for the pizza first, because usually delivery takes forever. Then I go and bathe Smuttie so we won't have to fight if he happens to fall asleep while we watching TV.

I pull him out of the tub and start to lotion his whole body with Baby Magic. When I go to try and put his draws and pj's on him, he stops me. "I think I got it from here, Pops, I need practi'e bein' a big boy and doin' 'tuh by mytelf."

"Aight, lil man, the tags go in the back okay," he nods his head at me, " holla if you need me aight. I'ma be right in the other room." I receive another nod as he begins to try and put his clothes on by himself. So far so good, he got his draws on right. I walk to the little living room area to find us a movie to watch.

As I'm flicking through the pay per view channels, trying to find a movie suitable for his age, there is a knock at the door. I put the remote down, stand up and go to the door with my four five tucked on me. "Who is it?" I ask deepening my voice. I look through the peephole to see Arique standing there.

"Arique," is how he simply answers. So I unlock the bolt lock and open the door a little to see what he wants. I can see him clearly now of course.

He's standing outside my hotel room door dressed in a wife beater, basketball shorts and the hood slippers with socks, holding an H-E-B bag, a pillow, and blanket. "I thought I'd bring some zoom-zooms and wam-wams to see if it'll convince y'all to let me hang wit' y'all for the night. I'm not big wit' the club scene so..." he kind of trails off awkwardly with a shy smile. I kinda wish it was the pizza man, cause my stomach is trippin' nih. "They already left too so it ain't like I can change my mind and go with them either if you don't let me in."

I stand there for a second fighting off my smile, which he notices and it makes him smile. "Stop playin' hard to get and let me in mane." I smile and go ahead and step back and let him enter the room with us. Once he's in I let it close and lock the bolt lock.

"Ian playin' shit nigga, I am hard to get." I tell him to start our back and forth banter.

"Quit playin', you jus' let me in for some lil debbie's easy ass nigga."

"Who playin'? Nigga Ion play shit. Ion even play the radio, ol mark ass nigga." I'm still smiling like a damn fool but so is he so I ain't tripping. "Nah but for real tho, break bread wit' the fat snacks tho. My stomach trippin'."

"Say 'sorry daddy' and I'll think abaht it. These fa lil Smuttie anyway." He tells me placing the bag on the counter in the mini kitchen area and throwing the pillow and blanket on the living area couch.

"Sorry lil daddy," I start, making my voice a bit huskier, "I was jus' playin' hard to get like you said." I guess he wasn't expecting it because he just stares at me with a slack jaw for a few seconds.

"You got it, daddy, I got them for everybody here so..." he pauses for a bit "you can get it." He lucky Smuttie in the next room.

"Thank you, lil daddy." I decide to stop because with the way I'm feeling right now, I'm bound to have him grabbing his ankles.

"Whe-" he starts to say something but gets cut off by my junior running out of the room.

"Untle Bubba!" He runs up to him hugging his legs, prompting Arique to pick him up. "You hang wiff'us?! Daddy ordered pitha! You tan ha' tum!"

"If daddy say I can hang wit' y'all then I will Bugga." Him saying that makes me make a face.

"Tan he daddy?" Smuttie asks me.

"Of course Bugg." I tell him, I then shift my attention over to Arique. "Ion even know why you said that when you brought all the 'zoom-zooms and wam-wams' for us to eat."

"I did, but I never asked, and you never said I could actually chill wit' y'all." Is what comes out of his mouth. He know da-

"You know good and damn well I was finna letchu chill wit' us." I tell him with my head tilted upwards slightly while my mouth is twisted up a little bit. Not in anger but in an "I know you know better" type of way.

"Well naw, my PawPaw taught me never to assume, cause when you assume you make an ass outta you and me." Him saying that made me roll my damn eyes.  They a bad influence on my life.

"Aight them hoes gonna get stuck," he mocks me stupidly.

"PawPaw tell me that too Untle Bubba. He tell me always ast, tuz I might get my ahh whooped for atoomin'."

"See, now you know why I said it." Arique gives me a sarcastic smile.

"Whateva', I'm finna go hop inna shower. Please help him find some'mn to watch." I almost walked off until I remembered the pizza that's on the way. I dug in my pocket and peeled a few twenties off of my roll. "Here, this is for the pizza."

"Well damn, do you think this'll be enough?" He asks me sarcastically. I peeled off some more, "this for his tip."

"Nigga! How much damn pizza did you order?! Ian ever see no pizza cost no hundred dollars for two people eatin'." He exclaims.

"Like I said, give him a tip after the total, and the rest is for you after you've paid him his total for helpin' aht." I walk off before he can respond because the look on his face tells me he is about to try and protest. Who got time for that?


I go in the room and get myself together. I lather myself three times in the shower, and when I get out I put on some Keri lotion. You know, the usual. I'm never sure of how long I'm in the shower unless I'm on a schedule to be somewhere at a certain time. I simply put on socks and boxers because it's just family kicking it.

When I walked back out to the living area, the pizza was here and they were watching Little Monsters with the lights cut out. Neither of us have seen this movie. I don't know har far in the movie it is, but its the part where the principal is breaking up a fight between some tall fat kid, and a slightly shorter scrawny kid. A white eighties movie for sure it seems.

They're sitting on the floor on a pallet in front of the pull out couch, but the bed of the pull out couch is opened up and made as well. They have their plates out, but they aren't eating yet. I guess they were waiting on me to start eating.

"My bad y'all, did I take too long?" I asked taking a seat on the other side of my son.

Arique looks over at me shaking his head, "don't chu think you need to put some clothes on?"

"What the fuck for? It's just us, we all family here. Shit." I pause as I look at him look at me with an unreadable expression. "Am I bothering you?" I don't catch what he said since he mumbled the shit under his breath. "If it ain't directed it ain't respected. Speak up, lil daddy."

"Ian say nothin' you need to be worried abaht. You got it." He admits defeat. With that he gets up with our plates in hand and asks which pizza we want. I ordered cheese, pepperoni and Italian sausage, and just pepperoni.

"I wan' two pewoni and one teese." Bugg tells him with his eyes still focused on the movie.

"You?" He asks me again after he hands Bugg his plate.

"Two of each please." I tell him looking at the movie myself, shit kind of funny. He says something about me being greedy but I ignore it. "How much of this did I miss?" I ask.

"Ten to fifteen minutes, not a whole lot. Nothing significant has happened yet." He tells me handing me my plate then resuming his spot next to Bugg with his own plate.

"Quick question then I'll stop talking," I say to which he nods his head for me to continue. "Why you got the couch open and a pallet on the floor?"

"The pallet is for us to eat on, when we're done eating and whomever wants to lay dahn comfortably can do so on the couch. That way, we don't make a mess where somebody is sleeping." He explains. Makes sense. I thought to myself.

After a while we're all done eating so I get up and gather all of the paper plates and napkins and put them into the empty pepperoni box. I grab each of us a can of Sprite out of the mini fridge and rinse the tops of 'em off. I walk back over to the pallet to take my seat and them hand them their sodas. I receive a thank you from both of them at the same time. We all slowly sip our sodas while quietly watching the movie.

Bugg is the first one to get up on the bed and under the covers. The movie being an hour in, it's pretty good I guess. After a while I grab one of the stray pillows thrown from the couch and lay back on it. Once I'm laid on my back, I cross my feet at the ankle and put my hand in my boxers. Not on no creep shit, thats how I lay for real.

Arique reaches over to grab the blanket he brought with him and throws it over me, "don't nobody wanna see you molest yo'self mane." I sit up a bit to look at my son to see him sleeping, so I resume my previous comfortable position.

"I think you do. Had you been watchin' the movie like you 'spose to, you wouldn't have even noticed." I reply smartly not turning to look at him. He doesn't reply right away. So I look over to see him looking at me.

"Whateva," he says finally.

"Mhm." Is all I got for him.

"You want any of these candies or snacks?" He asks me after he got up from the pallet.

"Whatchu bring?" I ask not getting up, but I did turn my head. Ever watch a nigga ass bounce as he walks in some basketball shorts? I think it's the male equivalent to watching a woman's in a skin tight dress. That hoe kinda plump.

Once I can't see it anymore, I look up at his face to see him already looking at me. "I brought honey buns, Snickers, Reeses cups, strawberry shortcake rolls, Star Crunch, and Oatmeal CreamPie." He lists everything off.

"Lemme get a honey bun and a star crunch. But can you put my honey bun in the microwave for about five seconds?"

"I gotchu." Why do I like when he tells me that?

"Preshate cha." When Arique comes back with the snacks, we both eat two of them in silence. We just watch the movie as it comes to an end. When it's over, it makes me remember the weed I got in the room. With Bugg tucked in and dead to the world, we should be able to have a little session.

"Say, you tryna smoke?" I ask him.

"Ian bring shit to match you on."

"Ian ask you that did I?" I stand up and stretch. I catch him looking up at me. "Come on," I nod my head for him to come to the room with me. He rolls his eyes getting up. Aight. I thought. I turn off the TV on the way to the bedroom of the suite.

We get to the room where I already have two blunts rolled in some grape Swisher Sweet blunt wraps. I grab a towel to place under the door so it won't get to Bugg. I grab the blunts off of the dresser and go toward the balcony to open the doors. "Have a seat," I gesture toward the bed for Arique to sit down. He takes a seat and I sit down next to him. "I wanna try some'mn. I've never done it before but always wanted to." I suggest to him, hoping he'll let me.

"Go ahead," he mumbles shrugging his shoulders. I take a nice big hit of my blunt and grab him by his chin to tilt it up. I look into his eyes to make sure he's still okay with it. His pretty brown eyes tell me that it's okay to proceed. So I lean forward a little to the point that our lips are lightly touching. Damn his lips is soft. I feel high already.

"Open up and breathe in deep through your mouth." I say just above a whisper, our lips still slightly grazing. I know he hears me though because he does as I say. I open my mouth to let out the rest of the smoke that hadn't escaped my mouth when I spoke. He inhales the smoke deeply like I asked and starts coughing.

"Damn baby lung having ass," I pull on the blunt hard again before I start patting his back.

"Fuck you," he keeps coughing.

"When?" I ask him. His coughing fit dies down after a while. He didn't respond how I expected him to.

"Y'know," he clears his throat, "you 'baht the fruitiest 'straight' nigga I know." He puts air quotes around the word straight.

"You'on seem to mind as far as I can tell." Is my reply to that statement. "You gay?"

"Nah, I like pussy" I feel my excitement dwindle slowly, "but every now and then some other shit is coo' too."

"Other shit like what?" I inquired getting excited again.

"Hell naw, bruh." He says suddenly with a smile on his face. "Why yo dick hard?" I didn't even notice I was rocked up. I did notice, however, he ain't move or give me the slightest inclination that he was uncomfortable.

"Weed make me horny, and yo lips soft." Damn, I'm gay.

"Wow," he drags out, "you do realize that you just said that shit out loud right?" He asks me smiling.

"Said what out loud?"

"And yo lips soft," he attempts to mock my voice. "You gay on the low bruh?"

"I ain't lie, they is." I say. "But to answer your other question, I've never fucked a nigga before, but it's crossed my mind though."

"So you tryna try me on this shit you on?" He has a smirk now.

"I mean, you kinda the male version of my gal."

"Thats because we're first cousins, basically siblings. You'on think thats fucked up?"

"I know it is, I just don't give a fuck. We grown as fuck in here." I said trying to see how far I could go.

"Wow," he drags again, "look bruh, I guess I appreciate the fact that you find me attractive or whatever, and your honesty." He pauses for a spell, "but I can't do no triflin' shit like that to my cousin after she's the one that took care of me while I was in the pen."

"I feel you, Ion mean no disrespect though. You real cool to kick it wit' outside of bein' cute. Forgive me, I jus' feel a level of comfortability wit' you I haven't felt wit' another person other than my son." This nigga got me in here soundin' like I'm confessing love after only knowing him for, four days.

"So you callin' me childish?" He asks playfully offended.

"Whatchu mean?" I scrunch my face up because I don't know where the fuck he got that.

"You said cute is for kids. You jus' called me cute." That made me laugh out loud.

"Nah I don't think you childish. I was tryna keep from callin' yo ass sexy. Tryna learn to respect the boundaries that you setting on the coo'." I further explain.

"Well thank you Delontae, you ain't bad to look at either. But you coo' too I can see us kickin' it on some homie shit. None of that other shit you be on though." He says. I hit the blunt again and motion for him to come closer with my fingers. We both did what we did last time, without him choking though.

He releases the smoke slowly, and I hit the blunt again to give him another charge. This time though, I place my lips over his completely and slowly release the smoke in his mouth as I feel him breathe in. When I feel like theres no more smoke, I suck on his bottom and top lip a little before I feel him lightly push me back.

"Damn nigga you almost jus' sucked my damn face off!" He exclaims laughing. "You ain't slick either, talm 'baht some 'I've never done it before'. Was you tryna kiss me?"

"Naw, yo lips is juicy so I wanted to suck them hoes. I've never charged someone some smoke before." I explained to him.

"Mhm. That sound good." He says. He straight faces me "don't do that shit again though my nigga." I don't know what he thought he was doing trying to be all serious, but it just made me want to try him even more. I'm going to let him make it though.

"You got it lil daddy." I raise my hands in mock surrender.

"You gon' have to stop callin' me lil daddy too. Boo done already questioned you 'baht the shit once. I don't wanna be the cause if y'all problems."

"Mane, you ai- you know what," I reevaluate what I was about to say. "Aight you got it lil daddy. It'll jus' be something I call you when we chillin'."

"This nigga." He says studying my face to see I'm not budging. "Aight mane. Let me see that blunt." He tells me.

"You'on know how to ask nigga?" I ask him.

"Will you please pass me the blunt?" He asks sarcastically. I pass it to him and watch him take a long pull, turning it into a roach. He takes his right hand and grabs my right hand. He puts his mouth up to our joined hands and signals for me to do the same. I put my mouth up to our hands and he blows into our joined hands while I inhale from them.

"Now you've given a charge and received a shotgun," He says to me.

"Already. You think you slick too, you'on ever answer none of the questions I ask yo ass." I say to him.

"Ion know you like that to be tellin' you all my bidness." He says slickly with a smirk.

"Well we ain't got nothin' but time." We spend the rest of the night just chopping it up and getting to know each other better. It was real laid back and relaxed. I think I want him more though. No cap.


June 27, 1999


"It's hotter than a jalapeños coochie out this hoe," I say. We all just now getting out of the car and I'm already, ready to got home. But, this ain't about me so. I got to do what I got to do.

"Whatchu say Bub?" KiKi asks me.

"Ian say nothin'." I reply kissing her forehead. KiKi cool to kick it with. She's real laid back and don't be asking beaucoup questions. When everybody is out of the car, we all walk to the line where the booth to pay to get in is and wait.

"Y'all had a good time last night?" I ask aloud for both Bookie and KiKi to answer.

"Man it was aight, nothin' like Houston, but bein' in a different environment was coo'." Is the the answer that Weasel gives. I didn't even know that he went out with them. He's standing next to Bookie and Delontae. She elbows him on the cool and gives him a look. I doubt Delontae noticed because he's talking to Bugg. This nigga really jus' don't give a fuck. I peep game though. Couldn't be me.

"Man for real?" I ask. "I'm glad I ain't waste my time goin' aht then."

"It wasn't that bad," KiKi tells me. "We had a good time. What did you end up doin' last night?"

"I jus' chilled wit' the two birthday boys. Nothin' major." I answer her.

"Ion know why y'all keep playin' wit' me like I got PreSkool written across my forehead." Delontae says, he stay making somebody roll they eyes, e.g. me. "I'm all man over here, you and yo sister-cousin-twin better start addressing me as such."

"I name man too, Pop."

"Y'all heard him. Don't refer to us as boys no mo'." Delontae said making me roll my eyes, again.

"Whatever Delontae and Delontae Jr. I'm not finna play wit' y'all today. It ain't even that deep" Boo says sounding annoyed. I don't know what her problem is, but she's acting as if everything is getting on her nerves the last two days.

"I name Smuttie and daddy name Smutt mommy." Bugga pouts to his mama.

"Not today," Ericka says exhaling deeply like she's just over everything. Smutt grabs her from behind to whisper in her ear, but she elbows him to get him off. "It's too damn hot outside for yo' overgrown ass to be all ova' me." She says irritated.

"Well damn, you'on gotta worry 'baht me touchin' yo ass no mo'." Now Smutt has an attitude. He grabbed up Bugga and starts to walk a little further ahead of all of us. Can't go too much further since we're in line, but he is trying to get as far away as possible. Know he mad 'cause he don't like packin' lil man arahnd. I thought.

"Shut up talkin' ta me." Is the last thing she says.

"Fuck y'all got goin' on?" Weasel asks.

"You too Weasel. Y'all on my last damn nerve today."

"Now I'm Weasel? Any other time you callin' me by my government." He finds the situation funny I guess because he's laughing and playing still. "Come on Bookie, don't be mad. It's yo' son and baby daddy's birthday. Cheer up, Buttercup." He smiles in her face. She tries to fight back a smile, but the shits obvious.

She just stops fighting the smile altogether, "you so damn stupid, I can't stand yo ass, talm 'bout some 'cheer up buttercup'." Then she gives him a playful shove.

"I'll be right back," I tell KiKi. I walk to where Smutt and Bugga are to check on them. "Aye," I call out making them both look at me, "y'all straight?"

"As a ruler." Is what he says.

"Sorry fa' my cousin, Ion think she feelin' good right nih."

"I'm good. Right Smuttie?"

"Yeah 'tuz it our birt'day!"

"That's right, ain't nobody stoppin' our shine!" He smiles at his lil twin. They so damn cute. It made me smile.

"I jus' wanted to check on y'all, especially 'cause Ian ever seen you hold lil man this much."

"You know me well to have only met me less than a full week ago." He smirks at me.

"Here you go." I roll my eyes smiling, "Ian finna argue witchu today."

"Why not? Ain't I'm supposed to get what I want on my birthday?"

"You wanna argue?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Wit' you, yeah." This nigga here boi.

"You funny. Who likes to sit up and argue?"

"I like that feisty shit."

"You trippin' daddy." Bugg laughs, "why you always tellin' mama you don't like ta arga?"

"Cause mommy is mean to me, Uncle Bubba be playin'."

"No I don't either. You jus' be on some otha shit."

"Exactly. And you be playin'." You know what.

"Boy bye, I'm not doin' this witchu today." I start to walk off but I'm grabbed by my upper arm.

"What I tell you 'baht that boy shit lil daddy?" He says a little lower than what we were just talking, standing Bugga on his own feet.

I match his tone, "what I tell you 'baht that lil daddy shit?"

"Nah," he lets me go, "what I tell you 'baht that lil daddy shit?"

"So we finna talk in circles?"

"Long as we talkin' Ion care."

"You is too much."

"You'on know that 'cause you ain't ready." I shake my head fighting against my smile and walk away. Ian gon' eva be ready either. That's shife.

When I get back to KiKi I drape my arm over her shoulders from her right. She brings her right hand up to my left hand thats around her to hold it. "They okay?"

"Yeah. They good."

We been in the waterpark for about an hour. Weasel paid for everybody. Ericka and KiKi went straight to eat when we first got in so it's just been us guys kicking it. Weasel actually ain't so bad. Him and Smuttie are like two peas in a pod being that he's a big ass kid. He loves his "Untle Weaza" and his Uncle Weasel loves him. So it was almost like we were split into two. Those two, and me and Delontae. Like we were all close enough to each other, but far enough away to do our own shit. Fuck it, I don't know how to explain it.

We got on all the slides, well me and Delontae. Weasel got on the kid friendly slides with Bugga, while we were on the big ones. I was enjoying myself, and from the smiles on the others faces I'd say they are too. Delontae keeps saying something about his stomach tripping so we break away from our fun to go eat.

"Mane this food betta be good wit' these high ass prices." Delontae says aloud.

"I gotchu bruh. Everythang my treat fa y'alls birthday." Weasel tells him. "You too, lil Boo." He looks at me to say last.

"Lil Boo?" Delontae asks him, taking the words right from my mouth. But his face is contorted in...confusion?

"Yeah. He like the boy version of her."

"I ain't nan boy either." I tell him.

"And they have the same attitude. I ain't mean nothin' by it. Don't be mad at me shawty."

"I ain't mad, thats jus' my face." I smile real big for him "see."

"I mean got damn. You had to show all thirty two teeth? Fuck you smilin' so big fa'?" Delontae asks me.

I look around and point at the people looking my way with a questioning look on my face. They shake their heads no. "Fuck you lookin' arahn' fa?" He asks me.

"I'm jus' tryna figure out who the fuck you think you talkin' too, 'cause it definitely can't be me." I say sassily with my head tilted.

"Ooouu, he's feisty." Weasel eggs on. Then he does the gay three snap, "don't let him talk to you like that, boo boo." He adds all girly. I can't even cap, that shit made me giggle a touch.

"Stop playin' bruh," I push him a little with my smile still intact. "You's a damn clown, I swear."

"I like to see my niggas happy. Don't worry Smutt, I ain't gon' take ya new best friend. I know you don't wanna share."

"Mane chill aht," he says defensively, "I was jus' askin' a question." Me and Weasel share a look before busting out laughing.

"Okay," we say in unison, still chuckling slightly. "Baby ass." I mumble.

"If it ain't-"

"Directed it's not respected," I roll my eyes. "We know. Even though I know you heard what I said."

"Get fucked up." He says.

"My eye ain't black." I quip.

"Mane I can't wait." He mumbles.

You gon' be waitin' faever.

"Damn they been eatin' this whole time?" Weasel asks aloud with a hint of surprise in his voice. We look in the direction he's facing to see KiKi and Bookie still eating.

After we order and Weasel pays for the food, we make our way over to them. Bookie seems to be in a better mood because she smiles when she sees us approaching. "Hey y'all! Did y'all have fun?"

"Hell yeah! Right Smuttie?" Weasel is the first one to respond.

"Yeah mommy! I wa' on the big one wit' Untle Weaza'!" He exclaims around his food.

"Oh yeah big man?!" She matches his enthusiasm. "What about you babe? You enjoyin' ya birthday?" She asks Smutt.


I don't know if he didn't hear her, or if he just still upset from earlier and is ignoring her. "Babe?" She slightly frowns. "Smutt?" Nothing. "Delontae!" She raises her voice this time.

"Whassup?" He asks nonchalantly.

"You ain't hear me?"

"I did."

"So you ignoring me?"

"We talkin' nih." This man being childish with the short answers.

"You still mad about earlier?" She asks getting sad in the face. "I was just irritated because I was hungry babe." She says with her eyes filling to the brim with tears. What the fuck she boutta cry fo'?

"Them tears on ya face ain't helpin' yo case. You grown and speak very well, you coulda let that be known when I was askin' you that." He says not budging.

"I know baby, I'm sorry Ian mean it."


"Lemme make it up to you," she slides over and wraps her arms around him then begins to whisper in his ear before licking the shell of it. He nods slightly and she stands up grabbing his hand and dragging him along. His eyes stayed on mine. I feel somebody burning a hole on the side of my face and turn to see Weasel staring at me. I send him a wink making him smirk. KiKi is talking to an excited Bugga so she didn't see anything.

Niggas and flies.

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