Taking the Leap

By RegularMisanthrope

363K 18.1K 3.2K

Achilles is used to a life with rules and structure. Being attracted to men doesn't fit into what he consider... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Part one
Chapter 5 part two
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34: Final Chapter
Final Writer's note & Sequel Excerpt
Update/Bonus Chapter

Chapter 33

6.6K 369 38
By RegularMisanthrope


I felt like I'd been run over by a truck and then had to run a marathon. The room was unfamiliar and too bright, with get well soon balloons strung in every corner and flowers on every surface.

But the other thing I noticed was Klara holding Achilles. Jealousy cropped up before I realized she was the only thing holding him upright. He was shivering, clutching his silver bracelet and I heard his teeth chattering. He was staring at me like I was a ghost, stammering terribly, "Xa—Xa—Xan-der." Was all he managed to get out, eyes bulging out of his head.

Klara noticed I was awake and she gasped. "Oh my God, Xander." Then she started yelling, "Help! Nurse! Doctor! Someone!"

Footsteps thundered down the hall as different people in scrubs came into the room. One person came up to me, asking me questions but I was more concerned about Achilles.

Klara and another nurse helped him into a seat where he was shivering uncontrollably. His face was stark white and his lips were turning blue. It looked like he was literally freezing right before my eyes.

Swinging one leg over the bed, I realized I was wearing a hospital gown. My entire body felt like I was moving through a deep and impenetrable fog. "What's happening?" I tried to say but my usual raspy voice was something else now, resembling a death rattle. It even hurt to speak.

Achilles was desperately trying to get up from his seat, and a nurse helped him up. I watched helplessly as he took slow, stuttering steps towards my bed, the few steps taking forever.

"What's happening?!" I repeated in a stronger voice. A woman in scrubs answered me slowly, "You were in regeneration. You didn't show any signs of waking up, in fact everything was suggesting you'd be in regeneration indefinitely. It's a miracle you're even awake. But, your partner—"

Achilles had finally reached my bed, and he attempted to climb into it. Trying to speak even though his lips were nearly blue and his eyelashes, normally long and thick were webbed together in ice. Finally, he made it into the bed and then fell into me, head resting against my chest. "I missed you." I heard him whisper before his eyes closed.

Quickly, I put two fingers to his neck, feeling a slow but present pulse. Okay, I thought in relief. He's only cold. Stroking his hair I noticed that Achilles' hair was considerably longer and he had something of a beard as opposed to the scruff I was used to. Odd.

I raised Achilles' wrist, seeing small rings of ice surrounding his bracelet. So, this was the problem. Worried that Achilles would only get colder and colder and fed up with everything the bracelet had put us through, I distended my fangs, bringing his wrist to my mouth. There were gasps across the room and someone told me not to drink from him but I wasn't planning on that.

Oh so carefully, I cut into the cold metal with a fang, feeling the metal buckle and then part under the pressure. Slowly, I dragged my fang alongside the seam I made until the metal fell off of Achilles' wrist and onto the floor.

Damn, I should've done that a long time ago.  Colour slowly came back into Achilles' face and he stopped shivering. He lay along the edge of my bed still completely passed out but looking better than before.

I cleared my throat, staring at Klara and hoping I could get an answer from her. "Will you please explain why Achilles is freezing , and how my hospital room got so full between yesterday and today?" The last thing I remembered was talking with my parents about getting my will in order and telling Achilles I would be okay. That had all been yesterday though, or maybe I'd been asleep for one long day.

"Xander," Klara said, chewing on her lip, and looking uncertain. But, uncertainty and Klara weren't even on the same planet. She always knew exactly what she wanted to do at all times.

Something must have been really wrong. I softened my voice, my hands still filing through Achilles' silky hair. "Did something happen yesterday?" I said more urgently.

Someone in scrubs stepped forward. "You've been in regeneration."

My heart plummeted. "Not more than a few days, right?"

Silence filled the room and I looked to Klara. She was always so serious but standing in front of me I saw her break down into sadness.

"Oh, Xander," Klara said, walking over to me and cupping my face. "It's been a month."

For a second everything stopped. "No." I said softly. "No way."

Klara nodded, her eyes filling with tears. She ran her fingers all across my face , like she couldn't believe I was real. Her composure cracked and she started crying. I could barely understand what she was saying. "And we thought—You were just so still—barely even breathing—we've missed you—I've missed you." Klara sniffled noisily.

Between more sniffles she talked about how hard everything had been, how terrible it all was and how so many people had visited me. One of the nurses helped shift Achilles fully onto my bed, and he groaned, snuggling up closer to me. He was fast asleep, and still a little cold. None of this made any sense.

Klara gasped. "Oh my God, I have to tell everyone you're awake." She whipped out her phone walking across the room to sit in an arm chair.

At the same time a doctor came up to me introducing herself as Dr. Kiara Espinoza, informing me that I have been in regeneration for thirty-one days and that not only was it a miracle I was awake but the fact I'd woken up so soon. She informed me they'd keep me for tests and observation over the next two days but after that I could go home.

It still wasn't clicking for me that I had been in a nearly vegetative state for a month. The nurses drew vials of blood, took my blood pressure, checked my reflexes and analyzed my fangs all while Achilles lay asleep against my side.

The longer I looked at him, the rougher he looked. He seemed exhausted, a weariness that had never been present in his face currently there. God, I'd really put him through it.

And then my parents got to the room and it was shocking for me to see my father in tears upon seeing me.

"Papa—" I stammered out, surprised at the outpouring of emotion.

He was crying so hard he was struggling to breathe, just touching my shoulders and my hair, like it was the most amazing thing. My mother was more composed, speaking for both of them. "Oh, Xander. You don't know how much we've missed you. It's been awful."

My father composed himself, blowing his nose into a handkerchief. "Xander, you know you're my favourite son right?" His eyes were so wide.

I laughed tearily. "I'm you're only son."

He nodded, laughing with me. "Yeah, I know." He swallowed, noticing Achilles. "I've met your wolf, and he's a good man. You're lucky to have him."

My father's sudden acceptance of Achilles surprised me. He was just being so nice, and it actually felt genuine. "Yeah," I said, swallowing thickly and stroking Achilles' hair. "I've never dated such a good guy before."

Suddenly, feeling tired, I yawned. Every head in the room turned towards me. I snapped my mouth closed. "Sorry, I'm just really tired."

Dr. Espinoza stepped forward clasping her hands. "I think we'll need everyone to leave the room. My team will be checking Xander's vitals and running more tests along with ensuring that Achilles is okay. And this—" Dr. Espinoza leaned down to pick up the music box I'd made for Achilles that was somehow on the floor. "Will need to be analyzed."

Klara was immediately protesting but after one look at me she changed her mind. She gestured to our parents to head out and the three of them left the room in a little huddle.

Dr. Espinoza's voice turned grave. "This is very unusual." She looked between Achilles and I, crossing her arms. "Regeneration is normally a healing process at its core but it takes a toll on the body. We would expect muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, a sense of exhaustion, disorientation..."Dr.Espinoza counted off the symptoms on her fingers. "And yet, you aren't exhibiting any of that. You seem to be in perfect health. It makes no sense. Can you stand, though?"

The doctor came over to the side of the bed, helping me out. It was easy to get out of the bed and I noticed I was wearing a large hospital gown. Dr.Espinoza held my arm as I stood but I felt steady.

"I honestly feel fine." I admitted, "Maybe like
I need a shower and to brush my teeth, but other than that, I feel okay."

The doctor locked her gaze onto the music box, picking it up. "Your hearth sorcerer might know what's what with this little magic box."

I nodded, not really paying attention. "Sorry, it's just—is there a bathroom here, and a change of clothes maybe? I don't really like having—" I gestured broadly towards my behind. "this breeze situation going on back here."

Dr. Espinoza chuckled. "Ah yes, of course." She walked over to a closet, pulling it open to reveal an array of outfits. She spoke while showing me around the room. "Your family brought some of your clothes, and there are toiletries in the bathroom. They wanted to ensure you had things here when you woke up. And, Xander..." the doctor hesitated. "No drinking from your partner. We've determined that his blood isn't safe for you to drink. I know it's inconvenient but if you value your health you'll understand."

I remembered this from the last time I was awake, but it hit me as hard as it did earlier. "But, why?

"We've been doing some research. Some shifters have blood that is poisonous for vampires. It was more common to see during the Wars of old. At the time, we thought shifters were poisoning their blood before infecting vamps with it. But, it seems like it's a genetic trait. You were just never meant to ingest his blood." Dr.Espinoza was trying to be nice but I just felt like my intimate life with my boyfriend was being analyzed in a humiliating way. Sharing blood between vampires didn't possess the intimacy of sex but it was something that we did with our partners and it was intimate. It was about trust and being willing to share something vital like blood with someone we desired. I'd taken and given blood with all of my partners before. Was it really all that dangerous?

But, the doctor seemed to be following my frame of mind. "For the next month you'll have to be on a strict high blood diet. No human food. We'll give you a food tracker and you'll have to take some vitamin pills as well."

I scrunched up my face in displeasure. "But, I feel fine."

She shook her head. "We can determine more when the tests come back. Anyways, I'll leave you to your shower now. Remember, no blood from Achilles, his blood overwhelms your system and will bring you right back to regeneration's doorstep." 

I pointed at Achilles fast asleep and softly snoring on the bed. "What about my boyfriend?"

Dr.Espinoza's face softened. "I think he's just exhausted. He's elated to have you awake that's for sure." She nodded before leaving the room.

I walked into the reasonably spaced bathroom, seeing a bonnet hanging on a rack and smiled. God, they knew me so well. I stuffed my hair into the bonnet before turning on the shower head, letting the water run hot.

For the first time I looked at myself in the mirror, hoping I didn't look crusty or suddenly old. The mirror showed my usual clear skin, green eyes, and everything was where it belonged. Maybe I needed some lotion but other than that I looked okay.

When the mirror started to fog up, I stripped before going into the shower, relishing the hot jets of water against my skin. I soaped up a loofah, washing fastidiously and being excited to go home in the next few days.

And Achilles, God, I needed to talk to him. Apologize for all this. Touch him, kiss him, be with him...The water started feeling nice in a different way but I put my mind back on track, rubbing that grubby feeling off of my skin. When I felt clean, I still stayed under the water letting it soak into my skin and closing my eyes.

I heard a door open and close, and my eyes shot open. Fuck, why couldn't these doctors just let me breathe? "Hello?" I called out, letting the annoyance bleed through.

"Xander—" Achilles said in a broken voice before opening the shower curtain and stepping into the shower, his work clothes still on. He was wearing dark navy slacks and a pale blue dress shirt, a combination I'd always liked on him. Then, he dissolved into tears, hugging me tightly as his head fell against my shoulder. Achilles just seemed inconsolable as he held me, my heart falling into a million pieces.

"Honey," I said weakly, not sure what to do since I had never actually seen Achilles shed a single tear. "Your clothes." I settled my hands on his hips, and Achilles only hugged me harder, crying loudly.

His cracked voice was him telling me he missed me, he loved me but over and over again he was telling me he was sorry.

I pulled back, cupping his face in my hands. "Why are you sorry?"

Achilles hiccuped. "It's—my fault."

I shook my head, feeling like I was going to start crying any moment. "It isn't. We couldn't have known what would have happened. Please, Achilles—" My voice warbled, "Don't cry. Honestly, I love you so much and it's hard to see you like this. Please, don't cry."

Achilles sniffled, nodding his head in short awkward movements, blinking too much. He was breathing unevenly, as his chest shook from the lessening sobs. "Okay."

But, then it was hitting me that Achilles and I were pressed up against one another in a shower. I moved my hands to his chest, unbuttoning his dress shirt. "You're not supposed to wear clothes in a shower, silly."

Achilles flushed, lips parting as he watched my fingers move. His voice sounded raw and just a bit desperate, "Xander. I shouldn't be in here."

Peeling off his wet dress shirt, I flung it to the corner of the shower in an unceremonious heap. Achilles' wife beater was also soaked, his skin and chest hair showing through clearly. I pulled that off of him, appreciating the way he shivered. Leaning in I kissed his collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses up along his neck and jaw.

Achilles' breathing had gone ragged, breaths hitching unevenly the longer I kissed him. He actually whimpered. "Xander, please."

But, I didn't know what he was asking for. I went for his belt, the metal loudly clinking as I undid it. Achilles seemed endlessly fascinated by my chest, spreading his hands across my pecs and my stomach, happy to feel me.

I shucked Achilles' slacks down with his boxers, letting them slide to his feet before he kicked them away.

And then I kissed him, reminding him that we would always have this. Our lips fit together as well as they always did, but the kiss was more urgent than usual. Messy, and wet, Achilles' hands pushing off my bonnet and settling into my hair. He grasped at my curls, while kissing me back and pushing his hips against mine.

Fuck, okay. My brain started to slow down as Achilles hands moved in a tantalizing rhythm across my body, playing me like fiddle. He started sucking at my neck before my low moans turned into a yelp. "Oh, fuck. Achilles, wait." I said, pulling away.

Achilles was looking at me like I'd broken a spell, eyes wide, with the shower stream making his brown hair seem even darker. "Yeah?" He said in a voice that was a little deeper than usual. His hands had moved down my back, fingers brushing across the globes of my ass.

"We shouldn't do this here," I said quietly. "I don't want people to think—" I stopped myself, shaking my head. "We should be, I don't know, talking, and you can tell me what I missed."

Achilles gave me a quick, hard kiss. "I missed everything about you." He rocked his hips against mine. "Can't you tell?"

I closed my eyes for a second, revelling in how good everything felt with Achilles. Opening my eyes, I reached around Achilles and turned off the hot water, feeling ice cold water descend upon us.

"Ah!" Achilles yelped. "What the fuck, Xander?" But, he was laughing,too. And, it was so nice to hear the sound.  I laughed with him, this simple moment somehow the highlight of very confusing my day.


A human recovering from a month long coma would take upwards of a year of intensive physical therapy and rehab to be at full strength again. But, I was a vampire and so it only took three days for me to feel completely normal again.

My room was constantly clogged with people during visiting hours, from my closest friends like Elle, to some of my distant relatives from Germany and Ghana. It seemed like everyone wanted to see me alive and well before they could believe it. For the three days leading up to my release from the hospital it seemed like there was a mini party, and it all made me feel so incredibly loved. It was hard to be around everyone sometimes, because I knew how much my absence had affected them. It seemed like it had hit my family and Achilles the worst but I knew I would make it up to them somehow.

On the day of my release, my family members along with Achilles all huddled into my dad's SUV and drove me home. The ride was quiet, Achilles was staring out the window but he held my hand the entire time.

Achilles had been different, too. More affectionate, like he needed me to know that he loved me. But, I felt that love every moment with all of our interactions. Things were night and day from when Achilles had been afraid to even admit he was attracted to me. And, I was in love with my life in a way I had never been before.

Walking back into my apartment for the first time in what felt like a week but was really closer to five was weird.  Everyone helped me unpack and unload all my things into my apartment. Meanwhile, Klara had ordered some Chinese takeout. I was on my new blood diet but it was nice to sit around the living room with my family members and Achilles to just talk.

We spent the evening talking about vamp politics, the way hearth tax had gone up, the fact Klara was secretly dating someone and my parents got to know Achilles better as well. The way my parents were interacting also suggested they may have settled some of their differences.

Eventually, the night wore on and everyone made their excuses, leaving it to me and Achilles.

As soon as I locked the front door, Achilles was pulling my hand towards the bedroom, talking in a rush. "We haven't been alone in forever!"

I laughed, liking the attention he was paying me. "Okay, and?"

Achilles pulled me against him, giving me a commanding and possessive kiss, sucking on my lower lip as I melted in his arms. His voice was rough, "And, I want you." He cupped my head, giving me kisses that were equally as dizzying. "I want all of you, forever and always."

I swallowed, slipping my hands under Achilles' shirt and palming his stomach. My hands carded through the treasure trail leading down into his waistband. "Forever?" I whispered.

Achilles kissed my neck. "And always."

Overall thoughts?
The next chapter will be the last, of this story but, it won't be the end of Xander and Achilles. 😩 thank you guys for everything, honestly.

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