For You. {cOmPleTed}

By psyxhedelicc

218 48 0

Seventeen year old Katherine (Kate) Hart lived in the bad part of the state. Eighteen year old Stryder O'Brie... More

the one where it all begins.
the one where they meet.
the one with the school.
the one with Autumn.
the one with the job.
the one where the girl has guts.
the one where they get closer.
the one with the glass fiasco.
the one with the cramps.
the one with the 'dating'.
the one with the longboards.
the one with Prom
the one with the flight.
the one with the truth
the one with the town.
the one with her dad.
the one with the birthday
the one with the proposal
the one with the christmas party
the one with the phone call
the one with two years
the one with the feelings
the one with the surprise
the one with the happy ending.

the one with today's the day

2 0 0
By psyxhedelicc



Today's the day I've been waiting for, for about six years now. I'm graduating from college with my bachelor's degree. I've maintained A's throughout all four years. I sit in this seat with my cap and gown on, rightfully. I look a few rows behind me and see Autumn. We make eye contact and give each other big thumbs up. I laugh and turn around. The principal clears her throat in the microphone. The bleachers of families quiet down and the rows of graduates shut up. "Today, I have the honor of," I drone all of it out until my name is called.

"Katherine Hart." Everyone claps as I stand up and walk to the stage. I shake the principal's hand and she gives me the long-awaited diploma. I smile wide as the professional photographer points his camera at me. I walk down the steps and sit in another row of chairs. Name after name, everyone was called. "Here today, at three-forty p.m. On July twenty-first, I'd like to congratulate this class for their four years of hard work." We all throw our caps in the air then everyone finds their family. I just start walking toward the exit when Noah, Alicia, and Wyatt all come running toward me. Tears fill my eyes and we all have one big group hug. "I can't believe you guys came" They all laugh. "Well, Noah and I don't graduate for another few days and we just wanted to see our best friend graduate." I smile and hug them both tightly. I wave goodbye and tell them we'll meet up soon. Wyatt looks at me proudly. "Look at you little lady, you did it." My smile is wide and we have a tight hug.

"Thank you for coming, it means a lot." He smiles. "Of course, I also have a surprise for you though." I look at him curiously. "Come on let's get to your truck first." I nod and we walk to the parking lot. I get in and roll down the window. "What's up?" He smiles wide. "Because of the business I'm in, I gave a good word to a company out in Lake Geneva. I showed them some examples of your work and they got really excited." My mouth drops and my eyes widen. "You didn't." He smiles and nods. "They want an interview whenever you're all settled in and everything." I jump out of the car with tears in my eyes. I wrap my arms around his body and squeeze. He laughs and hugs me back. I don't let go for another five minutes. "You going to let go or-?" I wipe the tears from my eyes and let go. "Thank you, Wyatt. You have no idea how much this means to me." He smiles. He opens my door and I get in. "Now go home and start your new life." I nod and blow him a kiss. "Thank you," I say one last time. I start the long journey back to Wisconsin. Everyone decided in high school that we all wanted to move back to Wisconsin for work. So I was going to see Autumn and them in a few days.

After we all get settled, Autumn and Ryan decided that they wanted to get married in Lake Geneva because of how beautiful it was there. Autumn picked me as her maid of honor so I had to start looking for a good location soon. A smile is on my face as I think about their wedding.


I'm about to cross the Kansas borderline but I see that little food place I stopped at the first time I left. A smile falls on my face and I get off the highway and drive into the parking lot. I go inside and the same two people there four years ago were still here. My heart warms as I ordered what I did the first time. The cook looks at me for a second then laughs. "Well, I'll be damned. Look at you in that gown." I smile. I didn't even know him but that made my day. "Thank you." He smiles and gives me my food. I eat it, then leave a tip for them both. As I walk out the door I yell, "Thank you!"

I get into my truck and start the drive back home.


I cross the city limits for Lake Geneva and my heart starts beating quickly. Here we go. I pull into an apartment complex with really nice apartments. I saved enough money from my job in Arizona that I could afford at least a year's rent here. As I park, I make sure all my things were still strapped in the back of my truck. Happy that everything's still here, I take my hoodie off and put it inside the truck. It was a blue hoodie that Autumn got me for one of my birthday's, I wore it all the time. But it was kind of hot right now so I sadly have to take it off. I shake my head and laugh to myself.

I walk inside and walk up to the front desk. It was two o'clock p.m. and there were a lot more people than I thought in the lobby. People's heads turned and I don't blame them. I probably looked like a wreck. I walk up to the lady and she smiles. "My name's Kate Hart. I called about three days ago, asking if there were any apartments available?" She nods. "Yes, ma'am. Floor five, apartment thirty-seven is still available." I nod, I didn't even need to look at it. I just couldn't wait to start living somewhere on my own. "I'll take it." She laughs and gives me a bunch of forms. "Okay, please start filling these out and everything else will be handled."

I nod and go sit in a lobby chair. It takes me about thirty minutes but I finally fill out everything I need. I hand the lady the papers and after filing them and typing things into the computer she gives me my very own key. "Your rent will be due in a months time. Thanks for choosing our company." I nod and go outside, grabbing as many bags as I could carry. I start climbing up the stairs and I finally reach my room. I unlock the door and the place was empty. In the kitchen, it had a stove, microwave, and a dishwasher. There was no dining table, no beds in the rooms. The bathroom had the toilet and shower but that was it. But I didn't care. I get to buy all this stuff myself. I get to decorate this apartment however I want. I can live here as long as I need.

I set the stuff in the middle of the room and dance in a happy circle. I can't wait to start my life here. I close the door and run downstairs. I get to my truck and as I'm walking away with all the stuff in my hands someone stops me by tapping my shoulder. Slowly I turn around and I'm staring at someone's chest. I look up and the man smiles lightly. "Moving in or out?" I study him, he seemed safe enough. "In, why?" He laughs. "I live in this building on the sixth floor and I know what a hassle it can be to carry boxes and bags up and down those stairs with no help. I wanted to know if you could use some help." Oh, he lives here. I laugh to myself. "I mean it'd be lovely, but you really don't have too." He starts grabbing stuff. "I insist, you'll thank yourself later." I laugh. "Alright, follow me." He does as I say and trip by trip we got to know each other a little better.

Once everything is put in the apartment I move my truck to a shaded area then lock it. "Thank you for your help, Elijah." He smiles. "Anytime Katherine, I'll see you around." I wave then start the journey back to my apartment. As I lock the door, I walk into what was now my room and I fall onto the floor. I could just fall asleep right here. I laugh but get back up. It was only five so I could start unpacking now. I take the boxes named bedroom and put them in the guest bedroom. I take the bathroom boxes and put them in the bathroom. Kitchen boxes in the kitchen, all my bags in my room. Then the other boxes I just put in a closet. The bags in my room were just my purse and a few backpacks and bags I've collected over the years. I go to the guest bedroom and pull out three comforters, all my pillows, and then a lamp. I lay two comforters on the ground. I put all my pillows down and fold the third comforter and set it on the side. I put the lamp next to the blankets and then plug it in.

I figured the bathroom would be the next easiest place to unpack. And I was right. I put my toothpaste and toothbrush on the counter along with my favorite scented soap. I put one lotion on top, then the rest underneath it. I put my shampoo and conditioner in the shower, then all medicines, bandaids, creams, and cotton swabs in the medicine cabinet. The bathroom was coming along. I hurry up and find the towels I've bought over the years. I put one on the rack and fold the rest, putting them under the sink. There wasn't very many.

Next was my kitchen. Because I didn't have a kitchen in the dorm, these are just the things I've bought and stored in our room. I had plates, bowls, silverware, a paper towel holder, cups, and a few more things. I folded all the empty boxes and put them in a corner. By now it was eight and I was just exhausted. I make sure my front door is locked and then I go into my room and lay down on the comforters. I plug the lamp in and put the other comforter atop me.

I go on my phone for like the first time in a few hours and immediately text Autumn. Hey! Guess what, I'm in my new apartment. I don't have a bed, a couch, or a table, but it feels amazing to be living on my own in a place I'm using my money to buy. Have you settled in yet? It sends and I wait about five minutes for her reply. Hey babe, yes I am. In fact, Ryan and I are pretty close to you. We decided we'd just live here because one, it's close to you and two it's where we're getting married so why the hell not. I'm certain we're in the building across from you haha. My heart warms. I'm glad they're so close to me.

That's actually really cool! Maybe I'll check out your place sometime. Have a good night and tell Ryan hey. She texts back in seconds. He says hey! Goodnight babe. I set my phone next to my pillow and I stare out the window. I miss you Stryder, where ever you're at. My eyelids start getting heavy and before I know it, I'm out.

I wake up to the sun shining in my face. Being on the floor gave the sun better access to my face. I laugh and sit up. Hm, I think I'm going to do the job interview today. Then I can start saving up money from that and I can start buying furniture. I quickly text Wyatt asking for details and he sends them back within an hour. It was a place called L.G.B, it stood for Lake Geneva Businesses. Which meant, I can work in multiple different departments, varying from small businesses, big businesses, or even personal home insurance. If I got this job, god I'd be making quite a lot doing what I love, dealing with money. He sent me the address and it wasn't very far from here. I get in the shower, falling in love with the pressure. I wash myself and my hair, get out, then dry and get dress myself. I dressed in appropriate work attire for an interview like this. I slipped on black heels and grabbed my phone, turning off the lights and locking the door.

My truck probably wasn't the best thing to show up in so I called an uber instead. It made me seem more professional showing up in a nice car. The uber arrived in fifteen minutes and drove me to the L.G.B main entrance. I walk inside and walk straight to the receptionist. She smiles at me and looks over my outfit. "My, my Ms. Hart. You look stunning." I laugh. "Thank you, how'd you know it was me?" She laughs. "I'm supposed to memorize every face who walks through those doors. Your's, I haven't seen. I put two and two together and took a shot." I smile. "You're pretty awesome." She laughs and looks at her computer. "You'll be talking to two of our main bosses. They basically monitor all the business and people's insurance to make sure everything's paid on time. They could really use someone to do it for them full time. I have high hopes for you, good luck Ms. Hart." I smile and look at her name tag. "Thank you, Caroline."

She smiles. "Anytime. Meet them on the top floor and they'll lead you through the double doors and into their office." I nod and walk to the elevator. I slip my phone and keys into the small black purse hanging from my shoulder. I press the number eight, the top floor I presume, and wait.

As Caroline said, two people were waiting for me as I walked out. A man and a woman. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Hart. My name's Fred Miller." I shake hands with him, my heart saddening at the mention of his name. Although, I put on a smile. "Nice to meet you too sir." I turn to the woman who gives me a bright smile. "Nice to me you Katherine, my name's Alice Miller." I smile.

Husband and wife. This was cute. "Nice to meet you too ma'am." They smile and we start walking down the hall until we reach the end, the double doors. Mr. Miller pushes them open and takes a deep breath in. There were windows instead of walls. You could see everything. It was absolutely beautiful. There were two desks facing each other in the middle of the room. To the left was a huge table with multiple chairs around it, a meeting table I figured. To the right was a bunch of files. Must be all the insurance information of everybody in Lake Geneva.

They sit down at the head of the table. I follow and sit down at the other end. "Wyatt is a good friend of ours and has shown us what you can do. Now we just want to ask a few questions to see if you could handle working at a place like this." I nod. "I'm ready." They nod. "Alright, first things first, how is your home life? Do you have a spouse or kids?" I shake my head. "I haven't had a boyfriend in about four years because I wanted to focus on school. I also have no kids." They nod.

"We noticed you came in an uber this morning, do you have a car? If so good, because you have to drive to people's houses and businesses and having a car is essential." I nod as my cheeks tint pink. "I do have a truck. But it's a vintage truck. I wanted to show up in something nice so I decided to leave it at home." Mr. Miller's eyes widen. "A girl with a vintage truck," He looks at his wife with a smile. "Not that's not something you hear every day." She laughs. "No, in fact having that is perfect. It shows our customers that we're real people and we're in this business to help people, not to buy fancy things." I smile wide. That's a relief.

"This is a demanding job. Of course, once you get the hang of it, it won't be too bad. Do you have any special events coming up soon?" The only thing I can think of is the wedding. I nod. "My best friends are getting married in a month or so, but that's about it." They nod. "The cool thing about your job is, you only have to work when there are problems with people's insurance, or when a business is booming and you need to make sure they're paying everything accordingly." I nod. "Can I ask a question?" They nod. "If I was ever sick, could I work from home on a computer?" They smile. "Absolutely. That's based on our next question. Do you have a computer or do you need the office to lend you one?" I smile. "I do have one." They nod.

"Now, tell us a little about yourself, where you're from, you're favorite hobbies, etc." I nod. "I'm originally from Milwaukee. I just moved into an apartment yesterday from spending four years in an ASU dorm. My mother died when I was a kid and my dad died about four years ago. I lived with very nice people, the O'Briens." Their faces perk. "They're some of our best clients." I smile. But then my heart aches. "Their son is the sweetest boy in the world." They notice my change in mood and switch the topic. "So you seem like a very sweet girl, what do you do for fun?" I honestly didn't do much besides school work. I mean I occasionally partied and drank but that was about it. "To be honest I haven't really had much free time because of school, but I used to love to read romance books, even though I'm not the best I love to bake, and I love going out with my friends to the beach or to an amusement park." They smile and nod, closing their file.

They stand up and I do as well. I shake both their hands and my heart beats so fast. "Ms. Hart, welcome to our team." No way. My mouth drops and they smile. "You sound like a hard worker and that's someone we need on this team. Plus you sound very friend oriented and we need people like you who won't bully or boss around our clients." I smile. "You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you. When do you want me to start?" They look at each other and whisper. "Next Monday. I want you to at least have a desk and a bed by then." I laugh and nod. "Will do, have a great rest of your day." They smile and I walk out the doors and into the elevator. Once the doors shut I do a whole happy dance. The elevator rings and I walk out and over to Caroline. I smile and put my hand out. "I'm your new coworker Kate." She laughs and shakes my hand. "Well hey, Kate. Nice to meet you." I smile and wave, walking out the doors and waiting for the uber I ordered earlier.

I'm quickly back at the apartment complex and I go inside to change. I slip on some loose jeans and throw on a loose shirt. I put some vans on and then get in my truck. I drive to a furniture store close to me. I buy a queen size memory foam bed and a simple desk for the corner of my room. Both I had to pay twenty dollars a month until I paid them off, but that wasn't too bad. I also bought a metal frame for the bed. I bought yellow sheets to match my comforters and pillows. Plus a cute yellow desk chair. I drive home jamming to my playlist. Today has been good.

I lug everything upstairs and start getting to work. I clear everything in my room and start putting together the metal frame. I had to borrow some tools from Elijah but he happily let me borrow them so I didn't feel bad about bothering him on his day off. Once the frame was set, I pushed it to the corner of the room. I get the box spring from the living room and push it until it's in the room. I set it on top of the frame and then push the mattress into the room, setting it on top of the box spring. Gosh, who knew putting a bed together was so much work? I didn't feel like going all the way downstairs to wash everything so, I put a sheet on, then the comforter, and then all my pillows. I fold the other two comforters and put them in the linen closet.

I flop onto my new bed and just sink right in, falling in love. I didn't have to build the desk until tomorrow. I lay on my pillows and close my eyes. A nap never hurt anyone. I close my eyes with a smile. But before I can fall asleep, a knock sounds from the door, startling me. I groan and get out of the bed. I walk to the door and open it lazily. There stood Ryan and Autumn. If I wasn't so tired I'd be a lot more excited. "Hey, guys. What are you doing here?" I ask with a yawn. They come in and start looking around. "Sure come in," I mumble.

They laugh and look at me excitedly. "Aren't you excited about this new place?" I nod. "You don't seem so excited." I yawn and point to my room. "You'll see why I'm so tired." They walk in and come out with open mouths. "You put that bed together by yourself?" Autumn asks in awe. I smile and nod. Ryan claps. "I mean I put our bed together but Autumn was no help. Props to you Kate." I give them a thumbs up then go in the room and lay on the bed. "Do you guys need anything before I go to sleep?" They shake their heads. "Just wanted to say hi." I laugh and wave. They leave and I get under the blanket.

A few hours later I wake up refreshed. I smile and get out of bed. I figured I'd go over to their apartment and we could finish planning the wedding. I brush my hair, grab my phone and keys, and head over. I knock on their door twice and Autumn opens the door. Her face pales and I look at her curiously. She looks behind her and back at me. "Now's not uh, a good time." I'm about to ask why but I hear a familiar voice. "Yo, who's at the do-" We make eye contact and my whole world crashes. He looked better than ever. He wore a tight black shirt tucked into some jeans. He was showcasing his body and I didn't mind.


My world stopped as we made eye-contact. I haven't heard or seen from her in years. And there she was, standing out in the hallway. The first thing I notice as she was still wearing that necklace I gave her four years ago. It was a little faded, meaning she hasn't taken it off in years. Then I notice her body. She must've been working out because damn did she look good. Or has it just been so long? She also seemed smaller than before. She had this look in her eye that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It was driving me crazy.


I don't say anything because I didn't know what to say. Ryan comes to the door because of the sudden silence. He looks between Stryder and I and his mouth makes an 'O' shape. "K-Kate, Stryder is my best man."

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