
By lightningearth

17.1K 444 804

He had to get away from it all... More



1.6K 53 165
By lightningearth

Kai's POV

We had been worried for days about where Jay had gone. We didn't know whether he was kidnapped or not until we finally found our evidence. And then after hours of searching, a random guy, who I somehow recognise, just showed up at the door with him.

We have been so worried and he didn't have the decency to tell us he was running away. We were looking for so long. We gave up two days of our week to look for our beloved teammate. We could have been doing something so much more important. We could have been training or fighting crime but instead we were looking for Jay. How selfish can he be?!

As soon as he unpacked all his stuff, Lloyd sent him for a nap. Jay looked tired and bruised. Something must have happened but I'm sure he'll tell us all about it when he wakes up. That's all he's doing. He's attention seeking and I hate attention seekers.

Nya breathed a sigh of relief as she sat beside me on the sofa.

"I'm so happy we found him." She smiled at me. I put a fake smile on my face and nodded.

I can't believe these guys are actually buying this. It's ridiculous!

"It was Cliff Gordon who found him." Lloyd corrected her.

"Cliff Gordon? As in the famous movie star?" I frowned.

Lloyd nodded. Nya gasped.

"But how could he have found Jay? Nobody has heard from him in years, not to mention he hasn't left his house." Cole wondered.

"Well that's his manager's fault. He doesn't want Cliff out of the house because of incidents with fans." Lloyd explained.

"What kind of incidents?" I asked.

"Let's not talk about that. How about we talk about something more exciting, like the fact that Jay is safe and home now?" Zane suggested.

"Either way, I am so thankful that he was found. I would never have forgiven myself if he didn't come home." Nya smiled.

"We all feel the same, don't we Kai?" Lloyd raised an eyebrow at me.

Shoot! He probably noticed my 'I really don't care' facial expression. I'm not very good at hiding that face... Oh well. I'm entitled to my own opinion, right?

I nodded.

"H-hey guys..." A voice spoke. It sounded kind of familiar.

We all turned our heads to see the lightning ninja stood in the doorway.

"Hey, Jay, come in and sit down." Lloyd gave him a smile of reassurance.

Jay looked a little unsure. Wow, he's a great actor. Maybe that Cliff guy taught him something when Jay went to him just to get attention.

He walked in slowly and sat down on the other end of the sofa. He sat with his back to the cushions, his knees up to his chest.

Lloyd looked at me in which I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

Nya moved so she was sat beside him instead. She looked into his eyes and smiled sweetly.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

Jay thought for a minute before nodding.

"If you don't mind us asking, why did you run away?" Zane spoke up.

Seriously?! I thought Zane was smarter than that! Am I the only one who can tell that he's messing with us?!

Jay fell silent, not that he spoke before anyway. He broke eye contact with everyone and went to staring at his hands that were wrapped around his legs.

Nya exchanged looks with Cole. I rolled my eyes.

"Jay?" Lloyd frowned.

Nya took hold of his hand, "Jay, please talk to us."

"Seriously guys?!"

Everyone looked up at me, including Jay.

"Can't you see that he's playing us? By the way, Jay, you're a terrible liar." I blurted out.

"Kai!" Lloyd shouted.

Jay quickly let go of my sister's hand and got up. He sprinted to the door, opened it and closed it behind him as he left.

"Great." Cole rolled his eyes.

"If he's run away again and isn't going to come back, we're kicking Kai off the team." Lloyd stormed off to his bedroom.

Really?! That is so unfair!

But with the way Jay just reacted... maybe I was wrong?

Third Person

Jay ran into the city, tears streaming down his cheeks. He knew exactly who to turn to but he didn't know whether he would be accepted or not. There was only one way to find out. He stopped at the large white gate and pressed the button.

"Cliff Gordon, how may I help?" A voice spoke from the small speaker.

"It's Jay." He stated.

"Jay? Come on up." Cliff sounded confused. The gates opened slowly. As Jay wandered up the path, the sun reflected off of the tears that stained his freckled cheeks.

The large door to the mansion opened, revealing a rather worried Cliff.

"Jay? Are you okay?" He wondered.

Jay shook his head as tears began to form in his eyes again. One fell down his right cheek.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Nothing has changed. I can't tell them... they think I'm looking for attention." He cried as he finally reached the door.

"Oh, come here." Cliff opened his arms to offer a hug. Jay wrapped his arms around Cliff and cried into his chest.

"It's going to be okay." He told his son.

About five minutes later, Jay was sat on Cliff's brand new sofa drying his eyes with a fresh tissue.

"So what happened when I left?" Cliff asked.

"I took a nap but when I got up, they started asking questions like why I left and stuff. I couldn't answer. But the only thing I got from that was Kai shouting at me because apparently I only 'ran away' to get attention." Jay explained.

"He accused you of lying?" Cliff frowned.

Jay nodded.

"Don't take no notice to him. He's probably jealous that more people care about you than anyone ever did him." Cliff told him, "Plus, I know that you weren't lying, right?"

"I'd rather it be them who believe me..." Jay sighed.

"Is there anything else that's going on in your head? I'd rather you get it all out than have to keep it all inside." Cliff asked.

Jay nodded.

"Come on, tell."

Jay took a deep breath, "Everybody hates me! All everyone ever wants with me is if they want something or they need to rant about something. They don't actually want to know me. Even my friends don't want to be around me. Not forgetting the fact that all the fans turned against me at one point. Nobody believed me when I told the rest of the team that I did nothing wrong. Even if they did believe me, they wouldn't do anything. I always knew that I would be alone. Everybody shouts at me and half the time it's for stuff I haven't even done. The worst thing is, nobody knows how I feel. I get stressed easily and it sucks to keep it in my head. I haven't told anyone because it isn't like someone will help me. I'd only be ranting to someone about how I feel, my feelings don't matter. I feel useless half the time. I feel like nobody wants me around because I'm annoying. The only thing that helps me get my anger and feelings out is Nya but that's only because she's fun to be around. She doesn't know what I'm thinking. The team think I'm the most positive person on the planet. THERE IS LITERALLY NO POINT ANY MORE!!"

And with that, Jay burst into tears. Everything that he had said was true and it hurt Cliff to know that he could have been there for his son all theses years yet he wasn't. And he blames himself for that. Cliff pulled Jay into a hug.

"I'm going to be okay." He whispered as Jay cried. "We can go and talk with your team if you like."

Jay raised his head and shook it.

"Jay, you can't keep this inside." Cliff told him.

"But they'll just think I'm lying. They'll make things worse."

"After the way you've been acting, I honestly don't think that they'll think you're lying. Plus, they would never make things worse. They are more caring and supportive than that and I don't even know them." Cliff told him.

Jay dried his eyes. "I just think that everyone--"

"Nobody hates you, Jay. I know that is the most common thing to reply with when someone feels like that but I mean it. Everyone loves you. Well, everyone who knows you anyway. You're funny, lovable and caring. Not even the slightest bit annoying." Cliff gave him a smile of reassurance.

Jay smiled back, "I think they need to know..."

"Come on, let's get you home."

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