The Only Solution

By mmacdonald22

112K 5.4K 925

The Blackbourne Team has been undercover for the past six months with a dangerous gang. Everything is fine un... More

Chapter 1 - Owen
Chapter 2 - Sang
Chapter 3 - Sang
Chapter 4 - Sean
Chapter 5 - Nathan
Chapter 6 - Sang
Chapter 7 - Gabriel
Chapter 8 - Sang
Chapter 9 - Victor
Chapter 10 - Sang
Chapter 11 - Luke
Chapter 12 - North
Chapter 13 - Dr. Roberts
Chapter 14 - Sang
Chapter 15 - Sang
Chapter 17 -Sang
Chapter 18 - Kota
Chapter 19 - Sang
Chapter 20 - North
Chapter 21 - Luke
Chapter 22 - Sang

Chapter 16 - Silas

3.9K 247 49
By mmacdonald22

I just found another Academy fanfic that I loved, "Seizing Sang Sorenson (A Ghost Bird Story)" by EsaAnnie


Since English is Silas' second language, there will be Greek words. As a bilingual person with English as a second language, I know that when I can't find words I simply use the french one (which is my first language). That's what I'm doing for Silas in order for it to be more him. I struggle writing his POV more than the others.


After the incident at the Diner with the Toma Team, we all headed back to Mr.B's place, I mean Owen's. We were all worried for ο άγγελός μου (my angel). If only Marc and Brandon hadn't scared agelle mou like the μαλάκες (assholes) they are, agelle mou would still be with us and safe. From what Marc said about their assignment, we have the right to be worried about Sang's health. 

Sean was already stressing, "What if Pookie goes in and gets hurt? There wouldn't a doctor to treat her."

Mr.B steps up to reassure his friend, "Sang knows how to take care of herself. My darling will always make it through without any physical damage."

Everyone noticed his intonation with physical. Killing people isn't something that one should take lightly and with her job, it is unavoidable. It's hard to imagine ο άγγελός μου killing people, she's too sweet for that. I can see that everyone has grown attached to the little ξανθό άγγελο (blonde angel).

Sang's not pretty, that word is too small. She is small but strong, and her bright eyes demand attention. Looking at her is like waking up. But she is Mr.B's bird, Owen as she says to call my brother. As a Greek, that shouldn't stop what I feel for the little bird, but as a brother, I can't do that. Everyone can see clear as day the λατρείας και αγάπης (adoration and love) in his eyes. None of us could take that from him.

"Σίλας, δίνεις προσοχή?" (Silas, are you paying attention?) My brother's voice calls me out from a daydream that I didn't know I was in.

I nod, "Τι έχασα?" (What did I miss?) 

North frowns in my direction, "Τι τρέχει? Συνήθως δίνετε προσοχή." (What's wrong? You usually pay attention.)

Before I can answer, Gabe interrupts us, "Oi you fuckers, stop talking about me!"

North growls, but the rest of our group breaks out in a comfortable laugh at the often used joke. I check the ρολόι (clock) in the kitchen and am surprised to see that an hour has already passed. I don't usually daydream that long, I don't usually daydream at all. That's more Luke's thing. It seems that whatever conversation that was happening is breaking up as everyone floats off to do their own thing. 

North turns to me and opens his mouth as if to say something when Mr.B's, Owen's phone goes off. That gets everyone's attention. The caller I.D. says that it is Marcus, he belongs to one of the older Academy Teams. I wonder why he would be calling Owen. I had hoped for just a second that it would be ο άγγελός μου calling, but she doesn't even have a phone.

Owen picks it up and puts the phone on speaker, "Astrology." 

Sang's voice comes over the phone, "Seriously, I'm not." We all stayed quiet, but inside we are jumping with joy. She's okay!

Mr.B seemed worried and asked a bunch of questions, "Darling? Are you alright? What happened? Whose phone are you calling from?" 

I don't understand his last question because it's Marcus' phone. He has the right to not make sense. His girlfriend was just where a raid was supposed to happen. If she were mine and Μακάρι να ήταν (I wish she was), I would not handle this as gracefully as my brother. But he has adapted throughout the years.

O άγγελός μου makes a shh sound before saying, "I fucked up and got myself caught. I am going to need extraction at the hospital as my lawyer."

Mr.B turns into his business mode, "We can get everyone there soon-"

She cuts him off, "I think I pissed one of them off. Come soon!"

The dial tone comes over the phone and everything is still like the calm before the storm. Then, everyone jumps into action. Victor grabs his computer and heads to the car. He is trying to gain access to Academy cameras at the hospital to see Sang. Nathan gets into the driver seat of one car. I make it into the car with Sean and Owen who is driving while breaking every driving law there is. He's worse than the Russian!

North takes his motorcycle and follows at full speed. The car with Gabriel, Nathan and Victor follows closely. I wonder for a second why the αστυνομία (police) hasn't stopped us until I notice the blaring light on Owen's car. Now, I wonder why he has a light that police officers should have. Isn't that illegal?

The usual thirty minutes drive is cut down to five minutes and we arrive quickly at the Academy part of the hospital. We have several people who watch us curiously as we rush out of our cars and towards the bird who in a few simple days has become οικογένεια (family). I haven't seen our Team Liaison this πανικοβλημένος (panicked). It must have been quite a sight with us running the hallway.

Victor had tracked down where Marcus had showed up, but he hadn't seen O άγγελός μου on any of the cameras. She must be avoiding them like the intelligent girl that she is. My only question is how she knows where te cameras are to avoid them. But right now, that doesn't matter and I am sure that O άγγελός μου will explain once we are in private. 

Mr.B barked out, "Where is Dr.Roberts and our bird?"

Victor informed him quickly as he hadn't had the chance to tell him yet, "I only see Marcus in one of the meeting rooms. Your bird is avoiding the cameras."

For the first time, we see Owen smirk with pride, "That's my darling."

In no time at all, we arrive at the room and walk in without knocking. It's one of those huge meeting rooms, built like a hallway in order to be lengthy. We recognize O άγγελός μου in her black outfit with her hood down and her mask on. She turns towards us when she hears noise and then smiles. Her eyes twinkle mischievously the same way as Luke when he is about to pull a prank or get payback. 

James, the Team Lead of the Team, comes forward, "What are you guys doing here? This doesn't have anything to do with you-"

He gets cut off as Sang runs forward towards Owen. Another of his brothers try to stop her, but let's be honest, no one can stop her unless she wants to be. O άγγελός μου makes it to Owen and jumps on him, wrapping her legs around him. She quickly rips off her mask and kisses him. Owen who had caught her answers her kiss with an equal passion. No one looks away even though we probably should.

Sang breaks off their kiss first and quickly puts her mask back on before turning back to the other Academy members in the room with a smirk on her face, "Doesn't that prove that I know an Academy member."

Everyone is frozen in shock until Dr. Roberts clears his throat, "Owen, you know this girl?"

He nods, "Yes, she's my bird."

Another man, who I think is called Brian, walks over to our Team, "You do know this bird took out twenty men of the Albanian Mob, the Boss, and several other women. She's a killer."

A man who doesn't belong to James' Team and who I don't know whistled, "Damn, and here I thought she looked like a fragile little flower."

A person who is on James' Team snorts, "She's not fragile like a flower, she's fragile like a bomb." It was clear that we weren't supposed to hear the exchange, but I could see several of my brothers holding in their laughter. 

Owen turns to Sang who just shrugs, "No one survived who knows my face."

Those words made a full-blown smile come over Mr.B's face shocking a lot of people, "Does that mean. . ."

She nods, "As long as they think I'm dead which is the problem with these people."

Just like that, Owen slips back into his cold persona which made him this successful and turns to the others, "To be clear, this bird was there on my instruction and is my responsibility. For her safety, everyone here needs to say that she died. You will never see her again, but if anyone finds out she is alive, then her blood will be on her hands. And no one wants that."

Dr. Roberts looks uncomfortable and James scoffs, "She deserves to be punished."

Mr.B seems to be getting more angry and all of us are bracing for a fight, "And you should be quiet before you get hurt."

He gets in our leader's face, "Are you threatening us in front of an Academy Elder?"

Kota quickly intervenes before things go too far, "And you haven't killed people? Everyone knows that your Team takes the missions with the highest kill counts. You are not any more innocent than her. She saved your people's lives, so you should save hers for once. This bird belongs to our Team and you know that family always comes first."

The tension is heavy in the room as Dr.Roberts comes in, "I think that Owen's demand isn't that outrageous. She saved your lives and everyone here knows how dangerous the Albanians are. They will be out for her blood if they find out what happened."

James sighs in defeat, "Fine, in our reports, we will say she is dead and that there are no survivors."

Owen doesn't react at all, so it's Kota who gives them a grateful smile, "Thank you. We will be off right now with our bird. Nice working with you!"

With that, we all exit the room and I could feel the smugness coming from O άγγελός μου, who from what we know of her, just won. With her mask on, it seemed like the Academy just lost to a single twenty year old bird who they know nothing of and are now forced to leave her alone. According to the look on James' face, that didn't go down too well. Maybe, Sang is an εκδίκηση αγγέλου (avenging angel), but she is still ο άγγελος μας (our angel)

Owen turns towards Sang and shakes his head in despair, "I leave you one minute alone and you get in trouble. I swear you are pure chaos. According to everyone in that room, you were chaotic evil."

She smirks, "I'm more chaotic lawful. I have a strict moral code, but nobody can figure out what the hell it is."

That surprises a laugh out of most of us and even a smile from North. Sang proceeds to jump unto Owen's back for a piggy back ride. She is still laughing and she is ο πιο όμορφος άγγελος (the most beautiful angel) I have ever seen. But she is Owen's, my brother's, and therefore can never be with anyone else. None of us would do it to our brothers.

We walk down the hallway, laughing and everyone is comfortable with Owen and Sang leading the group. I look up to see some people heading down the hallway. First was Mr. Buble, an Academy Elder, walking towards us and after him was the Toma Team. Things are still σε υπερένταση (tense) ever since what happened at the Diner. We all knew this would happen, but our families had been close and this hurt. 

But Sang's reactions to these two groups of people were different and worrying. Everything happened so quickly. One second, she looked up and spotted Mr. Buble and looked panicked. The other, she spotted the Toma Team and most especially Raven. The next thing we know, Sang has managed to fly through the air and was behind Raven, holding one of his guns pointed at Mr. Buble.

Everyone froze until Mr. Buble practically yelled, "What is going on?"


Word Count: 2093

What do you think of this chapter? And sorry for the long wait, I am on vacation.

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