
By Markers260

1.3K 108 25

Audrey is the new girl in town so when weird things keep happening at any hour of the day she assumes it's be... More

Someone's Always Watching
Big Gosip For A Little Town
Unavoidable Trip
Anxiety Trips
Cereal Run Turns Into A Sleep Over
Two Enemies One Friend
Coffee House
Play Time
Read To Me
Cancerous Nightmare
Family Time
Goodbyes To Soon
Waking Up Icy
Sleeping Angels
Some Birthday
Will You...

Meeting The Family

50 5 3
By Markers260

I wake up to find myself outside standing next to the shed, Aiden stands beside me. I try to talk to him but my mouth won't move, he steps in front of me, still trying to talk and ask how I got out here not even a sound comes for me to explain what is happening.

Aiden gains an uncharacteristic grin full of maliciousness...triumph? I wasn't sure how exactly to describe it, but for once he was scary and the object of my fear at the moment. He descends on me, I have to press myself against the cold metal walls of the shed to escape his decent, but to an avail.

His lips near my ear and I shutter. Aiden's breath tickles my ear faintly as it stirs my hair that had lain motionless next to my cheek. "So stupid." He chuckles quietly, "A stupid human, a mundane with false hope of getting close to a vampire. A Lord, of all ranks... You don't even deserve to know my hatred for people like you," My hands shake violently, I have to press them to the oddly warming metal sheets that are the walls of the shed.

What bothered me was the fear. Fear I knew he was capable of striking into people, into me. I ignored it, though it bothered me that it was there at all. Aiden wasn't someone to be scared of, not to me, but all I could think of at the moment was the sick energy running its self in my veins.

To avoid the unwanted feeling I listen to the things around me, I hear the wind rustle as his lips run along my shoulder and neck. I hear the sweet twitter of birds, light, happy and free... Then they become harsh and loud, just as Aiden sinks his teeth into my warm neck.

I jolt a wake with a gasp, looking to find the source of the loud buzzing and see my alarm clock blasting. My hand grips the blankets loosely and toss them away, they click the button and wipe my forehead to feel the beads of sweat that had formed on my hair line.

Cody jumps onto the bed holding his bowl, I sigh at this, not very much in the mood,"You impatient little rat," I grumble and get up from the bed and stretch hearing pops and feeling my muscles screech with protest at the strain. Humming contently, nightmare now forgotten, I walk into the kitchen carrying Cody's bowl, dropping it on the floor and pouring the pellets into the container.

He yips happily, much to my delight glad he didn't protest for more, I didn't feel like starting a battle with brown eyes I knew I couldn't win.

The warm shower relaxes my tense muscles and pounds comfortingly on my back. Once out and dressed I feel nervous, this is my last day until my job starts, not sure how to get through it I shrug and walk outside.

I take the frosty air into my lungs, it clears the moist vapor from the hot shower quickly, it's refreshing. Until a roar comes from the drive..

I listen helplessly as the car drives my nerves into the ground making my heart stop. A cadillac roars in next to my pathetic looking truck, Aiden steps out wearing a white shirt and black pants that hugs nicely to his toned chest and legs. I glance down at the clothes that I had thrown together not planning to see my vampire acquaintance. A lose shirt that says Deal With It and rather long pants that pass my feet and sags in awkward places. 'I don't want to know what my hair looks like.' I groan in my head.

Aiden eyes me,"Deal with what?," he asks with amusement.

"With me I guess," I say sheepishly and make an effort to look him in the eyes that fails.

"You're not drinking coffee?"


"You are not drinking coffee, I had expected you to have a cup this morning," he says and I shrug.

"Coffee isn't exactly my favorite, but yesterday I did need to relax," I tell him and he nods understanding. "What are you doing here?" I ask, but quickly add on, "Not that you can't be, I'm just- I was only wondering what-" while raising my hands as if to stop the rudeness, to draw it back in as not to offend him.

Embarrassed, I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose to stop me from talking any farther, "What I meant to say was.." I start slowly, "..I'm happy you're here,..but can you tell my why," I look up scarcely feeling stinging on my nose because of my sharp fingernails.

Aiden watches me with a smirk and humor that makes his eyes swirl. "I suppose you can't always be as swift with words as you were yesterday..." his comment makes my face burn. I glare at the ground, "Audrey?" he asks and seems to glide on his feet to me. "I hadn't meant it like that...." his voice is  sincere. All while making my flesh burn with his closeness.

I smile at the ground and take a step back still watching him, "Come in if you have to then," I say and turn around still trying to force the grin away with no succession. "So, why did you come?" I ask folding my legs under me as sit on the couch. I pat the seat next to me, inviting the object of my nightmare to make himself comfortable.

"My cult was not pleased with my not bringing you to our home yesterday. They all wanted to meet you,"

"Why me? What's a little human to them?" I ask using the term my nightmare used.

"Because you are not a little human to me, and it seems, despite my efforts, you have crossed to many paths with beings not of your race. There is nothing more now than to protect you until..." Aiden trails away like it's to difficult to think about. Silence fills the void between us, it's soothing and ecstatic all the same until Cody's barks to go out makes me jump.

I grumble under my breath and walk to him, he paws at the back door. When I open the door he bolts out of the room and runs to mess up the newly fallen snow, I laugh at him and return to Aiden. He still sits on the couch and waits for my return, I come up behind him and cover his eyes, Aiden's hands fly to my wrists and I uncover his eyes with a startled gasp.

His cool hands are firm on my arms, holding me in one spot, "I don't find those games amusing, Audrey," he tells me in a calm monotone voice.

"Okay, sorry," I say and walk around to the front of the couch and sit next to him, I watch his lips turn into a small smirk.

"It's quite alright Audrey. You had no way of knowing."

I look at him for a moment, "So what did you say you wanted? Was there a reason? I forgot..." I trail away.

"Ah yes,... I ask if you would want to come and meet my cult. Although they would understand if you feel uncomfortable around them," Aiden says politely, though I can see him pleading with his eyes for me to come. I smirk at him,"Sure."

Aiden smiles. I swallow hard, his ghost white skin doesn't wrinkle in the slightest, his teeth and eyes sparkle, his coffee color hair plays around his forehead. I glance to the floor, back to his face and them down to my clothes, I frown at them. He had obviously dressed up for me, "Yeah, I mean why not. Just let me put on something know... Nicer," I say and run lightly on the balls of my feet to my room and bounce quickly to my dresser.

I pull out sweaters and T-shirts, grumbling about not having done any laundry and no long sleeve shirts to go out in my punishment for procrastination. Finally, gracefully I find a shirt with a white midsection and gray sleeves, throwing it together with a pair of dark jeans. Pulling on mismatched socks and tennis shoes I brush out the permanent curls quickly and roughly then turn to the door.

Once I get to the end of the hall, just enough to peak around and see him sitting there, I stop abruptly. My heart hammers against my chest wildly trying to escape the containing ribs, I suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly trying to let him know it's alright. 'I got this. Just walk. Come on dumb legs, just work!' I scream silently in my head while I bite my lip and curl my toes to remember how to use them.

Aiden looks back at the hall entry way and stands once he sees me hovering in the space,"Are you ready?" he asks and I nod, blushing for getting caught.

"Yeah, I was only trying to remember if I forgot something,"

"Did you?" Aiden asks glancing around. He walks to the rack of hooks hanging on the wall next to the door, he takes my jacket and holds it open for me. I smile at him while I walk and turn around slipping my arms into the extra sleeves, making sure to hold onto the hem of my sleeves so they don't bunch up.

I walk out of the door Aiden opens for us both, starring at the sleak black car I let my eyes drag across its enticing body, I smirk. "How did you afford that car?" I ask and one of his naturally arched eyebrows raises. "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude, but...Wow," I giggle and he flashes another dazzling smile that draws the oxygen from my lungs.

"I'm the son of the founder of this town, and now that I own it I get money from it's profits," he says and I nod, impressed. "Also I have many identities around the world that have acquired money,"

"So in some way, you are the technical mayor here?" I ask, ignoring the false identities and he nods.

"Yes in some way," he responds.

I laugh, "Well look at you Mister Mayor Man," I poke his granite shoulder.

We get into the car and he starts up the bumpy pathway, I grimace,"What's wrong?" Aiden asks braking at the top of the gravel drive.

"Nothing. I was just wondering what this car did to deserve this torture," I tell him which earns me a deep, musical laugh. "Trust me, it's worth it."

After peaceful silence we come to the gates and the twin lions, I marvel at the intricate work put into the crouch, mane and teeth. "What are the lions for?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"My father built this, you would have to ask him," Aiden tells me and a small sick dread fills me.

I swallow the bitter bile that rises in my throat. "Will I meet him? Today I mean." the small wisps turn into small flickers that ignite into flames of nausea.

"No, not today,"

Aiden's words douse my sickness, I take a few inconspicuous, deep breaths to calm my rattled nerves. I settle back into the seat it's soft, warm, black leather, "I love this car," I mumble.

My mouth drops.

Aiden's house is huge, I attempt to count the levels until the roof of the car blocks my sight. I let out a gasp,and get out of the car on my own, much to Aiden's annoyance. "How many floors does this castle have?" I ask, breathless and he chuckles.

"8 or 9,"

"You don't know?!" I look at him like he's crazy, Aiden only shrugs.

"I know it's 178,925 square feet," he admits sheepishly, but my mouth still hangs open.

"You have got to be kidding me, you know the square foot but you don't know the number of floors!" I practically yell at him and I narrow my eyes,"'You do know that's only one foot smaller than that of the Biltmore house, right?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"No, I didn't actually," he says and I scoff. "Come, you must be cold," Aiden says and I just realize that I am shivering. I nod and he leads me to the door and I raise my hand up to touch the metal handle of the knocker that hangs from a plaque screwed on the door. My thumb traces the dips and curves, Aiden takes my hand and squeezes it lightly then lets go to open the heavy door.

It opens up into a large room furnished to look just like the out side, extraordinary and castle-like. Giant framed pictures hang from the walls and pencil thick, red rugs carpet the front room, I gasp, this is only scenery I've seen in history books on medieval kingdoms. Aiden takes me into the next room where it is considerably different, like we had went from kingdoms back into the present.

Then I see a lithe figure all but float into the kitchen, her face lights up, but I have to look up to see her. Surmounting me with at least two inches is a girl with straight blonde hair that flows around her curvy shoulders effortlessly.

Her light eyes light up after a moment's hesitation,"Hi! You're Audrey right? Oh my gosh look at you, you're so pretty!" She squeals and turns on Aiden with a scowl. "Why didn't you bring her yesterday?" she growls and hits him on the shoulder very hard.

"Marie." he warns her and glances at me, the blonde hair flows out in a spiral as she turns back to me with a grin.

"Wait here, I'm going to go get every one," Marie says and turns and runs full sprint leaving with a gust of wind.

Aiden sighs behind me, "I keep telling her, she needs to stop doing that," he says and I turn to face him fully. His warm brown eyes watch me catching every movement I make, under his intense gaze I shift my weight onto each of my feet with a rhythm that has no order.

"Would you like to sit?" Aiden asks and I politely take the offer, he pulls out an oak chair with a cushion.

"Your house is very pret-," I start to say then Marie comes down with two men and a little girl in tow. Both men with black hair and angelic features that they all share in common, they look like twins though one of them has a more superior air about him. The little girl looks to be about 7 or so her hair is a pure, strawberry blonde hair that have wound theirselves into the tightest ringlets I've ever seen, she comes down screaming at the top of her lungs,"Daddy!!" I look to Aiden as he scoops her up from her graceful run to him,"Daddy!" she squeals again and he laughs.

"I told you Annie I'd only be gone for a few minutes," Aiden playfully chides her and she groans.

"But felt like forever.." Annie wails and he gives her a pointed stare and sits her down on the floor.

"Who are you?" she points to me and Marie fills in her question.

"Annie, Jace, Hayden this is Audrey, Aiden's girlfriend," I choke on the air I had been breathing on.

"Um..I'm not his...we're just.." I look to Aiden for help, and Annie giggles.

Though Aiden was in the middle of a mutinous glare,"Marie, this is not a subject for your antics," he growls and I feel like I should say something to help her.

"Well, she didn't know..." then to late I realized that my helping Marie was at my expense, by sounding like more over an idiot.

"Hey Shorty, you remember me?" the one I assume is Hayden winks at me and a small growl comes from behind me, I attempt to ignore it.

"Yeah I remember you, hi-" I say and just as I do someone pulls my hair and I yell out in pain, it felt like something was trying extract my brain stem with my hair. Aiden's hand cradles my head and I hear terrified whimpers come from behind me, I turn to see Annie in Jace's arms looking at me with sad little sapphire eyes, I know if she was able to cry she would be balling right now. My heart tugs ruthlessly,"Hey Annie, it's okay. I'm alright." I hold my arms out for her to be handed over to me, "you didn't mean to hurt me, Annie, I know that. It's alright." I coo at her and she struggles from Jace's embrace to mine.

"I didn't mean it, I promise, I promise," Annie buries her face into my neck her tight, strawberry curls tickle my face.

"I know Sweetheart," I tell her and she giggles then gasps.

"Will you play with me?" Annie begs,"Pleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeee....." knowing she would continue I agree with a deep chuckle behind me.

I turn to face Aiden and smile sweetly at him,"But you know what would be even more fun? If your Daddy came with us." I tell her and she squeals in utter delight.

Annie pouts when he tries to escape play time, Aiden gives into her stare and leads Annie, Marie and me to her room. When Aiden opens the door for us, Annie turns into a coiled spring someone just let go.

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