Shadows in the dark

By MaiaGeesin

90.1K 1.7K 459

This is a mlp fan fiction of Sombra and Twilight sparkle. Sombra returns to Equestria. The Crystal Empire is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Authors Note
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Authors note
Chapter 39 (Finale pt 1)
Chapter 40 (Finale 2/2)

Chapter 29

1.2K 29 5
By MaiaGeesin

There is a part in the Badlands where very few ponies know of; let alone explored much of it. Beyond the ragged and cracked canyons and mountains that dominated the area was grayscale cave entrance. Well hidden from the eyes of wary travelers and thrill seeking explorers hoping to strike it big time. Inside was nothing but pitch, inky blackness where not even the sunlight could pierce through it. An icy cold breeze would blow out from the cave every now and then. Followed by a deep rumble.

Nightmare Moon, formally known as Princess Luna, landed beside Sombra as he changed back into his physical form. An eager smile present on his muzzle as he took the first steps towards the large cave entrance. Through her eyes, it looked to be about the same height as Canterlot Castle itself. She couldn't help but open her mouth slightly in awe. To think a cave like this remained hidden for so long appalled her beyond words.

A blast of cold air blew at them, causing Nightmare Moon to stop and shiver from the icy blast. The cold itself brought chills to her bones. And the rumble that followed soon after didn't help either. She looked over to Sombra, who remained unphased. Intead, he chuckled.

"This is the place." he said in a pleased tone.

"Are you sure you want to go through this?" Nightmare Moon asked softly. "What if they try to kill us?"

"They won't kill us as long as I'm around." Sombra replied bluntly. Not taking his eyes off the cave entrance. "Stay here, and don't say a word. These dragons know a frightened pony when they see one." he warned before walking a bit closer to the cave.

Nightmare Moon could only watch him in dismay. She questioned herself often as to why she joined him to begin with. But then she would remember that her sister was...gone. He had promised her Canterlot as soon as his plan was completed; and Sombra was a stallion of his word.

Sombra stopped mere inches from the cave entrance. Gazing into the never-ending sea of darkness with excitement and admiration at the same time. It shamed him that he couldn't bring his beloved Queen along. But the last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt. Or worse. The beings he was about to speak with can be rather...unpredictable. Which is why he brought Nightmare Moon along. Like him, she knew Dragonic fluently. Speaking Dragonic, along with his bloodline, are possibly the only things that could save them if something does go wrong.

There was another large blast of cold air coming out of the cave. Causing Sombra's cape to blow back. Even the cold air gave him goosebumps. Behind him, Nightmare Moon pressed her dark wings tightly against her armored body as she did her best to withstand the air cold blast. Actually wishing for it to be daylight now.

"They're here." Sombra whispered to himself.

"Wo yin trespasses nau un deylok?" a deep, chilling voice suddenly asked from within the cave.

Nightmare Moon suddenly perked her head up at this and shuddered fearfully for the first time in decades. She looked over to Sombra once more, and was surprised to find him absolutely calm.

"Frolaaz mii, Lot Gein. Mu drey ni meyz wah intrude nau hin himdah." Sombra replied smoothly. Keeping his eyes directly up at the darkness.

There was a brief moment of silence before a large blast of ice cold air erupted from the cave entrance. Followed by a strange, almost distorted roar. Nightmare Moon felt the tiny rocks by her hooves suddenly begin to move as the ground shook.


Sombra smiled when a pair of blazing white eyes suddenly appeared out of the darkness. Sleek and narrow. But what disturbed Nightmare Moon the most was the fact that no irises or pupils were present. The white eyes gazed down at the dark unicorn, who showed not even a hint of fear. Instead he stood rather tall and proud before the creature before him.

"...Vokorasaal..." the creature hissed. "Nid ulfah ko daar feln hasn't kosaan vos wah tinvaak un tinvok ful fluently ruzun oblaan do faal Lot Dragonic Kein."

Sombra smirked slyly. "Zu'u lost tinvaak faal Tinvok do faal Dovah ruzun sul Zu'u vust tinvaak. Dii ragnavir, mindin pah, lost peh usnutiid voth hin eylok." he replied evenly.

The was another moment of silence before before a large, sleek dragon head emerged from the darkness. All pitch black with the exception of his dark gray horns that were curved back, and the pointy spines that ran from his neck, all the way down to his long and sleek tail. Which were still hiding within the cave. There wasn't even a hint of a mouth on his slender muzzle. Not even a thin line. The black dragon titled his head downward so that he and Sombra locked eyes. After a full minute of silence, the dragon spoke.

"...Most impressive." the dragon spoke in the common language. Except it was telepathically rather than physically. His kind, after all, only spoke through telepathy for reasons only they knew.

"Great Wyrm." Sombra said as he bowed deeply. Showing all of the utmost respect he's ever had for anything.

Nightmare Moon was rather shock to find Sombra acting so humble like this. No pony has. But she wisely kept quiet and merely watched from where she was.

Sombra lifted his head up and gazed into the flaming white eyes meekly. He rarely acted humble towards another. But he held great respect for this particular group of dragons, and treated them with honor. "I, King Sombra of the Obsidian Empire, have come for a request." he said. Not breaking eye contact.

The dragons eyes seemed to widen slightly and looked rather surprised when he mentioned "Sombra" and "Obsidian Empire". He then brought his face closer to Sombra until the tip of his snout was inches from his muzzle. Sniffing the dark unicorn lightly before rearing back sharply. Nightmare Moon swallowed fearfully when she saw the dragons pitch black snout suddenly rip apart. A black liquid substance oozed down as he stretched his jaws wider before forming into rows of razor sharp teeth that glinted off of the sunlight.

A loud, distorted roar erupted from the dragon. Causing the earth below their hooves to shake to the point where small cracks were beginning to appear near their hooves. The sharp teeth soon changed back into the same black liquid as the dragon closed his jaws shut once more. Lowering his face back down at the dark unicorn; who remained unphased the entire time.

"Your familiar." the dragon said telepathically. Although his voice sounded a bit softer. "We haven't seen an Obsidian Pony...since the day you prince."

"From what I've heard, my parents died some time after my disappearance." Sombra replied softly. "I ran away from home. I was fed up with my life. I needed to escape, old friend..."

What? Nightmare Moon wanted to ask. All fear she felt was quickly replaced with confusion as she watched the two communicate. What surprised her next was when Sombra suddenly placed his hoof underneath the dragons black snout and, in an act of rare affection towards another other then his Queen and loyal subjects, brought it close enough to press his forehead against it gently. Closing his eyes and exhaling lightly through his nostrils. The dark dragon closed his eyes as well and relaxed.

Sombra smiled darkly. His eyes flashing green while whisps of purple smoke poured from the edges. "Good." he purred. At last. After a thousand years of separation. The Dragons of Eternal Darkness shall unite with the Obsidian Empire in war once more.

In the background, Nightmare Moon shuddered with an unfamiliar sense of cold fear.


Discord could barely remember a time when he lived in absolute peace. Not the chaotic peace he normally created, but real peace. Since the day he was brought up in this cruel world, his life had been filled with nothing but turmoil and, well, chaos. In the beginning, the Draconequus of Equestria only sought to live in peace and harmony with one another. Using their magic for good intentions only. But then the war between dragons occurred.

A group of dragons broken away from the main dragon council to create their own magic and spells. But they tempted with fate, and created dark magic. They were so enthralled with the dark power that they've created, the darkness itself turned them into unholy beings of indescribable horror. Thus the war between dragons began. His kind, the Draconequus, wanted nothing to do with the war. While the dragons of the dragon council respected their decision and left them be, the Dragons of Eternal Darkness saw to it differently by destroying any Draconequus they saw.

Discord had seen the horrors of war and death before his very eyes. And it wasn't a pretty site to see. Seeing Celestia so wounded and mutilated almost beyond recognition brought back memories of when he'd been forced to watch his own mother get tortured to death by the dark dragons while his father lied dead by his side. They didn't stop until she was nothing but an unrecognizable pile of meat and crushed bones.

In the present, he sat on a stool beside the bed Celestia had been placed on. Staring at her with something he hasn't felt towards the alicorn in a very long time: fear. Fear that she wouldn't wake up. That she wouldn't see the light of day ever again. He gently ran a talon from his eagle claw down her cheek in rare affection he hasn't shown in a very long time.

"I never thought I'd see you like this, 'Tia." he said. "I know that once you wake up you're going to kick my ass. And hasn't anypony ever told you that Rainbow Dash could pack quite a punch." he then gently rubbed the cheek where the blue pegasus had punched him. "Tough one, I will admit." The Draconequus turned his attention over to the window beside him. The first few droplets of rain started to hit the glass and run down like teardrops.

"The doctor said that it'll be a long while until you're able to walk again. At least I was able to heal your broken spine and ribs. But..." the Draconequus then closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "'Tia... Do you remember the day I found you and Lulu hiding out in the Bogg just outside of the Everfree Forest? I believe it was the year when ponies were just beginning to arrive at Equestria. Ponyville wasn't even founded at the time. I can't even remember how long ago it was. But I still remember it clear as day. You and Lulu were huddled up together inside this mossy log. Looking all cute and cuddly. To be honest, the last thing I expected to realize is that the two of you were alicorns."

Meanwhile Fluttershy stood outside of the door. Ear pressed against the smooth, cold surface and taking in every detail Discord said. There were times where she just wanted to barge in and ask what the hay he was talking about. But she wasn't that sort of pony. Pinkie Pie would clearly be the one to do that instead of her. Her other ear twitched with curiosity and listened a bit more.

"I will admit that I still think I didn't do anything wrong. A ruler needs to have his fun after all. Besides, you and Lulu enjoyed everything that I did. But that was before puberty kicked in, I guess."

Fluttershy giggled quietly to herself. But did her best to remain quiet. When she saw Discord entering Celestia's room, she got a little concerned and followed suit. To be perfectly honest: she didn't, really, trust Discord a lot. But she did give him the benefit of a doubt when he brought up the six other Elements thing. They were at a loss. Almost all of Canterlot and Ponyville had been destroyed. Princess Celestia was severely wounded to the brink of death. Princess Luna is still nowhere to be found. And their hopes were dwindling into nothing but a mere flicker. The mentioning of the six other Elements were enough to spark her hopes up once more.

"Oh, 'Tia. There are things I've always been wanting to ask you and Lulu. But since Lulu isn't here, and you're asleep, I might as well get them off my chest. And no. They're nothing bad." the Draconequus added in a annoyed tone as though Celestia was awake. "While I was in that horrid stone prison, I sometimes wondered if you and Lulu ever missed me."

Huh? Fluttershy thought as both of her ears perked up in interest.

"I can probably guess that you'd say no. Or ask me what kind of silly thing is that. But don't think I've forgotten, Celestia. I sometimes see you and your sister as the fillies I found in the Bogg all those years ago. I still remember how obsessed you were with the sun while Luna was obsessed with the moon. I always found it difficult to put her to bed." he laughed softly. "But what I remember the most is when you started calling me 'Daddy Discord'."

Daddy Discord? Fluttershy nearly said aloud before she slapped a hoof over her muzzle.

"I still remember all those times I had to tell you and Luna not to call me that, but just Discord. Yet the both of you still called me that even after I told you not to. But I'm starting to regret it. I actually liked it when the both of you called me 'Daddy Discord'. I was proud to have brought up two beautiful alicorn princesses, but I never thought said alicorn princesses would leave me one day. I actually thought the two of you were happy around me. I was the one who helped you scatter those six other Elements you and Lulu found. I helped choose the ones you found necessary to keep. Who would've guessed that the same elements I chose would actually be used to put me to stone..."

There was a brief moment of silence in the room. Other then the rain that was pounding against the window outside. "Also. Hasn't your mother ever told you that it's rude to eavesdrop on a conversation, Fluttershy?" Discord added bluntly.

Fluttershy tensed and backed away from the door slightly. How he found out she was there is something she may never understand. The yellow pegasus shyly pushed open the door and gave him a nervous grin. "H-hello." she said with a hesitant wave.

"Come take a seat beside me, Fluttershy." Discord said before snapping his fingers.

Fluttershy barely had time to react before she suddenly found herself sitting beside the Draconequus on a stool.

"There. That should make things much more easier for us." Discord said approvingly.

Fluttershy flattened her ears against her skull and looked away shamefully. "I'm sorry." she said. "I don't normally do this kind of thing. I was just curious to see why you entered the princess's room."

"It's fine." Discord waved it off casually. "So tell me, Fluttershy. How much have you heard?" he asked.

Fluttershy swallowed nervously. "All of it." she replied. "But is it all true? I mean..."

"Believe it or not, my dear." Discord interrupted, "I'm actually a very bad liar when it comes to making up stories. Everything you heard is the truth. Plus there would be no reason lying to a princess who can't even react to what I'm saying. And I love a good reaction."

Fluttershy giggled quietly to herself. She then looked over to Celestia's sleeping form and a feeling of sorrow overcame her. "Why would Sombra do this to her?" she asked. "I can understand that he's still angry about being imprisoned in ice one thousand years ago. But he didn't have to..."

"I don't know." Discord replied. "I've seen some sick things in my time. Only somepony with a sadistic streak would do this. I just never saw Sombra as the type who would torture somepony physically. When it comes to torture, he loves messing with the mind instead of the body."

"Cadence told me that you've delt with Sombra before. Or that's what you told her." Fluttershy said. "What did you mean by that?"

"Let's just say I've had a run in with Sombra before." Discord replied. "And it didn't end quite well for me..."

Fluttershy's eyes softened when she noticed the hesitant look in Discord's eyes and she gently grabbed his lion paw with her hoof. "What happened?" she asked.

Back at Sombras Castle...

Sombra was rather surprised to have found Twilight lying in their bed fast asleep with a book in her hoof. The king smiled fondly and shook his head before walking up to the sleeping mare and gently took the book out of her hoof.
"Are you okay Twilight?" Sombra asked.

Twilight sniffled. "It's just's just... Does it have to be now?" she whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"We are about to begin a war, Sombra. And I plan on torturing the rest of my "friends". But I don't want to do so with a foal growing in me." she looked up at Sombra with worried eyes. "What if something happens to me? What if something happens to the foal? And I don't want anything to happen to you, either. I want our foal to have both a mother and a father."

"..." Sombra didn't respond at first. His eyes slowly trailed down to her abdomen and gently rubbed it with his hoof fondly. "Nothing will happen to us." he crooned as he pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Which is why you're not going to participate in any battles that'll occur in the future."

Twilight opened her mouth to protest. Only for it to be replaced by a soft sigh when Sombra pressed his mouth against her's in another kiss. He then slowly pulled away and trailed his muzzle down until he rested above her abdomen. Kissing it softly before laying his head on it with a pleased smile. Twilight smiled as all of her worries melted away. She caressed her king's mane as he stayed there. Listening to the tiny heartbeats of their future heir.

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