The Alpha's Elder(manxman)

By zoegland

195K 7.4K 679

To a pack Elders are very important because they are wise, strong and they were very few. To a pack an Alpha... More

chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Eleven

7.6K 336 34
By zoegland

A/N: I know, I know  I have no excuse and am so sorry, I hope you guys haven't forgotten me, thanks for the votes and comment, here's a chapter so pls forgive me.

Eli's POV

   Three days,

That's how long since I saw Carlos last, no text ,no calls, no visit, nothing and our first official date was tonight and I am still not sure if I should go or not.
I will admit the argument with Carlos was all my fault, but it is not easy to be mates with a man ,talk less of one who stole my girlfriend five years ago and being the submissive makes it more hard
  Ugh this is the reason I didn't want a mate all they do is bring drama.

My phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts

"Open the door " A familiar voice said as soon as I picked my phone and didn't even wait for my reply before hanging up,  I sighed.

I got up and went to the door, as soon I unlocked the door, my sister barged in marching straight to the living room.

I sighed again, Liz and her dramatics I wonder who she got it from.

I followed her after I locked the door
As soon as I step in she faced me with a scowl on her face.

"How could you? " she asked ,looking very enraged.
  "What are you talking about " ,I said very confused.
"Why didn't you tell me that you have found your mate " ,she all but screamed.
"Oh" I said deflated.
"Oh, Oh! "she looked very enraged,but she was getting on my own nerves ," you should have told me, Eli am your sister ,your twin, before everyone else I should have -" ,

"Well it doesn't matter now, soon enough there will be nothing to tell " screamed at her cutting her off.

I feel so angry and sad I didn't know that the argument affected me like that. and why is my sight so blurry,  am I crying?  I have never cried before except for the day my mother died. 

I dried my tears and looked at Liz she was looking at me With sympathy I didn't like it, I tried to compose myself .

Liz looked at me " what happened? "

And just like that ,the last restraint on my emotions shattered and the water works began.
I couldn't stop no matter how much I willed myself to, and after 10 whole minutes of crying and Liz looking at me strangely because she knew I never cried, I had finally calm down.

"Are you okay now" she asked

"yes" I sniffed.

"So are you ready to tell me what happened or are you planning on starting the waterworks again" she said jokingly

"shut up" I said playfully and blushing because I was embarrassed.

"So", she prompted, and with that I told her everything that happened between me and Carlos, from our first meeting, to the marking, to the kiss ,to the flowers and how i felt about being the submissive down to our argument,  it felt so good to confide in someone about everything that happened .

"Liz am sorry for not telling you, I just got caught up in the drama and then I forgot" I told her sincerely .

"Well am glad you are sorry but that's by the way, the problem now is what are u going to do?"

"Well am going to just forget that this whole thing ever happened and start researching on ways to get rid of this mark" I said touching my neck.

"what Eli no!,  you can't do that " Liz screeched.
I shrugged "it's not like its going to work out am sure he doesn't want me again, I saw the look on his face when he told me to leave his office, and it wasn't pretty "

Liz sighed " Eli do you miss him? "

"yes, er no ,well maybe a little "

"do you like him? " she asked.

"I don't know, I think I do" I shrugged.

"OK, Eli i think you should go to that date and apologize and try to talk things out, you will be looking so hot so as show him what he will miss out on if he doesn't listen to you "

"and what if he doesn't come? " ,I asked.

"then it is his loss" ,she answered reassuringly.
"come let's go get you dressed or you will be late",she said dragging me along towards my room.


God this was a bad idea .

Why did I come here I blame my sister for all this and I feel very uncomfortable sitting alone at a table for two, waiting for Carlos ,not even sure if he is coming or not .

And damn these pants are tight and it is also my sister's fault.
As I looked up, I see Carlos making his way to my table, my breath hitched, if I ever doubted his beauty, well all doubts has forever been cancelled.

"sorry am late, car broke down" he said as he sat down.

He looked at me "you look amazing " he said with a smile that was not quite reaching his eyes.

I flushed at his words, "well I tried my best "I replied truthfully.

He looked at me trying to figure out what I was hinting at.

"I wasn't sure if you would come, thanks for coming" I told him

"well am surprised you came after last time"his said
I blinked at his biting tone.

"Carlos am so sorry, I may have felt like that before, but I came here today because I wanted to not because I had no choice, I want us to start afresh and work towards this relationship together. I am sorry" I said trying to sound as sincere as I felt.

"okay am all for starting afresh " Carlos said smiling .

I smiled back.

Then the waiter came to take our orders.

"so what do you want to eat? ",I asked Carlos

"you mean apart from you? ",he smirked.

I could feel my face heat up.

He chuckled and leaned forward

"cute " ,he whispered.
And turned to waiter to give order.
This man will be the death of me


The dinner went great we talked, we got to know more about each other,I found out we both like country music, and sharp objects. After we were done, we paid the bill and got up to leave.

As we stood in front of the restaurant waiting for the valet to bring my car over.
A voice broke the calm and comfortable silence that hung over us, as we kept stealing glances from each other.

"Carlos?", said the voice coming from someone I thought I will never see again.

The girl who broke my heart, my ex girlfriend,
the girl who dumped me for Carlos , his ex-girlfriend.

"Annie! ", Carlos exclaimed, smiling like he won the lottery.


A/N: I want to thank you guys for being patient.

You know the drill, vote and comment thanks

Love you 😘

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