Fixing Her

By michelledicorroway

515K 14.7K 6.7K

Finished; September 13th 2019 #10 abuse #10 teenfiction #8 stepdad #6 hope #3 badboys #3 broken #1 esca... More

Fixing Her
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXX
Chapter XXXXI
Chapter XXXXII
Chapter XXXXIV
Chapter XXXXV
Chapter XXXXVI
Chapter XXXXIX
Chapter XXXXX
Epilogue (C. XXXXXI)
~ The Future ~
~ Q&A ~
~ The Future II ~

Chapter XXXIX

6.6K 206 154
By michelledicorroway

This chapter will contain a graphic sexual assault / r@p£ and psychological torture, which I completely understand might and will trigger some of my readers. Therefore, you will be asked to stop reading when reaching a row of •~•. Another row of similar symbols will signal the end of the scene.
xx Michelle

We went to our last checkup a few hours ago and according to them, I'm fine. Apparently the one month away from all the drama and trouble was good for both of us since it didn't upset me and didn't make Landon's blood (literally) boil. I've recovered fully but Landon has some relaxation to do, something he snorted and rolled his eyes at.

"Can't you go and annoy Elaine instead?" he mocks when Isaac tells him he's stupid for not taking his state seriously.

"Oh sugar," Elaine says and leans towards Isaac who throws an arm around her.

After the setup Parker fixed for the two of them, they got together after Isaac explained he did like Mia but stopped a few months ago. Kissing Mia wasn't his plan and he wanted to talk to her, but then Colton showed up and yeah. It was a lot of information to take in, but everyone was glad when the two solved their issues. "You're like a puppy threatening a lion."

"He's not a lion, he's a skunk," Dylan exclaims.

"I'm, the lion." She winks and smirks before stepping inside the house.

John's votes have been increasing like crazy the past weeks, just like my heartbeat and the boys' anger. They've been glaring at the TV when John's been interviewed or whatever, and Elaine almost threw a pot at it when John thought he might introduce his son to America, someone America described as a lovely young man. I was sick.

The boys haven't asked one question at all since we came back a month ago, and I find it relieving since I really don't want to and don't know what to answer their questions with.

With the linguistic essays coming up the next weeks, Mrs Fernandez has been our teacher. We've stuffed ourselves with all kinds of Spanish and Mexican food while she's taught us Spanish, French and Russian. That woman is least to say amazing, especially since I've passed my oral test in French with a B+. Now I've got my hearing, reading and writing tests left, things I find a bit more disturbing.

Kaitlyn's coming in next week, and I'm bubbling more and more for each second that goes since it shows on Dylan he's nervous as well. When I told him she's coming over he started shifting and touching his neck uncontrollably, as if he was standing on lava, and I just laughed and walked away. Least to say, he was embarrassed, begging me not to tell Kaitlyn.

"I'll open!" Thomas shouts when the doorbell rings, jumping up from the couch and heading to open for Iona whom he invited over for a McFail marathon. It's their reward to themselves for surviving two tests. No one complained. "Get the fuck out! I'll fucking kill you!"

The boys are quick to jump into the hall, me following them and seeing Noah and his shadows standing there, each of them pointing a gun at the boys.

My tears stream down as Isaac protectively pulls me behind him. He holds my hand from and even though I don't see anything except his back, I still continue crying. The boys are cursing and threatening but Noah's just waiting. He's waiting for the storm. He's gonna awake a storm as soon as the boys are done. The heart that's beating in my throat and the sweaty, shaking hands that are desperately holding on to Isaac's are just the calm before Noah's storm.

"Sshhhhhhh," he says, his voice just as always smooth and intimidating, cutting through my body. "Guys, I'm here for a reunion. You all know our love story, so what's the point in denying it?"

"You don't fucking t-," Landon screams before I see Dylan pull him back.

"Great Dylan, finally someone helpful here."

"What?" Parker asks. "What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"I want what you've taken from me," Noah simply explains. Isaac's grip around my hand tightens; they all know what he's talking about. I'm dead. "I want my doll."

I see violent movements from my left, knowing it's Landon, as Dylan holds him back from behind with one arm over his mouth.

"I'll cut your fucking tongue off if you don't get the fuck out," Isaac threatens. "I swear I will."

"You see who's in charge, don't you? Look, you can either make this easy for yourselves, or hard. That's how nice I am. Choose, my friends. Either you give me my doll, or I'll take her."

"Over my fucking dead body you fucking piece of shit!" Landon screams as Dylan continues pulling him back.

"Is that a challenge? We should be then, what do you say? One last fight. I'm not sure you can pay me on the other side though."

My head is exploding, that's how much it hurts to hold back my sobs.

For how long was I expecting I could hide from the governor's son? For how long did I think I was safe? Not even my safety, not even these boys, are safe. How am I? I'm the one who dragged Noah with me to Phoenix, I'm the reason he's back in Landon's and the boys' lives now six years later, and what now? I'm hiding behind Isaac who just like everyone else has a gun pointed at his chest.

"If you get close to her I swear to that God above you won't leave this house in even thousand pieces, you hear me?! I'll make fucking sure not even God can find your pieces, don't you even fucking dare-"

"I'm tired boys, separate them. We've got a long night."

"Noah," Elaine's voice is heard. "Don't. Leave her alone, leave us alone. We won't go to the cops, just get out of our fucking lives Noah."

"Shame sissy, we could've been really good friends."

He snaps his fingers and a shadow is soon yanking my screaming body away from Isaac's embrace. I'm holding onto his waist for dear life and his grip around me isn't loosing either.

"No!" I scream, opening my eyes when Isaac's our of my reach. "No! Isaac! Isaac please! Don't let me go! Please! Isaac! No! No! Leave me alone!"

I kick and scream and hit with everything I've got when I'm carried away from a fighting Isaac who's trying to get to me as he screams my name. I don't feel my heart, I just feel the panic that's feeding my actions, hoping I'll be released and free to spend the upcoming hours in silence and loneliness.

"Let me go!" I shriek. "Leave me alone! Let me go!"

"Shut up," I hear his piercing cold voice say before he slaps me across the room.

Parker's room, the closest one.

Sexual Assault / r@p€

"You know," he says and kneels down beside me the second his biggest shadow locks the door. "It kinda turns me on. Seeing you all wild and..."

His eyes go dark. He swallows and strokes my hair and when I try jumping aside, he drags it. "And also the fact that you're my cousin's girlfriend. Small world, isn't it? In Minneapolis you were my doll, in Phoenix you're his. You know what we call people like you? Whores. I hope you used a condom though, I don't want his STD's."

I dig my nails into the carpet, wondering what he's done to the boys and Elaine. "Tell me. Should I be prepared? STD or not? Answer me."

"No," I cry out.

"No what? No STD or no protection?"

Am I really gonna say this? Am I really gonna put my hope in this? Am I gonna bring myself to answer this in hope that he'll leave me alone?


I force myself to look into his disgusting eyes, hold my tears the best I can, and then, as if it doesn't bother me at all, say, "No protection."

"Oh really?"

He starts laughing. He gets up and continues laughing as if I just told him a joke. He then comes back and shoves me down on the floor. Everything in my body cries out in panic. I hit his chest as he leans over me and shake my head as I scream no after no after no, but all for no use. He grabs my hips and kisses my neck as tears rain from my eyes. I continue screaming and begging, but when he undoes the bottom of my jeans, I freeze. I give up. I wait for everything that he's gonna do that'll ruin all the progress I've made from my first day.

I really believed in being safe around the boys, but apparently not. They're downstairs, facing God knows what, as I'm here, facing my nightmares. It's not their fault, the opposite actually. They gave me things I thought I'd never believe in again, they gave me everything I lost.

Everything, but with one exception.

They gave me trust, love, safety, family, friendship, joy, and they gave me all their patience. I can never repay a second of one day that I've been with them, not to mention every trouble I've caused.

He places one hand inside the back of my jeans and puts the other one on my breast, squeezing with both of them so hard I wanna scream in pain, but I don't. I just let tears continue their path from my eyes to my cheeks as he does whatever he wants.

"Get out Charles," he says suddenly, blowing away the fog I wished would continue surrounding me until this would end. "I've got plans. Come on. Tell Bill to bring up my cousin."


At the mention of his name, how weak I even am right now, I bring myself to look up. I forget myself, him being the only thing on my mind.

"Please," I beg. "Leave him alone."

"Oh no doll, this is where the fun begins."

Landon's thrown inside the room. When his tears and fearful eyes meet mine, he stumbles over to me, hugging me so tightly I forget I'm supposed to hate this. Not more than a second later, my tears flood down, my arms locking tightly around his neck in an attempt to keep him close.

"Please don't leave," I beg in his ear, my voice a few octaves higher. My tears are wetting his face and neck and my hands are grasping new parts of his back every time, as if I'm searching for something that's gonna end this. "Don't leave me, don't let him do this. You promised me, you promised."

"I know," he says and grabs my face in both hands instead. I tightly grab his wrists as he strokes my cheeks. "I know, I know baby, I know. I promised, I swore he wouldn't get close to you, I'm sorry."

"Earth to Jack and Rose?" Noah's voice calls. "Helloo?"

He pulls me to his chest and starts talking in my ear. I close my eyes in an attempt to shut Noah's voice out, to only take in Landon's, but it doesn't work. Nothing works, nothing numbs the pain in my body and heart and soul and mind and nothing makes any of it go away.

"Don't listen to him, we'll solve this, I'm not leaving you. I'm here, I won't go, ignore him. Listen to me, focus on me, ignore him okay? I love you, it's gonna end, he's not getting away."

He doesn't tell me nothing's gonna happen. He says we'll solve it, it's gonna end, he won't get away. He means after everything that's gonna happen. He doesn't wanna give me false promises.

"Oh my fucking goodness how annoying you two are. Charles!"

"No!" I scream when Landon's ripped away from me.

"Let me go!" he screams and violently tries shaking Noah's shadow off. "Let me fucking go you fucking asshole!"

"Shut up," Noah exclaims. I back away to the wall when he starts talking, wishing I'll be devoured by the white color of it, invisible to Noah. "I've got a deal. Either, you'll fuck her right here and I'll watch you two lovebirds, or I'll do it myself."

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Landon screams, his face looking like the transformation of a human to a werewolf, the exact same furious look on it. All his veins look like they're about to pop any second and all his skin is red by anger. "Let me get my hands on you I swear you're gonna wish you were never born! I'll fucking kill you Noah!"

I'm silently sobbing in my corner as Noah rolls his eyes.

"You know what? You're unbelievably rude today Landon, so I'm taking my deal back. I'll just do it myself. Here I thought you'd be useful. Fuck I was wrong man. What was it that you used to say? That she was yours to fix? That's adorable, but you know what? Instead of focusing on her, you should think about how to fix the fucking mess you've put yourself and your friends in. Get him out of here Charles."

"No!" I shriek as Noah's shadow starts dragging away a violent and cursing Landon out of the room. "No, don't! Come back! Please!"

If you don't wanna read further, this is where you stop. It'll be over in short and I'll tell you when that is. To the rest of you, .....

Noah grabs my arms and pins me to the floor as he rips off both my shirt and my jeans. I'm kicking and hitting and screaming, but it doesn't make any difference.

I never understood how he was so much stronger than me. Not even my adrenaline and panic is enough to save me, but to be fair, I've lost pretty much all my energy after one and a half year.

Why is this something that I have to put up with? I believe in an existent God up there, why are You doing this to me? What did I do? Why aren't You just ending it? I was willing to die, why didn't You just let me die if this wasn't going to end? Why? Why me?

He manages to keep me down as he takes off his own jeans. He kisses all the skin between my neck and my southern area, and how much I try zoning away, creating another fog around me, it seems like the dimension I wanna escape to only had a one time ticket; I can't. I feel everything he does to me. I feel the movements of his lips and tongue on and in my body. I feel it all, but yet, I can't move.

I feel how he forces his fingers through me, causing an indescribable pain to spread throughout my whole body each second he continues.

I feel another wave of pain, an unbearable one, when he forces himself inside me, throwing his head back and then showing me his dark eyes.

"Oh fuck you're tight but fuck do I love it," he says and moans. He continues doing everything he wants, and I don't know how much time that passes, but all I know is that I really continued telling myself that he can't take my virginity from me even after all forty six times he tried, but now, the forty seventh time, the one that hurt the most no matter what I've said in the past, I know I've lost it. That's how much he did and forced my paralyzed body to do.

"Fuck that felt good," he sighs when he gets up, pulling his jeans back on and dragging a hand through his hair "I hope though, when you eventually let him dig his way into you, you'll use protection. As if I'll believe you'll let him touch you. You only want me, your body only craves me. You've adjusted to me. He can't even dream about making you feel like I do."

And with that, he's gone.

Psychological Torture.

He walks down, being met by the boys that try getting past the gun holding shadows.

"You really haven't tasted her?" he asks. "I thought you'd do that, you know, giving the fact you're you."

"What have you done to her?" the green eyed one cries. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"It's time to leave boys. Mr Fernandez is about to fix his broken girlfriend."

With the guns still pointed at Her devastated friends, the shadows one by one leave the house. In the speed of light, the torn boys have made their way to the room She's in.

He hits the door open and is met by Her bleeding body, Her teary eyes, Her pale skin, and Her broken look.

Her bestie, the always happy, smiling one, falls to his knees, screaming in the air as tears flood the room. He's red, his fists continuingly hitting the wooden floor until his hands are bleeding.

The tough one, the poker faced trouble on two legs, is holding himself up by the frame of the door, his eyes blinking million times in a second, his lips parting, and his legs soon giving in to the weight of guilt that was put on his shoulder when She was ripped out of his embrace. His eyes go black and he collapses onto the ground when he one last time brings himself to look at Her.

The logical one, the one always following what his mind tells him, can't control his own thoughts this time. They're screaming louder than his friend on the floor. His head and body are aching, forcing up the few things in his stomach and spreading a burning pain throughout him.

The girl tougher than all of them together runs down again, holding her hand over her face after falling down the last steps of the stairs as she sobs and screams her feelings out.

The controlled dad is pulling his hair, mumbling for himself and hyperventilating, until his eyes fall down to his devastated friend that's watching his girlfriend. He hides a few of his emotions in order to be able to control the friends he's always been responsible for.

"D-Dylan," he stutters. "C-c-call an ambulance. T-Thomas wake is-Isaac up an-and get out of here. Come on."

He swallows and shoves them out of the door, acting as if he isn't affected at all, when in reality, he feels like a failure. Like he failed Her. He's responsible for Her, how could he let this happen to Her? He was supposed to protect Her, like the older brother, the dad, he always has been. 'L-L-Landon," he says and grabs the sheet on his bed, throwing it on Her body.

The green eyed one forgets all the expectations and masks he until now had lived with. She was his to fix, he promised to Her. He swore it wouldn't happen ever again.

"P-p-Parker," he stutters out from his trembling lips and turns his bleeding gaze to his brother. "I can't. I can't!"

He starts sobbing loudly, his friend falling down beside him and pulling him into a safe hug. "I can't! I couldn't, I can't!"

His brother shuts his eyes as he tightens his grip around the green eyed mess. How? After everything, how was this able to happen? How could it happen? How couldn't they save Her? Fix Her? How couldn't he fix Her?

His heart is bursting over and over again in his chest, and yet, he wants it to hurt more. He wants it to numb the torture his brother is trying to protect him from. "I couldn't Parker, I couldn't!"

"We need to get out of here okay?" he says and swallows the tears and lumps and stuttering in an attempt of creating the illusion of his usual leader-self. "Go on, pick her up and let's leave."

None of them want anything more than to just hold Her to their chest and never let Her go, but yet, none of them can bring themselves to touch Her either. They try passing the responsibility to the other one. As if touching Her will make it millions of times more painful, millions of times worse than it already is. "Can you do it?"

Even though he doesn't even want to be near Her, Parker still makes the torture of holding Her a choice, not a must.

The only answer he gets is the tired and broken shaking against his chest. A no.

"I'll do it," they both hear as intimidated steps close in on them. They sigh heavily as her bestie kneels down and tucks in the sheet fully around Her and picks Her up, hesitating before taking a few steps.


As he walks down the stairs with a responsibility bigger than their sorrow and fear combined, the ambulance arrives, rushing Her inside the as the police shove all of them inside cars.

"We'll interrogate you and after that you're free to leave," the woman driving says.

"No," the green eyed one cries in the back. "No, drive to the hospital. Please. I can't leave her, please."

"I'm sorry, I know you're worried, but there's nothing I can do."

"We've got the right," Isaac tells her. "You can't interrogate us like this, we've got the right to some time to get ourselves together before you take us in."

"That's true, but not in a case like this. That girl isn't a normal case, we can't risk letting you go. You're five boys in that house and-"

"And what?" Dylan snaps at her. "You wanna claim we did it? Fuck you."

"Watch what you're saying young man," her colleague says. "We can take you into custody for disrespecting an officer."

"The case doesn't fucking matter!" Isaac screams. "We've got our rights."

"I'm sorry, these are our orders. We'll let you leave as soon as you've been questioned."

"Please," the green eyed one begs and leans forward, between the two officers in the front. His voice isn't cracked, it's broken. His eyes are bleeding tears and he's completely ruined, inside and out. "Please, she can't be left alone. What if he shows up? What if he's there and I'm not? I can't leave her, please just take me to the hospital. Please, I'm begging you. I'll walk to the department myself as soon as she wakes up, I'll tell you everything you wanna know, please just let me go to her."

His last words are mixed with his sobs, ones he hasn't exposed ever since the day his father was killed.

"Take the rest of us," Dylan says. Even though he wants nothing more than to be there with Her, he knows no one needs to see Her more than his brother. "But please let him go. He needs to see her, she can't be alone when she wakes up. He'll come back, you don't know him, I swear he will. Just let him go, please."

The two officers glance at each other before letting their hearts win.

"Martin," the man says in his phone. "This is Kingston, pull over."

Seconds later the two police cars have stopped in the middle of the road, the man and the green eyed boy getting inside the other car.

"The hospital," the man says.

This time, She's over.

I completely loathe this chapter, but it was needed. We're almost ten chapters away from the end, and I hope it'll be worth it.

One day late, but this chapter was really important and needed more time, so yeah, thanks for understanding.

What'll happen now?

Don't forget to


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