By soulfulstiles

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{DYLAN O'BRIEN} {SOCIAL MEDIA FIC} On-screen, Liv Mason and Dylan O'Brien have natural chemistry. Playing chi... More

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autocomplete interview 33

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By soulfulstiles

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

DYLAN: Hey everyone, I'm Dylan O'Brien! {looks to his left}

OLIVIA: {waves to the camera} I'm Liv Mason!

TYLER: {throws up a piece sign} And I'm Tyler Posey!

DYLAN: Right! And today we are doing the WIRED... {motions to Olivia}

OLIVIA: Autocomplete...

TYLER: {shouts} Interview!

Autocomplete suggests the most common searches on the internet


DYLAN: {scrunching up his nose} Why on earth is that you're go-to dance move?

TYLER: {brushes him off with a dramatic wave} You wouldn't understand, Dyl-Pickle!

{both boys start to bicker}

OLIVIA: {rolls eyes before looking at camera} Kill me y'all, I'm begging you.


So WIRED sat the cast of the hit drama, Teen Wolf, down to answer some of the internet's burning questions


OLIVIA: {accepts a board from the assistant with a smile} Thank you very much! {looks down at it} Looks like we're starting with you Posey!

TYLER: Oh dear.

DYLAN: {rips off first strip of tape} Oh it's sticky! {waves his hand spastically to get it off} Someone help me!

OLIVIA: {calmly leans over and takes it off while balancing the board in her hand}

DYLAN: {smiles at her while Tyler reads off the question}

TYLER: Does Tyler Posey do his own stunts? {grins at camera} I do!

OLIVIA: {raises eyebrows} So...are we gonna pretend that David doesn't exist?

TYLER: {corrects himself and sighs} I do most of my own stunts. David steps in when know, gets thrown into a cabinet or through a wall.

DYLAN: {Rips off next one and cringes} God I hate the sound it makes, anyways, 'Does Tyler Posey brush his teeth?'

TYLER: {talks over Olivia and Dylan's laughter} Of course I brush my teeth don't be ridiculous! {leans over Dylan, who is still laughing in his hand, to rip off next piece} 'Does Tyler Posey cry?' Every damn day y'all. Next question.

OLIVIA: {giggling as she held the board for Dylan} That's such a mood. 'Can Tyler Posey dance?' {snorts} Define dancing.

TYLER: {jaw drops open} Excuse me, Olive!"

DYLAN: She's right, bro. You don't really dance, you kinda just do this {starts to wiggle his arms and torso}

TYLER: {defensive} I do not just shimmy! I have amazing moves! {sees the look exchanged between Dylan and Olivia} Pfft, you're just jealous. {looks in camera to announce} I can dance, don't listen to them—they're just haters!


TYLER: {steals the board handed to Dylan} No, I'm holding Olive's! You can rip off the tape.

DYLAN: Ugh, fine. {reads with squinted eyes} 'What is Liv Mason's full name?' {gets excited} I know it! {looks at Tyler} You know it too, right?

TYLER: {rolls eyes, acting annoyed} Of course I know her full name. Might I remind you she was my best friend first!

OLIVIA: {amused} So do you want to say it or can I? {laughs as Tyler waves his hand, motioning for her dramatically to answer before glancing at the camera} As these two dorks know, my full name is Olivia Brooke Mason. But I prefer to go by Liv. {looks to the boys} Unless you're them. They call me weird names.

DYLAN: 'Is Liv Mason...Canadian?' {blinks as Tyler starts to chuckle} I'm sorry, what?

OLIVIA: {looks into camera lens with scrunched nose} Am I Canadian? No, I'm not. I'm very much American. {turns her head to glance between the boys} Do I look Canadian or something?

TYLER: I don't think it's possible to look Canadian. But I'm not sure, are you a fan of mice and maple syrup? That might have something to do with it.

DYLAN: Did you just say mice?

TYLER: Yeah, why?

DYLAN: {glances at Olivia, who is cracking up} Did you mean moose? Because...mice is not the plural of moose. Mice is plural for mouse.

TYLER: Then what's plural for moose? Mooses?

OLIVIA: {still laughing slightly} I'm...I'm pretty sure it's just moose, Ty.

TYLER: No way! There has to be a word for it!


DYLAN: 'Can Liv Mason sing?'

OLIVIA: {speaks up before he can answer} No, I cannot. Moving on—

DYLAN AND TYLER: {yell together} Liar!

OLIVIA: {startled by their volume} Geez, Louise! I cannot, now moving on to the next—

DYLAN: {announces loudly while looking straight at the camera} Livie sings really, really well! She just doesn't like other people hearing her. Unless it's me. Or Tyler. Because we're her favorites.

TYLER: {nods his head} It's true! Her go-to song is anything from Beauty and the Beast.

OLIVIA: {groans and buries face in hands, mumbling} I hate you both so much.

DYLAN AND TYLER: {once again in-sync} No, you don't.

DYLAN: {goes onto next question} 'Does Liv Mason...have a dog?'

OLIVIA: {brightens and lifts head} No, but I want one! Oh my gosh, I got to play with the cutest puppies just yesterday. I was ready
to take all three home with me.

TYLER: Dylan and I were extremely jealous. {Dylan nods in agreement as he rips off the tape to the last question on the board} 'Is Liv Mason...single?'

{Olivia purses lips and Dylan releases a sigh while Tyler clears his throat.}

TYLER: {speaks up} Why is it that this question always pops up? {looks at Dylan and Olivia} You guys know what I mean, right? Every celebrity gets asked this question.

DYLAN: {leans back in chair and glances at Olivia} I think it's because humans are just naturally nosy. Especially when it comes to, like, personal relationships. Everyone wants to know the inside scoop.

OLIVIA: {nods in agreement} Yeah, it kind of bugs me but then sometimes I catch myself doing the same thing with other celebrities I know. So...I can't really get upset about people asking when I ask people too. To answer the question though— {Dylan noticeably freezes uncomfortably} I am not single. However some things in my life I like to keep personal, so I'm not saying anything else. {discreetly looks at Dylan to see if he was fine with her answer and smiled softly when he had to bite back his own grin}

TYLER: Well, Olive, we're done with you! {dramatically throws the board behind the chairs} Onto Dylan!


DYLAN: {accepts the next board while Olivia rips off tape} 'Can Dylan O'Brien...

OLIVIA: {finishes the question} ...cook?' {smiles at camera} Yes he can! He makes some of the best waffles, I swear.

TYLER: His chicken cutlets are amazing too!

DYLAN: {blushing and pretending to be modest} Guys, stop it!

TYLER: {shrugs} Fine, we'll stop. {rips off tape} 'Can Dylan O'Brien sing?'


OLIVIA: No. {sees his offended face} I'm sorry, but... do I need to bring up the Let It Go incident? Because you—

DYLAN: {immediately leans over and covers her mouth with his hand} Unfortunately that's all of that story you'll ever hear. Moving on—Ty, you wanna do it?

TYLER: {nods & rips tape} Sure, buddy. 'Is Dylan O'Brien... on Snapchat?'

DYLAN: {snorts} Absolutely not. Twitter and Instagram are it for me, guys. Snapchat is too weird.

OLIVIA: {smirks at him} You're saying that as if I don't have a whole collection of pictures saved to my account of you using all the filters.

TYLER: {in a announcer voice with a pretend microphone} Guess who just got b-b-b-busted!? {rips off final strip on board} 'Is Dylan O' the Maze Runner?'

DYLAN: {smiles proudly and looks towards the camera} I am in the Maze Runner! I play Thomas, a kid who just arrived in the Maze alongside other teenage boys and a girl played by Kaya Scodelario. They have to figure out how to escape and yeah, {glances between the pair} it's pretty awesome.

OLIVIA: And it's out...{motions for Dylan to finish}

DYLAN: {catches on and grins} It's out in theaters September of this year!

TYLER: {matches Dylan's enthusiasm and points at camera} Go see his movie this fall and watch him die!

DYLAN: {gasps} Tyler!

OLIVIA: Dude, why you gotta spoil the ending like that?


OLIVIA: {accepting new board} Oh, this one of for Sierra! That's cool!

DYLAN: Here, you hold and I'll rip. {reads question} 'Is Sierra Page...human?'

TYLER: She thought she was!

OLIVIA: {nods in agreement} Yeah but then Peter had to be a jerk and activate her powers early. {looks at camera to explain properly} Sierra is an empath, meaning she can manipulate the energy around her and kick butt with it.

DYLAN: Why'd you say she was a normal empath? You know she's—{Tyler elbows him in the gut} Ow!

OLIVIA: {glares at Dylan too} I said what the show has shown, Dyl.

TYLER: Yeah. It's not like we want to give away one of the coolest moments in Teen Wolf history.

DYLAN: {chuckles nervously} Haha, oops. Never mind then. {turns back to board in Liv's hand} 'Is Sierra Page a werewolf?'


TYLER: {leans over Dylan to rip off tape} 'Does Sierra Page date Stiles?'

DYLAN: Before we answer that...what episode premiered last?

OLIVIA: I don't think it matters. They dated at the end of season two.

DYLAN: Yeah, I guess so. They were pretty happy too until someone's character {playfully glares at Olivia} had to go to Tennessee!

TYLER: {nods head in agreement} Seriously. That girl ruined my OTP.

OLIVIA: Hey, she needed to work on her powers! Plus everyone needs to visit their grandmother every once and a while. {looks at Tyler} But, awe. Stiles and Sierra are your OTP?

TYLER: It's not like you all give me a choice! You guys are just too cute, like when you two hug for the first time...I melted.

DYLAN: {glances between Olivia and camera lens in concern} I think...T-Pose, you're way too invested in a fake relationship.

TYLER: But it's not fake! {realizes mistake and adds} To me. Or to our audience. Hashtag Stierra for life.

OLIVIA: {quickly changes topic and rips tape off to next question} 'Does Sierra Page...die?' Eh probably. If not this season probably the next. Who knows.

DYLAN: {laughs} Nice answer, Livie. {mocks her by shrugging his shoulders} Yeah she's dead. Life was just too short, you know?

{Olivia and Tyler start to chuckle}


TYLER: {answers first question with board in Dylan's hands} 'Does Scott McCall...kill Allison?' What the heck kind of question is that? No! No he doesn't!

OLIVIA: Actually on our show you knows. There's a lot of killing...maiming and death. Maybe Scott finally snapped.

DYLAN: {agrees} It would be pretty cool to see Scott go all crazy. And plus, haven't you ever wanted to play a villain?

TYLER: Maybe one day but not as Scott. I don't want him to be corrupted.

OLIVIA: {acting innocent though she knows her and Dylan turn evil in the new season} I think it'd be interesting to see our characters deal with a friend being evil. Like, how do you even defeat that?

DYLAN: {shrugs} Beats me. Next question! {rips tape} 'Is Scott McCall dating Sierra?'


OLIVIA: {scrunches nose before declaring} Thank God they're not! I couldn't handle kissing you, bro. That's too weird.

DYLAN: Stiles would hate Sierra and Scott if they dated. He's too protective of his string bean to let another man take her away.

TYLER: {snorts} Yeah; just think back to season one. Stiles thought Sierra kissed Scott and freaked out about it.

OLIVIA: Let's just be glad our show completely eliminated the possibility of there being a love triangle. No offense to shows who have them, but I just get annoyed. You know?

TYLER: {smirking at Dylan} Yeah, plus I think Dyl enjoys having you all to himself.

DYLAN: {rolls eyes but feels his cheeks heat up} Let's move on. 'Does Scott McCall...have a secret handshake?'

OLIVIA: {looks confused} I don't think that's a complete question. Because I know Scott and Sierra fist bump a lot but I don't think it's really a secret handshake.

TYLER: If he does have a secret handshake, it would be between him, Sierra and Stiles. Not to brag, but we're kind of an iconic trio.

DYLAN: I think that qualifies as bragging, dude.

TYLER: {looks at him, offended} I'm sorry, do you disagree with my statement?

DYLAN: Well, no—

OLIVIA: {interrupts before they start to bicker and rips off tape} 'Is Scott McCall...Cuban?

TYLER: No, he isn't. But since I am from Mexican descent— thank you, Mama— that makes Scott part Mexican too.

DYLAN: 'Does Scott McCall...{rips rest of tape} bite someone?'

OLIVIA: {finds the perfect segway to make the boys laugh} I don't know. But you can find out by watching the show Friday's at eight on MTV!


TYLER: Moving onto the last board! {rips tape} 'Does Stiles Stilinski...kiss Sierra Page?'

DYLAN: {smirks as Olivia rolls her eyes, and declares} Yes. Yes he does. Multiple times, actually. Are you a referencing a specific moment or—

OLIVIA: Alright, smart ass, they get it. We've kissed. Move on.

TYLER: Wait, don't listen to her, Dyl! Don't move on. The fans need to know— compared to other on-screen loves you had, Sierra is the best, right?

OLIVIA: {raises eyebrows} That wasn't the question on the board, Ty.

TYLER: {shrugs} But it's the one I want him to answer.

{Olivia mimicks his expression before they both turn to Dylan expectantly}

DYLAN: {with dramatic flare} Of course, Olivia is the best! {lowers voice to a loud whisper and hold up and to 'block' her from hearing} Mostly because Olivia's the only on-screen love I've had.

OLIVIA: {obviously hears him and smacks his arm while he cracks up} Hey, watch your mouth! I happen to be an awesome girlfriend on-screen thank you. {flips hair over shoulder} You should feel lucky I let you kiss me.

DYLAN: {wraps arm around back of her chair} Oh, you know I'm teasing, Livie. I'm honored that my character and your character kiss. {smirks at camera again, making Tyler laugh} Like a I said before, we do kiss. A lot.

OLIVIA: {sighs and shakes her head} Gee whiz. Tyler, what's the next question?

TYLER: {pouts} But I like this question!

OLIVIA: And he answered it. Next question please.

TYLER: {huffs} Fine. {rips tape and reads} 'How did Dylan O'Brien... got famous?' {blinks before looking at the other two} Did I read that right?

DYLAN: {waves hand} Eh. It doesn't matter. The internet is full of improper grammar.

OLIVIA: {reads question for herself m, except stumbles} How did Bylan O'Brien— woah. That's not right. {widens eyes as the boys burst out laughing, and joins in} Man I just butchered that.

DYLAN: {jokingly} What're you talking about? You said my name perfectly. Bylan O'Brien. How did I got famous?

TYLER: {still chucking} By playing Biles Bilinski.

{the trio loses it, Olivia leaning on Dylan so she didn't fall out of her chair}


OLIVIA: {still giggling} Alright, only two more to go! {watches Tyler rip the tape} 'Does Stiles Stilinski...stay human?' {looks at boys to answer}

DYLAN: {acts nonchalant and glances at Tyler} Maybe he does; maybe he doesn't. How are we supposed to know?

TYLER: {nods} Yeah, we don't know anything. For all we know we all die this season. {glances down at the board} Last question guys!

OLIVIA: Bring it, Tyler.

DYLAN: {echoes her} Yeah, bring it! Peel back that tape!

TYLER: And the question is...{rips tape} 'Does Stiles like Sierra?'

DYLAN: No he doesn't. {notices the weird expressions crossing Tyler and Olivia's faces} Guys,
come on! He doesn't like her. He loves her.

OLIVIA: {chuckles} Dude, I had no idea where you were going that. I was really confused at first.

TYLER: Me too. Cause everyone who watches Teen Wolf knows Stiles and Sierra...they're like, endgame.

DYLAN: {smiles at Olivia} Man, I sure hope so.


OLIVIA: {waves at camera despite holding a board in her hands} Thanks for watching everyone!

DYLAN: {holding a board as well} We hoped you enjoyed this video!

TYLER: If not...{glances at his friends unsurely} I'm sorry?

OLIVIA: {stifles a laugh before mocking him} Even if you didn't, we don't really care because we had fun.

DYLAN: And now you get to enjoy us trying to break these boards!


{Tyler attempts to smash the board in half with his hands, Dylan dramatically yells and throws it behind him while Olivia kicks hers with her foot}


ALL THREE: Subscribe to this channel!

OLIVIA: {smiles kindly, holding two thumbs up} And make sure you watch Teen Wolf! I promise you're not gonna wanna miss it!

-•-End Of Interview-•-

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