Banana Bus Squad Preferences

By Coffee-Addict-020

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Yay another preference about a few of my favorite youtubers aka The Banana Bus Squad. VanossGaming (Evan F... More

How You Met-
First Date-
Phone Contacts-
Best Friend-
How You Sleep/Cuddle-
Favorite Place To Kiss-
Nervous/Bad Habit-
Who He's Jealous Of-
Who You're Jealous Of-
His Turn On's-
Your Turn On's-
They Caught You Singing-
Lazy Days-
Little Quirks He Likes-
On Your Period-
Mental Health Issues?-
Mental Health PT 2, Story Line-
They Slap Your Butt-
Height Differences-
What You Steal Of His-
He's/You're Sick-
What He Loves Seeing You In-
He Finds Out You're Ticklish-
When You Play with His Hair-
Dinner Dates-
When He Protects Your Innocents-
What He Does When You Cry-
Baking Together-
When You're Injured-
You Make Them Blush-
They Make You Blush-
When You Have A Disability-

How They Ask You Out-

841 12 3
By Coffee-Addict-020

*This one took a long ass time so enjoy!*

VanossGaming (Evan Fong)-

It was another day where you had to pretend to be okay, and pretend to smile and laugh and have fun with Evan. It was another day you had to ignore the pain in your chest, the butterflies in your stomach and the heat rising in your cheeks.

Everytime you were near Evan it hurt you and you felt like you could cry and you didn't know why but it just hurts knowing you can't be more than friends. You and Evan were playing videogames and after you finished playing you just couldn't do it so you excused yourself outside on the verge of a panic attack.

You clenched your fists, trembled and sighed as tears fell from your face. You covered your face and chuckled sadly "pathetic, pathetic" you stated, "Hey are you okay?" You heard Evan ask, you looked at him and smiled and nodded "Uh y-yea I'm fine j-just needed air" You said and smiled even tho tears were falling but at this point you were just about to explode.

Evan came up to you and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "What's wrong?" He asked, you smiled and sniffled "N-nothing" You said as you were about to run inside and hide in your room but Evan grabbed your hand and pulled you in a hug.

You tensed up as you felt the tears welled up, you were going to explode, you could feel it by your heart racing, "Y/N what's wrong? You know you can tell me" Evan said, you pulled away and just screamed and you didn't care,

"I'M UPSET BECAUSE I FUCKING LIKE YOU EVAN AND I HAVE EVER SINCE WE MET AND IT HURTS BEING NEAR YOU BECAUSE I KNOW YOU DON'T FEEL THE SAME AND I'M SORRY IF THIS RUINS THINGS BETWEEN US BUT I CAN'T HELP HOW I FEEL AND-" You started to scream and cry but Evan stopped you by smashing his lips against yours, you gasped a bit but soon relaxed and kissed back.

The kiss was short but passionate, Evan pulled away and chuckled a little "you're a dork you know that?" he asked cupping your cheeks and wiping you tears away, your face flushed and you didn't know what to say, "I've always liked you too why do you think I flirt with you all the time?" Evan questioned, you blushed shyly and smiled "I just thought you always did that to girls" You whispered,

Evan chuckled "I only flirt with you and only you hummingbird" Evan said, you blushed and smiled as it got quiet for a moment, "So Y/N will you go out with me?" Evan asked you smiled and nodded which made Evan smile as he kissed you again and boy did you love it.

Daithi De Nogla (David Nagle)-

You've liked him ever since you met him and you've been falling hard ever since and now since Brian and David hang out all the time at mine and Brian's place it's getting harder and harder to hide your feelings about it so you've pretty much avoided him as much as possible...basically you've just locked yourself in your room until Brian and David were done hanging out and you really only left to go get food or to the bathroom...

However...David didn't like that and Brian was just confused yet he didn't know what to do and neither did David but the truth was David liked you too but he thought it would be awkward cause It's his best friends sister but considering you're both adults you can date whoever the hell you want and well David wasn't going to let Brian stop him from asking you out.

He headed up to your room and knocked on your door. You sighed knowing it was one of the just hoped it wasn't David. You hopped off your bed and went and answered and it was none other than David. Your heart pounded, your stomach swirled and your face flushed with guilt and embarrassment,

"Can I come in?" David asked, you sighed and nodded you let him in your room. You sat on your bed as David sat next to you. It was awkwardly quiet for a moment "Can I ask ya something?" David asked, you just nodded, scared to talk and speak up because you didn't know what to say, "Are you avoidin' me?" He asked,

You sighed and looked at your lap but nodded a bit, "Why?" He asked softly if not sounding hurt, you looked up to see pleading yet hurtful eyes, you felt like a terrible person but at this point you had to let everything out,

"Because I like ya David but we can't do this...Brian won't like this and I don't want things to be awkward and I know ya don't like me back but I thought that if I avoided ya the feelings would go away but they didn't and I don't know what to do and I can't keep them in anymore and-" You started to just ramble and express everything, but David cut you off by cupping your cheek and gently pressing his lips against yours.

Your eyes widen as you were caught by surprise, but you fluttered your eyes closed and kissed back. The kiss was short but passionate and lingering. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours "who says I don't like ya back?" David asked smirking slightly,

You chuckled a little and sighed "but what about Brian?" you asked, "We're both adults who can do and date whoever and I want to date you and only you" David said, you blushed and smiled a little "I want to date you too" You said which made David chuckle a bit as he kissed you once again cause you both enjoyed it.

I Am Wildcat (Tyler Wine)-

You don't know what to do because Marcel FORBIDS you to date any of his friends cause it's awkward to him and you have tried so very hard to hide your feelings about Tyler but it's hard, it's so very hard to not love his smile, his laugh, his hurts and it sucks knowing that you can't have him.

You don't want Marcel to be angry at you and Tyler and you know for sure Tyler doesn't even like you that way and that's what hurts the most...So you've locked your feelings away and kinda started to snap at people when they asked you what's wrong or if you're okay because you weren't okay.

Simone was the opposite of Marcel, she knew you liked Tyler and she's fine with it and Marcel will be Marcel, you know he's just a protective older brother but you can't deny your feelings for who you like so she said if you like Tyler then go for it and well, fuck Marcel, you're doing it and you don't fucking care.

You texted Tyler one day asking if you and him could meet somewhere and he said sure. So you told Marcel and Simone you went for a walk and you headed to the nearest Café which is where you told Tyler to meet you.

You know he doesn't like you but at this point you're just done hiding your feelings so you don't care anymore, you need to tell him how you feel. So when you got to the café, Tyler was there waiting with 2 things of coffee, you felt your heart race and face flush which made you smile and roll your eyes.

You headed over and sat across from him which made him smile as he handed you a coffee. You thanked him which made him smile "so what's up? Are you okay N/N?" (nickname) You sighed as you bounced your leg a bit anxiously, "No I'm not okay" you stated, Tyler furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "well what's wrong?" he asked, you sighed "Just promise whatever happens it won't change anything between us?" You asked, fearing that this will ruin your friendship.

Tyler just looked more confused but he nodded "I like you Tyler, alot but Marcel forbids me to date any of our friends but I can't deny my feelings for you. I know you don't feel the same way but I don't fucking care anymore, I needed to get this out so if this ruins anything then I'm sorry but that's just how I feel" you finally let out and boy did it feel good.

Tyler didn't say anything for a moment, you felt like the world was over and you felt like crying. Tyler looked down and chuckled which made you confused "Oh you silly silly Cunningham" Tyler stated; you were still confused which made him laugh as he scooted to your side of the booth.

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your head "I like you too ya big dummy" he said, your eyes widen as your heart and stomach exploded with confusion but relief, you didn't know what to say so you just sipped your coffee in silence,

"How about we go out this weekend?" He asked, you looked up at him and smiled and nodded but then frowned for a second "But what about Marcel?" You whispered, he rolled his eyes "fuck him, he can't stop either of us from seeing each other and we're both adults and can date whoever, if he has a problem with it, then it's his fault" Tyler said, you chuckled a little and nodded and you both stayed at the café and talked for a bit.

H20Delirious (Jonathan Dennis)-

But the think about ADHD is you're about to explode and you just have to tell him cause it's eating you alive and it could happen any moment now so if you get it out now, you'll feel so much better. You were currently lying on your bed fiddling with your teddy bear Jonathan got you. You chewed on your lips not wanting to tell Jon the truth but it's literally eating you alive and your ADHD is going batshit crazy.

You frowned and braced for what's gonna happen. You got out of bed gripping your teddy bear tightly. You headed to Jonathan's room hoping he wasn't recording. You knocked on the door with your heart pounding from your chest,

"Come in!" He shouted, you took a few deep shaky breaths and sighed as you walked in seeing Jon on his computer, he looked at you and smiled "hey Teddy Bear, what's up?" he asked, he always calls you teddy bear and random nicknames like that, you blushed and smiled "Are you busy?" You asked,

"I'm never busy for you Teddy bear, what's up?" He asked, you sighed and gripped your teddy bear tightly, "I-I have something to tell you" you stuttered, Jon looked at me for a second then looked away thinking of something and sighed, "I actually have something to tell you too" he said,

My eyes furrowed a bit then widen...was he going to say the same thing? "O-okay h-how about we say it at the same time then?" I suggested, Jon smiled nervously and nodded "3, 2, 1 I like you!" We both shouted,

Both our eyes widen as we blushed a bit and smiled, I let out a relieved sigh "thank goodness" I whispered making Jon chuckle as he got up from his seat and came over to me, "Now that's over how about we go out tomorrow?" Jon asked wrapping his arms around me,

I bit my lip slightly, blushed, smiled and nodded which made Jon smile as he kissed my forehead "that was literally eating my ADHD alive" I admitted, Jon chuckled a little which made me smile and relax finally in his arms.

BigJigglyPanda (Anthony Brown)-

You loved his smile, his laugh, his jokes, you loved him more than a friend but the thing haven't met in person before, it's always been thru discord/Skype and while playing videogames and the thing is...he doesn't know what you look like because of your ED you wanted to keep your face a secret until you were ready to show the world and you've always fears about social media and you never really used it because of the fears and hate comments of it.

But since you started youtube you thought it was amazing and you could hide your face and still be likable, same with Social media so that's why you mainly posted like nature, or outfit pics cause you weren't ready to show your face...but Anthony on the other hand wanted to see you IRL.

You both lived in the same state and you were currently in your room editing videos when you got a text from Anthony. You blushed and smiled each time you got a text from him,

Panda= Hey Foxy! What are you up to?

He always called you foxy cause you love foxes and cause of your YouTube name, you loved calling him Panda cause of his YouTube name,

Foxy= Hey Panda! Nothing much just finishing up some editing what about you?

Panda= Cool, Cool, same here. Say can I ask you a question?

Foxy= Of course! Anything 😊

Panda= You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable with it but I was wondering if you wanted to hang IRL, maybe go to a café and talk for a bit? If you want of course, if not I understand.

Your eyes widen as your face flushed and heart pounded, you didn't think he would ask you but you've been friends for a long while now and still till this day he hasn't seen what you look like. You thought for a moment and smiled were ready, plus you wanted to see Anthony irl wanted to tell him how you felt about him. You took a deep breath and texted back

Foxy= I would love to Panda 😊

Panda= Really? Great. Meet me at (Random Address) in like an hour?

Foxy= Will do. See you then!

Panda= See ya!

You couldn't help but blush and were really doing this and this time you weren't backing out. You were confident enough and you were brave enough. You tried not to think about the bad things that might happen because you don't know if you don't try and right now, you're trying.

You hopped out of bed, took a quick shower, dressed in something decently cute and made sure you looked decent and headed out to the address Anthony sent you to meet him.

Getting closer to your destination, your face was flustered, your heart was racing and your stomach was turning, you kept telling yourself that things will be fine and nothing will go wrong but what if something does? Shaking your head from the thoughts you kept on going.

When you got to the café, you headed in and looked around for Anthony. Once you saw him in a booth by the corner, you smiled as you headed up to him "Panda" You said, he looked up at you and smiled widely, he stood up which he was a lot taller in person compared to you "Foxy" He said,

You smiled and nodded which made him smile as he embraced you in a tight but gentle hug, you smiled and hugged him back just as gentle but tight, you could hear his racing heart beat in your ears as your head rested against his chest. His arms were around your waist as he held you close "it's so good to finally see you" He said, you giggled a bit "yea, you too" you said as you finally pulled away from the hug but not letting your arms fall from their places.

His hands remained on your waist and yours remained around his neck, you both looked at each other and just blushed and smiled. Anthony brought a hand to your cheek and stroked it "you're even beautiful in person" he whispered, you put a hand ontop of his and blushed "Anthony" you whispered, he didn't say anything but press his lips against yours which made your eyes widen a bit but soon relax and kissed him back and boy was it enjoyable and you loved every second of it.

He pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours "I guess it's late to say I like you a lot?" You asked, he chuckled a bit "a little, but I like you a lot too" he stated which made you blush and smile a bit, "so now that the truth's out how about we go out?" Anthony asked, you blushed and giggled "I'd love to" You said which made him smile and you immediately just started your date.

TheGamingTerroriser (Brian Hanby)-

But your feelings for Brian are strong and they have been ever since your Brother David introduced you two but you know you can never have him knowing he's your brother's best friend and knowing he doesn't like you back and that shit sucks.

But evertime Brian came over, you would just not stop thinking about him and being distracted by him, you would stare off into space and sometimes look at him for too long and the boys seemed to notice and did your brother, Brian just thought it was cute cause you had a small smile on your face along with a blush...but little did he know he caused it.

David knew something was up and that you ADD was acting up he just didn't know what until he noticed everytime Brian talked, made a joke, did an impression or even just smiled it brought a smile and blush upon your face and that's when he knew about what you were finally distracted about.

He smiled softly and sighed as he waited to talk to you alone. When you managed to stop being in a daydream you headed up to your room to clear your mind. You flopped on your bed with a long sigh and covered your red flushing face.

When Brian and David were finished with videos, David decided to confront both Brian and his sister, "Hey Brian can I ask ya somethin?" David asked, "Yea, what's up?" he asked "I ya to be honest with me. Do ya like my sister?" David asked, Brian's eyes widen as a small blush appeared on his face. Brian scratched the back of his neck with embarrassment "is that a bad thing?" Brian asked,

David sighed but smiled "of course not, if you like her then ya have my blessing to date her but ya gotta treat her right and be aware of her ADD" David mentioned, Brian's eyes widen "r-really?" Brian asked a bit in disbelief, David chuckled a bit and pat his shoulder "Of course man, I can see it in her eyes that she likes you a lot and I can tell by your facial expressions you like her so go date her, make her happy" David said,

Brian smiled and thanked him which made David smile and nod as he headed up to his sisters room. He knocked on the door "come in" she said, he walked in to see her lying on her bed, he smiled and sat on the edge of her bed "you okay?" He asked,

You sighed "Yea, just getting distracted" you said, David smirked a bit "By Brian?" He asked, your eyes widen as you looked at David with confusion "I know you like him" he mentioned, you now looked embarrassed, David chuckled a bit "don't worry, ya have permission to date him, I don't mind, I think you'd be a perfect couple" He mentioned,

You blushed and smiled "if ya want to date him then ya have my blessing" David said, you blushed and smiled as you embraced your brother in a hug "thank you" you said, he just smiled and hugged you back.

After a while Brian was gonna head home but he wanted to ask you out before he left so while saying bye, David 'went' to the kitchen leaving the both of you alone. You both blushed and smiled shyly "C-can I ask ya something Y/N?" Brian asked,

You blushed and nodded which made him smile "Will ya go out with me?" he asked, you blushed furiously but smiled and nodded which made him smile "Cool, okay, how's tomorrow night?" He asked, she giggled a little "sounds perfect" you said which made him smile as he headed out of the house leaving you flustered.

FourZer0Seven (Scott Youker)-

You needed a walk to clear your mins so you told Evan you would be at the park for a bit which made him nod and told you to be back soon but as soon as you left Evan had something else planned.

He knew you had a crush on Scotty and that Scotty had a crush on you, it was plainly obvious coming your blushing, giggling and smiling, Scotty's smiling, slight blushing and countless of flirty comments and the fact that he's never cursed towards her once...

Plus Evan is her brother afterall and he can tell when his little sister likes someone and well he had just the plan to get those two together and well Evan didn't mind cause all he wanted was to see his little sister happy and if being with Scotty makes her happy then he's supportive of it.

Evan texted Scotty to come over so he could ask him something which made Scotty confused but he said he would be over soon. Evan smirked as he finished editing his videos and headed downstairs to wait for Scotty. When he came over, he was confused "What did you want me over for that you couldn't text me about?" Scotty asked,

"I know you like my sister" He stated, Scotty's eyes widen as he blushed with embarrassment "I uh, I don't know what you're talking about" he said and played it off like Evan was crazy, Evan laughed "dude fess up, i'm fine with you liking her" he said,

Scotty sighed in relief "oh thank god, okay, fine I like her" He said, Evan laughed a bit "good now go ask her out" He said, Scotty's eyes widen with confusion "Huh?" He asked, Evan sighed and rolled his eyes "Listen, she's at the park and I want you to go and ask her out since neither of you will do it anytime soon so I'm giving you both a push" Evan stated,

Scotty scratched the back of his neck "are you sure you're okay with this?" He asked, Evan smiled and put a hand on Scotty's shoulder "of course, you make my sister happy and I want her to be happy and if being with you makes her happy then I'll accept that" Evan said,

Scotty smiled and nodded as he headed out to the park where Y/N was. When Scotty got there, he saw her sitting at a bench by a pond, looking at the little fishes and ducks that were in it. He smiled and just admired her for a moment, Scotty thought she was just so beautiful.

He took a few deep breaths and headed over to you "H-Hey Y/N" Scotty said to you, You jumped a bit and looked at him with shock "Oh H-Hey Scotty, I didn't see you there" you said, He just smiled and took a seat next to you "So what's up?" You asked,

Scotty rubbed the back of his head and took a deep breath "I just wanted to stop by and ask if you would go out with me" Scotty said, your eyes widen as your face flushed, you blinked a few times and tried to just comprehend what just happened "Y/N?" Scotty asked, you shook you head a bit and smiled softly "I-I would love to" You said, Scotty smiled a little and nodded "Cool s-so how's tonight?" he asked,

You giggled a little and smiled at his nervousness "Sounds great Scott" you said, he just smiled and nodded as he got up and left leaving you all rolled your eyes knowing Evan did something...guess you'll have to thank him later for the push.

BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham)- There's only certain things you should be careful about and crushing on one of your brothers friends is one of them. You have had a crush on Marcel ever since your brother Scotty introduced you to each other and well you've been hiding it ever since and it fucking sucks and it hurts because you probably can't have him and he probably doesn't like you like that and because of your issues the thoughts sure were loud so you were going crazy.

You were currently in your room pacing back and forth talking to yourself or to the shadows you see around your room (Mentioned disorders at the end of the book just fwi if you're confused) "What do I do? What do I do? I mean I like him right it's not just you guys fucking with my emotions?" I asked out loud as you heard more voices in your head and around you,

You sighed and rubbed your face "but how do I know it's not you? You guys fuck with me all the time?" You asked the shadows again "I guess you're right but what do I do? I can't tell him nor Scotty...I'm fucking crazy and mental for fucks sake there's no way he'll ever like me" You said, "If I tell them then what?" I asked "there's no way, there's just no way" you said and grit your teeth with anger and stress.

You gripped your head and fell to the floor trying to stop the voices from talking but they wouldn't shut up. You screamed and didn't know who heard cause the voices were so loud you couldn't even hear yourself scream...

You felt someone hold you, which was either your brother or Chrissy, you gasped and looked seeing it was your Brother and Chrissy was by the door. He hugged you tightly as you trembled and hugged back, he shushed you and rubbed your head and back while rocking you back and forth.

Chrissy came up and sat across from you guys and hummed softly which normally helped calm you down. You looked around seeing the shadows and voices went away for now, you relaxed and took a few deep breaths and sighed as Scotty pried you off him and cupped your cheeks and looked at you with worry "are you okay?" he asked, you sighed and shook your head "the voices won't stop, I'm going crazy Scotty" you whispered hoarsely,

"What happened?" Chrissy asked, you sighed "I-I like Marcel okay? And I'm going crazy thinking that he doesn't like me back because who would? I'm fucking crazy and I didn't want things to be awkward between you guys and him if he did or didn't like me back and I don't know what to do" You poured your heart out to them and just didn't care anymore,

Scotty and Chrissy smiled a little and sighed "Y/N if it's driving you crazy just tell him how you feel. I'm okay with you liking him if it makes you happy" Scotty said, your eyes widen as you looked at him with confusion "A-are you sure?" you asked,

Scotty chuckled a little and nodded "I just want you to be happy and if he makes you happy then go for it" he said, you looked at Chrissy who smiled and nodded which made you smile as you hugged them both "thank you, thank you" you said, they chuckled and nodded and hugged you back as you got up, grabbed your phone and with the confidence booster from Scott and Chrissy you texted Marcel to meet you at a nearby café to ask him something and he said he'll meet you there soon.

When you got to the café, you were nervous yet you needed to tell Marcel cause it was just eating you alive and worst case scenario is he doesn't like you and you remain friends which you're not sure how mentally or emotionally broken you'll be but it's better to tell the truth then hold it in and let your monsters eat you alive so it's all or nothing...

When Marcel got to the café, he walked in and saw you sitting in one of the booths. Your leg was bouncing like crazy and you were humming as well which was a bad habit or yours. Marcel smiled at you and sat across from you which made you blush and smile "Sup pretty girl what did you want to ask me?" He asked smirking,

You looked at him with confusion and you had a gut feeling that he already knew but you took a few deep breaths and nodded "I like you, like a lot and I was afraid to tell you incase you didn't like me back and now that I'm saying this outloud you probably don't like me back but I needed to get this out cause I was going crazy but-" you get cut off by Marcel smashing his lips against yours.

You squeaked with surprise but soon relaxed and kissed back which made him smile in the kiss. He pulled away and smirked as you fluttered your eyes open and blushed furiously "I uh" you didn't know what to say, Marcel chuckled a bit "I kinda knew that you liked me, plus Scotty kinda already told me" he said, you furrowed your eyebrows a bit angrily at Scotty making Marcel chuckle again "Don't worry, I like you too ya know which is why I kissed you" Marcel said,

You just blushed and smiled shyly "So what do you say pretty girl. You, me, date tomorrow night?" Marcel asked, you giggled a little and nodded which made Marcel smirk a bit "good, see you then. Dress casual" he said winking at you as he got up and left you at the café all flustered...well that just happened.

Moo Snuckel (Brock Barrus)- It's one thing to have a crush, but to have a crush that'll probably never like you back? Yea that shit sucks. Ever since becoming Marcel's bestie, he introduced you to his friends which then you became friends with and ever since you've developed a crush on none other than Brock Barrus and well you've hid your feelings ever since and it not only sucks but it fucking hurts because he'll only ever think of you as a good friend...

Being Marcel's bestie of course you brag and brag and brag about Brock all the time to him about how cute and funny he was and how much you loved his smile, laugh, his jokes just his everything and well Marcel was getting kinda tired of it cause he would always to tell you to tell him but you couldn't knowing he wouldn't like you back and Marcel loves you tho and decided to give the both of you a little push.

You were outback chilling by the pool cause your brain was just boy crazy about Brock. Marcel saw you chillin and smirked as he invited Brock over to chill which he said he would be over soon.

When Brock was over, he didn't know where Marcel was but he saw someone out back and decided go out there assuming it was Marcel, but he headed outside seeing you, his eyes widen as he blushed a bit "O-oh h-hey Y/N" Brock said, you gasped a bit and looked up seeing Brock "O-oh hey Brock, I didn't see you there" You said, Brock scratched the back of his neck shyly,

"What are you doing here?" You asked, "oh Marcel invited me over for some reason, have you seen him?" He asked, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion then sighed as you realized what he's doing, you giggled and rolled your eyes, "him and Simone went to the store so you're stuck with me, come sit" you said and patted the spot next to you on the ground by the pool,

He chuckled a little and nodded as he went and sat by you "how are you?" He asked, "stressed but I'm good how about you?" You asked, "I'm good too, why are you stressed?" He asked, you sighed a bit "just thinking too much" you said and shrugged a bit.

Brock brushed a strand of hair out of your face and put his finger under your chin and lifted it up to make you look at him. You blushed furiously as Brock smiled a little "about what?" He whispered, you blinked a few times and didn't know what to say "uh I" you totally didn't know what to say,

Brock chuckled a bit "You're beautiful you know that" He whispered as his face got closer to yours, you blushed and smiled a little "You're pretty fine yourself" you said back and smirked a little, "Mhh is that so? Well how about we go out tomorrow night?" He asked,

Your eyes widen a bit as you blushed and smiled "You got yourself a deal Mr. Brock" You whispered which made him smile as he gently pressed his lips against your which made you smile and kiss back, "WOOH HOT DAMN, I KNEW IT WOULD WORK!" You and Brock heard Marcel shout which made you both jump back and blush with embarrassment, I glared at him "I knew you planned this all along" I stated, Marcel smirked "you both needed the push, plus I was getting tired of your hormonal ass being all whiny about how much you wanna fuck Brock" He said,

Your eyes widen as your face flushed with embarrassment "MARCEL!!" You shouted, he laughed and walked away which made you huff and look away from Brock "I did not say that shit by the way" you stated, he laughed and grabbed your chin and made you look at him again "But you talk about me huh?" he asked smirking, you rolled your eyes and nodded which Brock chuckle as he kissed you least he's taking you out so you felt a lot better.


(6161 Words)

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