Naruto of the Rinnegan


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Armed with the Rinnegan Naruto bides his time before returning to the underworld to bring the Uzumaki clan ba... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

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After tending to their injured the two Satan's along with their people disappeared from the battlefield. Ajuka and Serafall reappeared in the war room to see their fellow leaders waiting for them. Dusting themselves off quickly they took their seats.

"What happened?" Sirzechs asked seeing the light bruises on their faces.

"Naruto Uzumaki and Grimmjow Jeagerjaques led the attack. They had about a hundred or more members there with them. Grimmjow fought against me while Naruto led Serafall away." Ajuka started "They're stronger than we thought. Grimmjow, though more of a brute strength fighter is smart. He knew about my Kankara formula, rather than backing down he released more power knowing that I couldn't control that." He explained.

"Interesting." Falbium said "How strong would you say he is exactly? As of right now, he's listed as a triple S rank criminal so we know he's strong."

Ajuka stared down at the table thinking for a second before replying "At the very least he's high ultimate class if the drastic increase in power I felt from him was any indication. He has a high battle IQ, immense stamina, and large magical reserves. Triple S isn't enough." He says raising the eyebrows of his colleagues.

It had been many years since someone had attained a triple S rank status, and for someone to require something higher was rare. "I think it would be wise not to allow anyone other than ourselves, and perhaps even Daihauser to face him. I would give him an X class flees on sight ranking." Ajuka finishes.

"Naruto Uzumaki also has a high battle IQ. He used many different techniques as distractions to try and set me up. He has a technique that allows him to hit you without even being near you. You can feel it but you can't sense it coming." She explains. Ajuka was going through the different possibilities of how this was possible.

"He can use water, fire, and electricity-based techniques. His physical strength is also very high." She continued.

Sirzechs nodded in agreement "He must be if he can order someone like Grimmjow around. What's the status of Abaddon and the devils that went with you?" He asked.

"It's bad, in both cases." Replied Ajuka. "While we were held up fighting with the two leaders the rest of his men seemingly went on a rampage. We lost one hundred twenty whereas they probably lost thirty." He finished

"The plants that help create our medicine were mostly destroyed in the crossfire." Serafall added, "From what I could see before my battle with Uzumaki there were blasts being shot in all directions."

"So what do you make of this?" Asked Falbium "The month hasn't passed yet and he's already attacked one of our territories." He looked at his fellow leaders with the most seriousness they hadn't seen from him.

"It's most likely a message." Deduced Ajuka "He's showing the underworld he's not messing around and he wants his demands me."

Sirzechs crossed his arms and sat back slightly "So a demonstration of power. He targeted a crucial spot and proved he could get away with it." He said and sighed "This is getting out of hand, the chances of this being resolved without violence continues to decrease." He says.

"Even though we have a month I think it's safe to say our minds are made up then." Said Falbium. They all turned to him. "We might as well prepare ourselves for a full-scale war. Tsk. I was hoping this meeting with the other factions would lead to peace and we end up with another war." He finished angrily.

"Looks like it." Serafall said uncharacteristically serious "I hoped Uzumaki could be reasoned with but now thousands of young devils are going to witness war as we had to grow up. Perhaps even worse. In any case, we'll have to discuss this with all of the clans, let them know what's coming."

"What about the young devils themselves?" Ajuka asked. "With the exception of Riser, they'll most likely want to participate." He said it was true. Some of the devils from this generation were eager for a fight. Zephyrdor being one of them.

Falbium being the head of the military answered. "At this point, only three of the devils will be useful. Diodora, Sairaorg, and Riser regardless of whether he wants to or not. To not do so would be treason. The others don't have the magical capability, they'd be killed quickly." He says.

"Very well, we'll discuss the details of the clans within the week," Sirzechs said as he stood up. Seeing that the meeting was done the others did the same. In seconds the room was empty.

Meanwhile, at the Sitri compound, another meeting was going to begin.

The heiress of the Sitri clan and younger sister to the current Leviathan was sitting in her room going over what Naruto had said to her. The elders were the cause for all of this and yet the Satans either chose to ignore it or were ignorant that they were in the wrong.

Those same elders were the ones that set people up in marriage contracts, kicked their own family out for not having a family trait. Sairaorg was a good example of that, he was kicked out for not having the Bael power. They laughed at her dream knowing she was dead serious. Perhaps her parents would be able to give her a better explanation for this. She walked to her father's study where she knew her mother would also be at this time.

She passed by multiple maids and butlers that bowed as she passed by. Stopping at the door she knocked until she was granted access.

"Sona, what can we do for you?" Her mother asked happy to see her daughter. Pushing her glasses up she replies.

"I'd like to speak to you both. It's rather important." She says. She noticed their demeanor change, probably worried as she hardly came to them like this. Her father ushered her to a seat in front of him.

"What's on your mind Sona?" Lord Sitri asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki" She states. Her parents quickly glance at each other before turning back to her.

"What about him?" His mother asks, wondering where this conversation was going.

"We're at the brink of war. From what was said at the last meeting all he wants in order for this to cease is the elders in charge of his family's death. I'm wondering why we don't hand them over." She says. She sees her father open his mouth, most likely to repeat what was said at the meeting, and raises a hand to stop him.

"They pressured you into getting me into a marriage contract. They've laughed at me every time I try and push my school idea, they encouraged Lord Bael to remove his son from the family for not inheriting his power, and the most important one, they're the reason this war is about to happen.

Even Diodora and Riser agreed that they should be handed over, so why isn't it taken into consideration?" She asked, hoping they had some reasonable response. She was disappointed.

"Sona, even though they're no longer as strong physically they still hold enormous influence in the devil community. It would be chaos without them." Her mother says hoping she would understand.

"Mom, we as devils may not be the kindest of species but don't you think what they did should have some sort of consequences for them? They were afraid that the Uzumaki would become powerful and wiped them out. Ironically enough the only survivor of their little genocide turned out to be the most dangerous. They're the reason why thousands of our people are going to be killed." She said, her calm facade cracking ever so slightly.

"Four lives in exchange for thousands. Why is that so hard to understand?" She finished. Not a word was said for a few minutes, she used this time to regain her composure and noticed her parents had been staring at her with an unrecognizable look on their faces.

"Sona..." Began her mother "are you taking his side in this?" She asked slowly.

"I just want a logical explanation as to why this war hasn't been averted yet." She answered easily dodging the question. Her answer wasn't a lie anyways.

Luckily for all of them, Lord Sitri was alerted that he had someone waiting to have a meeting with him and had to end the conversation. Seeing the dismissal, Sona stood up said her goodbyes and headed back to her room.

On the way back she couldn't help but be disappointed. Her parents couldn't give her a proper answer either. She wondered why when she remembered the words Naruto had told her the last time she spoke to him. "Trust me when I say this, you may not feel the negative effects of the Satan's because you're from the family of one of the four, but some of the other clans aren't too pleased."

"This is what he was talking about." She said to herself quietly. Her family had a large say in what happens in the underworld. They aren't 'as' negatively affected by decisions made by Satan's as other clans are.

The Sitri, Gremory, Astaroth, Glasya-labolas, all of them must believe that everyone is fine with the status quo of the underworld when the reality is that it's far from fine. Even without Naruto being the catalyst that set it off, she was sure someday other families would have had enough.

She opened her room and stared out the window overlooking the mountain range. "We're being led into a war we can't win." She said. The loss of life is going to be grand she realized.

A sudden thought came to her mind, and she felt guilty for even having it but it was possibly her only way out. "I need to talk to Naruto." With that, she activated her magical circle and disappeared.

Back in Nagasaki Naruto was sitting with his peerage discussing the attack. "I think we got the message across." He says after eating a piece of sushi.

"I told you I'd let you have your fight with a Satan Grimmjow." He says to his blue-haired friend.

"You did. It'll be a lot more fun at full power though, after that little skirmish I'm positive I can beat him." He says "Green haired bastard doesn't know what's coming to him." He adds and grins.

"Do you think this little skirmish will convince the Satan's to hand over the elders to us?" Asked Doni from another couch. He was answered by the former Quincy.

"I doubt it." He said lazily from his spot. "Rather than handing them over they're probably gonna start gearing up for war." He added. No one spoke as they noticed the blue Sitri crest appear on the floor. The entirety of the gathered peerage stood up and took their food someplace else, knowing that whatever she wanted had nothing to do with them.

When she appeared she noticed everyone was leaving the room. However, Naruto made no sign to show he was leaving. Once the last person was out he spoke.

"Hello Sona-chan, what can I do for you?" He asked happily.

"Hello, Naruto-kun." She greeted remembering to add the 'kun' suffix to his name as a part of their chess bet. "I was wondering if that offer you made to me was still valid." She said surprising him.

He wasn't expecting her to take it considering how she was trying to find flaws in his goal. "Of course." He replied, "You and your family can get a compound in Silbern immediately." He told her.

"No. Not my family." She said causing him to frown in confusion "Just me and my peerage." Now that threw him for a loop.

"They don't see the harm that's being caused." She added seeing his confused face "All I ask is that when the time comes to fight please don't kill me, family." She pleads.

"I know that you'll cross paths with them soon. Most likely with my sister, but please don't kill them." She repeats, she looked to be on the verge of tears. It was only through sheer willpower that she managed to contain them.

Not wanting to see that happen Naruto stood up and approached her. She made no effort to move when he wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer to him. "I promise they won't be killed," he tells her reassuringly. They stayed standing for a minute before sitting down on the couch he was previously occupying.

With her still in his arms, he asked "Who knows you're doing this?" Referring to her joining his side.

"No one." She says "I'm going to tell my peerage after this, I hope they understand the situation." She tells him. Naruto nods and they fall into silence. Deciding that the atmosphere was too gloomy he stood up.

"Hey, I have an idea." He said, "Let's forget all about this for a little while and go out." She frowned in confusion.

"Right now? There's a war about to..." she's cut off as he took her hand and began leading her outside. As they passed by the other room Naruto stopped to talk to someone she remembered seeing once.

"Askin, I'm going to be out for a little bit. You're in charge should anything happen. I doubt anything will but you know..." He trailed off. The man drank his coffee with one hand while shooing them off with the other. The moment they stepped outside they disappeared.

When they reappeared they were in some sort of alley. Naruto poked his head around the corner to make sure they weren't seen and they stepped out. She counted herself lucky that she was in her casual clothing, black blouse, and jeans as opposed to her school uniform she was usually in.

She looked around and was amazed at the sight. Lots of trees all decorated with purple lights around them. Plenty of sakura blossoms littering the ground. There was even a multicolored bridge going over a large body of water.

"Where are we?" She asked as she continued looking around.

"We're at the Meguro River. I found this place a year ago looking for potential peerage members. Never came back though, always too busy" he told her as they began walking. They walked alongside the river taking in the sight. It was beautiful.

She never had time to just wander around. She was always looking for peerage members, dealing with devil matters, or thinking about her future that she couldn't enjoy herself. Seeing as her mind was made up, she didn't have any of those worries. Well, she still had her future to think about but that would be decided after the war. For now, she finally felt like a regular girl.

For the next hour and a half, the two of them spent their time going to the nearby shops checking everything out and just enjoying each other's company, both knowing that this was the most peace they'd get for the coming days.

Soon a miniature magical circle appeared in Sona's hand and brought it up to her ear. She stopped walking and faced him. "That was my sister, she wants to talk to me about something. It must be important for her to not tell me how much she missed me or something overly dramatic. I'll talk to my peerage after. Meet me at Kuoh in about two hours." Throwing caution to the wind she quickly pecked his cheek before heading into an alley and disappearing completely.

"She's braver than I thought." He said to himself as he too took off. When he had made it back to his base he headed up to his room to get some rest. Like Sona, he too got an alert.

"What's going on Riser?" He asked through their connection.

"The Satan's just had a meeting with all the Clan heads. Father told me that they're gearing up for war. I along with Diodora and Siraorg are going to be the only younger devils to be participating." He told him.

"So they've decided on war then, could've saved everyone if they had handed them over but oh well," Naruto replied, in the end, the elders would be his.

"That's right. We need to move quickly, the Satan's will be calling everyone soon to begin making their battle plans." Riser told him.

"Alright, give the rest of your family the coordinates to our base in Nagasaki. The underground training ground. It'll be large enough to hold everyone as well as the others." He said before shutting off the magical circle. He created another one and brought it up to his ear. It was one he hadn't used in a long time.

"Naruto?" Came the voice from the other side.

"Seekvaira." Naruto greeted "Sorry this isn't a social call but I need to speak with your father urgently." He told her. She told him to wait a minute while she went to get him. He should've asked for access to him last time but it slipped his mind.

"Uzumaki" Came the voice of Lord Agares.

"Lord Agares, I assume you've heard the news?" He didn't need to say more as the man knew what he was referring to.

"I have, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this but we have no choice." The man told him.

"We'll have to move fast. I want you and your Clan to teleport to a specific location in Nagasaki, from there we'll head to Silbern and your Clan can enter its new estate." He explained and gave the coordinates. He closed the connection and gathered his peerage. They headed down to their training ground and waited.

Soon the entirety of the Phenex clan arrived, luckily their underground area was massive. Not too long after the Agares clan arrived, they didn't seem surprised to see the Phenex clan there as they knew they were involved with each other from the wedding fiasco.

"Alright, let's get going," Naruto said as he activated his Rinnegan. Those who hadn't seen it before looked on in awe as his eyes changed and a dark portal appeared before them.

"Grimmjow. Askin." He called the blue-haired man and the black-haired man. "Askin. Make sure our dragon god is well hidden in Silbern. Grimmjow you lead them to their estates when they enter, I have to go pick up a few more people." The two men nodded and headed in the portal. Naruto motioned Lord Agares to enter and after a brief look at Naruto, he too went in.

Once he had stepped through Naruto allowed the portal to close. "Almost done. Now to head to Kuoh." He said before disappearing. The Agares and Phenex had left the underworld the war was officially underway.

Alright so I'll stop it there, I hope you guys enjoyed

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