He's nice. He's hot. He's fun...

Par emptyxxpromises

4.2K 40 18

The guy who loves you the most...doesnt love you enogh...x Plus

His new bestfriend x
Prince Charming x
I love you..just not enough
A forgotten wish x

Every cloud has a silver lining x

575 9 1
Par emptyxxpromises

<P><EM>Dan. That why he would look so worried when Dan glared at him or look so hurt when Dan made a mean comment about him. That's why Dan always seem to hate me being around them, that why he would scream or start a fight with Chris if he turned up to some place with me tagging behind him. It hurt a lot, not because my best friend would choose a boy over me and not because he's known me all his life and only knew this guy for a few months but because it took him this long to tell me. To tell me he didn't like girls. He probably wouldn't even have told me if he wasn't completely off his top. I slowly sat cross legged on the front porch while Chris laid his head on to my lap. I stroked his hair watching him fall deeper into his sleep. I felt my heart burn with betrayal, if I found out that I wasn't attracted to guys the first thing I would've done was run to Chris's house and told him. I knew he would still accept me no matter who I liked, I trusted him that much but I guess he didn't really trust me.  I felt tears roll down my face once again and I watched them drop onto his face, I bit my lip hard feeling the blood crawl into my mouth. I thought he would tell me anything and everything, I thought we had no secrets but he was keeping the biggest secret from me.  His face seemed so innocent and calm as he breathed quietly his eyes flickering underneath his eyelids. I didn't know what I did wrong to  make him hide such a big thing from me. Did  he think I wouldn't want to be his friend after I found out about this, did he not believe or trust in our friend ship as much as I did? I let the questions run through my head over and over again as I looked up at the black cloudy sky. </EM></P>

<P><EM> </EM></P>

<P><EM>I woke up my head under the duvet remembering the memories from last night. After getting Chris back home I ran to my room and fell instantly to sleep. I groaned as I stepped out of bed and felt the morning coldness wrap itself around me, I felt tears automatically fall down my face as I saw Chris sitting on the fluffy white chair in the corner watching me with tired eyes. I could see him trying to figure out what to do as I sat back down on my bed and hugged my knees. The silence seem to be on full blast covering up every inch of the room before Chris finally broke it.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"I'm sorry, Bella." He whispered uncertainly. I looked up at im my eyes meeting his as we held each others gaze.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"Why didn't you tell me Chris? I thought we were best friends." I asked quietly watching his gaze flick over to a picture of Chris giving me  piggy back.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"I wanted to, I did but I didn't know how to tell you." Chris said and soon I could see his eyes glistening with tears, slowly walking over to Chris I gave him a hug. I could feel his heart beat thump wildly against mine.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"You're not mad are you?" He asked carefully his voice twisting with fear. I continued to hug him barely shaking my head.</EM></P>

<P><EM> </EM></P>

<P><EM>I had my arms were wrapped around his waist as we rode to The Square to meet Dan, I felt every memory of Chris and I replay in my head. Dan's eyes met mine as we arrived his eyes cutting into mine angrily. I could tell he was about to flounce off as I jumped of the bike and ran after him, my hand just catching his wrist. He flung himself around to face, taking my helmet off I looked at him. The emotion that I could never seem to put my finger out flashed in his eyes again only this time I knew it was jealousy.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"IT's okay Dan, I know how you both feel about each other and I'm sorry if I seem to always get in the way of you guys." I said feeling the words run out my mouth. His face seems to change from anger to disbelief.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"You're okay with it?" He asked shocked, his eyes seem to be splotched with amazement as he looked at me. I giggled lightly at his reaction.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"Well, yeah I mean I was a bit upset that it took him this long to tell me but he's my best friend! Of course I'd still love him whether or not he likes girls or guys." I said my voice lowering at the last word. He stared at me again not saying anything but soon his eyes started to swirl with happiness.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"I thought you might hate him after that because of how much you liked him. I thought he was going to get hurt agter he told you so I told him to not tell you but seeing him stroll up to every place with you made me well....really jealous." He whispered, I nodded to show that I knew how he felt. Dan smiled at me for the first time ever, his smile lighting up his whole face as he glowed with excitement. I grinned at him feeling the corners of my mouth turn up naturally. We started to walk to the café as we saw Chris glancing nervously around.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"Hey... Why don't we play a trick on Chris?" Dan whispered quickly into my ear. I thought about it for a second, it would be quite funny. I nodded.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"What should we do?" I asked looking directly into his sparkly brown eyes.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"Follow my lead," He whispered walking into the café "I don't care whether you want us to be friends,  don't want to be your friend." He spat at me very convincingly. I to cover up my giggles with slow sobs.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"Oh I just want us to get along and be one big happy family." I said between fake sobs. Chris gave us a confused look but Dan just sent him dagger glares. I looked into Dans eyes as I felt a small smile creep onto my face. Then before I knew it Dan and I were spluttering with laughter as Chris continued to stare at us.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"Oh...God...You should have...Seen...your ....face" Dan said gasping for air as we fell over each other laughing so hard I could feel tears pricking at my eyes. Other people started staring at us and soon we saw a staff come up at quietly whispered something to Chris.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"Alright all of you out. NOW." The waiter screamed at us, shooing us out with his with his hands. </EM></P>

<P><EM>"Oh your face...God, you should have seen your face!" I laughed feeling my heart throb against my chest. Dan and I were finally quiet again as Chris's eyes flickered between us.</EM></P>

<P><EM>"Uh so you guys are okay, I'm guessing?" Chris asked his voice tiny against the giggles that were still falling from our mouths, I glanced at Dan the same time he looked at me and in seconds we were laughing all over again.</EM></P>

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