Miss. Nerd has a Gun.

By conflicted_youth

908K 27K 5K

(#542 Teen Fiction) Ariana (Ari or Aria) Jones is the daughter of the famous Amelia and Adam Jones. Amelia an... More

The three idiots
Broken flower pots
Ditching both idiots and my nerdy self
"That's what Bunny calls us"
What Is It With People Knocking Me To The Floor Today?
The Video
Cheers For Punk-Rock
"Captain America is a little bitch."
I killed him
Oh My God Tiffany...
"Okay, well maybe you should put that gun down"
Why would I start by stalking Gerard Way?
24 hours
20 hours
15 hours
5 hours
"Spiderman is definitely cooler than Captain America"
Let me prove to you that I'm not a jerk
"You're so stupid I swear to god"
Take A Picture, It'll last longer Pt.1
Take a pictue It'll last longer Part. 2

"Shut up, dumbass!"

33.5K 1K 90
By conflicted_youth

Chase's POV

This is starting to freak me out. Having Bunny's brother back is like having two Aria running around like mad people every second of the day. He's been back home for about a week now, and I'm afraid Bunny is going soft.

"Ty!!!!!" I looked around the room to see if there was any sign of Tyler in there. An angry Bunny is no funny bunny.

"Where is he?" She started looking around the living room, I just stared at her.

"What?" She stopped right in front of me, putting a hand on her hip.

"Oh, nothing! It's just that I'm wondering if you're going soft or not." I said, faking innocence. She frowned a little, before picking up a pillow chucking it at my head. I ducked just in time to avoid being hit. I laughed, and she just flipped me the bird. I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone.

From: Me

To: Justin, Lame version of me, Stupid

Hey, guys! You wanna go play paint ball?

I pressed send and waited for a reply. But instead of getting a text back from either of them, I heard people running down the stairs. I laughed a little when I heard hushed insults being whispered between the three of them. The first one to enter the room was Justin. He smirked, and before I could react he threw himself on me.

I snorted and tried to push him off me, but my brothers mocked his actions, completely pinning me down.

"Get off!" I shouted, trying to breathe properly.

"Thank you so much little brother!! Of course I want to play paintball with you. I never thought you'd ask!" Jayden exclaimed.

"Shut up, dumbass, I was the one who was born first and you know that!" I answered irritated. I took a deep breath when they got off me. Justin and Brent were laughing while watching me and Jayden fight. This scene happens way too much.

"You have no proof." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes and took my phone out of my pocket again.

"See. A picture. Boom!" I said, showing him the picture that confirmed me being the oldest. Jayden frowned and sat down on the floor. I opened my mouth to ask why he was sitting on the floor when the coach is right behind him, but chose not to.

"So? Are you guys coming?" I glared at Brent and Justin, making them know that I didn't appreciate them laughing at me.

Brent nodded and Justin shot me a thumbs up. I smiled, I really need some guy time.

Me and Justin were hiding from Brent and Jayden. I looked over at Justin, who pointed behind me. I saw the shadow from one of the boys, and quickly got up and shot them.

"You suck! You know that?" Brent said, shooting me imaginary daggers.

"And you swallow, brother. But dude, if you'd stop answering to every single text Cece sends you then you wouldn't be here." You see, my older brother definitely has a crush on Cece. But he refuses to admit it.

Brent clutched his heart in a dramatic gasp.

"I do NOT!" He pouted and opened his mouth to continue. When his phone buzzed again, and he started texting her back again. I heard Jayden scream in frustration, and turned around to see that Justin got him.

I gave Justin a high five and stuck my tongue out at Jayden.

We then started talking about Bunny's friends. I promise that Jayden seriously has a crush on Em, and Brent on Cece. And there is something going on between Justin and Eve.

In the middle of the conversation, Justin's phone started ringing. He smiled apologetic and walked away.

"Guys. Serious talk. Don't you think Agent 23 is really similar too Aria." Jayden said in a hushed tone. I rose an eyebrow. I had never really thought about it until now.

"I don't know?" I said, unsure. Jayden and Brent looked at each other like they knew something I didn't. And I don't like it.

Brent were just going to say something when Justin came back.

"Guys, we need to go. NOW!" He said and without giving us time to answer, he started running. I looked over at my brothers, before we all started running in the same direction Justin disappeared.

"Wait where are we going?" I asked, closing the passenger door to Justin's car.

"To the Headquarter." He answered shortly. I looked over my shoulder at my brothers who both looked equally shocked as I did.

"Er. A Headquarter? Whaaa?" Brent tried to play it off, but was cut off short by Justin.

"You guys are spies and are here because you pissed of a gang leader. I'm agent 22, and SHUT UP!" I saw Jayden open his mouth to say something, but I shot him a quick glare. I don't want Justin to scream while driving. I'm too young to die. Too hot too for that matter.

I ran after Justin who was sprinting down the hall. The shock from him telling us that he was Agent 22, had died down a little.

Justin stopped in front conference room. I stood next to my brothers, just watching Justin knock on the door.

The door flew open and Em motioned for us to enter.

"Eve?" Justin rushed past her nervously looking around the room after Eve. Me , Jayden and Brent entered the room. I stopped dead in my tracks, seeing Eve sitting on a chair with a wounded arm.

"What the hell happened?" I asked. Cece opened her mouth to answer, but was cut off by the door.

"I found the bastard and I'm gonna kill him!" A familiar voice shouted. If I hadn't known better I would've thought it was Bunny but it can't be. I turned around to see who shouted, just to see Cece tackle the person out of the room.

"Who was that?" Brent asked, taking a few steps forward and leaving the space next to me eampty.

"Oh! That was just.... Agent 23... She forgot to... eh... GET ME A SANDWITCH!" Em said, quickly going out the door, closing it behind her.

I turned back to Jayden, Eve and Justin, and Brent.

Justin was taking care of Eve, the guy was even checking her tempature! He is so interested in her.

I waved Jayden and Brent to the side of the room.

"We need to find out who 23 is!" I demanded. Jayden looked uncomfortable at me.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Nothing. It's just that maybe we should respect her privacy and not over step it?" He gave me a small smile and I frowned.

"Are you two hiding something?" I pointed at my brothers who were exchanging worried looks.

"No... NO! Why would you think that?" Brent crossed him arms over his chest. I raised my arms in fake surrender.

"Sorry! It's just that in the begining of our stay here, you two were more eager to find out who she was than me." I simply stated. Jayden and Brent nodded. I sighed and sat down in the closes chair.

Brent gave me a pat on the back and went to Justin and Eve. Jayden just smiled a little and walked out of the room.

I know they are hiding something, they all are. And I will find out what it is.

 Like I said in the begginging of this update, if you've already read this than go a head and just forget that this ever exister. Hope you have a great day.

Goodbye my fellow pandas!

- Panda_Bacon


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