Naruto of the Rinnegan

By Tijaru

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Armed with the Rinnegan Naruto bides his time before returning to the underworld to bring the Uzumaki clan ba... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

2.2K 34 0
By Tijaru

Taking a deep breath and suppressing mild annoyance that she had decided to look for him rather than wait like he had told her he spoke, "Alright, I don't have much time right now so we'll have to make this quick."

Taking that as the 'go ahead' for her to ask questions she went ahead and did so. "Why are you doing this? Why are you declaring war on the devils?" In the time they'd spent together she never got any feeling of evil intent coming from him.

"Tell me Sona" there it was, the lack of affectionate suffix to her name that she had become accustomed to, though she noticed he only did that when he was being completely serious. "How would you feel, if your entire family was eradicated for something they 'could have' done? It would be different if we were planning some sort of coup d'état but we weren't. We were completely loyal to the underworld, yet we were still killed.

And for what? To keep a bunch of ancient relics happy because they 'thought' we were becoming too powerful? Answer this, do you like the way your society works?" He questioned

"What do you mean?" She asked wondering where he was going with this.

"Every rule the devils in the underworld follow are made by old people who believe that your blood makes you better than others regardless of anything else. Weren't they pushing the wedding between the Gremory and Riser because they wanted more 'pureblooded' devils? Because it was 'tradition'?" he asked but didn't let her respond and kept going.

"Then one of the most respected devils in the underworld went out of his way to screw over the Phenex clan after everything. Trust me when I say this, you may not feel the negative effects of the Satan's because you're from the family of one of the four, but some of the other clans aren't too pleased. You can tell that many are unhappy that their clans don't get as much of a say as the ones from the Satan's."

After he was done talking there was a pause between them. Naruto kept his gaze on her as he saw her facial expression change from angry to conflicted. And he was right, she was currently mulling over his words about the traditions of the underworld.

They had laughed at her and mocked her idea of a rating game school for everyone as they believed that only high class devils could attend them. He was also correct that Rias was being forced into a marriage simply for 'blood status' not only her but she was lucky enough to have broken her own engagement.

And if Naruto was right about the other clans being unhappy, there could be a civil war between them if Naruto canceled his own plans. The elders really were screwing everything up. But still...

"I see your point, however, you're still planning to kill thousands of innocent people. You'd be doing the same thing that they did to you." She points out trying to have him see the hypocrisy in his views.

"Not necessarily, though I don't have enough time to go into that but it is something I wanted to talk to you about as well. I have a proposition for you, I know that by now most if not every devil knows what's going to happen.

I know that not everyone in your clan wants to fight, I'm offering you and anyone who you wish to bring a chance to stay out of this war. I can move you to a safe location where they will be far from the fighting as well as having your own compound." He said clearly talking about the multiple buildings in Silbern.

"You don't have to answer now as you still have a month. If you can convince the Satan's to hand over the elders everything will be avoided, if not then you're more than welcome in my home. I don't want anything to happen to you. Think about it, I'll talk to you some other time. I have a meeting to attend."

With that he disappeared from his spot. Sona stood in the same spot however for a minute going over everything he had told her. On one hand she could see that the Elder devils who had a traditionalist view were doing more harm than good.

Take Sairaorg for example, he was basically disowned for not inheriting the Bael clan's power of destruction. She and Rias were forced into marriage contracts, and a school that could help the devils become stronger was ridiculed again for the same concept of status. Then Naruto tells her that he wants her to go to a safe spot with her clan to avoid the fighting.

She allowed a magical circle to appear underneath her and took off. She had a lot to think about.


Naruto appeared at the gates of the Phenex estate once more. He was let inside by one of the family maids and was taken to wherever Riser was at the moment. He was in his room watching footage of old rating game's from some of the strongest devils out there when he heard the door open.

Realizing it was Naruto he paused the video and turned to his old friend. "So, what's the news?" Riser asked.

"Everything is almost set, the Phenex estate is ready in Silbern for your arrival. There's still some minor preparations to be set but for the most part we're ready. If the Satan's don't deliver within the month, it's war." Naruto said as he took a seat across from Riser. Both men relatively calm considering that their making war plans.

"War is almost guaranteed at this point." Started Riser "They've canceled the young devils gathering and will most likely begin preparing for war soon. Most of the clan heads have been meeting lately and more times than not you can tell some arguing goes on."

"I've expected that much, they're too stubborn to give into my demands. In any case those from your clan who choose not to fight will be kept in Silbern until the war is over, while those who choose to fight will be going back and forth between here and there."

Riser nods at the information "Most of us are willing to fight. We've had enough disrespect at the hands of the Satan's. The fiasco with the wedding was the final straw." He says angrily. In the back of his mind he knew that he wouldn't be marrying Rias because of her family. Luckily for him though Naruto came through.

"Speaking of fighting, who else has joined you besides the Khaos Brigade?"

"So far it's me, my peerage, The Phenex, possibly some of the Sitri, and I'm going to be talking to the Agares clan after leaving here today."

"Think they'll join up with you? If It helps any I've heard through some sources that Seekvaira is to be pushed into her own marriage contract. A bit late but the elder devils still believe that we don't have enough Pureblooded devils and that we'll soon be gone."

"I'm sure they will, they've been unhappy for a long time now. Vaira would always complain to me about what was going on in her family when she was frustrated. Not only that but if what you just said is true I think I have a way to get them to join me." Naruto commented.

"And I'm sure you did everything in your power to help her 'release her frustrations' right?" Riser adds with a smirk.

Naruto said nothing but allowed the corners of his mouth to twitch upward.

"AHH I knew it." The Phenex laughs with his friend.

"Shut up, anyways I just figured I'd let you know what's going on. You're welcome to leave anytime you want just let me know. Do you happen to have a teleportation card to the Agares estate?" Naruto asked

Riser stands up and rummages through a drawer for a few seconds before pulling out a white card with the Agares Clan crest on it.

"We do. Almost every family has one to get them to the gates of the other clans, though it doesn't let you inside." He activates it on the ground and it expands.

Naruto steps on it and waits for a few seconds. "Thanks, I'll talk to you soon." His body disappeared in a flash of light green.

Naruto arrived in front of giant steel gate with the Agares crest in the center. He pushed a button on the side of the gate letting the people of the estate know someone was there. He wasn't really sure why they bothered with steel gates, if someone wanted to attack they could easily fly over.

The doors to the home opened up and Four people walk out. The first is none other than Seekvaira Agares. The second is a young man who looks to be around Naruto's age. He's wearing a black suit while holding a white cloth on his left hand. He has short black hair and no expression on his face. Naruto forgot his name. Though it's Alivian.

Following them were two more people the first is a tall man with Light brown hair and a moustache. He's wearing a dark blue suit with a matching jacket draped over himself. This is Lord Agares, head of the Agares Clan and Seekvaira's father. Next to him was a woman with long blonde hair and wore a similar outfit to her daughter. She looked like an older version of her daughter. This is Lady Agares.

"Yes? May we help you young man?" came the deep voice of Lord Agares.

"Not exactly, but perhaps I can help you. Allow me to introduce myself." He began.

"What do you want Naruto?" Interrupted Seekvaira. His face fell at having his introduction cut off. Rubbing his hand down his face he spoke.

"Did you really have to cut me off like that?" He asked looking annoyed.

Lord Agares's face lit up in recognition. So this was the devil everybody was talking about. "You're Naruto Uzumaki then?" He spoke. Lady Agares didn't miss how her daughter had recognized him right away. She shouldn't have known him since they weren't in attendance at the Phenex-Gremory wedding that was called off.

"I am. And I have something I'd like to speak to you and your clan about if you will hear me out." He spoke confidently.

His allowed the gates to be opened and motioned for the man to walk through. Though he did have his family stand a few steps behind them in case he tried something. Naruto noticed this but didn't say anything. It made him respect the man a bit, he knew what he could do but still put himself in front of his family.

They reached his office and he was going to usher out his daughter and her queen but they insisted that they stay. Seekvaira played it off as her having to know how to handle different matters when she takes up the mantel of clan head.

Naruto had to hand it to her, she still covered her curiosity well. Seeing no other alternative Lord Agares allowed them to stay and sat behind his desk with his wife and daughter by his side.

Lady Agares noticed that the young man in front of them was completely relaxed and looking straight at her husband as they sat across from each other. She also noticed that Seekvaira had her eyes narrowed at him. What was going on here?

Lord Agares broke the silence. "You said that you could help us? In what way?"

"Before I tell you that may I ask you a somewhat personal question?" The man raised an eyebrow in confusion not knowing where this was going but nodded.

"How did you meet your lovely wife here?"

"We met when we were younger and overtime we realized that we had a connection. From there everything fell into place. What does this have to do with anything?" He asked.

"When we were coming here you stood in front of your family as I walked by. You care a great deal for them, as you should. What you told me just now sounds like a nice little love story, one I'm sure you'd like for your own daughter to one day have wouldn't you say?"

Lord Agares's eyes widened by a small fraction now knowing what the man was going on about.

"I've been told that the elder devils have been pushing you wed your daughter to a pureblood. So that you don't 'die out.' Not only that but your clan along with several others don't really have too much of a say in what goes on in the underworld does it? If you're not from the Gremory, Glasya-Labolas, Sitri, or Astaroth you don't get much of a say in what happens.

With everything that is going on right now you'd think that everyone would be on the same page but no." Naruto states.

"So what is it that you're offering and what do you want in return?" Lady Agares asks.

"I'm offering you all a way out of what's to come by joining me. It's no secret that I want the Satan's to hand over the elders to me as they're responsible for my clan's demise." At this point his Rinnegan came to life "Within a month's time either I'll have the elders or war will break out. I can move your entire clan to a safe location away from this place while the fighting goes on.

As for what I want in return, I ask that if any of your clan members with to fight alongside me to get rid of the current system of the underworld they do so. If not just remain in your estate, I'll be providing until the fighting end."

"So basically even if we don't fight with you, you still win since that's an entire clan that won't be fighting with the Satan's." lord Agares deduced.

"Exactly, so what do you say?"

The man laced his fingers together and leaned in but stayed quiet, going over all the information that he had heard. With the way things were going, war was almost a certainty. For all their infinite wisdom the elder devils sure seemed to be the cause of all of this.

Uzumaki was giving him a solid way to prevent his family and fellow clansmen a way out and suffer no casualties. He'd need more time.

"Can you give me a day to talk this over with the clan?" He would need their opinion on it, though he was sure they'd tell him to take the deal. That and it was pretty unnerving being stared at by those purple and black eyes.

"Of course, I'll be back tomorrow morning to hear your answer. I'll show myself out now." He said as he stood and headed for the door.

"Please allow me to walk you out, we wouldn't be good hosts if we let you leave by yourself." Seekvaira said as she followed but not before reassuring her parents that she would be fine.

"Taking out other players before the fighting starts. It seems you've gotten smarter over time Naruto." She commented as they walked through the halls of her home.

"I was always smart, having you around just made my life easier so I let you take care of any critical thinking whenever I found myself in any situations." He commented smiling.

She huffed and continued walking before speaking again. "So, you and the Sitri heiress huh?" She asked trying to seem like she wasn't fishing for information.

Naruto just smirked as he knew what she was doing but decided to have a bit of fun. "Why do you want to know? Jealous?"

"Tsk. Hardly, I'm over you. I just feel sorry for her now that she's going to have to put up with your antics. Especially now that you're starting a war I can only imagine what kind of headache you'll cause the poor girl." She replied sharply. Though she'd be lying if the thought of Sona didn't bug her a little bit.

"Still have the same sharp tongue I see. In any case Sona is my friend and I wouldn't mind getting to know her better. Anyways this is my stop. I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully your father will have good news." Once out of the gates he teleported back to his peerage.

Seekvaira watched him leave, then turned around intending to have a talk with her parents. First she'd ask her father about this marriage thing she heard about, then her mother would no doubt want to talk to her about Naruto.

She knew that her mother was more perceptive than her so a talk was unavoidable. While a part of her wished that this situation could be solved peacefully, she knew that it wouldn't be the case. With all the information she has she knows that joining up with Naruto will be the better idea for the clan.

So I'm going to stop the chapter there. I'm so sorry for the long wait but I did have a bit of trouble writing this chapter. I'm also sorry there wasn't any action in it as it was mostly talking between characters. Anyways I'd like to know if you guys could name a few clans that Naruto could recruit, whether from DxD or any other Anime. To make up for the lack of action, the next one will feature a battle between Grimmjow and Ajuka so look out for that. Anyways I'm thankful for those of you who are still with me here and waited patiently for the chapter.

Oh yeah, there was one guy who was saying that I was turning this into a harem or something since I mentioned he had an ex-girlfriend. I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion as he doesn't have Seekvaira or any other female in his bed. He's still single for fucks sake. Sona will be the only woman in his life and that's that.

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