The Fall of Mangiatorvi

By Ivy279

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Gemma Maxey spent the majority of her life as an outcast, trying to keep her powers hidden from the mortal wo... More

Author's Note
1: The Ice Gauntlet
2: Naomi
3: Recruitment
4: Welcome to Passamont
5: Grey Eyes
6: Daniel Greyson
7: Orientation
8: Doubts
9: The Undignified Prince
10: A Display of Dominance
11: Training
12: The Boys
13: T1E, We're Family
14: Assimulating
15: Vicenza
16: Curve Ball
17: Jelly Burgers
19: Your Royal Highness
20: Touch of Poison
21: Home Sick
22: The Perfect Storm
23: Crossing Over
24: Seven Minutes
25: My Everything
26: Liona
27: To Those I Call Ally
28: Champion
29: The Smoking Gun
Character Aesthetics
Author's Comments

18: Unlaced with Lacey

327 35 90
By Ivy279

"You're not getting out of this," Jared frowned. "We booked this months ago. We need the visibility to gain more sponsors before the season starts in a couple of weeks."

"You go, the fans prefer you." Daniel crossed his arms.

"We're already here, you're being a toddler."

Daniel groaned, looking up at the skyscraper of news stations. He looked back to Jared's firm stance, upholding his fans' expectations was the only thing the class clown took seriously. Daniel only previously agreed to the talk show because of its proximity to the election date. That was before Jared came barging into his bedroom at 10:00 this morning with that damning photo of him and Gemma splattered across the news. He wanted to talk about sports and politics tonight, not his nonexistent love life. Reporters were like sharks in the water. Daniel would be lucky to get Gemma out in one piece.

"Just tell them it's nothing, it'll be fine."

"You don't even believe me, why would they?"

Jared smirked. "I'm your closest ally, I know when you're lying. They don't."

Daniel shook his head in disbelief. His head spun from the growing migraine. Their picture would definitely be aired tonight on national television tonight. He dialed her number twice on the trip over, but could not bring himself to call. He put her in the public eye, and he needed to get her out. She detested being the center of attention even more than he did. For both their sakes he hoped the reporters would buy the story he was selling tonight.

"Let's go, we're going to be late." Jared gave him a pointed look.


Gemma and Madison sat on the couch, each donning a clay face mask with their long brown hair each in a cute bun. A small plate of paczki sat on the coffee table, Madison's favorite comfort food. They were like mini doughnuts, but not. Madison organized the spa surprise. Gemma didn't have the heart to turn down such a sweet offer, and now she was practically enjoying herself. The relaxation was welcomed after a long day of outrunning the rumors on campus.

"Hey, how long are we supposed to keep this on?"

"Uh... that's a good question." Madison got up and waddled to the bathroom. She had cotton balls between each of her toes to protect her drying nails.

"Your phone's buzzing."

"What does it say?"

Gemma accepted the text message with just one finger, careful with her manicure. An alert from the Jared Walker fan club flashed on the screen. Gemma snorted, shaking her head at the ridiculousness of her roommate. The alert was a reminder of DJ's appearance on the talk show, Unlaced with Lacey, tonight. She deliberately picked up the remote from the coffee table and changed the channel to the correct programming.

"We're supposed to wash it off in five minutes," Madison said, holding up the clay packaging from her bedroom doorway.

"Your fan club wants you to know that Jared's on TV."

Madison squealed, sprinting to the couch with no regard for her nail polish. A redheaded woman, presumably Lacey, sat in a bright red armchair. In the two-seater beside her on stage sat the boys. Jared wore a white dress shirt with a purple vest and black tie. Daniel's dull grey blazer brought out his grey eyes, which you could see for once because his hair was actually styled. His white dress shirt underneath was only halfway buttoned. They looked good, really good, like real celebrities Gemma saw on television.

"Good evening, Oasi. Please welcome with me to the show tonight, last year's 2v2 championship winning team, DJ," the red-headed women said.

The audience in the studio, and Madison, screamed. Gemma flinched, covering her ears.

"Sorry, sorry," Madison whispered sheepishly before flashing her the biggest smile. "Jared looks so so lux. Purple is really his color."

"The season's fast approaching, I assume you two are hard at training?"

"We're always training, on and off season, Lacey," Jared smiled.

"Can you tell our audience what an average day in each of your lives looks like?"

"I wake up, start my day with breakfast before strength and endurance training," Daniel said. "Then I go to class. I always schedule mine early morning so that I can spend my afternoon pursuing simulation training. I do a few practice matches before dinner, study for my classes, and then spend the majority of my evening meditating."

"Well, now my schedule will make me sound like a careless," Jared scoffed as the studio laughed. "Thanks."

Lacey also laughed. "So Daniel's not just putting up a persona for our benefit?"

"No," Jared chuckled. "That man never stops, he's like a machine. If I want to spend time with him I better be ready to work. That's actually how most of my training occurs. I'll be sitting there and suddenly realize I haven't seen him all day, so I'll go join him."

"How confident are you that DJ will maintain its championship title this season?"

"Very confident," Jared said, giving the camera a wink.

Madison all but swooned off the couch, Gemma had to grab her.

"There's talk that Prince Ian will replace Lord Tomme with Prince Luca."

"So?" Daniel scoffed.

"No disrespect to Prince Luca," Jared said. "But he's a first year."

"So you're not even a little concerned?"

"Maybe after he gains some experience we will be, but as of now, no." Jared shook his head.

"Interesting." Lacey nodded, turning her attention to Daniel. "And I understand the rivalry between you and Prince Ian has started to extend outside of the ring?"

Daniel let out an incredulous scoff. "For a rivalry to occur there needs to be a sense of competition from both sides."

Lacey smirked, her eyebrows raising. "Those sound like fighting words to me, Daniel."

"Yeah, well, you can see for yourself when the season starts."

"This is your second to last season before graduation, do you two plan on going pro afterward?"

"I actually plan on joining the Bridge Brigade if they'll have me."

"Since when?" Daniel frowned.

Jared shrugged. "Just something I've been thinking about for a while."

"And you, Daniel?"

"I may go pro for a couple of years just to get it out of my system, but I'm academic majoring in civil engineering right now. I want to renovate our city's infrastructure to better accommodate our citizens."

"Have you considered running for parliament in the future? You are very popular amongst both the gifted and ungifted."

"That's a question for a later time. Right now I'm just focused on having a couple of good seasons and graduating," Daniel said.

Madison squealed as the steamy photograph of Daniel and Gemma appeared on the screen on stage. "You're on Unlaced with Lacey! That's so so torvi!"

Gemma gaped. "So not torvi, the opposite of torvi, Mads!"

"So, Daniel," Lacey started with a coy smile. "Tell me about this fabulous picture that's been floating around Oasi."

"That was taken at Augusto Silvia's rally last night," Daniel said without skipping a beat. "He's running for House of Commons next week, and I suggest everyone in his district do a little research on his platform and support him on election day."

"Daniel, come on." Lacey laughed, leaning in. "It's just you, me, Jared, and four million of our closest allies. You can tell us."

"There's nothing to tell, Lacey. That's my mentee. I'm mandated to spend time with her."

"This picture shows a lot of chemistry."

"I prefer blondes."

Madison winced. "Do you want to change the channel?"

Gemma shook her head. "It's fine."

"Oh," Lacey sat up straighter. Her eyes sparkling. "Are we about to get an exclusive on the type of woman Daniel Greyson looks for?"

"Sure." Daniel shrugged. "I like feminine, sophisticated women who take care of themselves."

"And that doesn't describe the girl in this photo?" Lacey pried.

Daniel hesitated for the first time in the show, and Gemma felt a pang of dread pool in her stomach.

"My mentee and I get along well, but that's because she is someone I would love to watch a match and grab a few beers with. Any chemistry from that picture is credited to a great photographer with impeccable timing. She's like my sis- no, she's like my brother."

Gemma felt nauseous, her ears were burning.

"He's probably just saying that," Madison offered quietly.

Gemma nodded, smiling through a grimace. In reality, she had probably imagined his interest in her head. That was the problem. He always knew what she was thinking but she never knew what he was thinking.

Lacey nodded, digesting the information. "Just one last thing."

"Go for it."
"Blonde, feminine, sophisticated," Lacey listed on her fingers. "I can't help but to think of a certain Olivia Fox. There were rumors last season you were seeing one another, is that true?"

"No." Daniel quickly shook his head, less ready for that question. "Those rumors started because she was seen in the VIP sections of our simulation matches, but do Foxes really sit anywhere other than VIP?"

"She didn't miss a single match, was even pictured with your paraphernalia."

"She's a big fan and I obviously appreciate her support, but there were plenty of other less famous women who came to every single game donning my name."

Lacey accepted the answer, turning to his partner. "And Jared, what kind of woman catches your eye?"

Jared flashed her a sly grin. "That's not fair, Lacey, I love women of all colors, shapes, and sizes. I don't discriminate, but I do like to be surprised."

"Are you currently seeing anyone?"

"I'm browsing my options," Jared smiled mischievously. "But I haven't found the one yet."

"There you have it, girls. Two of Oasi's most eligible bachelors still up for the taking," Lacey smiled at the camera. "Thank you for joining us tonight for Unlaced with Lacey. We'll see you tomorrow, same time, same place."

Madison turned the television off, tentatively reaching out to tap Gemma. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Gemma huffed, going to her room.

She splashed water on her face. The mud mask washed off, revealing a fierce red blush. Her fists clenched as she nursed her wounded pride. Gemma had never been more embarrassed to be a tomboy. Built more like a professional athlete than a model, Gemma was anything but petite and dainty. For a split moment she considered doing more with her hair or buying makeup she would probably never learn how to use, but she quickly shook her head. Daniel was not the first person to hurt her feelings, and she doubt he would be the last. She did not need his approval -- yet her heart hung heavy in the pit of her stomach.


"You don't think you were a little harsh?" Jared asked as they unhooked the microphones.

Daniel shook his head, rebuttoning his shirt. The hair and makeup crew said it made him look less uptight. "I'd rather do this and have them forget about her. It's better than having them document and speculate her every move. She didn't sign up for that."

"Still, a little harsh."

"She's not a native, she won't see it."

Jared shrugged. "I hope you're right."

"What's this about the Brigade?" Daniel frowned. He had a distinct feeling that Jared joined to follow in the footsteps of Hyun Min. Jared was becoming a carbon copy of his mentor.

The 3 primary realms exist in different dimensions, but depending on the lunar cycle certain passageways become easily accessible to all those who seek them. This allows many mischievous, or simply bored, creatures to pass into the Mortal Realm to wreak havoc. The chupacabras of Puerto Rico, the Yetis of the Himalayas, the leprechauns of Ireland, the dragons of China, and everyone's favorite - mermaids. Poorly guarded passageways could lead to catastrophe.

These interrealm disasters left all the overseeing governments with great controversy, risking the lives of those from the Mortal Realm, as well as the security of those from the Mystical and Magical Realm. Oasi was the newest player at the table, their country being just over 100 years old at the peak of these debacles. The gifted population had a lot to prove, and therefore it offered the best of their own people to guard the passageways between realms. The gifted were human enough to go on without detection in the Mortal Realm but powerful enough to eradicate complications.

The Bridge Brigade was established in the early 1800s, made up of the gifted population, but is ultimately regulated by the Magical Realm Conchord. Their duty is to keep the citizens of the Mortal Realm safe while keeping the existence of mythical creatures to the storybooks. They handle all supernatural disasters and deportations of the Mortal Realm, working closely with the governments of all three realms. The 1800s were a transitional time as the wrinkles of the organization were being ironed out, but soon it ran like a well-oiled machine just in time to avoid detection from Mortal Realm's advancing technology.

"I don't know. It just seems pretty torvi, don't you think? You get to protect people, like the superheroes from Mortal Realm comics."

"No one would ever know of your heroics," Daniel smirked. Jared existed on the praise of his fans. "That's the whole point of the organization."

"Yeah, but I would be a part of a brotherhood."

"It's not the worst idea," Daniel admitted, although Jared would be severely missed.

The Bridge Brigade is willing to enlist most healthy, gifted adults.   They also regularly recruited their officers from Tier 1 and 2 University students. The organization consumes the lives of those who join but is one of the greatest honors given to any Oasi citizen.

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