Sirius The Jaeger Scenarios...

By Sincerely_1215

74.1K 1.6K 392

OKAY this is an incredible new show and I have not found one decent fanfiction that is longer than 6 parts... More

When He's Jealous
When You're Jealous
When You're On Your Period
When He's Sad
When You're Sad
Your First Kiss
When You're Away
When He Gets Hurt
When You Get Hurt
Training Together
When He Sees You Dressed Up
When He Gets Scared
When You Get Scared
When He Turns You On
When You Turn Him On
Dating Yuliy Would Include
Dating Philip Would Include
Dating Mikhail Would Include
Dating Fallon Would Include
Dating Dorothea Would Include
Dating Yevgraf Would Include
Dating Willard Would Include
Authors Note - Requests
When He Gets Angry
Fallon X Reader
Philip X Tall! Reader
Hideomi Iba X Reader
Mikhail X Pregnant! Reader
Vampire!Yuliy X Vampire!Reader
Philip X Sirius! Reader
Yuliy X Reader Lemon
Yuliy X Philip
A/N (please read!)

When You Go to The Beach

1.8K 31 14
By Sincerely_1215

Okay everyone!! I had this really bad experience with this extremely overbearing guy who just- ew- he needed constant reassurance and like 'guidance' I guess - people YOU ARE NOT YOUR PARTNERS THERAPISTS OKAY NO.
Never give your all to someone who never gives you anything in return,
ALsO (I'm sorry you probs don't care but I need to get this ouT) I don't usually tell people I write FanFiction cause people laugh at me for it, and when I told him he cuT me oFF from what I was saying and called me weird (in a bad way) and then said 'don't you have any other hobbies?'
BoiS if he insults you're hobbies/interests in anyway you kick him to the curb cause that's where trash belongs.
SO after I ended that relationship seeing the word 'I love you' made me want to gag sooo now that I'm over that, I'm back!!



You stared at him with a bored and slightly annoyed expression. Even though Yuliy knew as well as everyone else that he was ripped and had the perfect beach body all year round, and even though you had managed to get him into swim trunks - he would not take off his shirt and go into the water with you. 
He also, wanted you to put on a shirt too, though he in no way did it in a cute, embarrassed and jealous way like you would have wanted. 
Your frowned deepened, it was a beautiful day outside and it seemed like everyone was running around and having fun except for him, and well, you.
"Lets go into the water."
"I don't wanna."
Your eye twitched, "Why not? It's not cold, I checked. We don't have to go in deep."
"I don't like getting wet unless I'm showering."
You took a deep breath to try and calm yourself, continuing to think rational thoughts and hoping to keep this discussion from you yelling and him continuing to just take every word you were saying. Clearly words weren't working anyways, so you used your strength to pick the male up by the ear and drag him towards the water with you.
"Ah! Y/N!"
"At least just dip your feet in with me, please!"
He sighed, grabbing your hand to hold it, "Fine."

You giggled, watching him as he shivered in his spot. He sat cross legged on his blanket with a towel over his head, and three over his shoulders. 
"I told you I didn't want to get wet."
"It's not my fault you tripped. Besides, I went down with you."
He pouted, shivering again, "Can I get another towel?"
"If you give me money, yeah. How many towels do you think we brought? You already stole mine, Philip's and Mr. Willard's."


The young male smirked as he slipped off his shirt and looked out to the sky as your group approached the beach. It was Dorothea's choice for our 'day off vacation destination' and she chose to come to the beach, which Philip was more happy about then you thought he would be.
Then again, it's not everyday you see a hot fifteen year old British boy with killer biceps and shoulders. 
You unzipped your own sweater, slipping it off your shoulders to reveal your own bathing suit, a cute tight fitting one piece that had Philip's eyes glued to you. When you made eye contact he blushed and snapped out of it, running your side and grabbing the sweater, putting it back over your shoulders. 
You stifled a laugh as he looked all around the two of you to make sure that no one was staring or having any thoughts about you, like he could read minds or something. You kissed him gently, "I don't really care about anyone else Philip. We can just pretend like it's you and me."
He blushed again, scoffing as he stepped back, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

In the water, you were surprised when Philip refused to go into the deeper end of the water. The surface was only up to his chest, and he had his arms crossed as he glared at you for treading too far away from him. 
"Y/N! Come back over here." He demanded.
You shook your head with a shit eating grin that annoyed the crap out of him, "You come here instead! I'll save you if you drown!"
"I-I'm not going to drown!"
You're grin fell to a gentle smile, and you moved to make your way back to his side. Standing up on the sand beside him, the sun glimmered on the water and you took his hands in yours, "You won't drown, and neither will I. We can go just a bit further together, and I'll teach you how to swim."
He looked up at you with vulnerable eyes, silently making sure he could really put the trust of his life into your hands. Of course he trusted you, but did he trust that you'd be enough to destroy his little fears? Yes, yes he did, even if he didn't want to.
"You're making me lunch after this." He said, blinking and bringing back his usual tsundere act. 
"As you wish." You giggled. 


Days like these were rare, where you and Mikhail would take each others hands and walk out towards the ends of the Earth until you got bored and headed back home. Today, Mikhail led you out to the beach, which was fairly far from where your place was, but when you arrived you couldn't complain. 
The sun had just begun to set, so the glow on the clouds wasn't as bright as you'd wanted it to be. Apparently the view wasn't good enough for you to the male beside you, so he walked with you along the edge of the shore and you talked about stupid things until you got to the bottom of the cliff side, a very thin trail created from the footsteps of the thousands before you led up to the top.
Carefully, Mikhail stood behind you and made sure you didn't slip, even though you did anyways, but he was there to stabilize you every time.  At the top of the cliff side, the sun had now begun to bleed into the horizon and the clouds reflected it's dying light in the most beautiful way. To you, things like this never got old. 
Closing your eyes for just a moment, you took a deep breath of the early night air and relaxed your body. 
"It's beautiful, Mikhail." You began as you let out your breath, "Thank you for bringing me here."
"No need to thank me, my love. I only brought you so that I could see that wonderful, gentle smile that you make."
You couldn't help your grin as you blushed lightly, "Moments like these make me feel like the time has stopped, there very surreal, but... it makes me feel at peace."
Mikhail stared at you for a moment, taking in the beauty of your eyes as they too reflected the light of the sun. Slowly, he leaned down to give you a kiss, but the two of you were very rudely interrupted 
"Oh shit there's people up here!"
The two young men laughed, and Mikhail grumbled that they smelled like booze. 
"Hey guys! is it cool if we chill up here?"
Mikhail sighed heavily, "No."
Mikhail tossed them off the edge of the cliff and you moved slowly to look down at them, "Oh, there they go. Can they swim?"

"Who cares. Someone down there will save them."
"Doesn't look like it."
"Then they deserve to die."


You screamed as your feet left the ground, Fallon's loud yell should have been warning enough, but you never were able to expect when he would swoop in and lift you off the ground. 
Your body hit the surface of the water before you could even make sense of which direction you were falling, and you gasped as you rose back up, coughing as you glared at your laughing boyfriend.
"DONT SAY YOU'RE SORRY WHEN YOU'RE NOT!" You screamed back, shoving your hand through the water to send a small splash wave at him, which didn't effect him at all.
You pouted, and Fallon stepped through the water towards you, grinning all the while. Philip wasn't too far off with Dorothea, who was trying to show him how to surf because Yuliy refused to go into the water and Willard 'had more important things to do' which only consisted of setting up his perfect station and then getting tanned while reading a book.
"Love you~" The giant man cooed, leaning down to kiss your head.
You smiled lightly, not being able to help it, "Love you too, Fallon." You mumbled, before swiftly splashing him again, harder then before, and drenching his hair.
You burst out laughing at the shocked look on his face, screaming as you laughed, moving to try to run away from him towards Dorothea when he snapped out of it and started coming after you with a creepy face.
"Dorothea! Help!"
Dorothea turned and Philip fell off his board with a grunt.
The woman chuckled, "You guys, always the life of the party."
Philip shot up from the water, "This is dumb! Lets do something else!"
"I know!" Fallon began, gently grabbing you by the waist, he lifted you over his head and placed you on his shoulders, "Whoever loses has to buy dessert!"
Dorothea smirked, "Yuliy! Get your ass over here!"

You dried Yuliy's hair as he sniffed, having lost within seconds to your strength. Despite him having a slight advantage being a Sirius, you were pretty sure that he knew even before Dorothea forced him on her shoulders that he was going to lose. 
"Sorry, Yuliy. You don't have to buy dessert if you don't want to."
"I don't mind." He sighed, looking at Fallon as he boasted to Willard, "I just hope he'll let this one go. Last time you won at a betted game he went on about it for a month."


Dorothea was gorgeous in her bathing suit - and you swallowed hard as you stared at her beauty - the girl walked confidently and it seemed to you that everyone's eyes were on her wondering if she was single or not, even if no one was actually staring at her because this part of the beach was pretty empty right now.
You quickly turned back to your own project as she headed out towards the water. You couldn't compare much with your looks to Dorothea, but you knew what you had to do to really impress her. You grinned as you readjusted your handle on the small shovel, your free hand snatched up the cute bucket with stars on it that Fallon bought (for a now very pissed off Philip) and you ran to the water to begin your project.
Within an hour, your sandcastle had made incredible progress in height and width. You had not only created a castle, but a whole kingdom as well, with a moat and a wall and sea shells for design. You were beyond proud of it, and you turned back to where Willard and Yuliy had fallen asleep to see Dorothea and Fallon arguing about how to shape the hotdogs for the barbeque. 
"Dorothea!" You called out, waving your hand, "Over here!"
The woman blinked upon hearing her name, turning from Fallon to the sound of your voice, she smiled brightly at the sight of you. Walking over, you stood excitedly and ran forward to grab her hand and pull her towards your master piece sooner.
"Look, I made it for you." You mumbled, a small blush adorned your cheeks and Dorothea giggled.
"This is actually really, really good Y/N. You're pretty talented if I do say so myself."
You scratched the back of your head, the grin wouldn't fall from your face, "Thanks, babe. I'm not much of a swimmer, so I'm sorry I couldn't go out with you."
She shook her head, kissing your cheek, "I don't mind at all. Someday, maybe when we retire from all this vampire hunting, we can go out and buy a huge house and live in a make shift kingdom like this."
"Yeah... I'd like that."

Later that night, you stood with a scowl as Fallon sat across from you with a shameful smile, for just merely a few minutes after you'd turned your back to your masterpiece sand kingdom, Fallon had crushed it.
"Here Y/N, have a smore."
You took the smore from Dorothea and ate it, continuing to glare at Fallon. 
He will pay for this. 


You and Yevgraf rarely left the castle on small trips like these, but the more you did it the more it became a traditional moment in time where all your worries would fade away and could be yourselves together. In these few trips, you've seen a side of Yevgraf you were sure that he didn't even know he had.
The male smiled gently, a smile that glowed in his eyes as well, as he watched you twirl out into the shallow end of the water, you wore a small summer dress that flowed with the small breeze of the early morning, and you watched the light reach up from below the horizon; the sunrise. 
"Y/N." He called out calmly, standing a few feet away, and when the water reached as far as it could onto the sand, it just barley missed the edges of his shoes, 
"Don't go too far."
"I wont." You replied, turning to face him completely. The water was up to your knees, and the ends of your dress were soaked, but you didn't really care, "I won't ever go too far from you."
He chuckled lightly, reaching out his hand, you moved forward slowly to take it. 
Together, you walked hand in hand down the edge of the beach, the water washed over your toes but didn't touch Yevgrafs, and you thought about how the two of you were so very different, but got along together so well.
"Yevgraf." You began, stopping yourself, he took one more step forward before turning back to you, "Do you really believe... you can save the vampire race?"
His eyes bore into yours. 
The only problem with these beautiful trips to the beach to watch the sunrise was that more often then not, it became an opportunity to talk about things you avoided even thinking about around other vampires and in the castle. In the end though, no one could deny that the vampires were being hunted down by more and more people every year, and there was more threats arising that eventually not even the two of you could defeat.
"What happens if... if one of us-"
"Enough." He quickly stopped you, "No matter what happens, no matter where we go, I will always find my way to you. I promise."
You're eyes widened as he lowered himself to his knees, "You are my queen, and one day our worries will be gone like the dust in the wind."
You smiled, the sun shinned brightly and you knew it would be a beautiful day, "Yes, my king."


You took a deep breath of the ocean air, a bright smile on your face. Turning back to your boyfriend, who carried the cooler and a bag of books, your smile stretched, "Come on Willard!"
"I'm coming." He sighed with a smile, looking up from his steps to make sure he didn't trip on any tree roots to watch you run up to the cottage you both recently rented out. 
By some miracle of God, the two of you had ended up with two weeks of paid vacation time to your choice of destination because of all your hard work. So of course, the two of you chose to rent a beautiful cottage right on the ocean, the view of the water was amazing and you were ready to live here for the rest of your life. 
You held the door open for Willard, whom lazily dropped everything he was holding right in the living room and then walked back out of the house to sit on the porch and just take in the view. 
You giggled at the scene that just plaid out, loving that he was letting himself go for once, and you quickly followed him out to sit beside him.
"This is amazing." You hummed, leaning back in your seat, "I'm so glad, we can just relax."
Willard hummed in agreement, "I always wondered what my life would have been like if I didn't ever meet those vampires, if I had continued as a regular professor and lived a luxurious, blind life to what I live now."
"Sometimes I think about that too... but then..."
"Then I look at you, and I don't really care."
You smiled, laughing slightly. Moving your hand out, Willard took it in his and intertwined his fingers with yours. You sat in silence for a while, watching and listening as the waves moved back and then forward again - crashing so gently on the shore of the beach and running up the sand. 
You closed your eyes, just listening to everything, so peaceful and free of war and bloodshed. It seemed that the wind and ocean had never known the pain humans did, and thus they were free and joyful to do as they wished.
"Say, Y/N." Willard began in a low voice.
"Yes dear?"
"We're getting old."
You scoffed, ripping your hand from his so you could smack him in the arm, "Way to ruin the mome-"
"So then, let's get married."
You blinked, watching as a smile slowly spread across his face, and suddenly he pulled out a simple silver ring from his pocket.
"Well?" He asked.
"Can we do it right now?"
"Already one step ahead of you, love. There's a judge just down the street."

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