Deafening Silence (Constructi...

By laryssaosyka

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It's not strange that Daniella Sage Lovato and Demetria Devonne Lovato are exactly one year apart. Demi was b... More

Deafening Silence
Chapter 1 (Updated 3.3.2020)
Chapter 2~ When It All Goes South
Chapter 3~ Not Talking
Chapter 4~ It's Only Been Two Days and Flying Out To See Demi
Chapter 5~ Leaving Demi Behind....again
Chapter 6~ Demi's Coming Home
Chapter 7~ I Get To Go Home?
Chapter 8 ~ You're Home?!?
Chapter 9~ Not Having a Voice is Death
Chapter 10~ Moving Out
Chapter 11~ Unbroken Tour
Chapter 12 ~ Maybe a Make Up?
Chapter 13~ You Can't Be Serious
Chapter 14~ Was I Serious?
Chapter 16~ Not So Fast Teenage Dirtbag
Chapter 17~ Woah There
Chapter 18~ Believe
Chapter 19~ Just Me and My Girl
Chapter 20 - All I Want for Christmas is You
Chapter 21 ~ It's a Wrap (Final Chapter)
Sequel is Up!

Chapter 15~ Going back to Demi

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By laryssaosyka

Dani's POV

When I woke up the next morning, I was in the same positon in which I fell asleep in. My head was on Selena's chest. My arm was flung over her stomach and her arm was drawn around my shoulders and kept me close to her. 

I won't lie, I cracked a smile. Something about the way that we slept made butterflies flutter in my stomach. Did I wonder if Selena had the same feeling? I always thought of Selena has more then just a friend and she is abosoultly beautiful. I picked my head up slightly only to find Selena wide awake with a mile wide smile plastered on her face. 

"Morning Sel"  I mumbled

"Well sleepy head is finally up"  Selena said

"Shut up, I'm going back to sleep"  I groaned out while rolling off of her

"No can do Dani, we have to get up because I have to clean up and pack my bag, you have to repack your bag and then we have to pick up Marissa and bring her back her so we can meet Big Rob and he can drive us to the airport"  Selena said

"Or we can lay here for ten more minutes and cuddle"  I said pearing up to her

I gave Selena my famous puppy dog eyes and pouty lips that she could never say no to. I have no idea why but it worked everytime I used it and on everyone I used it on so I wasn't about to question it. Selena tried not to look at me but soon gave in and sighed.

"You know that I can never say no when you pull that face Dani"  Selena sighed

"I know, thats why I did it. I win...again"  I said

"You little"  Selena mumbled getting comfortable

This time Selena laid her head on my chest and snuggled close to me and we started to cuddle once more. Some time later, Selena's phone started to play Demi's song Gift of a Friend. We both knew it was Demi by the ringtone she set for herself on Selena's phone. Selena silenced it and through her phone to the side, we flipped over and my head was once again lying on her chest. Once again sound was emitted from a phone only this time it was from mine. Once again it was Demi. I let out a groan,l sat up and answered the phone.

"You have the worst timings you know that right"  I said into the phone

"Well good morning to you to"  Demi said sarcastically

"Yea Yea Morning Dem. Whats so important that you have to call at this ungodly hour?"  I asked

"Dude its almost noon there"  Demi said

"Once again ungodly hour"  I said

"Well you need to get up and go grab Marissa and get your asses on the plane"  Demi said

"Dem, our flight is at 6:45 pm tonight and its not like it will be going anywhere without us! We are using Hollywood Records Private Plane!!!"  I said

"Oh whatever"  Demi said

"No seriously whats up? I know you Dem and I know somethings up"  I asked

"Well I miss you and I miss my best friends....oh and Nick is coming tomorrow"  Demi said

"Awh we miss you to. And Nick? as in Jonas?"  I asked

"No Nick Sims"  Demi said sarcastically

"Alright point taken and why is that such a bad thing? Aren't you guys dating?"  I asked

"Yea we are dating but... we haven't been talking lately, I'm worried that he will want to break up with me"  Demi said

"Demi, you're talking crazy talk. That kid is crazy in love with you and you are crazy in love with him. He won't break up with you"  I said

"You're right Dan"  Demi said 

"I'll see you later tonight with Selena and Marissa, okay?"  I said

"Alright, see you later Dan"  Demi said

With that I hung up the phone and turned to Selena. Who was smiling up at me. 

"Hey"  I said with a smile while staring down at her

"Hey right back at you"  Selena said to me

Selena pulled me down towards her and snuggled into me. As much as I wanted to stay there and snuggle with Selena, we couldn't. Selena was right, we had to clean up and get packed up then pick up Marissa and bring her back here before Big Rob got here.

"I do believe the ten minutes ended like twenty minutes ago"  I said with a smirk on my face

"Now you choose to pay attention to the time"  Selena groaned out

"Okay I'll make you a deal. We don't have to pick up Marissa until a little bit before 5, if we finish everything before then, then we can have more cuddle time and that includes feeding ourselves"  I said

"Alright Deal"  Selena said

With that Selena got up off the mattress and looked down at me. I reached out my arms and pouted. Selena threw her head back and let out the laugh that I loved, it always put a smile on my face. She helped me up and I brought her into me and hugged her. 

While I made us breakfast, Selena went a showered. By the time she was down breakfast was served. We ate omeltes that were filled with ham, cheese, onions, green peppers and tomatos, we also had bacon, fruit salad and each had a cup of orange juice. Unlike my wonderfully talented sister, I can cook and I can cook extremely well. We quickly ate but had a decent converation because the time was fast approaching 2 o'clock in the afternoon. After we ate, we went to work cleaning up Selena's front room that was our makeshift bedroom. It took us almost an hour and half  to do that and once that was finished all we had to do was pack our bags and that should be a fairly simple task. 

The fairly simple task that should have been a half hour long task turned into an hour long task because Selena couldn't decide what clothes she wanted to take for her two week long trip. I am of the female gender and I have yet to understand females. I just had to run back to my apartment and grab a few things and repack my bag, and that only took me 20 minutes. In the spare time that I had I decided to take a shower at Selena's apartment to clean myself up. When I was finished, I got dressed in fresh clothes seeing as I have been wearing the same clothes for almost 2 days. I brushed out my hair and put it into a pony tail and put in my contacts, not bothering to apply any make up. By the time I was done getting ready, Selena was finally done packing up her two suitcases. 

I helped Selena bring her suitcases down by her door, setting them down by my duffle bag. I made sure that my chargers and my laptop were packed up in to my backpack, then setting that next to the suitcases. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, scrolling to Marissa's contact and tapping the little letter icon to send her a text.

To MarMar
Your ass better be ready! Selena and I are leaving her place now. 

I hit send and grab my keys, Selena who is tapping her feet by the front door is getting rather inpatient. When I approached the front door, she threw her head back and sighed saying Finally in the process. 

"Well if it isn't Miss. I Can't Decided what clothes to take" I said clearly ammused

This caused her to giggle, Selena opened the walked out and I followed, Selena locked both the locks on her door and followed me to my truck. Just as I started my truck, my phone vibrated in my phone. I slipped my phone out and saw that I had a new text message from Marissa. 

From MarMar
Me? Not ready to go spend two weeks with my two best friends of all time and Selena and Nick? psh girl think about who you are talking to. GET YOUR ASS HERE ALREADY.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the text, I showed it to Selena and she giggled a little bit as well. Marissa and Selena act like friends but sometimes I wonder that about, like I feel like they just do it to keep me and Demi happy. Anyways that doesn't matter at the moment. 

Marissa's apartment wasn't that far from where both of our apartments where at so it was a quick drive. It was about 20 minutes of driving at speed limit. We soon arrived and Selena practically jumped out of the truck before I parked it, I guess she was exicted to see Marissa...either that or she was excited to get back to her place and leave soon. Either or works. 

Selena and I walked up to Marissa's apartment and knocked on the door. Marissa soon opened the door and revealed not only herself but her three packed bags. I couldn't help but to look from Marissa to the bags and back to Marissa. Shit. 

"Mar, you know its only a two week trip right?"  I asked

"Dani, you know I will still slap you upside the head. Right?" Marissa shot back at me

That shut me up pretty fast and made Selena laugh out loud. When Marissa found out that I started to I never really did stop, she threatened to slap me upside the head multiple times. I looked down on my watch and saw that it was quickly approaching 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Right now, lets get a move on it. It's almost 5 and we need to get back to Selena's to meet Big Rob. And I have to put all the keys in the lockbox in my apartment so Dallas can start the cars and check the apartments "  I said

"Alright lets go then"  Marissa said

We each grabbed one of Marissa's bags and left her apartment, Marissa locked the door while Selena and I waited patiently next to her, once the door was locked we each went to my truck. Marissa didn't know that I bought the truck but she wasn't all the surprised when she saw my truck because she always said that the Texan in me showed all the time. We drove off and talked nonsence to one another.

"Dani, look in the rare view...someones following us"  Marissa said to me

I did as I was asked and noticed the paps

"Shit, its the paps"  I said

"Fuck, this is the only thing I hate about being famous"  Selena said

"Same here "  I said while I stepped on the gas

"See, I don't have this problem all the time...only when I am with you guys"  Marissa pipped up

"Well lucky you now shut up and stop bragging"   I said

"I'll trade you. I love my fans and my life but I want the normal life sometimes"  Selena said

I just rolled my eyes at this and Marissa saw this in the rareview mirror and laughed at me. Selena also noticed I guess because she slapped the back of my head, this made Marissa laugh even louder and Selena crack a smile. 

"No abusing the driver"  I said

This caused the both of them to laught once more. 

I sped up and started to thank god that Demi and I as well as Selena lived in a gated community. I cut the trip from 20 minutes down to 15 minutes by tapping the gas peddle some more. When we got to the gates, I noticed the pap in the car that was following us was nowhere to be found and I notified the person at the booth that I was having someone come in to pick us up by the name of Rob Feggans and that he was our security guard. 

With that I entered our code in the gate pin pad and got into the apartment complex, I drove over Selena's apartment and parked the truck. We took Marissa's bags inside and then we went to move Selena's and Demi's SUV's next to my truck. Marissa and Selena stood in open parking spots right next to my truck while I went and got both SUV's. I first got Selena's and parked it where she was standing and then I got Demi's and then parked that in the spot where Marissa was perviously standing in. Selena and Marissa then went into Selena's apartment while I went into the apartment that Demi and I shared and took three envelopes and marked them with our names Demi, Selena and lastly my name Dani, I then got the lock box out of TV Cabinet and opened it and put the labeled envelopes that now contained the keys into the lock box. I made sure that a pair of keys to Selena's apartment were in the envelope that had her name on it. I put it back into the cabinet then locking the apartment up before heading back to Selena's. 

I quickly sent Dallas a text telling her where the lock box is at and its code, since she was going to be the one who came by every other day and started the cars and made sure the apartments were in good shape and made it look like someone was home. 

When I arrived back to Selena's apartment, it was already 5:30 and Big Rob was just pulling up. I walked into the apartment and told Selena and Marissa that Big Rob was here.

We gathered our bags and started to walk out to Big Rob's truck, he in turn opened the back end and went into Selena's apartment and grabbed a few more bags. I ran in and grabbed the remaining two bags and put those in the truck. Selena went to lock up her apartment while Marissa and I got settled into the back end of the truck. I loved traveling in Big Rob's truck, he drove a party bus looking thing, it was actually pretty cool. Selena soon got into the truck soon and Big Rob closed the door and went to start up. 

Not long after we left, we arrived at the airport. The airport was almost 45 minutes away from the complex but that time past by pretty fast. Big Rob helped us get our bags inside but soon left since he wasn't flying with us. We went through security and then waited for our plane to taxi up to the area in which we could board. Soon that was done and we boarded the plane. 

Selena, Marissa and I all took possestion of our seperate seats and soon the plane took off, once the plane was in the air we were given the okay to move around, I immediately pushed my seat back so it felt like I was laying down and soon was able to fall asleep. I didn't get much sleep last night because everytime I started to fall into a deep sleep, my mind would play the conversation with my mother over and over again. It was tiring but I got through the night alright. 

Marissa's POV

I was finally going to see Demi on the Unbroken Tour! I was sp excited, I'm just waiting for Dani and Selena to come and pick me up so we could go. I was being a little impatient and kept looking at the time. My phone soon dinged and I got a text from Dani. 

From Dani
Your ass better be ready! Selena and I are leaving her place now. 

Who did this girl thing I was? I quickly replied to her

To Dani
Me? Not ready to go spend two weeks with my two best friends of all time and Selena and Nick? psh girl think about who you are talking to. GET YOUR ASS HERE ALREADY.

God I love this girl so much, she is like my little sister but I swear to god that she is such a bone head sometimes. Not long after I sent the reply I heard a knock on my door, I opened the door and came face to face with Dani and Selena. Dani's eyes gazed from me to my bags back to me. I knew was going to be an intense smart ass. 

"Mar, you know its only a two week trip right?"  Dani asked

"Dani, you know I will still slap you upside the head. Right?"  I shot back at her

"Right now, lets get a move on it. It's almost 5 and we need to get back to Selena's to meet Big Rob. And I have to put all the keys in the lockbox in my apartment so Dallas can start the cars and check the apartments "  Dani said

"Alright lets go then"  I said

We each grabbed one of my bags and left her apartment, I locked the door while Selena and I waited patiently next to her, once the door was locked we each went to my truck. Marissa didn't know that I bought the truck but she wasn't all the surprised when she saw my truck because she always said that the Texan in me showed all the time. We drove off and talked nonsence to one another.

"Dani, look in the rare view...someones following us"  I said to Dani

Dani looked in the rare view mirror, and her face held an epression that she wants to murder someone

"Shit, its the paps"  Dani said

"Fuck, this is the only thing I hate about being famous"  Selena said 

"Same here "  Dani said while she stepped on the gas

"See, I don't have this problem all the time...only when I am with you guys"  I pipped up

"Well lucky you now shut up and stop bragging"   Dani said

"I'll trade you. I love my fans and my life but I want the normal life sometimes"  Selena said

Dani just rolled my eyes at this and I saw saw this in the rareview mirror and laughed at me. Selena also noticed I guess because she slapped the back of Dani's head, this made me laugh even louder and Selena crack a smile. 

"No abusing the driver"  Dani said

This caused the both Selena and I to bust out laughing. 

When we arrived at the complex that Dani lived with Demi and Selena lived, we unloaded my bags from the car and put them in Selena's apartment. Then Selena and I went to stand in open parking spaces next to Dani's truck all while Dani moved Selena's SUV and then moved Demi's SUV. She then took all three sets of keys as well as a set of Selena's house apartment keys over to her house to up them in open place. I guess Dallas was coming over to check up on both apartments and start up their cars. 

Soon Dani came back to Selena's apartment and Big Rob was right behind her. We each grabbed some bags and put them in Big Robs truck and then took off to the airport. We arrived at LAX. Big Rob helped us get the bags inside to the airport but then left us because he wasn't flying with us. We went through security and waited for our place to taxi up. Which that soon happened so we were able to board the plane. The three of us took possesstion of our seperate seats. As soon as we were up in the air, and Dani pushed her seat back and fell asleep.

I, on the other hand walked over to where Selena was sitting and reading some book. 

"Hey Selena?"  I said

"Yes Marissa?" Selena said without looking up at me

"How is Dani doing? Seriously tell me how she is doing, I know the story up until the last week or two"  I asked

Selena just looked up at me and stared at me for almost a minute before she answered

"Well, Maddie ran away a two nights ago and when Dani and I went to go drive her back, Maddie told Dani that she wanted her to talk to Diana, well Diana tried to appologize and make every thing dissapear. When Dani got back into her truck she just fell apart. I drove us back to my place and she was still a mess. Eventually she calmed down. So to answer your question- she's doing okay but barely okay"  Selena said

"Oh"  was all I was able to say

Up until Selena told me that Maddie ran away and that Dianna tried appologizing to Dani, I didn't know those things had happened. I can't believe that this is happening. I mean, I would never have thought this would happen in a million years. I know that there is a reason as to why Demi hasn't told me yet. She has been pretty busy with this tour. 

"I hope this won't break her anymore then it already has"  I said while stareing over at the sleeping Dani

"You and Me both Marissa"  Selena said while looking at Selena as well

At that moment I looked Selena in the eyes for the first time in a long time. I saw the love she had for Dani in them. I knew Dani had a crush on Selena no matter how much she did not want to admit it. 

"When you are going to ask her out Selena?"  I asked her

"Ask who out?"  Selena asked me

"Selena, don't play stupid with me. I know that look you have one and you are totally in love with Dani. So when are you going to ask her out?" I said

"I don't think she feels the same"  Selena said

"Are you serious, that girl right over there is in love with you Selena. She has a huge crush on you"  I said while pointing at Dani

"She does?"  Selena asked

"Yes she does"  I confirmed

"Then why won't she do anything about it?"  Selena asked me 

"Probably the same reason as you won't. She is probably scared that you will turn her down or laugh at her"  I said

"Oh" was all that Selena said

"All I am saying is think about it Selena."  I said

"I will Marissa. Oh and can we just forget the past and be real friends again?"  Selena asked me

"Nothing would make me happier Selena"  I said

With that I got up out of the seat that I was sitting in next to Selena and made my way back to my seat. I sat down and reclined my seat then let my eyes close and myself drift off into a light sleep. 

Dani's POV

I was awoke with a jolt, which only turned out to be Marissa and Selena lightly pushing me in order to wake me up. 

"Wake up, the plane will be landing soon"  They said at the exact same time

I swear to god they love to creep me out.

I shook my head a little bit as I pushed the button and leaned foreward to allow it to move so I was sitting up right, and soon the plane started to decend and once it finally touched down I was exicted to see Demi again. I know its only been 2 days since I last saw her but after her going to rehab and then me not talking to her for months after she got back, I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with her now.

We soon pulled into the area where we can get off the plane. When we walked into the airport, we were greeted by the security detail. One walked just ahead of us and two flanked us on the right and another two flanked us on the left with one more in back of us. The security detail that flanked our sides helped us with our bagage.

I guess it got out to fans that I was coming back today and Selena along with Marissa were joining me. 

We eventually did fun into a crowd of fans and it made it diffcult to get to the SUV but we soon were able to get there after Selena and I took pictures with some fans and signed some stuff for other fans. Once we got in and our bags were placed in the trunk. We became comfortable and then a voice spoke up from the front seat. 

"Aren't you going to say hello to your big sister Dani?"  It questioned in a weird voice

Then Demi turned around holding her phone in front of her face and the voice changing app open and faced us. 

"DEMI!!!!"  I yelled out, quickly un buckling my seatbelt and launching myself into her. Well I sorta launched myself into her, it was a little hard with a car chair there and all. But I gave her the best and biggest hug I could possibly give her. Suddenly I was pulled back into my seat and Marissa was hugging Demi and then Selena was hugging Demi. But me being the person I am, had to hug Demi once more. Soon the SUV started to move, Marissa was intently texting someone as was Demi, Selena was reading a book with her head on my shoulder. 

We weren't traveling in the SVU for too long before we came to a stop in back of the hotel, at a service enterance door. I guess the front of the hotel in way too crowded for us to get in safely. Damn. Sometimes I wish for some normalcy in my life. 

It was Demi and I in one room and Marissa and Selena in another room then Nick will have his own room. When Demi and I got into our room, I made a bee line straight for the bed and laid down. Once again letting myself fall asleep. 

I heard the door open and close once, then I heard whispers between three people and then I heard the door open and close once more.

Demi's POV

The entire car ride to the hotel, I was texting Marissa. She was filling me in on what will soon become known as Delena or Sani. You see, I have always known that my sister has had a crush on Selena. I can tell it by the way that she looks at Selena. I have always known that she was bisexual even if she didn't want to admit it. I know that she is scared to admit it, I mean my family lives in the spot light: The singers Dani and I (and hopefully soon Maddie will join us, her voice is killer, which is why I bring her up on stage), The actresses Maddie and Dallas and I.  My mom was a former country artist. So I understand why she is scared to admit it, I really do.  

From Marissa
So Sani or Delena, whatever you wanna call it may be happening soon

To Marissa
Oh really?

From Marissa
Yea I talked to Selena on the plane ride here and She admitted to me that she has feelings for Dani. 

To Marissa
I totally knew it! I wanna talk to Selena alone. Wanna come to my room and chill with Nick while I have a little chat with Selena?

From Marissa
Sure! Just don't kill her.

To Marissa
Haha I promise I won't

From Marissa
Good. I'm going to head over to your room now. 

Not long after Marissa texted me that she was coming over to my room she arrived. I heard the secert knock on my door. Yes, I said secert knock. My team and I made up a knock so I would know that its not a fan knocking at my door. 

I opened the door to find both Nick and Marissa standing there. I opened the door wider and allowed them to come inside, once they were inside I closed the door and we had a small conversation in whispers, making sure to mind my sleeping sister. 

After we talked for a little bit, I left the room and made my way to the room that Marissa and Selena are sharing. Which apperently they finally are friends again, shocker. 

*Knock, Knock*

"Who is it?" Selena called out from behind the closed door

"Its Demi"  I called back

Seconds later the door flung open and there stood Selena who welcomed me into the room.

"What's up Dems?" Selena asked me

"Marissa told me that you admitted you have feelings for Dani"  I said

"Its true, I have feelings for Dani"  Selena said while looking down at the floor

"Hey Selena look up at me"  I said

Selena picked up her head and looked at me

"I'm fine with you having feelings for her. I know that she has them for you"  I said to Selena

"How do you know that Dems?"  Selena asked me

"I'm her older sister, I know her better then she knows herself half the time"  I said with a smile on my face

"Oh"  was all Selena said

After a minute or so of dead silence, Selena spoke up

"Do you think she would go out with me if I asked her?"  Selena asked me

"Hell ya, just ask in a super cute way and she will be putty in your hands"  I tell her

"Alright thanks Dems"  Selena said to me

"You know the rules Gomez. They are the same as they were for the guys that dated her. You may be my best friend but the second you hurt then I hurt you."  I said while puffing out my chest

"Dems, you know I wont hurt her"  Selena said to me

"Just covering my bases, now come here ya dork" I said while opening my arms wide

Selena and I hugged for a solid minute or two before we decided to go back to my room. We left her room and walked down the hall. As we approached my room we heard the laughter of three different people. Well at least Dani is actually laughing.

I suddenly stop and so does Selena, I turn to Selena.

"Selena, how was she this weekend?"  I asked Selena

"Well, Maddie made her promise to talk your mom when we drove her back. I guess your mom tried to appoligize and wouldn't believe that Dani needed time. She grabbed her arm and Dani ripped herself out of her grasp and then walked to her truck that I was driving. And she kinda just broke down. To be honest its scared me."  Selena said

"Oh. Thanks for being there for her Selena"  I said to her

"No problem Dems"  Selena said to me

With that we continued to walk the short distance to my room. I used my key to enter my room and I found the three goofballs in the middle of a pillow fight. Yes, my sister, my boyfriend and one of my best friends were having a pillow fight. Selena and I looked at eachother, sharing the same look. We both grabbed a pillow and joined in on the fight.

A few hours later, after our pillow fight and several movies. Dani and I decided to go out for a sisters evening out on the town. We didn't even try to hide who we are, just putting on a single hoodie each.

Once dressed we went out and walked around the small town we were in. It was such a beautiful town, it was one of those towns that everything closed down at 7pm. After about two hours of walking around, we were walking back to the hotel when we stumbled upon a small little waterfall  which we sat by and watched the sun set deeper and deeper into the night sky. I wanted to talk to her about the weekend but I didn't know how to start. I think it better be done in private.

Once the sun set, we got up and walked back over to the hotel and up to our room.  Once inside the room, we both ignored the will to change into shorts and fell on to the beds and went straight to sleep. 

Dani's POV

I woke up to Selena shaking my matress while Demi jumped on my bed right next to me. BARELY missing jumping right onto me. 

"Seriously must you guys be this annoying this early"  I groaned up

"Yes we must"  Demi and Selena said at the exact same time

Soon I saw Marissa and Nick enter the room, Nick was carrying the coffee 

"Perfect timing Marissa and Nick! HELP ME. Get these annoying but lovable lunatics away from me"  I say

Nick set down the tray thing of coffee that he was carrying and made his way towards my bed. He grabbed Selena by the waist and tugged her away from my mattress and handed her over to Marissa who was laughing her ass off. Nick whispered into my ear.

"Once she jumps up high, roll under her and over to the other side of the bed so I can get her off the bed"  Nick whispered in my ear

I gave him my famous "are you crazy, jonas" look. 

"Just trust me"  Nick whispered to me

"Yea, ya see last time I did that I ended up with a scar on my lower back "  I whisper yelled at him

"Yea sorry about that"  Nick whispered back to me


We were playing Truth or Dare in teams. The teams were: Kevin and his girlfriend Dani, Demi and Joe and then lastly Nick and I.
"Alright mini Lovato and baby bro your guys' turn, Truth or Dare" Joe said to us

Nick and I looked at eachother, sharing the same grin before we look at Joe. "Dare" we say at the exact same time

"Alright, your guys' dare is: you guys have to flip off that cliff into that lake"  Joe said while pointing at the cliff and lake that we were all jumping off and swimming in just hours earlier

"No, Joe. Thats too dangerous."  Demi spoke up

"Alright" Nick and I both said while getting up

"Daniella Sage, no I forbid you to jump" Demi said

"Demi, its a small cliff, we will be fine. We were jumping off of it a few hours ago"  I said

We walked over to the cliff, looked down then backed up a little bit 

"Are you guys scared"  Joe called to us

"In your dreams Joseph"  Nick and I called back

Nick went first, doing a perfect flip into the water. I approached the cliff and looked down, getting nervous.  Once Nick surfaced he called up to me. 

"Come on Dani, water is still warm"  Nick called up to me

"I don't know Nick. I don't think I can do it"  I called down

"Yes you can Dani. Just trust me"  Nick called up

I backup to where Nick stood perviously and got ready to jump. I stripped to my sports bra and kept my jean shorts on. Soon I broke into a sprint and jump, rolling my body tight into a ball so I could flip. It turns out that I jumped to soon and didnt jump out far enough. A pain ripped through my lower back. Once I surfaced, I let out an ear pricing scream. Nick swam towards me.

"Dani are you okay"  Nick asked me

"No, my back. AHHHH it hurts Nick"  I yelled in between cries. 

Nick grabbed me and helped me swim to the shore. He pulled me up on the beach and ran towards the others who were fast approching with a flashlight, Nick met them half way and they ran back to me. Soon when they all got close to me, Kevin shinned a flashlight on my back, I heard Demi panicing and I heard a slap and then Joe squeal like a girl. 

"Dani, what happened?" A paniced Demi asked

"My back, I cut it on the cliff"  I said in between gasps of pain

I felt someone put pressure to my back. 

"Come on guys, we need to get her to back by the campfire so we can clean up the cut and see how bad her back is"  Kevin spoke up

I felt myself being lifted up and carried back to the campfire. I was laid on a blanket. Kevin brought a unopened water bottled and pour it on my back to clean the cut. I heard Demi groan and from the corner of my eye I saw her hit Joe's shoulder.

"See Joe, this is what happens when you dare someone to jump off a cliff at night. You knew she wouldnt say no" Demi said

"Hey, lets stop abusing Joseph right now and worry about the cut on my back!"  I groaned out to Demi

As it turned out, it wasn't too deep, so I didn't have to go to the hospital but it was still deep. They cleaned it up and put bandaids on it. I ended up laying across Demi's lap for the rest of the night and we all just told stories and roasted marshmellows.

Demi was concerned that mom would flip out...which when we got home and she asked us if anything interesting did happen and found out. She did, on both of us. She flipped out on me for being such a daredevil and pulling something that stupid and she flipped out on Demi for not actually stopping me from even going near the cliff at night.

*End of Flashback*

I went along with it. I shouldn't have because right when Demi jumped up, she didn't go as high as she would have liked and did something to throw herself off balance. She landed right on top of me. 

"That is the last time I trust you Nick"  I groaned out 

This caused Nick to laugh at me 

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas, I will give you five seconds to run"  I groaned out while shoving Demi off of me

Nick didn't take me seriously, when I finally got Demi off me and jumped off the bed. Nick paled and took off running at the moment my feet landed on the hotel carpeted floor. 

I ran after him, after finally catching him, I tackled him and punched his shoulders. I let him up and then punched his shoulders again and then flipped him over me. 

"Alright, I think you abused my boyfriend enough Dani"  Demi said coming into the living room area of her suite. 

"Fine"  I said

"So whats for breakfast?"  I asked

"Well you and I have a interview so we are having breakfast at the radio station. Nick, Selena and Marissa breakfast is up to them"  Demi said to me

This caused Nick, Selena and Marissa to shout out "Room Service" .

Demi and I got ready for our radio station interview and were ready to leave in no time, we were almost out the door until Nick just had to speak up.

"What? Do I not a goodbye kiss?"  Nick said

"Oh yes you do"  Demi said

They started to kiss and this caused Selena, Marissa and I to gag. After about 2 minutes of them making out, I walked in back of Demi and pulled her by the back of her flannel. 

We soon left the hotel room and were on our way to the radio station. The radio station was about 45 minutes away and in Denver, Colorado. 

~~~Time Skip, After Interview, Back at Hotel~~~

Demi and I got back to the hotel not too long ago. Boy that one was a little awkward. They kept mixing Demi and I up and they kept asking us if we were currently in a relationship with other people. The DJ later appolizgied and said that the interviewer was new and the person that was supposed to interview us called in sick. 

Nick and Demi went out on a little date. I hope they have fun with their so called date because they can't show any emtional feelings towards one another out in public since they want to keep their relationship private. Thats one thing that has definitly changed about Demi and I, we keep our personal lives private. 

Selena, Marissa and I decided to go out to the towns movie theather and watch a movie. We ended up watching Abduction with Taylor Launter. Let me just say that the movie was simply amazing! When the movie ended we went to play in the arcade that was next door. Afterwards we went back to the hotel. 

Not long after we got back to the hotel Nick and Demi arrived at the room. It was already passed 11 and Demi and I had to get to sleep because we have a show tomorrow. 

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas, the rule was 11:30 when she has a show the following day. Am I correct?"  I asked

"Correct Dani. Sorry"  Nick said to me

"You are forgiven but shoo"  I said

Nick left and I pulled Demi inside. Marissa and Selena left to their own room. Demi went to shower and once she came out, I went to shower. 

When I got out, I changed and brushed out my hair and then crawled into the bed where Demi was laying down on. I cuddled into her and she brought me even closer which I didn't think was even possible. 

"I love you Demi"  I whispered out

"I love you to Dani"  Demi whispered to me 

We both fell into a comfortable silence

"Dani will you tell me what happened this weekend?" Demi asked me

"What do you want to know?" I asked

"Everything?" Demi questioned

"Alright Dems"  I said

I took a deep breath. 

"Well after breakfast, Maddie made me promise that I would let mom see me and talk to her. Mom tried to tell me shes sorry about tried to act like this all never happened. Saying she wasn't serious. I told her that she can say sorry all she wants but the fact is she said it and the words cant be taken back. She grabbed on to my arm and wouldnt let go when I told her to. I tanked it out of her grasp and got into the truck. Selena started it up and didn't ask me any questions until after we came back to the apartment complex. I broke down and started to yell what gives her the right to say sorry. She brought me into her apartment and we laid down. I cried into her. I had my chest on her head and we ended up talking about something about who shes onto right now and we cuddled. I ended up falling asleep on Selena's chest."  I said

"I'm sorry that happened baby girl. But I am glad that you had Selena with you." Demi said while kissing the top of my head

"So am I, this weekend fucked me over emtionally.I'm so done with this all, but I am so excited to perform with you again tomorrow"  I said to Demi

"We are going to rock that malls grand opening tomorrow"  Demi giggled out

"We should probably get to sleep bug, its getting pretty late"  Demi said

"Yea it is, Night Dems"   I mummbled

"Night Sage"  Demi whispered

At that, Demi and I fell silent and let ourselves fall asleep. 


Hello everyone!!! I am so sorry that it took so long to update! Almost a month!!! I blame college, haha its gotten in the way of my writing but it should because its college. Anyways, I have like 5 weeks left in my first semster of college, then I get a month long break. I am so excited because this means that I get to visit my brother in California.


1) Did you guys enjoy this chapter?

2) How should Selena ask Dani out?

3) Should Demi and Nick go public with their relationship?

4) Cutest moment from this chapter?

5) Should Justin come into play?

6) Drama?

Hopefully I will be able to write this weekend while I am home, I have a speech and visit with a few of my old teachers and hopefully will be going to the oral surgeon for my jaw (its a pain in my ass- it randomly likes to lock up and dislocate itself). 


Anyways goodnight my lovelies!

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