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Oleh MyaPete

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Hit #1 in Faye Chamberlain Faye Chamberlain x OC A witch needs a coven just like a wolf needs a pack and whe... Lebih Banyak

The Secret Circle FanFiction: To kiss a Witch
1. Pilot
2. Bound
3. Loner
4. Heather
5. Slither
6. Wake
7. Masked
8. Beneath
9. Balcoin
10. Darkness
11. Fire/Ice
12. Witness
13. Medallion
14. Valentine
15. Return
16. Lucky
17. Curse
18. Sacrifice
19. Crystal
20. Traitor
22. Family
Bonus: Lazy Day with Faye
Bonus: Diana gets engaged
Thank you
Bonus: Full Circle

21. Prom

953 30 8
Oleh MyaPete


''There's no way you saw Nick.'' Melissa repeated for the twenty-fifth time while I plopped down on a random couch in the candle lit room.

Damn, the ride to the house had been long, what was it with Jake trying to talk me into telling the circle everything.

''He's dead.''

''We know that Melissa,'' I croaked out. I didn't want to, but I had to adopt the somber sorrowing mood everyone else seemed to be in.

''It was Nick,'' Jake spoke up at last.
Ever since we'd gotten out of the car, he'd looked anywhere but at anyone of us. ''He even had pictures of our parents and of Faye and Ivy.''

I hadn't teared up about this since Nick's wake but the fact that in the only two photos that he'd kept, there was one of me, him and Faye meant so much that I thought I could have broken down here and now.

''No,'' Adam stood up to pace around the room, ''this is impossible. Even by our insane standards.''

''Maybe not,'' John started as he walked closer to the little group of us.
What was he doing here again?
''It's possible that when Nick drowned, the demon didn't. And kept his body alive.''

Then how do you explain the pictures?
Would some random demon keep them as a memory? I don't think so.

''Looks like our insane standards just got a lot insaner.'' Faye shrugged dramatically before being interrupted by Melissa, who finally seemed to believe it.

''The point is, Nick is alive!''

''Oh,'' Lovestruck by daddy Cassie -yes I've said it before and I'll say it again, I hated this man- started as she leaned on the back of a chair and stared at Melissa, ''He's not the same Nick we know. I saw him.''

And as happy as I was that Nick was back, I was forced to admit that I'd seen the dead bodies he'd scattered around too.

''He definitely seems more into massacring people than he used to.''

''He's killing witch hunters!'' Melissa protested and looked at the collective, ''Isn't that what we're trying to do?''
No, not really. Keep them away, more like it.
Despite what John thought, not everything called for violence.

And it didn't seem like there were that many witch hunters after us anyway since Luke and Isaac had set things up after Jake had come back to Chance Harbor. That was it, a small category, low class hunters.
But the deal, the real deal had come right after John walked into our lives.
At this point it was almost as if he'd left the door wide open.

''They were mauled,'' Jake reasoned with Melissa, ''like by an animal.''

''Since when do animals want crystals?'' The girl scoffed. ''Guys! Nick is stuck in a nightmare! He's probably lost and scared and distorted. We need to help hi-''
''Whatever it is,'' Holy, Jake, don't frighten me like that! ''whoever he is, it's not Nick!''

Everyone seemed as surprised as I was at Jake's outburst but it was kind of understandable.

Only Melissa remained sort of cool.
''It is not, that black and white, Jake.''

''Death? Yeah it is.'' He was much quieter now, as if he were talking to a baby but however soft his tone was, Melissa still walked out of the room.

''She loved him,'' Adam protested.

''She has to move on.'' Jake bit back and the staring contest between the two lasted until Adam was out the door, suit after Melissa.

''Guys!'' John protested but Jake and Diana were already moving away. I had a hard decision to make, whether follow Diana and confront her -since I haven't had the time to talk to her at all since she figured out who her real dad was- or go after an already pissed off Jake.

''Diana, can I talk to you, please?'' John asked his second daughter.
Say no, please.

''No,'' She grabbed at her coat as I rose from the couch, walking to stand beside her. ''I'm here for them. Uh, the last thing I want is talk to you.''

''Diana,'' Cassie protested immediately.
But didn't she understand that Diana already had a dad that loved her like she was his whole world?
And she was perfectly able to make her own decisions anyway.

''Cassie, I want to believe him, but I don't trust him anymore than I did before. Just like Ivy, that way.''

She grabbed my hand and we walked out together.

''You have what?'' Diana repeated for the third time, still with eyes as wide as saucers.

''Dark magic.'' I said yet again as we came to a stop before a red light. This leathery smell... I just loved driving Diana's dad's car!

''You mean, dark magic like when you can do magic outside of the circle.'' It wasn't a question, she more like stated it as she put her finger in the air.

''That's what it means.''

''Wow, how did you learn it?'' I was about to answer when she tapped her hands on the board, ''No, wait. I don't want to know.''

''I didn't make a deal with the Devil, D,'' Almost but no, ''My dad passed it on to me.'' I looked directly sideways to her as I gripped the steering wheel and braced myself for what I was about to say.
''Jake thinks Hades is my father.''
Think was a big word since I'd had detailed confirmation from Ethan, not to mention Calvin's papers but maybe this would help her swallow it better?

Never mind, her eyes opened so wide I thought they might have left their sockets.

''Hades? Satan for the Greeks?''
Not exactly, according to Jake but all the same to me.

''Exactly.'' I had to grin as the light turned green again.

''Shut up!'' Diana laughed it off and rolled down the window.
Only when she saw my face did she stop laughing. ''Please tell me you're kidding.''

''I wish I were.''

She leaned back further into her seat while her mouth opened wider.
''Did you tell the rest?''

''You're the first to know. Except Jake, of course. Cassie thinks my dad's a witch who has dark magic and so happens to be a friend of her daddy's.'' And let's keep it that way, I thought.

''Why?'' When Diana frowned, the corners of her mouth twisted up somehow.

''I don't trust Cassie to tell John. For the rest, with everything going on... I don't know. Maybe when we're not in a life threatening danger will I do it.''
My grip on the steering wheel tightened as an audible sigh was heard beside me.

''Wow. Just wow. Do you think together we could make a reality show? Like 'who's my dad' or something?''

''A witch and the spawn of Satan? We wouldn't get many viewers.''

''You're right,'' She rolled up the window at last.
The chilly air was... well, chilly. ''You're the spawn of Satan.''
Yes, can you believe it already?

''Actually I meant you.'' I smirked as she lightly smacked on my shoulder and we turned the next corner.

''I wish you were wrong.'' Diana started again after a minute of silence.

It was my turn to sigh now.
''Charles is your dad, D. He's the one that raised you, that loved you. That put up with your bitchy eight year old banter-'' another smack, ''He's your dad. Screw genetics. I know for a fact that he doesn't care about that.''

It took a minute or two for the information to go up Diana's brain, but once it did, a goofy grin was all that remained on her face.

''We've had an eventful night. How about we go back to my place and have a slumber party?''
She'd already taken the lousy buzz killing phone out of her pocket when I finished, ''Horror movie marathon. There's this girl in Ouija, who looks just like-''
''Sorry, but I can't.'' She sighed as she stared at the lock screen.

''What is it?''

''Cassie drama. Needs me to 'Come to house ASAP' dot dot dot, 'yours'.''

Cause that definitely sounded more fun.

''At least you won't have to put up with John. There's no way he'll ever show up to your house.''

Diana hummed as I took a turn in the opposite direction of her house, so I could drop myself off before she took back her car.

''I hope you're right.''

Just before I stopped the contact in the alley, I looked back to Diana who was already taking off her seatbelt.

''Can I trust you not to tell the circle?'' I knew I could but I needed verbal confirmation.

''Of course.''


''You're going to find the last crystal?'' According to Adam, the best moment to have a discussion about an antique magic crystal was when we were roaming the hallways just before school started.

''Yep. It's somewhere in the high school. We'll do it during prom.''

Right, the prom was tonight!
How could I have forgotten about that?
Especially when that stupid banner literally screamed it to my face.
They hadn't even made any editing efforts on that one.
Just fairy lights on baby blue font and the lamest color for the text.

''Did Castiel design that banner?'' I scoffed and pressed my books to my sides while Adam and Cassie looked behind and back to me with quizzical expressions.
''Castiel,'' I repeated, ''He's the- oh never mind. Who are you taking to prom anyway?''

Might as well have the start of the night as normal teenagers.

''I was thinking of giving you a ride, Cassie?'' Adam asked the blonde and somehow answered my question.

''Oh, I don't know,'' Cassie started, ''I might ride with Ivy,'' She threw me a 'help me look' so I held myself back from saying 'really?'.
That lie had nothing weird anyway, she'd already mentioned how awkward she was around Adam since they'd forgotten their love for each other.
''I mean, if that's okay with your date?''
My date? Right, my date.

''You do have a date, right?'' Cassie pressed on and my books somehow crawled up right to my chest.

''Or are you waiting to ask a certain someone to be your date?'' Adam continued with a squint of his long black lashes. ''A certain bitchy witch for exemple?''

''Whose name rhymes with 'hey'?''
Cassie and Adam had conspired against me, that had to be it.

''Why would I ask Faye?''
Terrible, terrible liar that you are, Ivy.

''Maybe, correct me if I'm wrong,'' Adam continued as Cassie threw me a look, ''because you have a thing for her?''

''What? I- okay, am I so obvious?'' I'd tried to get over this crush but I just couldn't.
Though I thanked whoever was up there that it was now easier to speak with Faye.

''Yes,'' Both Adam and Cassie said at the same time and I groaned.

''She's going to say no,''

''You might be surprised.''
Why does everybody keep saying that?

''Speak of the Devil girl,'' Cassie laughed as both Melissa and Faye strode in the hallway out of nowhere.
The blonde opened big eyes and Adam tilted his head to the side but they weren't looking at me anymore.

I looked behind me just as she reached out to put a hand on my shoulder, nearly bumping into her.
''Oh, hi, Hope.''

''Hi,'' She smiled, and I had to give her that it was almost as beautiful as Faye's.
Her eyes wandered behind me at Adam and Cassie then back to my face.
''Can I talk to you for a minute, please?''

''Sure,'' I shoved my books on Adam's chest as he closed his mouth and held them for me.
''Is everything okay?''

The two remained stuck -Adam with big eyes and Cassie just biting on her lip weirdly- as Hope dragged me away into a corner.
Thank god, we were still in the crowded hallway.

''Yes,'' Hope's smile never wavered as she brought her hands between us and started making circles in the air as she spoke. ''I don't really know how to do this,'' She put both hands on her face and groaned before resuming, ''I'd made a banner and all that but then I just scribbled it up. I don't know why... I just... okay,'' She breathed in and I sent her an awkward smile while my eyes wandered to the lockers.
''I'll just say it,''
My eyes caught Faye's as Melissa and her passed us and she threw a weird look at Hope's hair.
''Will you go to prom with me?''



Her smile didn't waver, even now that I looked at her with an open mouth, not knowing what to say.

Finally, the words rolled out on their own.

Her lips twisted up wider and I had to force a grin out too, but I couldn't back down now.

''Okay, I'll see you there?''

''Uh, yeah.'' I nodded and she smiled again before she went on her way.

Finally, I could let out the breath I had been holding and went back to Adam and Cassie, whom Faye and Melissa had already joined.

They didn't ask me about it right away -since Faye was already talking about something else- and I was grateful for that, instead, Adam shoved my books back into my arms and I looked to Faye as she continued speaking.

''All I'm saying is that for a bunch of witches, the magic of prom is obviously lost on you!'' A grin split across her face, ''I mean if we're going we might as well do it right! Limo? Champagne?''
She got no answer from us but a collective of little sighs and skeptical grins.
''What? It's what people do on the big social event of the year and I thought we were trying to blend in!''

Once she was finished with her complaints, Melissa chimed in.
''We're not normal,''

''No, we are definitely not.'' Adam agreed and even I had to nod. We just wanted to find the last crystal at the school for God's sake!

''We're not losers either,'' Faye started again and raised an accusatory finger at us, ''There will be dancing.''

''Whatever,'' I shrugged and slapped my books on Adam's middle so he would catch them.
My arms felt so heavy already!
''This is just a night in our lives.''

Melissa looked to me and cast a -not so- discreet sideway glance at Faye.

''So, Ivy, I promised I wouldn't do this normally but someone's got to take matters in her own hands! So Faye wanted to ask you if-''
''If you'd play dress up at my place. For prom, I mean. Choose our dresses together and even steal a few pearls from my mom. For old time's sake.'' Faye interrupted as she pressed her books tighter against her chest.

I looked to Melissa and she quickly nodded, reminding me of one of those weird dolls with fragile necks that just bobbed their heads at the slightest push.

''Sure, you, me, Diana, Melissa and Cassie? You can join, too Adam.'' The boy chuckled but didn't say anything as Melissa went on.

''Right, remember how Faye's mom used to hate us for messing with her pearls,''
Damn right and I hadn't survived months of witch hunting to die tonight at the hands of Dawn Chamberlain, no less.

''But it's prom!'' She continued and crossed her arms over her chest while nibbling at her lip. ''Who are you going with anyway?''

''Hope asked me,'' I shrugged.

''And you said yes?'' Cassie scoffed and turned her head to me.

''What did you want me to say?'' A scoff was heard next to Melissa and Faye jumped into telling us all about prom.
She'd dreamt of this event since she was six after all.

''I'm bringing Jake.''

''You are?'' Cassie croaked out and her eyebrows shot up.
I felt a strange feeling in my heart and stomach again but I didn't say anything. Figured it was an obvious choice of Faye's.

''He needs a date to get in! Should I have asked your permission?''

''I think it's good,'' I lied, ''I mean, you're picking up where you left things two years ago-''
''Wha!'' Faye cut me off, ''Ancient history, leave it at that.''

''Anyway,'' Melissa chimed in and looked to all of us girls. ''See you tonight.''

The two girls walked passed us and to class and Adam in the other direction as he handed me back my books.

''Why is everyone so hyped up about this thing?'' Cassie asked and I had to shrug.

''It's prom.''

''What about this one?'' Faye asked as she brought a yellow dress before her and stood in front of the mirror.
She put it on her body, still with the hanger on and waited for my approval.

''It's great.'' I said again while I scrolled through my phone, barely sparing one more glance at the dress.

''You said that about every dress I showed you.'' Faye sighed as she turned around and put the dress down on the back of a chair, only to pick another.

''Because they were all great?'' I tried, not really sure though since her look kind of scared me.
Where the hell was Melissa anyway?

''Cassie texted,'' I rose from Faye's bed. ''She and Diana are busy. They're not coming.'' Faye sighed and picked her phone as a notification went through.

''And Melissa will be late. Says she forgot something at the house.''

Well it looked like it was just Faye and me now.
I slumped down back on her bed and spread my arms on the pillow.

''This sucks. I mean prom,'' I corrected when she cast me a look in the mirror, ''I don't even have a dress.''

''Oh, but it should be fun,'' She expressively focused on patting at wrinkles in the black dress she'd taken.
She definitely had the body type for siren dresses. ''After all, you're going with Hope.''

''Meh,'' I shrugged lightly, ''she's a nice girl but there's a reason we broke up.''

''Which was?'' Good question there.

''I don't remember.'' It's been months anyway.

''Whatever,'' Faye put the fourth dress down.
Weren't you supposed to try them on before buying them anyway?
She walked over to me and plopped down on the bed too.

''Let's just find you the perfect dress.'' 

Faye screamed with glee as she popped the bottle of champagne open.
Wow, she was definitely more excited about this than any of us.

''Faye, really,'' Adam was skeptical and not really in the mood to party as his crossed arms suggested. What was it with the seeing Nick, here, at the abandoned house!

''It's still prom night, dammit!'' She brought the bottle to her lips and took a big gulp before handing it to me.
But I declined, of course I did.
I was the responsible adult after all.

''Jake's been gone a long time,'' Melissa started, ''do you think he found Nick?''

''I don't know, Mel.'' I rubbed at her shoulder compassionately, but I knew that the chances of Jake finding Nick after he'd run out and attacked Melissa were slim, skinny even.

Faye was seemingly on cloud nine, what was it with it being prom night, the fact that I'd actually agreed for her to dress me up and the champagne, of course.

She handed the bottle to Melissa but the girl didn't take it and wiped at her purple dress.
Nice one, by the way.

''The bubbles will help, I promise.''

Shuffling was heard and Jake came running into the room, all panting from running after his undead brother.

''Did you see him?''

''No,'' He panted, ''he must have taken off,'' He leaned on the table to catch his breath, ''What did he say to you?'' He looked pointedly to Melissa and she stammered over her words.

''Well he remembered me. He recognized this place-''
''And he attacked you.'' Adam pointed out.

''You scared him,'' Melissa reasoned.
But Nick attacking Mel? That didn't sound like him.

''Melissa, I saw his eyes,'' Adam continued and Faye's hip touched mine sideways, ''he looked like some kind of wild animal. All he cared about was the crystal.''

''Okay,'' I paused as Jake chewed on the inside of his cheek, ''is it Nick or not?''

''Or not,'' Jake answered before Melissa could and she scoffed.

''He said he was going to die! Doesn't it matter to you?'' She looked at all of us one by one, ''to any of you?''

''If he hurt you, then the Nick we knew is completely gone.'' Jake continued but was he trying to convince Melissa or himself?

''He was in there somewhere, Jake. I saw it, I swear!''
''You wanted to see it,''

''Jake!'' He didn't even spare me a glance as he went on, looking pointedly at Melissa.

''Adam might have saved your life.''

Somewhere in between, the bottle of champagne had passed between Adam's hands and back to Faye's.

None of us said anything for a long minute, until Faye cracked a grin and finally broke the silence. 

''Come on. Let's go to prom.''

''After all we went through this year, I never thought we'd go to prom together,'' Diana was the first to speak as we came into he festivities.

People were already dancing around and to be honest, the decoration was as lame as the crappy banner. We'd met with Cassie and Diana in the hallway and now I just had to find Hope.

''Well I never thought that prom would have a big tree in the middle of it.'' Cassie pointed to the tree in a corner by the food table and I had to snort a laugh.
So lame.

''Well, otherwise, how would it be different to every other school event we've been to this year?'' Faye sarcastically asked, ''Especially with a psycho on the loose.''

''Nick's not a psycho,'' Melissa corrected, a little hurt at Faye's banter but from what she'd told about Nick attacking her, I wasn't so sure anymore.

''Yeah, well, demon-challenged.''

''Okay,'' Cassie intervened, ''let's just find the crystal, so we can be alive for next year's prom.'' She walked away, Diana on her trail just as I spotted a familiar red head in the crowd.

''Way to ruin the mood, Cassie Blake!''
She was kind of right, though.

''She's right,'' Jake said as he started to walk to the dance floor, ''let's get on with it.''

I followed with Jake and Faye to the middle of the room since it was also there that I'd spotted Hope.

''Hey,'' She said once we stood facing each other. ''You look beautiful.''

''You too,'' I hurriedly said back.
I was kind of trying to save my life so sorry if I acted a little cold.

I looked over Hope's shoulder to see Cassie disappear behind Dawn, who was actively talking over the phone.

Where the hell was she going?

Hope and I had had one dance and were just spending time with her friends when I caught sight of Jake, all alone, standing like a dead fish in the middle of the room.

Let's just say that my maternal instincts kicked in and I felt compelled to excuse myself to Hope and her gang.

I dropped the glass of punch I'd had on a nearby table and walked over to him.

''I like your suit.'' I said once I'd reached his sides.

He didn't even look up from the people dancing that he spent his time scrutinizing as if Nick was about to barge through the doors any moment.

''It's a tux. I like your dress,'' He finally looked down but at my lower side and I rolled my eyes.

''Perv.'' His gaze went back up and I joined my hands as I looked to the people dancing while he focused on my face and especially my lips.

''Since when do you wear red lipstick?''

''It's crimson,'' I protested, ''Faye insisted to put it on me.''

Jake threw me a look and a minute later, he was already smirking.
''If Faye insisted.''

''Shut up!'' I smacked his arm. ''Why isn't she here anyway? Figured she'll be all over you. You really hurt her when you stood her up two years ago.''

Jake scoffed and put both his hands in his pockets.
''She's moved on. It's obvious.''

Though I didn't mean to, my eyebrows shot together on their own.
''What do you mean?''

He looked down on me as if I were dumb and I couldn't believe he was taller even when I had heels on.

''She likes you, dummy.''

''She doesn't.'' I protested and looked back to everyone dancing.
And to say Jake had never been to prom to begin with.

''She does. You're just the only one who doesn't see it. I swear sometimes I want to shake you.''

Well that's comforting.

''Even if she did, it's not a right-''
''Time, yeah. Diana told me what you thought.'' Jake scoffed and tore his gaze from the door again.

''Diana?'' I asked, ''I thought you two didn't talk at all?''

''We're not romantically involved,'' Jake defended, reminding me of the theory I'd advanced about them looking good together. ''But we talk here and there. Lately, our favorite subject is Faye, you and the sexual tension.''

''There's no sexual tension!'' I almost yelled and the two nearest dancers looked at her reproachfully.

''Keep telling yourself that.''

If Faye did feel the way that I did, would there be a chance that we could be together?

''So you get it, this isn't a right time.''

Jake's groan was so loud it almost sounded over the music.

''Ivy, the life we have, it may never be a right time. But then, one of us could die, maybe all at once. Life is short, but it's even shorter for people like us so just dive in! Go for it!''

I actually stopped to think about it for a minute.
Very good motivational speech, Jake. But no, I really didn't want to talk about this, now.
Let's just find the crystal and Nick.

''Being here is so boring.'' I changed the subject as Jake continued to watch out around the crowd.

This sucked enough as it was, better not add a coat of boredom.

One of Jake's hand had fallen to his side and all the other couples were all dancing to a slow song so I didn't hesitate to take it and drag him to the dance floor.

''What are you doing?'' He protested as he didn't move and I was forced to tug more forcefully before he budged altogether.

''Jake! Jake. Life is short, right?'' Ha, I used his own words back at him and he was forced to comply, even so with a small smile.

''Jake Armstrong is smiling,'' I feigned shock as I brought him in my arms in the middle of the dance floor. ''Quick, someone take a picture! Will we see a bit of teeth?''

He rolled his eyes but showed them nonetheless as his arms went around my waist and mine around his neck.

We moved in sync, rather awkwardly at first but we didn't seem to care as we were now, good friends. Dare I say, Jake was my best friend, along with Diana.

''This is nice, right?'' I looked around, pretending to be awed at the lame decoration.

''You hate this,'' He said and cracked another smile.

''I was trying to make polite conversation. And that would eventually lead to asking you how you felt.'' I braved myself and looked at him warily as the smile disappeared from his face.

''What are you talking about?''

''Nick,'' I hesitated and he looked up, obviously fed up already. ''I'm talking about your feelings for your brother.''
Our faces were very close and to anyone around, it might have seemed like a boyfriend and a girlfriend, but we knew better. We were better than that.
If we could stand awkward slow dancing, we could stand being close without having weird thoughts coming to mind.

''Try and understand me here, Jake. I know that's why you're being so hard on Melissa. Because she's saying all the things that you don't want to think about. And I wanted to talk to you back at the house but you just-''
''I walked out on my brother,'' Jake started, efficiently cutting me off. ''He was taken over by a demon and died,'' if there was a way that a man's eyes could hold so much sadness and regret, I was staring right at them. ''Now he's back as this thing and it's my fault.''

''No,'' I let go of his shoulders and we stopped dancing. ''No, it's not.'' I shook my head so many times I thought it was going to break.
But it didn't and I could go on.
''Listen to me. Nick was part of the circle before you were. We were there when he died,'' and as much as I hated to admit it, ''we're the ones that didn't help him, not you!''

Jake chewed on the inside of his cheek, but he seemed to be getting where I was headed.
''So you can be as sad as you want. Cry, punch a wall but let go of the self-hatred.''

He seemed as if he was going to cry but held himself back at the last minute as I finished.

He looked elsewhere on my right and made a weird face as someone approached us from behind.

''Hey, Hope,'' He started talking as she came up to us with a smile.
Only then, did I notice Faye a few feet away from us, drinking punch alone and staring right at us.
''I wanted to ask you,'' He put his hand out and smiled charmingly at her as if he hadn't been sad two seconds ago. ''May I have this dance?''

What was he doing?

Hope looked to me for approval, but as nice as she was, I could see she didn't mind and was even glad to share a moment with one of my friends, so I nodded.
''Yeah, go; have fun.''

I started to walk away as she put her hand in Jake's and he wasted no time in spinning her around.
I could hear her laugh all the way to the food table as someone came up beside me.

''Looks like your date and mine get along quite well. What does that make us?'' Faye had put her drink away and I thanked the heavens it was peach juice and not cherry flavored.

''Pity dates; I think.'' I shrugged and went to grab an olive on the table but Faye took my hand and looked to the couple before us.

''Deja vu. But I am no one's pity date.'' She dragged me away from the table before I could even pick an olive and onto the dance floor, barely eight feet away from Jake and Hope.

She slid her hands around my neck and it was my turn to put my arms around someone's waist.
Thank god, they weren't shaking or sweating.

''Are you having fun?'' Faye asked after a minute of slow dancing, ''I mean, here. At prom.''

''Not really,'' I answered and my eyes fell back into hers.

''Me neither. I always thought this was going to be some big night but I'm kind of glad I missed it two years ago.'' I had to laugh at that.
Next she would be saying she didn't want to have an epic sweet eighteenth birthday.

''At least you got a second chance, with Jake.'' I tilted my head in his direction but Faye scoffed.

''He's probably telling your girlfriend a lame joke. I'll pass.''

I resisted the urge of replying the cliche 'She's not my girlfriend' and instead breathed in Faye's perfume. She'd taken a bath right before we got here and still smelled the body wash.

''You still have the same smell,'' I couldn't help that, it just slipped out.


Now that it was said, might as well continue.

''I mean, years ago, before we stopped hanging out, you used to use that body milk and scented salts whenever we had slumber parties and I could smell them in your bathroom. You have them on now.'' I found it kind of awkward that I'd focused on something as silly as a scent but Faye smiled anyway and looked down for second.

''It's rose. Stole it from my mom.''
Of course she had, as always, we were talking about Faye Chamberlain here!

We resumed dancing as a comfortable silence edged between us.
Her head somehow fell on my shoulder and she breathed slowly into my neck as I reached up to run my hands up and down her bare arms.
She sighed and leaned further into my neck but I couldn't just lay things there.
I needed answers, too.

''Faye,'' I pushed her slightly away but she didn't protest as we resumed the dancing, even though the song changed. ''I never quite figured why we stopped talking together,'' I shook my head as her lips parted slightly, ''I mean we didn't hang out much anymore but we were friends,'' and then, mom and I had never gone back to Henry's house for any holidays.
''What's with the lake house closing its doors but still. We didn't even talk at school.''

Faye sucked in a breath and looked to the punch table behind me.
''Do you have any idea why?''
I didn't recall ever avoiding her back then. I just went toward people who walked to me and even though we hadn't been the best of friends -we bickered all the time, really- I remembered how inseparable we'd been.

''Yeah, I do.'' Surprisingly enough, Faye answered in the affirmative.


She sucked in another breath and bit at her lip before looking back into my eyes. She tightened her hold on my neck just slightly and shrugged.
''Two years ago, I told my mom, that I had a crush on you,''
She'd said it very quietly and immediately looked up to gauge my reaction.
I didn't know what I looked like, but it mustn't have been very attractive.
''And oddly, enough,'' She went on and rolled her eyes while she did so, ''the very next day it was no more slumber parties or trips to the lake house with you.''

Once my mind had wrapped itself around all the things she'd said, I had to laugh and nod.

''Your mom told mine.'' And they must have set a bunch of rules. Classic them.

''Our moms thought we were too young for a relationship back then.'' Faye nodded, ''As if they hadn't got knocked up at sixteen.''

I laughed and she returned my smile.
I was one of the very elite that seemed to appreciate Faye's humor.

''So this is the story of how we drifted apart.'' She shrugged and turned her eyes to heaven once again but I wasn't about to let this go so easily.

''You had a crush on me?'' I raised my brows and waited for the witty come back.

''You can hardly blame me,'' Faye scoffed, giving me some sort of pride in that.
''Deflate your ego, please. I was young,'' She took a deep breath and shrugged, ''And I only swore myself to tell you if those feelings didn't go away before the end of the summer.''

So they had.
''So why are you telling me now?''
You'd asked, dummy!

''Because they're back,'' Faye shrugged and my eyes went as big as saucers, ''Hard.''

My mind went blank for a second there.
Okay, Ivy, you know how to form sentences.
Coherent words.
English ones.
Okay, breathe.

''You like me?'' I asked, putting emphasis on the last word and thanked myself for he pep talk once my mind had gone back to normal.

''A little,'' Faye seemed a lot more open about this than I was.
Jake was right, dammit. And Jake was never right! ''But in my defense, I really did try to push those bastards away. Worked great for two years.''

A stupid smile appeared before I could stop it.
How come she wasn't tense right now? I would have been.

''And at the beginning of this year, you started hanging out with my ex, as if you guys were besties and I- I thought I was jealous of you,'' She chewed on air and then on the inside of her cheek, ''but I was actually jealous because you hung out with Jake instead of me. So I slept with him,'' She shrugged and it seemed kind of weak, but it was Faye, so...

''That's ridiculous.'' I said and smiled as I continued to sway with her.
I was already ready to bring her into a hug nevertheless, she continued.

''But this jealousy was nothing compared to the rage I feel when you're with her,'' She had a hard time getting it out of her mouth but once it was, she tilted her head in Hope's direction, who was still dancing and chatting with Jake.
''I actually wanted to ask you to prom,''
I didn't know whether or not my jaw was still attached to my skull at this point. ''But then she asked you,''

Faye scoffed at herself and threw a nasty look to Hope even though the red haired girl wasn't even looking at her.

Okay, my turn. I braced myself and-
''Faye, I-''
''Hey,'' Jake broke us apart somehow while we hadn't even noticed him walk to us.
''Cassie found Nick and the crystal. We have to go.''

Romance mode off and fight mode on, we ran to the doors.
I was forced to stop though, as Hope caught up with us.

''Where are you going?''

''Ivy!'' Jake urged on but Faye didn't seem to want to be that nice at all.

''Last I checked there was still something called free will, Hope. She's going wherever the hell she wants.'' She spat out through gritted teeth but before Hope could answer, I urged Jake and Faye to go.

''I'll catch up. Just a minute.''

Faye threw me a look as if she couldn't believe it and her throat made a weird sound as she scoffed but Jake was already dragging her away.

''The trophy hall, meet us there.''

Once they were gone, I turned to Hope.
''Look, I'm sorry but-''
''No, I'm sorry,'' She cut off but didn't seem harsh doing so, ''Look, I'm not stupid, okay? I see that you like Faye and she obviously likes you too,'' She shook her head when I tried to protest, ''Let me finish, please. I'm not masochistic and I know that we have history. But I get it. And I've made the decision to not put myself between whatever it is that's going on between you.''

How had she come to that conclusion so fast?

''Did Jake threaten you?'' Would it be something that he would do?
No, we were talking about Jake here.
Former witch hunter Jake, my friend.

''No!'' Hope's voice slightly rose up, ''Jake didn't even mention it! I just- it's obvious, Ivy! The way Faye and you danced just now and just how you talk in the hallways- it's obvious. I'm done.''

What do you say to that?

''I'm sorry.''

''It's okay,'' she sighed, ''It'll be, eventually.''

The conversation was over in two minute tops after we'd been honest with each other and I left with a weight off my heart.

The run to the trophy hall was quick but when I got there, the whole circle was already running after something.

I caught up with them outside, where I caught sight of Nick as well -and it was the first time that I saw him since he'd been back- but I could tell Jake had been right all along.
That thing wasn't Nick.

We continued running after him and followed suit as Faye put on her coat.

''I knew I should have brought demon chasing shoes!''


''Here!'' I panted heavily. It felt as if we'd run for miles. ''The lock's broken.''
It had to be it. The pound.

''Why couldn't he hide in a nice hotel again?'' Faye scoffed as Cassie pushed the doors open and we strode in.

It was dark already, and the Chance Harbor pound was a sketchy place to spend a night but we went in anyway, not really paying attention to the broken cars here and there.

''Let's find him.'' Adam said as if we'd had any other options.

''Be careful,'' Jake warned, ''He almost killed Adam for the crystal. He'll turn on any of us.''
Even Melissa had nothing to say to that as I followed after Jake.
The groups were made easily, of course.

Cassie, Melissa and Adam on one team and Faye, Jake and me on the other.
Where the hell was Diana anyway?

We turned a different corner than them and met up with even more rotten cars.

Now that we were so close to finally getting that crystal, I had to ask.

''What are we going to do once we find it?'' I asked from beside Jake and he didn't even turn around.

''Plans changed. Cassie says her dad's evil. That he can never get the crystal.''

Well at last!

Faye scoffed beside me, ''A little too late, isn't she?''

''Shut up, Faye.'' Jake croaked and took a knife out of his pocket.

''Whoa, What are you doing with that?'' Jake looked back at me with a look and I got it. ''You're not seriously planning on killing your own brother?''

What the hell?

''You see a better idea?'' Faye asked but Jake almost screamed out.

''That's not my brother!''

Silence ensued and I didn't have the strength to argue further.
Technically, Nick was already dead.

''This place is disgusting,'' as per usual, Faye spoke her mind with no filter and broke the tension by the same occasion.

''I'm sorry,'' I answered as he came to a stop.

''Don't be,'' Faye brushed me off as she continued to talk, ''It's not your junkyard.''

I had to stop a laugh and hold back her wrist as Jake went on.

Once she had stopped before me, I found it kind of difficult to speak to her face to face.

''Not that. For prom. And Hope and Jake, I guess.''

She looked expressionlessly at me for a moment and I was afraid of the next movement she'd make but then she looked down and back up.

''Not your fault. And I actually liked prom. It was nice dancing with you.''

I could let out a smile and a chuckle as the tension in the air flowed away to nothingness.

''Right; I'd forgotten how bad your dance moves were.''
She lightly nudged my arm but Jake called us back, his face the only thing we saw among the mass of cars.

''Girls? Do you mind? You'll make out later, please.''

We both sighed but followed him nonetheless.
''Don't worry,'' Faye leaned to whisper in my ear as the wind brought the scent of her shampoo into my nostrils. ''Jake's got his pocket knife. He'll save us.''

I didn't have time to laugh because a crashing sound echoed behind us and the three of us went running toward it.

Adam, Melissa and Cassie were already there and so was Nick and... Eben?

''What is he doing here?'' I asked Melissa as Cassie walked to them, using her dark magic to make the cars honk.

''Nick is trying to trade the crystal for a demon. It's keeping him alive somehow.''
Of all the messed up things I'd heard... and Cassie was still walking toward them!

She made the crystal fly from Nick's hands and picked it up but as she held it in her hands, Eben raised one of his and sent her flying.

I reacted on instinct and put my hands up in the air, concentrating just enough so Cassie wouldn't fall hard on the ground.

''How did you do that?''

''You have dark magic?'' Everyone but Jake asked at the same time but I shrugged them off.

''I'll explain later,'' I said as I turned to them, ''Take care of her,'' I pointed in the direction where Cassie had landed, ''I'll take care of that.''

I had barely taken two steps to them that Nick went the other way, Jake on his trail and Eben looked directly to me.

''Here we meet again.''

''Unfortunately.'' I said and brought my hands up.
I hadn't used dark magic in so long.

''I'm going to kill all of you!'' Eben used magic to make a car behind us fly to Adam and Faye and I barely had the time to stop it before it collided with them.

I was about to use magic on him when none other than the last person I wanted to see right now, walked into the scenery.

''Help Cassie,'' John started as he walked to the half burnt man, ''I'll deal with Eben.''
He barely threw me a look as he stopped before him and Adam took my hand to go to Cassie.

I hadn't even bothered to check if Faye was with us.
It just happened so fast...

When we did get to Cassie, Nick was already dead on the ground and Melissa was holding a knife covered in blood.
It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened.

She dropped the knife shakily and I put it away from her.

''Your father's arrived.'' Adam panted once Cassie was back on her feet.

She was looking at me but upon hearing those words, she turned to Adam.

''My father's here? Where's the crystal?'' She looked all around until John came to us, holding the crystal in one hand. 

''Eben got away.''

Wait, where was-
''Where's Faye?'' I all but screamed at him and it took Jake to hold me back by the shoulders so I couldn't jump and claw at John's face. 

''He took her.''

''How? You said you would take care of him!'' I accused and Jake gripped my shoulders tighter.

John ignored me and looked around at the whole circle instead.

''But we have the six crystals,'' He exclaimed in bravado as he looked lovingly to the object of his affection. ''We can build the skull. We can save her.''

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