тσ кιѕѕ α ωιт¢н || FAYE CHAMB...

By MyaPete

35.3K 1.1K 187

Hit #1 in Faye Chamberlain Faye Chamberlain x OC A witch needs a coven just like a wolf needs a pack and whe... More

The Secret Circle FanFiction: To kiss a Witch
1. Pilot
2. Bound
3. Loner
4. Heather
5. Slither
7. Masked
8. Beneath
9. Balcoin
10. Darkness
11. Fire/Ice
12. Witness
13. Medallion
14. Valentine
15. Return
16. Lucky
17. Curse
18. Sacrifice
19. Crystal
20. Traitor
21. Prom
22. Family
Bonus: Lazy Day with Faye
Bonus: Diana gets engaged
Thank you
Bonus: Full Circle

6. Wake

1.2K 44 10
By MyaPete

                               ONE OF A FEW

If I hadn't felt it, I wouldn't have believed it when Adam told me.

I couldn't explain how I'd just known or even felt that he was drowning but until I could make it seem legit, I couldn't tell anyone, not even the circle.
I mean, after the whole lot of crazy things that we've been through I figured they would understand but I didn't know how to... explain it.
Especially not so suddenly after Nick's death.
After all, the wake was today.

''Knock knock.'' Mom had to be standing there in the threshold for minutes already when I wiped away the tears I'd shed. ''Are you okay?''

''Been better,'' One look at her and I knew she'd noticed my tear-stained cheeks.
''Come sit with me, please.'' I patted the spot beside me so she did just that and came beside me on the bed.

The second she was down, I put my head on her chest and let her bring her arms around me.

''Shh, it's okay.''

''The others,'' I sobbed, ''they're preparing the wake and I havn't made so much as cookies.''
I cried into her shoulder. Nick really was dead.
''We've got to pick pictures. I don't even know if I have any with Nick.''

''But you do,'' she caressed my hair, ''remember that day in Hudson Fields?''

My head snapped up to meet her eyes and I doubted mine were as dry as I hoped them to be.
''The first one or the one when Faye dumped her slushee on me?''

''Slushee day, baby,'' she let go of my hair at last, but only to put a hand on my thigh.
''The haunted house, yeah, I remember now. Faye had screamed her lungs out when the clown burst out of nowhere and Nick had run away from the chasing witch.'' Ha, the irony of that one.

''You ran after him for nearly half an hour and once he'd calmed down enough, you told him that he didn't have to be scared, that you were there, holding his hand all the way.'' Mom continued for me.

''And I held onto his hand till the end of the day.''
Mom nodded and I let out a dark chuckle.
''Then Faye dumped the slushee.''

''Then she dumped the slushee.'' She confirmed and rose from the bed, finally letting go of me altogether. 

''I can't believe the only picture I have of him is one in which I have a slushee stained dress. A cherry flavored slushee stained dress, at that.''

Mom smiled and walked two steps to the door once I was steady enough.
''You've got plenty of time before the wake. Take a shower and meet me downstairs. We'll cook something up.''

I hummed and nodded as she left. I waited for two minutes, just picking at my nails but then, just as swift as in movies, I got up and went to rummage through the whole floor, in hope to find the slushee picture.

''Oops, sorry.'' I apologized as I walked in the rock hard chest that just stood before me.
He was just going out of the boathouse and I had just reached for the door and kaboom: collision.

I looked up as his hands stilled and wrapped around my own arms.
''No worries. You didn't kill anybody. Whoops, too soon?''


''Hi, Ivy. Long time no see,'' he paused and looked down before moving his gaze slowly up my neck and face, ''Looking good.'' 
I'd spent most of the night crying and had had a last minute shower but thanks for the lie, I guess.

He let out a smirk and let go of my arms suddenly as if I'd burned him. And just like that, he was gone.

''Wait!'' I called after him and he stopped briefly. ''Are you here for...''
I didn't even need to finish for the smirk that had taken place on his face to disappear and he quickly nodded.
''I'm sorry,'' I started as his air of superiority vanished away. ''I- I wish they'd been something I could have done.''

Once again, no emotion, just a light nod from him and before I could say anything else, he walked away for good.

I stared after him until he turned the corner and entered the diner but kept at a far distance from the counter and Diana, much more because I didn't want to slip into this depressing pre-wake thing ahead of my time than because I was mad at her.

I had already completely forgotten about the argument the other day and understood that with Adam and Cassie always as close as they were, being on edge half of twenty four hour on seven wasn't off the charts for Diana.

Instead of going to Diana, I spotted Faye and Melissa at a booth, Faye sipping on coffee while her friend mostly stared out the window.
Oh my god, Melissa!
I hadn't texted or even called but how could she even be okay?

''Exactly. And now I need to make him regret it.''

''How's it going?'' I stood in front of their booth, interrupting Faye and looking directly at Melissa.

''Not so great, but sounds like a great plan, Faye. Now, I got to go. See you guys.'' Melissa took her bag from the floor and started to leave through the gap between the booth and the table when Faye stopped her abruptly.
''Melissa. I know you miss Nick. We all do. But you can't spend the rest of your life lying on the floor listening to depressing music.''

Melissa scrunched her face, rightfully so, ''It's been two days, Faye.''
Has it?
How come hadn't I gotten out of my room for two whole days?

''Well, are you just going to stand here?'' I looked back down to see Faye holding her coffee mug with her index propped up.

I looked behind to catch a glimpse of Melissa's dark hair just as she left the boathouse.

''It's hard on her.'' I plumped down on Melissa's still warm seat and faced Faye as I waived Adam over.

''It's hard on all of us,'' Faye took a sip of her coffee and put it back down, shrugging on the way.

''She loved him, Faye.''

Faye looked up at me and down again until I was sure she got the point.

''Hey,'' Adam stopped at our table with a cup and a pot of coffee.

''Hey, yes, please.'' He gestured the pot in his hands and back and forth to the mug.
''Anything to eat?''

This question got me to make a face, ''Frankly I don't think I'll be able to stomach anything right now.''

''No problem, I get it.'' Faye rolled her eyes at Adam's empathy and hid her face in her cup.
''So,'' Adam finished pouring the coffee into the cup, ''where have you been?''

''What do you mean?'' I brought the cup to my lips and burned my tongue right away.

''You've been MIA for two days.''

''I have.'' I stated and brought the coffee back to my lips.

''Yeah.'' Faye and Adam said in unison as the latter one adjusted the towel dangling from his shoulder.

''But, none of you guys went to check up on me?''

''We all did.''
Faye cleared her throat and Adam corrected himself, sending a pointed look to the girl before me, ''Almost all of us at least.''

''From what Melissa told me,'' Faye started, ''your crazy ass mom said you were unavailable, crying your eyeballs out on the bathroom floor, or was it menstruating? I can't remember.'' She finished, putting a finger on her lips as she feigned frowning.

''And,'' Adam adjusted the towel on his shoulder, ''this is my cue to leave. Glad you're feeling better.''
He nudged my shoulder lightly and left as Faye made smooching sounds after him.

''Isn't he cute? Too bad he's already taken. Oh, wait...''

''Faye! Not funny.''

''Whoa, lighten up.''

''Someone's dead.'' I said as I looked down and picked at the menu, putting down my cup.
''Speaking of Nick,'' I swallowed, ''did you know Jake was in town?''

''Hm. He just had a crusty encounter with Adam.'' I almost chocked on coffee and put the cup down as I wiped at my mouth.

''What? About the theft?''

''The way they spoke about it was more of an armed robbery but no, not really at least.''
From what I got of the story, Jake had stolen a few things from Adam's dad while he was working there a couple years back and Adam still held a grudge against him for that.
''I don't know what they talked about.''

''But, he's here about Nick?''

''Hmm.'' One of us seemed clearly more interested in the conversation than the other overall I pressed on.

''Do you think,'' I took a dramatic breath, for what I had on my mind really seemed like a crazy idea and leaned slightly over the table if anything.
''Do you think that he, somehow, has something to do with the circle?''

''Don't know. Don't care.'' Faye shrugged and sipped at her coffee one more time.


''Hmm. Actually, the only thing I care about right now is the outfit that is going to bring him to his knees.''

I leaned back against my seat and sighed in defeat.
''Wait, didn't Jake stand you up to prom two years ago?''

''He did, and this is exactly my motto. Revenge is served hot.''

''You could not have got that more wrong if you'd tried. Faye,'' I reached over the table and took a hold of her hand. ''But please, think about Nick. At least today.''

Her gaze fell upon our hands and I swear I caught something in her throat bobble up and down, however, the next moment she flipped her hair over her shoulder and removed her hand from under mine.

''I'll consider your request, but you know how much I love being told what to do, hm? See you at the wake, Ivy.''

Faye swiftly stood up and walked out of the door and before I could process what was happening, Diana had replaced her before me.

''Hey,'' I swallowed.

''Can I sit?''
My brain commanded my mouth to open up and it did but I just nodded and she took Faye's spot.

''I'm glad you're feeling better. Your mom told us you were sick.''

I nodded and finished my now cold coffee in one gulp.
''That's what Faye said, in her own particular Faye kind of way.''

''Don't listen to her. She is having trouble admitting the fact that this day isn't all about her.''
Diana chuckled and reached for my hand, much like what I'd done to Faye earlier.

''I wanted to say that I was sorry, for the way I reacted back at the house the other day-''
''No, let me finish, please.'' Our eyes met briefly as we interrupted both of us and I nodded.

''I really am sorry about everything that I said. I didn't mean any of it. I know that you lost your dad too and that you're just-''
''As messed up as all of you?'' I tried and picked at the bracelet around her wrist.
It was the bracelet Adam had got her for their first anniversary.

''Possibly even more, it's hard to tell.''

I hit her wrist playfully as she grinned further, ''Ow!''

''I'm glad we sorted things out. To be honest though, I wasn't even that mad at you.''

''But I was... and I'm not anymore, so...''

''As crappy as this apology is, I gladly accept it.''
We laughed and my phone buzzed in my pocket.

''What is it?'' Diana noticed my suddenly somber expression.

''My presence is requested at home.'' Cookie baking with mom was scheduled and I was right in the middle of missing it.

''I thought you were the queen of the castle.''

I rose from the booth and took a few crumbled bills out of my pocket.
''I actually feel like this is the French Revolution right now,'' I just hoped I wouldn't end up as Marie-Antoinette. Or Nick.
''I have no choice but to return home. See you.'' I threw the bills on the table, and threw her a smile.
I walked to the door, and had actually almost made it when Diana called back my name.


''I hope to see you at the wake.''

I nodded and tried to smile as much as I could, ''Wouldn't miss it for the world.''


''Mom! Stop!'' I screamed some more nevertheless she kept throwing flour at me, picking it straight out of the bag.


I laughed as a quiet music started on rather than the rap we'd been listening to and I listened as it sounded through the speakers.

''Classic? Really?''

''Like you're one to judge.'' She turned back to the batter and used flour for its actual purpose as my phone went off somewhere in the living room.

''I got it!'' I went there as mom threw me a look and resumed stirring the eggs with the sugar.
''Hello?'' I put my hand back and stared at it. Ew, flour.

''Ivy? Where the hell have you been?'' Diana's voice sounded in my ears and I took a step back.

''Home,'' I shrugged even though she couldn't see me, ''Making...''
''Brownies!'' Mom yelled for me.
''Brownies,'' Not cookies after all, ''For the wake.''

''Are you kidding? This is at least the thirteenth time that I'm calling you!''

''What?'' I checked the lock screen as I put her on speaker. She was right.
''I'm so sorry Diana, the music was too loud. Is there a problem?'' I heard a long and deep sigh as I felt a presence creep up behind me. If I wasn't wrong, the wake was in another hour.

''Just, come to the House. We need to talk about Jake.''

She hung up before I could ask further and I turned around with a long sigh.
''Holy shitbal- mom!''
She held a towel in her hands and stared absentmindedly at the phone in my hand.
''Sorry, something came up. I have to go.''

''But Nick's wake-''

''I'll be on time, don't worry.'' I assured and took off the apron I had on.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, ''Are you okay? Is this about Jake?''
Was she seriously panicking over this?

''What about Jake?'' As far as I knew, mom only knew him from sight and had heard about Faye's relationship with him from Dawn... but that was it.

''Ivy,'' mom let the towel fall to the floor as she grabbed both of my shoulders between her fingernails.
''You have to stay as far away from him as possible. Do you hear me?''

''Mom? You're kind of hurting me. Please stop!'' Her nails had started to slightly pierce through my skin and she let go as if I'd suddenly burned her to take a slight step back. She looked down at her hands as if they weren't her own and then back to me.

''I'm so sorry, honey. I- I havn't had much sleep in the past two days-''
''Yeah, you watched over me. Adam told me.'' I nodded but my voice came out weak as my eyebrows came together. She'd seemed okay not less than two minutes.

I already knew that she was insomniac but I must have worried her sick since Nick had died. Everything going on and I hadn't even thought of her and how she felt.

''I'm sorry,'' I took her hands in my own, ''I'll be back soon. I promise.''

''She finally rolls in.''

''Shut up, Faye,'' Diana turned to me the second I crossed the threshold, ''We've been discussing this for the past half hour but, we need the advice of everyone in the circle.''

''Got it,'' I nodded and plopped down next to Melissa, ''Jake, right?''

''Yes, Jake. Cassie thinks he should replace Nick.''

''No one is saying anything about replacing Nick, Faye. But according to my grandmother, whether we like it or not, Jake is a member of the circle by the benefit of his bloodline.'' Cassie looked pointedly at Faye after her remark and I wondered how she managed not to glare but her statement was what mattered the most.

''So... either way, we're screwed?'' I asked, feeling this already getting to my head.

Diana strode closer to Cassie, ''See? Extra advice. Exactly what we need Ivy for. We're a whole circle. We have to make the decisions together.''

''Does this 'together' have to include Jake?'' Adam started to talk about how Jake was everything but trustworthy and Faye plopped down on the couch next to me.

''Is that cocaine?'' She reached out and took a stray strand of my hair, tugging on it lightly so as to shake off the white powder that lingered there.

''Flour. I wouldn't have ditched you for cocaine.''

Faye let out a smirk and wiped her hand on her pants.
''So,'' She leaned closer to my ear, ''what do you think of Jake?''

''I should be the one to ask you. I mean, you're the one who waited around for...'' I waited for her to fill in the blanks and kept looking at the debate going on between Adam, Cassie and Diana.

''Three hours.''

Even though the debate turned argument seemed thrilling, my head immediately snapped to Faye on its own.

''Three hours? As in three times sixty minutes?''

''That's usually what 'three hours' mean.'' She looked around and faced away from the subject. ''Do you think they're going to start making out? I mean, all this pent up anger has got to be useful somehow.''

She tilted her head to the side and stared me down, nibbling at her bottom lip.
''You waited three hours for Jake?'' I spit the name out as if it were venom.

''He's hot. Don't pretend you haven't noticed.''

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest, as far as my jacket allowed without ripping it in half.
''I havn't.''
Her eyebrows rose to the base of her hair so much that you could have almost confused them with her baby hair.
''The mysterious and mean bad boy isn't my type much.'' I argued but it was stupid to do so with her.

''What's your type, then?'' Faye asked, finally leaning away from my ear.

''Excuse me?''

''Come on! I already know you like girls and boys but even so... the last person I've ever seen you with was that emo chick, Faith. You can't tell me that's your type.''

''Hope,'' I corrected, ''and she's far from emo.''

''You can try and tell that to her lashes. One more coat of mascara and they might reach the ceiling.''

''I can't believe you,'' Evil incarnate, ''bad girl number one is talking about,'' made up social pictures created by oh, shocker, you, ''stereotypes.''

Faye sent a bittersweet smile my way, just the kind that she knew how, just when Cassie said something that I didn't quite catch.
But obviously, Faye did since she immediately perked up.
''Who died and made you queen witch?'' We all looked at her and I slapped my forehead as the others stared at her reproachfully.

We couldn't actually scold her for that comment because before anyone knew it, flames were seen through the window and a fire was put on outside, which got us all rushing to the front yard.

''Come on. No air for fire.''
We all repeated after Adam, up until the fire ceased, going away in a crescent shape.

''Oh my god! Look!''

''What the hell?''

''What is that?''

''It looks like a crescent moon.''

Accusations were soon thrown around, all centering around one person. What had changed in town since this morning? Jake, of course.

''We need Jake to stay in town and I don't know how to convince him.'' Cassie repeated for at least the seventh time.

''Do we really want this guy around?''

''Just let him leave.'' Adam, ever so hating over the guy's guts answered my question.

''Cassie would be dead if it wasn't for Jake!'' Diana tried to reason with him and Faye put an arm behind my seat.

''I still don't get how he could have had the exact timing to show up and save the day!''


''No, she's right!'' Adam pointed to me next to Faye, ''I mean, what were the odds that he just shows up to save the day?'' From a scavenger witch who'd tried to kill her in her own house at that!

''Adam!'' We all turned to Cassie as she raised her voice. We were back in the house, a little more dubitative with this whole fire thing. There was now a burnt crescent moon on the grass outside.

Adam wiped his face with his hands and Cassie lowered it down a few octaves before she started again.
''We don't know...''

''Yes we do!'' Dammit, Adam!
''Jake took advantage of my father,'' he did just as Cassie and calmed down his anger a bit before he continued, ''he made a fool out of him.''

Faye's head perked up and she dropped the arm that she had behind me back between us onto the couch.
''That's his specialty. Making fools out of people.'' Prom was still fresh, huh?

Diana made a comment about it and Faye pointed a finger at herself. I took it and put it back down.
''Are you still sore over Jake?''

''Are you kidding?'' I shrugged and absentmindedly traced patterns on her hand that I hadn't dropped.
''If he has the guts to come back after all this time, the least I can do is prove him how amazing I'm doing without him.''

''Okay. How do we do that?''


Her hand was so warm and the skin so smooth that the sole act of caressing it sent shivers on the tip of my thumb.
''Seven members, bound together as one. Remember?''

Faye did that lopsided smile of hers, showing me her dimples and squeezed my hand.

''All the more reasons,'' Cassie went on, ''we need this eighth member. There is only so much the seven of us can do.''

''There are psychos coming after us.'' I protested and Adam threw me a look for that.
''Now you're siding with them?''

I dropped Faye's hand and bent over the end of the couch.
''We need all the help that we can get as of now, Adam. No matter how trustworthy they seem,''

''Or in this case, not.''
Thank you once again, Faye but that comment was unnecessary.

''Look, my point. If we can't trust Jake, then I think that we're stronger without him.'' Adam looked around us all and captured all our attentions. ''You know, Nick wasn't perfect but we knew he had our backs.'' I nodded but Adam went on, dramatically easily. ''And it still wasn't enough.''
He shifted his weight form one leg to the other before taking them altogether and doing that again until he'd reached the stairs.

Diana took two steps closer to Cassie and asked her something about Jake.
Faye got up and I checked my phone for any notifications coming in.
We had texted Melissa over an hour ago already, and she still hadn't answered a single one of our messages.

''You and Jake were together?'' My head perked up, of course, Faye couldn't have the attention focused on someone else than herself.

''No,'' Cassie defended herself but I'd seen better excuses.

''Just to warn you,'' Faye started and put a hand to her hip, ''he'll sleep with you and then dump you and leave you in a million twisted little pieces.''

I wasn't stupid enough to think she was really warning Cassie. I mean, a blind man could have seen she was referring to the title of her own autobiography.

''Faye!'' I cast an apologetic smile to Cassie and followed after the Chamberlain girl, however, when I got to the bottom of the stairs, she had already poofed away.


The music was loud already and blaring through the speakers even before we got in and seemed to grow significantly louder when we walked into the room.

''Ivy, over there.'' Mom pointed to the banquet table and handed me the brownies. ''I'll go check if Dawn's arrived.''
I smiled and nodded, walking over to the table and setting the dish down on it.

I spotted Cassie's blonde hair the second I looked up and immediately strode to her.
About eight feet away, I realized that she was already talking to Faye.

''It's Nick's special witches brew.''

''This is a wake, Faye.''

''You didn't even know him.''

''Girls, not here. Please.'' I'd finally reached them and put myself in between before they could take the argument further.

''Oh, hey!'' A very stoned Faye welcomed me in with a hug, which was very unlike Faye, ''Look who's here! Ivy! Saw you carrying in brownies. Anything special you put in those?''

She had on a sultry smile but I unwrapped her arms from me, ''Carbs. Lots of those.''

She didn't seem much bothered by my actions or my reply, ''Boo-hoo. Don't worry, Ivy,'' she put her hands around her mouth so as to shush herself a bit ''I've got what you need.''
She lifted up the vial that I recognized as Nick's and unscrewed the cap.

''I think I'm good.''
Faye shrugged as I dismissed her and I looked to Cassie as the other girl started whining,
''Your loss.''

''How are you holding up?''

Cassie shrugged and looked around rather awkwardly, ''I should be the one asking you that. I barely knew him.''

''You have the right to mourn too. But yeah, not great. I mean, it must be the hardest on Melissa. Have you seen her?'' Cassie shook her head and I turned back to Faye who was bouncing her head to the music already.


''Have you seen Melissa?''


''Melissa! Your best friend.''

Faye shrugged but just as if on cue, the lost was found.

''Melissa!'' Faye seemed wide awake now, ''We're just toasting it. Do you want a drop?''

Melissa looked tired and beyond sad and she managed to show all of it with not too much effort.
''God, Faye.'' She disappeared as fast as she'd appeared and joined the rest of the party to the more respectful side of the room.

Faye made a face but I seemed to be the only one to get it as Cassie left to god knows where.

I grabbed onto Faye's elbow once the girl was out of sight, ''You should put this stuff away.''


She didn't listen. I mean, of course she didn't listen, we're talking about Faye Chamberlain here!

I'd let her out of my sight for a second! How could someone move so fast?

I'd come across Jake and Cassie talking together on the patio after he and Adam's fight and even asked Jane Blake, but still, no sight of Faye.

I walked along the dock, stepping closer and closer and as the wooden way narrowed down to a path that the fairy lights outlined, I finally spotted her.

She was standing on the railing, her shoes off and her arms spread wide as if she were a bird, facing away from me and to the sea.

I ran to her, careful to make my steps echo from a distance so as not to startle her with sudden movements.

''Are you out of your damn mind?''

I thought I looked angry enough but for sole answer, Faye turned her head toward me, narrowly missing losing her balance and scrunched her face.
''You think you and me have enough magic to fly?''

''Faye, stop!'' I took a hold of her arm and caught her before she could fall on the wrong side of the railing. I brought her down and her feet plopped up on the floor, luckily, I caught her in time.

''Is Jake in there? 'Cause I am,'' she flipped her hair, ''so over him.''
The hell?

''Is that what this is about? Jake? Do you realize what a douchebag he is?''
Faye tilted her head to the side, barely listening to anything I said.
''What he did to you? Faye!''

''I was a kid then. Now I'm a wicked witch.'' She stated and stared at her nails without a care in the world.

Oh my god!
''I can't believe you! Jake doesn't care about anybody's feelings but his own!''

''Oh, like you do.'' She scoffed and groggily smiled.

''Me?'' Heels clicked onto the ground somewhere in the distance.

''Yes, you. You and everyone else that seems so much better than him.''

My nostrils flared and I saw red and the heels kept getting closer.
''Look, I am not saying that you are wife material to some Saudi Prince, I'm merely stating that maybe you deserve better, don't you think?''

Faye's look lingered on my face a little bit longer than necessary and the heels finally caught up with us.

''What's going on?'' Melissa sounded as worried as a best friend could be.

''Ask your BFF. I'm so done with this.''
I gave up and before any of them could catch up with me, I ran down the dock and back onto the land.

Later that night, Diana called me but I didn't pick it up.
At about two in the morning, I finally checked the voicemail that she'd left.

''Hey. Hm, I know this is late but... I just, I couldn't find you at the boathouse and I could really use somebody to talk to right now. I- oh my god why is it so hard to spit out? I broke up with Adam. Figured you should now, bye.''

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