тσ кιѕѕ α ωιт¢н || FAYE CHAMB...

By MyaPete

36K 1.1K 187

Hit #1 in Faye Chamberlain Faye Chamberlain x OC A witch needs a coven just like a wolf needs a pack and whe... More

The Secret Circle FanFiction: To kiss a Witch
1. Pilot
2. Bound
3. Loner
5. Slither
6. Wake
7. Masked
8. Beneath
9. Balcoin
10. Darkness
11. Fire/Ice
12. Witness
13. Medallion
14. Valentine
15. Return
16. Lucky
17. Curse
18. Sacrifice
19. Crystal
20. Traitor
21. Prom
22. Family
Bonus: Lazy Day with Faye
Bonus: Diana gets engaged
Thank you
Bonus: Full Circle

4. Heather

1.5K 55 13
By MyaPete


Two minutes into the hallway and I'd already spotted both Melissa and Faye.
I'd seen Diana and Cassie earlier and had interrupted Adam in the middle of talking with Luke for the sole purpose of greeting them before they went to class.

Melissa huffed and walked away angrily just as I approached, bumping her shoulder with mine on the way out.
''Oh, hey, Mel-''
''I have to get to class.'' She cut off without even looking at me as she walked and turned in the next corridor.
Was she alright?

''What have you done to piss her off now?'' I walked up to Faye, and I had to say that I was surprised to see that her locker was already open.
Had she tried the combination this once?

''This is going to come as a shock to you,'' she put her books away without even turning to me once, ''but not everything is my fault.''

''Oh I didn't mean-''
''Yes, you did. Never mind. See you in Art.''
What was it with everyone around here today?

''I like your hair, today.'' I croaked out and pressed my books to my chest, wondering if I'd get a reaction out of her.
My prayers were -somewhat- answered when she turned around for a second, only to cast me an incredulous look.

I had to look back for that second but the very next, she was already out of the door.
And here I thought we'd had a great chat yesterday!


''Are you kidding? You bounded with Faye?'' Diana opened big eyes nevertheless, we continued to walk to English.

''I wouldn't exactly call it bounding per se. Let's just say she wasn't as bitchy as usual.''

Diana huffed, ''I'd like to see that.''

''Now you're talking? Weren't you the one who kept asking for world peace?''

''Look,'' we came to a stop in the hallway and she stood before me, crossing her arms over her chest.
''I didn't say we all have to be bffs but it's better to stick together, given... our condition.''

''Hm,'' I adjusted my bag over my shoulder, ''you mean getting linked together with a bunch of people I'd barely even talked to before last summer? Oh, and let's not forget a new girl of whom I know absolutely nothing about? That condition?''

Diana laughed and looked around, left and then right. No one was in plain earshot.
''Could have been worse. I mean, you could've got linked together with a bunch of strangers.''

''Okay, that's not possible,'' I defended, ''because a) this is a ridiculously small town and b) you'd have to be blind, deaf and possibly mute to not have at least heard of Faye Chamberlain.'' Resident bad girl, queen bee, Regina George Junior, and the list went on and on.

''I don't think that's such a bad thing after all. Come on, you guys got an amazing bounding session last night.''

''Don't,'' I scrunched up my nose in disgust, ''say it like that.''
She threw me a look and took a few books out of her bag.
''But, sure. Could have been worse.''

''Here, hold this for me, please.''
We resumed walking and I pressed my books against my chest as I took Diana's in my free hand.
''What did you guys even talk about anyway?''

''Not Faye, which is in itself, an improvement.''

''Faye not talking about Faye? Are you sure she's alright?''

''Or,'' I stopped her once we were in front of our class, most of the students having already filled in overall.
''Maybe she's just caught up in the middle of this circle thing.''
Diana sighed and rolled her eyes but I continued anyway.
''Come on, D. We all are, somehow.'' It was definitely the only thing that we shared.
I handed her books back over to her and she took them in one hand only so she could pick a lipstick out of her bag.

''You seem to be handling things just fine.'' Diana protested and unscrewed the cap.
Ew, cherry, what an awful smell.

''Uh-uh? I'm one moment away from breaking down! I mean, come on, I lie down in my bed and forget to turn off the lights and before all of that,'' I moved my hands about in the space between us, ''I would have just whispered a one-liner and boom, no more lights but now, do you know what I have to do?''

''Hm,'' she screwed the cap back onto the lipstick, ''raise your bum from the bed and turn off the lights yourself?''


Her eyes turned to heaven and she immediately got in the classroom as I was left to yell after her.
''In what world is that fair?''


English had gone smoothly and Diana had even asked further details about Faye and I's talk back when she'd brought me home from the dance.

All I could tell though was that I knew I'd fallen asleep somewhere between the school and the Java Brew and the rest was kind of a blur, although I did remember Faye hadn't been as moody as usual.

Too bad the fog that clouded my memories of last night didn't extend just a little bit farther because I would have liked to forget the awkward conversation with my mom yesterday.

She'd made me sit down and talk with her; which was the weirdest that it could get.
I mean, we were close but didn't really talk about our days as often as that. And add to that the whole witchcraft thing going on and I was glad we didn't because at the end of the day, I was a terrible liar when it came to mom.
It was kind of a shocker that she hadn't found out I knew and actively practiced witchcraft already.

''By the way,'' Diana caught up with me as I walked out of the class, ''I saw my dad leave Faye's mom's office. Said they're dating.''

''Ew, gross.'' Diana threw me a look. ''Hey, don't look at me like that, just imagine if you and Faye became stepsisters. The thought made a shiver run down Ivy's spine as she looked at Diana, trying to get the very idea of breakfast with Faye through her head.'' I narrated and grinned once Diana's face scrunched up.
''Very funny.''

''Breakfast,'' I roamed my hands around her cheeks and temples, ''Every day until the day you leave daddy's house.''

''I'm happy that he's happy.'' She protested and shrugged, throwing me a defiant look.

''Sounds convincing but hey, you're right. I mean, it'd probably be Dawn's house anyway. What's with her sense of authority and all that. Dominating?''

''Shut up, Ivy, that's beyond gross!'' She reached out and fished in her bag for the cherry lipstick again.

''Exactly, my point!''

''I could say the same about your mom, anyway.''

''What's with my mom?''

Diana's head perked up and her eyes met mine with a slight frown.
''Oh, I figured you knew. She went by yesterday. Saw her and Dawn talk.'' Hold on.

''Are you suggesting that I could be the one who's going to have Faye as a sister for the next sixty plus years?''

''This is a possibility I like to imagine. Come on, wouldn't you love to have Faye as a member of the fam?'' Diana nudged my shoulders and shook hers as she wiggled her eyebrows in a funny way.

''Cross my heart and hope to die,'' I made the sign with my fingers on my chest and she laughed.

''On a more serious note though, could you have any idea why your mom went by?'' She asked once her laughter had died down but I was forced to shrug.

''I was sick a couple of days ago. Mom is friends with Dawn. Figure it's one or the other.''

Diana seemed thoughtful as she played with the lipstick in her hand. ''Maybe you're right.''
She handed the tube over to me but I shook my head at the glittery goose in the see through package.
''Your loss.'' She shrugged and put yet another layer on her lips.

''What's with the lipstick anyway?'' A tilt of my head went to the tube.

''What do you mean?'' She pursed her lips so the smudge she'd made would spread to both the lips as her eyebrows shot quizzically.

''Cherry's disgusting. Plus, since when do you put on that much?''

''I'm putting the same-''
''As I've said before, very convincing.'' Not the least at all but she seemed to realize that too as she sighed and screwed the cap back on.
''Does this 'usual routine' of yours have anything to do with Adam?'' I asked once the tube was safely back in her bag.

''What? No,'' she started to protest, ''Can't a girl put on make up for herself?''

''My motto, exactly but, this,'' I took the cherry lipstick balm as she took it out of her bag again, ''is going to the lost and found.''


''Diana,'' she looked up to me but ditched the lipstick anyway.
''You don't have to worry about Adam and Cassie.'' I assured while she nibbled on her lip as she looked down.

''Not worried.'' She muttered under her breath.

''Want to try and say that louder?'' I asked, a little skeptical about this but I knew one thing for sure.

Her nostrils flared a bit and I reached out to pat her back, ''The guy's crazy about you.''
She nodded, rather absentmindedly than convincingly.
''You've got nothing to worry about.'' I assured even though I, myself, wasn't so sure anymore.


''You did what?''

''We went to Heather Barnes's. Or more, her brother's but the point is, my mother did something to her.''
Adam and Cassie went on talking together about this old friend of her mom's as I strode closer to Diana.

''You let them go together?'' I leaned in and whispered in her ear.

She turned to me only slightly and tried to think for a minute.
''Yeah,'' her voice sounded lower than usual, ''I trust him. Like you said.''

My eyes went back to Adam and Cassie.
''Right, I said that.''

''We're going to undo the spell that was put on her,'' Cassie continued and turned to us both but Diana seemed skeptical.
''I don't think that's a good idea.''

''Why not?''

''Ivy... I mean, think about it guys, what if we do it wrong? What if we make it much worse.''

''What could be worse than being paralyzed for the rest of your life?''

''So what? Diana barked at me out of nowhere, seemingly pissed.
Was this a bad day for the whole circle or had I picked a lucky number?

''So it's worth a shot if we can help that woman.'' I shrugged and crossed my arms. I'd made a strong point; even she could't deny that.

''But what if we can't?'' She turned to Cassie with an even higher air of superiority; What up with you, D?
''How do you even know what you're doing? My book doesn't-'' she was cut short in the middle of her sentence as her eyes fell upon the table behind Cassie.
''You have a book?''

''She what now?''

''Her mother's,'' Adam defended the blonde girl, ''she left it for her. It has the spell.''

''Wait,'' They all turned to me, except Diana who still stared at Adam, ''Heather knows what happened to our parents, right?''

Cassie eagerly nodded and bit her lip. Adam followed her movements with his eyes.

''Not now. Not like this, it's too risky.''

''Diana, what about our pare-''
''Since when do you care?'' Diana snapped at me, tearing her longing gaze from Adam.

''I'm sorry?''

''Ivy,'' she threw her hands about in the air. Her brown eyes seemed to be glaring daggers at me.
''Whenever we talk about the boatyard fire you're always the one to say that you'd rather not think about it at all, so why the sudden interest?''

What the f-''Okay, what the hell is up with you? I lost my fath-''
''Okay, guys, stop!''
It took Adam to break us apart as Cassie dissipated the tension in the air.

I'd never fought with Diana for in over sixteen years of existence. Not even once.

''It's too risky anyway.''

Oh now she was being civil.
''Alright, then. Go off Diana.''

Was her God complex really that big?

''Ivy, wait!''

''Cassie! Let her go.''

Adam voiced a protest as well but I didn't wait for him or anyone else at all. I took a left turn and then a right one up until I'd found the exit and walked out of the abandoned house.


''Hey, baby.''

''Oh, hi, mom.'' I wiped at my forehead exhaustively, even though the beads of sweat that formed there had to be imaginary.

''Are you okay?''
She strode into the room, stopped by the white wall and leaned on it.

''Fine. Why do you ask?''
I turned back to the book I was reading and crossed my legs over my bed as I leaned on the headboard.

''Because, Charles called,'' I gave away no reaction even though I internally groaned.
''Charles Meade, hello? Diana's father?'' She pressed on and I had to nod and purse my lips but kept an otherwise steady gaze on my book.
''His daughter went home with Adam. They both seemed to be arguing. Now, he didn't seem to pry-''
''So eavesdropped,'' I cut in and turned to the next page.

''But,'' mom ignored my comment and went on, ''your name came up quite a few times in their conversation.''

''How'd you know? You were there?''
Mom sighed and went to sit beside me on the bed, pushing herself away from the wall.

''Ivy, is everything okay between you guys?''
I was forced to roll my eyes on the book to the point I could reread the sentence that started the page.
''I know that's hard to believe, but I was once a teenager, too. One thing I understand is difficulties at this age... especially friendship related difficulties.''

My hands closed the book on their own, probably for the best anyway since I had barely read a word since she'd come in, and turned my eyes to her.
''So if you ever need to talk, about anything-''

''I know, mom. Thank you. But it's nothing, really.'' I assured and she let out a small smile before bringing me in closer and wrapping her arms around my back.

If I hadn't had mom, I quite seriously think I would have drifted away into oblivion.

My dad was gone and it had already taken her so long to find happiness again. And even so, I still caught her longing look when she looked at Dad's old pictures. And to say that I didn't even remember him.

I felt her smile against my shoulder and squeezed her even tighter.
''Thank you for everything.''


I hummed over the comfortable silence that had settled during the hug.
''I love you too, but I can't breathe.''

I let go of her and we broke apart but she still reached out and put a hand in one of my own.
''I'll always be here for you.''

''I know.''
She got up from the bed slowly and kissed my forehead. She had almost made it to the door when I called her back.

''Yes?'' She turned back just slightly so that a part of her was facing the exit.

''Why-'' I started but one look at her and I instantly knew this wasn't the right tactic to go for.
''Diana said that- Did you come to school yesterday? To see Faye's mom?''

Her mouth opened slightly and I thought that she was simply taken by surprise but she let a second pass before she used the gap between her lips to take in a breath.
She took two steps to the door and held tight onto the doorknob, one foot in my room, the other half on the threshold and half in the hallway.
''How did... yes. Yes I did.''

''Why?'' I shook my head as she smiled.

''Dawn is a dear friend of mine Ivy, you know that.'' She sent me a look as if I were the silly one but my frown only deepened because of it.

''Yes, but, why at school?''

It was her turn to shake her head and purse her lips as she let out another audible sigh.
''I don't know. I just feel so alone around that time of the year and I guess I wanted to check in on her. See if she felt that way too.''

''So, you talked? About dad?''
'That time of the year' precisely meant the approach of the anniversary of the boatyard fire.

Mom nodded, ''Among other things. What did Diana tell you about this exactly?'' Her head shot up and she nibbled further at her lips.

''That you'd just come out of Dawn's office. Did you two... fight? Are you mad at her?'' Mom had never, not once, come to see her friend at school, no matter how close they were.
So unless there was a big problem at hand or the freaking apocalypse, I could only think of that possibility.

''No,'' she released the doorknob, ''I wasn't mad baby. Dawn said a few things that upset me about your dad, is all.'' she assured as a wide grin spread across her face.

''Things like?'' I urged on but she just turned her head and looked at the clock on my bedside table, then back at me.

Her eyes settled on the book for the first time since she'd come in.
''Oh my god! What are you doing?''

''What? I-''
''You are seventeen and it's a school night! You should be defying me to go out and sneak out through your window! What are you doing, reading a book?''

''You know you're the weirdest mother in all of Washington.''

''There!'' She raised her hands to the skies above.
''She insulted me! Finally some normal teenage behavior!''

''Very funny.'' I held on tighter onto my book nevertheless she strode to me and she slapped it away.

''Oh no! You are so not going to be one of those weird kids that stay in all day. Go out, have fun!''

''I was out all day!'' I protested and went to pick my book up again but before I could, she swatted it farther away.

''And you better be for the next two hours.'' She rose from the bed and walked through the door, ''I have raised no bookworm in this household!''

''Everyone I know is busy, mom! I won't go out by myself,'' I looked up, just as she wiggled her brows at me, ''And definitely not with my mom!''

Her eyes turned to the same skies she'd thanked while her legs carried her to my wardrobe.

''What are you doing?''

''Picking my cute daughter an outfit. You need to make a big impression when you meet new people.''

''I'm not meeting any new people because I am not leaving this house!'' I took back the book and threw it at the wall, making it plop down on a stuffed raccoon toy by the wardrobe because of my terrible aim.

''Oh come on! You havn't brought anyone over since...''
No one, really.

She turned around with a purple top in her hands and wiggled her eyebrows again as she took a sultry voice, ''Hope.''

I sighed heavily and plopped back down on my bed, narrowly missing the headboard and a concussion.
''Hope was my partner on a group project over two months ago, mom. Will you just let it go?''

''Sadly, not until I find a suitable ship name.''

''Okay.'' I got up and took both her arms in my hands, urging her through the door.

She actually didn't put up a fight until we were in the hallway.
''Hovy? Ipe?''

''This is why we don't have this kind of talk, ever!''

''You're no fun.'' She folded the purple top and I walked toward the kitchen, not bothering to close the door to my room.

''Going to the kitchen?''


''Killing two birds with one stone, perfect. Could you please take the cookies on the counter and bring them to Jane? I kind of promised I would but, I am so... very... tired.''

I turned around and stared incredulously at her for a second.
''You're evil.''

''And you're young. I refuse you spend all day looking around like a tortured soul. Go! This is an order from your mother. No room to discuss.''

''Fine,'' I shrugged and dashed for the kitchen, ''But I'm taking your car.''


''Hey.'' I greeted as the door opened but Cassie was obviously not prepared to see me.

''Uh, hi! What are you doing here?''

''I'm on delivery duty. Is your grandma here?'' I held up the cookies in my hands and grinned even as she shook her head.

''Extra shift at the hospital, but, you're more than welcome to put those in the kitchen.''
She stepped aside and allowed me to come in with a tilt of her head.

''Nice.'' I looked around as she led me to the kitchen; and to say that I'd never been in Jane's house before.

''Here,'' she made room on the counter and I put the cookies onto it, next to a dirty blender.

''I imagined this place a lot-''

''A lot messier, yes.'' I chuckled and we stood there awkwardly for about half a second.

''Uh,'' Cassie started, ''I wanted to apologize, on behalf of Diana. She's just really caught up in this whole thing and I know you and I don't know each other that well but-''
''It's okay,'' I interrupted because we really didn't know each other at all, and I doubted that Diana was troubled by the Heather thing, at least not more than she was by Cassie hanging around her boyfriend.
''I know how Diana is, around... that.'' I wasn't quite sure what I was referring to but Cassie smiled nonetheless.

''So... you here alone?''

''Oh, no, there's F-'' a knock - or more like a bang really- cut her off mid sentence and she looked around and frowned at the door.
That made two unwanted visitors in the same minute, I guess.

''You can go up if you'd like. She's just getting comfy.'' Cassie excused herself and walked out of the kitchen as I found my way to the stairs.

I looked around but hurriedly walked them up and strode through the upper floor's hallway.
All doors were closed but one through which I could see light.


''Oh,'' the brunette looked up, ''coming to join the party? Or has Miss goodie two shoes officially recruited you on the Dark Side?''

''Neither, just dropping cookies for Jane.''

She looked up from the book she was reading and leaned further on Cassie's bed's headboard just as I realized what her peculiar lectern was.

''No carbs?''

''Yes, plenty, actually. Is that...''

''Cassie's mean ass witch mother's book of shadows? Yep.'' She shrugged lightly and flipped a page over without a care in the world.

''And you're reading it, because...'' I took my jacket off and folded it on top of Cassie's fireplace, trying not to disrupt anything out of place.

Before Faye could answer, a phone went off on the bed side table.

''Nice ringtone.''

''I've heard worse.'' Faye flashed me one of these looks that were so basic her.

''Nice guys finish last. A classic but kind of annoying twenty times in a row. Girl was popular.'' I leaned against the fireplace and looked at the pictures displayed on it.

''If you say so. Woah!'' I turned around to see Faye already answering Cassie's phone.

''Faye!'' She hushed me with a look and a quiet hiss and took the call.

''Hi, sweetie,'' Faye started and I tried to take the phone from her but she pushed me away every time I made an attempt.
''It's Cassie. I miss you. Come make magic with me.''
Okay, so confirmed: the person at the other end was Adam.
Nice, Faye.
''She's downstairs.'' Faye continued, referring to Cassie.

''I'll go get her.'' I proposed but Faye cast me a warning look and held up her hand as she scoffed into the phone.
''Oh. You sound hot! What are you wearing?''

''Faye!'' I protested again and couldn't help but roll my eyes as she continued. Why did I even bother?

''Does Diana know you're calling?''
Enough with Diana, already.
I reached out and stripped the phone from her hands.

''Adam,'' I paid no mind to Faye's protests since she hadn't done mine and talked to the boy at the other end, ''It's okay, don't listen to her bitchy banter,'' I threw a look at Faye and she rolled her eyes.
''I'll get Cassie for you.''

''Thank you, Ivy.''

''Oh!'' I heard a voice I knew all too well at the end of the phone, ''Is that Ivy? Can I- speak with her?'' Before Adam could reply to Diana I panicked and threw the phone back at Faye.


''You give her the phone.''

She put it on mute and looked up at me with a grin.
''Trouble in paradise?''

''Just, this thing with Diana. Nothing you should be concerned about. I just don't want to talk to her. At least not right now. Can you just please...''
I pointed to the door and told Faye someone had knocked earlier so she had to be discreet if they were still here.

''Got it.''

I heard her get down the stairs, ''Hey Cassie, dreamboat's on the phone. And he's desperate for you.''
So much for discretion!

Once she was down the stairs I heard nothing but complete silence and assumed that the transaction was done.

I looked around for more pictures when I noticed Cassie's book of shadows on the bed, where Faye had left it.
I shouldn't.
I definitely shouldn't.
I mean, a peek wouldn't hurt... but still.
I strode hurriedly toward the book, so fast that I actually caught my foot in something.

''Ow!'' I looked down to Faye's bag of which the contents were now spilled and spread on the floor.
''Lucky me.''

I bent down to pick them all up, and damn, was there stuff to pick.
Lipstick, sunglasses, phone, more lipstick and oh!

The photograph was square-shaped, small and could easily fit in the palm of my hand.

The picture must have been taken at a fair of some sort and I recognized the creepy clown statue with the meat cleaver of Hudson Fields.

There were five people in that picture: two women, -obviously very close to each other both physically in this thing and emotionally in the real world- who were each holding one baby in their arms.

I recognized both set of blue eyes, although I knew them to be much older now.
I looked behind the second woman and realized she wasn't the only one holding the baby. The man that stood behind her had a hand on the small of the baby's head and smiled fondly at the mother.

Even though the photograph didn't show much of his face, I knew that he seemed quite familiar but I only understood why after I'd flipped the picture over.

Dawn Chamberlain, baby Faye,
Claire and Andrew Celestin and baby Ivy, May, 7th 1995.

A tear slipped through my eye and onto my cheek but just as it slid farther down, I put the picture away before it could reach it.
Just as I did, a scream was heard down below.

I hurriedly put the photograph back into the bag and slipped it under the bed as I peeked into the hallway.

''Faye?'' The girl came running to me and took my hand, leading me back into Cassie's room and closing the door right after her.

''What's going on? Faye!'' The door was pushed back and bounced off its hinges before being completely open, revealing a girl I'd only seen in school yearbook pictures.

''Holy shit, is that...''

The girl had nothing of the all smiley Heather Barnes
I'd seen in the school's book and on the cheerleading squad photos. And I wasn't exaggerating anything here.
The piggy tails or whatever were replaced by straight hair and -what really bothered me here- her smile had been wiped out by a raging scowl and seemingly ever present lopsided smile.

She ran toward the window and I didn't stop to ask questions as I tried to unlock it as well, while Heather just watched with a sadistic smile on her face, clearly enjoying our struggling from afar.

''It won't open!''

We both looked at each other and immediately said the magic words but even then, nothing happened.

''Why isn't it working?''

I looked back at Heather and I automatically knew the answer to Faye's question.
''She's doing it,''

Faye banged on the window and I took careful steps toward Heather but even though I was glad that she was alive, something still didn't seem right with her.

''Heather?'' I didn't get too far to her because she suddenly raised a hand and I was yanked back in the air the moment she swung it down.

Heather attacked Faye and I fell down against a wall, hitting my back in the process but only rising up when Cassie entered the room and got the woman off of the girl.

We didn't wait and immediately ran downstairs as all the lights went out.

''Back door!'' I gripped Faye's hand and Cassie led the way.

We all ran to the door and swung it open, letting out a collective scream as a silhouette appeared before us.

''It's me!'' Nick said, ''What's going on?''

Melissa appeared behind him, ''Look, behind you!''
And just as if on cue, Heather appeared too and pushed Cassie back onto a chair as Nick immediately jumped into action, attacking her and pushing her off.

Heather pulled back and just stared at Nick and back at us.
For a minute there, I felt as if she'd just realized what she was doing for the first time since she'd started the assault.

She looked at all of us before taking a run for it and dashing through the door and into the street.

We helped Cassie get up and caught up with her, but not before a car came and hit her right in the face and
she fell completely limp on the pavement.


''Are you okay?'' Melissa asked but I could only watch Heather's brother as he left.
Sixteen years he'd waited for her to come back to him and all it had taken was one second for her to be gone forever.
For her sake and his, I really hoped there was such a thing as peace in the afterlife.

''I'm pretty far from okay. But at least I'm alive. Thanks.'' Melissa sighed and I turned to the rest of them.
Too many thoughts ran through my head right now but I couldn't stand here and see Heather's body being dragged away.

''Come on. I'll give you a ride home.'' Faye said to her best friend, only for Melissa to turn her down nicely as she said she was going to spend the night at Nick's. The two left hand in hand and Faye stared after them but said nothing.

''Um,'' she turned to me and I avoided all contact with Diana. ''I could use a ride home.''

Faye looked around at the paramedics and back at me as she let her arms fall to her sides.

''Come on.'' She nodded and walked away to a car but I reached and hugged Cassie before I left.
''Thank you.''

''For what?'' She shrugged and frowned as I pulled away only slightly.

''If it weren't for you, Faye could have died, and I was soon to follow.''

Her face lit up in the red and blue light of the ambulance and she nodded and hugged back before we parted ways.

I didn't throw a single glance at Diana or even Adam altogether but I could feel the lingering stare of one -if not both- of them on me as I walked to Faye's car.

Faye was already in the car when I got there and I slid in the passenger seat.
She checked the time on her phone quickly and turned to me.

''My mom is going to kill me.'' She showed me her lock screen and I grinned.

''Mine will be proud of me.''

''Your mom's always been weird.''

''You're one to talk.'' I protested as I reached to fasten up my seatbelt.
The key was already in the ignition and the car had just now started to come to life.

''Sorry, by the way.'' We were the only two people present in the car -because trust me, I could have been fooled there- so I turned to Faye with a slight frown.

''For what?'' I asked as she looked back at the road and focused on something there.

''I snapped at you this morning, I shouldn't have.'' She took a deep breath and I could see all the effort this was taking her. ''I'm sorry.''

My head nodded on its own and turned to look out the window.
''You know, this is the second time you're driving me back home after we've almost died.''
I focused on a mosquito flying before the right rear view mirror as my ears heard a scoff next to me.

''Let's not make a habit of it, please.'' She put her hands on the wheel and steered until we were no longer parked.

I was wondering which one she was talking about but I shut my mouth and didn't ask as she drove me home.

For those of you who don't watch the show, Charles and Dawn are plotting to get their power back and I've added Claire in the equation.

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