тσ кιѕѕ α ωιт¢н || FAYE CHAMB...

By MyaPete

36K 1.1K 187

Hit #1 in Faye Chamberlain Faye Chamberlain x OC A witch needs a coven just like a wolf needs a pack and whe... More

The Secret Circle FanFiction: To kiss a Witch
1. Pilot
2. Bound
4. Heather
5. Slither
6. Wake
7. Masked
8. Beneath
9. Balcoin
10. Darkness
11. Fire/Ice
12. Witness
13. Medallion
14. Valentine
15. Return
16. Lucky
17. Curse
18. Sacrifice
19. Crystal
20. Traitor
21. Prom
22. Family
Bonus: Lazy Day with Faye
Bonus: Diana gets engaged
Thank you
Bonus: Full Circle

3. Loner

1.6K 61 8
By MyaPete


The binding ceremony had been quite a show with Diana's weird poem and the fire going off the way that it did but at least none of us felt that rush when we were on our own anymore.

I didn't feel that much connected to the others as I thought I would but honestly, it was probably for the best.

I roamed the hallways, not late this once while looking for my keys in my bag.
They always seemed to fall deeper into the mess that was in it, which really pissed me off every time.

I looked up just in time to see Diana and Faye talking or more like Faye verbally assaulting Diana.
This early in the morning, really?
They were before Faye's locker and were in an argument but at least I was relieved to know that they couldn't hurt each other after the binding ceremony, at least not with magic.

Diana suddenly turned and walked away to the next hallway, leaving a very pissed off Faye in her trail.
I rolled my eyes and resumed my looking for my keys as my legs carried me to class.

''Hold on.''
Somebody caught my arm before I got there and when I looked up as I was yanked back, I realized it was Faye.

''Oh, hi,'' I'd decided to be a little nicer to her, at least for the few days to come since she must have still felt awful about the Sally accident. ''Your hair looks nice today. You should wear it like that more often.'' Her hair was as down as usual but it was straight instead of wavy which added a nice change.

''I know. I talked to Diana and thanks to this stupid circle thing, we can only do spell by groups so, care to help?'' She pointed to her locker and I sighed, adjusting my bag farther up my shoulder.

''Sure. But, did you try the combination?''

''Why is everyone asking me that? Hold it.'' I took a hold of one half of the lock as she did the other and we whispered the spell together, ''Lock unlock.''

I felt my energy connecting to hers and suddenly this warmth spread from the tip of my fingers straight to the very core of my bones.
I shivered and looked at Faye just as I dropped the lock.

''Wow, I definitely understand what Diana meant by connected, now. This is awesome! Don't you think?''

''Uh, no I don't!'' Faye grabbed a few books from her locker and slammed it shut.
''I don't like to be codependent. It ruins my chi.''

''I hardly think that-''
''Anyway, see you in class.'' I nodded but didn't do anything else as she cut me off and ran in the opposite direction.

I still had the lock in my hand so I reached out and closed her locker for her since she obviously wasn't going to. However, she did stop mid stride in the middle of the hallway to turn back to me.
''Thanks, by the way.''

I nodded and and turned to the posters on the wall once the locker was safely back on.
Was there a Dance tonight? Wasn't it like months from now?
I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck raise as I stared at a poster promoting a cupcake sale but I figured it had nothing to do with the cupcakes.

A cold feeling spread along my arms and into the tip of my fingers, so different from the feeling I'd had just moments before, doing magic with Faye.

I looked down from the posters upon the wall and the time for me to find the source of the uneasy feeling that spread along my body, I had already directly met with Sally's glare.

''What's with the emergency?'' I heard Melissa's voice as I strode into the room with still wet, thank God not dripping, hair.

''I'd like an answer to that question as well. You see, I was quietly enjoying a bubble bath and I'd planned on staying in until the water turned lukewarm and my freaking fingers turned old and wrinkled likes prunes but one text from Diana and I come running!'' And to say I'd missed a Rose bathbomb for this creepy abandoned house!

Diana was about to reply to me, and I hoped apologize about my wasted bathbomb, but Faye beat her to it.
''Oh, poor little thing. I hope you didn't have any other trouble on the way here.''

''Says the girl who's having trouble using her hands to do actual things.''
Don't be mean to her, Ivy. She's going through hard times.
I hope I hadn't offended her but expected the worst as I braced myself.
Thankfully, she only smirked up at me.

''Oh I do quite a few things with my hands, thanks.'' She winked and turned back to the dusty book she was studying when Diana scowled at us.
''Guys, this is serious!''

''I'm listening.'' Melissa raised her hand and I plopped down on the couch, that was already falling to pieces anyway.

''Of course you are.''

''Shut up, Faye,'' Diana started again, ''As I've said in the text, this is an emergency.''

''And I'm not getting any new info here...''

''Ivy, please.'' Adam looked pointedly at me and crossed his arms, making me sigh in defeat.

''Yes, Ivy, please. Listen to daddy.''
The boy raised a fist and turned to Faye with a scowl.
''I don't care if you're a girl.''

''Let's all take a breather here.'' Diana interrupted and acted as the Dalai Lama to successfully cool off the tension in the room.
''Cassie was attacked.''

All eyes went to Blondie behind our leader, the almighty Diana. Sorry for the bitchy banter but I hadn't slept much last night and a nap was out of the question, with Diana always barking to have us here at the slightest inconvenience.

''Seems fine to me.''

''Who attacked you?'' Adam asked instead, ignoring my reply.

''I don't know. Zachary. Works on a fishing boat. Said he was friends with my mom.'' Cassie shrugged but Adam's face lit up, ''I know who he is.''
All eyes were on him now.
''Sort of. He comes at the boathouse every once in a while...''

I was starting to get a real bad headache, here but I didn't pay much attention to it as I looked pointedly to Melissa as Adam and Cassie started to throw each other the ball and speak back and forth, completing each other's information board.

''Where's Nick?'' I whispered to her who only shrugged in return.
''Said he'll be here soon.''

''Diana showed up and we magically pushed him away.'' Cassie continued and Faye's head jerked up, suddenly interested in the conversation.
''Magic? It worked?''

''Like I told you it would, with more than one of us, but the point is,''
I looked at Faye and stared at her with furrowed eyebrows, hadn't we done magic together this morning?
She caught my stare and put a finger in front of her lips, silently telling me to keep it a secret.
Oh, that was it, she only wanted to piss off Diana, nice.
''Cassie was attacked and this guy knows about us.''

''It's not just him.'' Cassie followed.

''Who else?'' I asked, the suspicions that had been gnawing at me since this morning soon confirmed.
''Sally was asking questions about Faye and the accident.''

''She was?''

''That's not good.''

''You said it, Mel.''

''As long as we stay together, we'll be okay.'' Mom-Diana said, ''We proved that today.'' She went on with passion about the bond that she'd shared with Cassie when they'd done magic together and I absentmindedly nodded as I sent a pointed look to Faye because I'd felt the exact same rush and connection today.
When our eyes met though, she looked away.

Once Diana was done with her rant, Faye stared at her in a way that you thought she would take things seriously for once but suddenly burst out laughing the very next second.

''Where are you going?'' Adam asked as she walked toward a table.

''I'm not sharing my thoughts with anyone and especially Diana.''
She said something about going back to a solo act and left with a few pages of dusty old whatever books.

Melissa herself hesitated for a second before following Faye out of the house.
''You should have told us we were going to loose our individual powers.''

''I didn't know!'' Diana cried after her and turned to me.
''You mad at me too?''

''I'm not mad over losing my individual powers after what happened to Sally. Although I am mad about the fact that I couldn't finish that amazing bath I'd drawn myself.'' I rose from the couch and walked toward Diana, taking her hands in mine as I went on.
''With bubbles and candles and-''
''Okay, okay,'' she smiled and turned to Adam as she let out a long, wistful sigh.

''I'm sure we can sort this out on our own. Go get your bath.'' I smiled back, ''You kind of need it.''

I nudged her and dropped her hands.
''You did not just say that!''

''Yes!'' She pinched her nose between two fingers, ''I did. You stink!''

''Not true!'' I looked toward Adam and Cassie who were whispering together, paying us no mind. The mood quickly shifted, even for me who was so happy to go home to my bath.

''I'd keep an eye open for them if I were you, D.'' I said with a lot quieter voice and looked right to my friend so I didn't miss Diana's puppy eyes as I walked out of the room.


Melissa had called about the dance and asked if I wanted to come with but I'd told her that dances weren't really my thing, least of all school dances.
My mom was already forcing me to go to prom at the end of the year and that was definitely more than enough socializing that I could do.
However, she had somehow convinced me to check it out but I'd only agreed because I didn't want her to be all by herself.

The second Nick got there I'd discreetly left and was going through the hallways, looking at school pictures and football trophies and I admit, stalling.

The double doors opened and I didn't look up, thinking it was just one more late drunken teenager going to the dance. Only when two arms engulfed me into a hug, was I forced to hold back a cry of surprise.

Once I recognized Faye's dark hair, I immediately hugged her back with the hand that wasn't carrying my jacket.

''Faye? What happened? Are you okay?'' She pulled back and gasped for air. She had clutched to me for dear life!

''Thank god you're here! There's this weird guy that showed up at the house, he knew I was a witch.''

''Wait, what?'' A frown appeared on my face and even though I understood all the words she spoke, I couldn't stop it from splitting wider.

''No time to talk. Where is Melissa?'' She looked around frantically as she spoke and gripped my shoulder so tight I was forced to answer quickly.

''Uh, I think I saw her leave the gym with Nick. They went that way.''
I pointed the directions and she automatically let go of my shoulders but only to grab my hand and lead me there with her.

We only had to run ten steps to find her and Nick by the stairs that led to the second floor.
''Oh- So sorry to interrupt.'' My reaction was different from Faye's as I immediately interrupted the two who seemed to be in a deep conversation already.

''You're not interrupting anything, Iv-''
''Oh for God's sake, you'll have all the time to apologize when we're not chased by a psycho guy!''

''What are you talking about, Faye?'' I hadn't seen Nick there, only heard his voice, but he was sitting on the stairs, a bag of powder in his hands.

''I was at the abandoned house and some psycho broke in and almost attacked me!'' Faye croaked out and I put my jacket on the railing of the stairs while Melissa and Nick turned and looked at each other.
''He knew about us.''


''I had no power to defend myself! I could have been killed all because you-''
Faye had lost me at the 'you', meaning Diana, as she formulated her thousandth complaint.

''Don't blame Diana.'' Adam jumped into protecting boyfriend mode.

''And don't talk to Faye like this. Can't you see she's shaken?'' I fought back even though I agreed that Faye was going on a little too harsh on Diana just because she'd bound the circle.

''It doesn't matter! What's important is that we're in danger right now.'' I rolled my eyes as we continued walking and arguing through the hallways of the school.

''Why would he be coming after us?'' Melissa asked as we rounded the corner.

''He knows about the circle and he knows we bound it.'' Faye answered simply and we all came to a stop.

They started talking about the fire at the boatyard sixteen years ago and I drifted off, not in the mood to hear anything else about that day.

Faye held up a key that would supposedly help us find more about Zachary Larson's past just as someone took the same turn we did.
We turned toward the newcomer, ready to attack when Adam's only friend's curly head -Luke- appeared.

''So... this is where the party is.''

Cassie made up an excuse which he seemed to believe easily and Diana told her to go back to the dance. After all, it was her first date in this town; she needed to get off and get a free night.
As a welcome gift, we offered to deal with the drama at hand, you're welcome!

Once Cassie was gone, we all followed suit to Faye's mom's office.
Diana and Adam got in but when I tried to follow, Diana blocked my way.
''Two is easier to sneak out through a window.''

''So I stay back and watch you save the world. Got it.''
She smiled and rolled her eyes but got in anyway just as Faye gave her the password for her mom's computer.

Melissa, Faye and I had been left alone for only one minute before the Chamberlain girl started complaining. Again.
''Like being at a dance isn't boring enough.''
Neither I or Melissa answered but the latter started dancing on the spot and I leaned against the wall next to the door.

''Did you come here for Nick?'' Faye asked, rather suspicious.

''What? No!'' Melissa defended herself but it didn't seem very convincing.

''Hey, did something happen?'' Caring Faye? This was a whole new side of her I hadn't seen in sixteen years. She could be kind of sweet at times but not straight up nice that often.

Nonetheless, Melissa took a long second to answer.
''He hates me and I don't know why.''

''I'm sure that's not true, Mel.'' I finally broke out of my silence and stared straight at her as she turned to me.
''Yeah, yeah it is.''

''No, she's right.'' Faye continued, ''Nick doesn't hate you. Nick hates Nick. He lost his parents. He has issues.'' That you could say, but he was a nice guy underneath it all. A little lonely, but nice overall.

''We all did!'' Melissa argued and barked again.

What I was about to witness was something I'd never thought possible in all my years on this earth and possibly something that I'll never get to see ever again: Faye Chamberlain showing empathy.
''We lost one. He lost both. He's double-damaged.''

True, but there was something else adding to this salsa. ''I think he likes you.''

Melissa's head snapped to me so fast, I thought her neck might break.

''In fact,'' I pushed myself away from the wall and leaned closer to her. ''I know he likes you, even if he doesn't seem to know it himself.''
Her face seemed to light up and I couldn't hold back a smile.

''How would you know?'' Faye as expected, didn't seem as hopeful as I was.

''I just do.'' I nodded confidently.
We all knew Nick; how he was. And maybe someday he'd act on his feelings.

Faye didn't reply to me, who knew for what obscure reason, and only turned to Melissa.
''Speaking of the Devil, where is he?''


Faye had come back with Nick and both Diana and Adam had gotten out of Dawn's office just at the right time, only for the boys to go off somewhere else.
The scream had lasted a second but it seemed to echo and even go as far as to bounce off the walls.

''She's over there.''

''What do we do?''

''Well,'' Faye started, acknowledging Diana's theory openly for the first time today. ''We're all here. We're at full power. What can we do?''

Another scream bounced off the walls and we followed it to a Cassie spread on the floor, Zachary pinning her down and a knife in his hand.
Turned out, the guy that had almost assaulted her this morning had come back to strike her dead.

So there was a madman on the loose in the hallway of a packed to the break high school and the only thing that seemed to be able to stop him was a fresh-from-a-day formed circle.

We stood threateningly before him as the lights flickered from our doing and Diana screamed at the man.
''Let her go!''

A gush of wind ten times more powerful than what it's supposed to be to begin with appeared and made lockers open and papers fly everywhere.
But the demonstration of our power was apparently not enough since Zachary still had a strong hold on Cassie.

''Sorry Heather died but Cassie didn't kill her!'' Diana tried to reason with him, mentioning his dead girlfriend apparently, but he shook his head.

''Heather didn't die.'' All eyes turned to him in confusion and some looked at each other.
''What Amelia did to her was far worse.''
With that, Zachary seemed to have regained his strength and rose from the floor despite the wind, taking Cassie with him, his knife just below her throat.

Adam and Nick entered the scenery out of nowhere and the first boy's look lingered on Zachary before the man was forced up and pinned to the ceiling.

''Are we doing that?'' I asked Faye, who happened to be standing next to me.

''Seems like it.'' She answered over the magic breeze.


Just like last time, I felt the same surge and rush of power and this warmth just spread through my body, as if I was set ablaze but I liked it. Even worse, I basked in it.

Zachary fell from the ceiling as our hold on the spell faltered and Melissa and Faye stepped closer to him.
''Okay, now what?''
''My god, is he dead?''

We all took cautious steps toward him but Adam assured us he was breathing.

''Okay. What do we do with him now?''

''Get the hell out of here.'' Classic Faye, running away while the high school was packed with teenagers.

''We can't leave him. The school is full of people!''

''So what?'' Faye continued, ''We're the only ones he wants to kill!''

''She has a point.'' I chimed in even though I hated to admit it.

Diana requested calling the police but Cassie was arguing that it wasn't the right thing to do just as Dawn, Faye's mom and also the principal, walked in.

''What happened?''

I left it to Faye, Diana and Cassie and somehow they got it covered.
Dawn assured us there was no need for us to be involved in this since she knew that Zachary was an addict that broke in the school and would handle things from here.
At last and with no further questions, she sent us off back to the dance.


Cassie had thanked us for saving her life and accepted Diana's offer for a lift home.
Faye had told us goodnight in her own Faye sort of way and Melissa and Nick were nowhere in sight so I guessed that left me and Adam.

''Do you mind giving me a ride?'' I asked and crossed my arms over my chest in the frisky breeze.

''Not at all,'' he shrugged in his tux-suit whatever the difference was, ''but I've got to stop by the grill first. Kind of promised my dad I would. Is that a problem?''

''Actually yes.'' He cast me a look. ''Yeah I know, I'm just really tired and my mom must be worried sick, I mean, I wasn't even supposed to go to the dance tonight.'' I shrugged and cast a sideway glance to the clock on the town's church, on the opposite side of the street.

''Wait, you mean your mom doesn't know you're here?'' I bit my lip quietly as Adam went on but looked back at him slowly.  ''That you've spent half the night, here?'' He sounded shocked and downright mad but I could admit I had a nice defense.

''Hey, I'm sorry but I was kind of trying to stay alive so...''
He sighed wistfully, ''My old man's gonna hate me.''
And damn, here were the feels...

I didn't want to get him in trouble with his dad, I mean, if I still had mine I wouldn't want us to be mad at each other for something as silly as a ride, and in addition to that, Ethan was a nice man.

''You know what? Don't worry about me, I'll catch a ride with-'' I looked around at all our gone friends and realized Nick and Melissa were walking away together. It'll be a cold day in hell before I'd be a cock block. Lucky me, I caught sight of a dark head away, fidgeting with a purse.
''Faye.'' I turned back to Adam with a smart smile, just as he opened big eyes and looked from Faye to me.

''Okay, I can definitely give you a ride,'' he nodded very quickly, ''My dad will totally understand.'' Adam explained and I laughed at his antiques.

''Thanks but I think we should all spend some quality time together now that we're bounded.'' He stopped to think for a second but didn't seem much alright with the idea until I pointed at the clock on the facade of the church.

His eyes opened as wide as saucers and his head bobbed up and down affirmatively.
''Maybe you're right.''

''See you tomorrow, Adam.'' I chuckled and started to walk away.

''You too. Hey!'' He called once I was halfway gone, ''you call me when you get home! Have to make sure she didn't ditch you in a gutter somewhere!''

I let out one last laugh as I reached Faye but had to stand there for about a minute before she finally noticed me.
''Need a hand?''

Her head rose from the purse she was holding and her eyes met mine.
''What are you still doing here?''

''Something came up and I have no ride anymore. Care to help a friend in need?'' I asked as I tugged on my sleeves; I'd see to my jacket on the railing tomorrow.

''You and me? Friends?'' Thing was that she didn't sound rude or anything even with her eyebrows arched the way they were, but just seriously wondering.

''Can't kill a girl for trying.'' I shrugged and she sighed.
She sighed for a long time actually. So much that I though it was impossible to have so much air in one's lungs and then she looked back at me.
When she looked down again, she resumed rummaging through her purse.

Technically, she didn't say 'no'.

''You into grandma fashion, now?''  I asked, pointing at the purse.

''Okay, so, first, this bag is Louis Vuitton and secondly, it's my mom's. She told me to take the car and go home but I can't find the keys.''

''I may know a spell for that.'' I proposed and her head immediately perked up.

''Ivy, you've just won yourself a ride.''

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