From the darkness (Highschool...

By Karadock56

330K 4.9K 8.1K

Here's this story's motto: Less thot more plot. Hope you enjoy. More

Chapter 1: Left Behind...
Chapter 2: Meeting the bitch.
Chapter 3: Plucking a crow
Chapter 4: A warning
Chapter 5: Meeting his family.
Chapter 6: New classmates, and a stray
Chapter 7: saving the nun
Chapter 8: Payback time
Chapter 9: The dragon what ?!
Chapter 10: Cut me some slack already
Chapter 11: A new companion
Chapter 12: Kuoh fried Phoenix
Chapter 13: Alright, maggots
Chapter 14: One-sided annihilation
Chapter 16: Broken sword, broken past
Chapter 17: Wrong target
Chapter 18: New archenemies
Chapter 19: Friend or foe ?
Chapter 20: I'm three guys now
Chapter 21: Parent's day
Chapter 22: Disrupted meeting
Final Chapter: ... I'll rise again.

Season 1 final chapter: I'll just do it myself

11.5K 188 268
By Karadock56

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

' ': Giratina talking to your mind

Your POV:

After I exited the clubroom, I told Asia to go straight for home, while I had to make a small detour, while Issei was still unconscious.

Mrs.Hyoudou: Oh, Y/n, hello. If you are looking for Issei, he's not home yet.

"I know. I'm not here for him. I'm here to clean his room."

Mrs.Hyoudou: Umm... That's very nice of you, but he vacuumed it yesterday.

"No, you don't understand, I'm here to CLEAN his room."

Mrs.Hyoudou: Oh... What did he do this time ?

"He crossed the line, and he'll soon regret it."

Mrs.Hyoudou: I understand. Right this way.

After that cleaning, and once all the smoke dissipated in the sky, I made my way home, but what I wasn't expecting, was that Sirzechs himself was sitting on a couch with Grayfia beside him, and his face brightened when he saw me.

Sirzechs: Ah, Y/n, I was waiting for you.

"I'm not in a really good mood right now, so make it quick, please."

Sirzechs: Do not worry, I just wanted to personally thank you. Without you, who know what would've happened to Rias.

"Don't mention it, I'm starting to regret helping her. She literally passed an entire month helping Issei with his 'technique'."

Sirzechs: I also wanted to give you those.

He handed me a bunch of important-looking envelopes, with my name written on them.

Sirzechs: We're holding a celebration in the underworld for Rias's victory in her first rating game, and I wanted to ask you to be present.

"I'll think about it. Can I bring some more people with me ?"

Sirzechs: Of course ! You'll be our special guest, after all.

"Very well, I have nothing else to do anyway. I'll be here."

Sirzechs: Wonderful ! It'll take place tomorrow evening, I'll send someone to fetch you. I'll see you there.

He teleported away with his wife, and the rest of the gang entered the room.

"I guess you guys heard everything. What do you think about it ?"

Dialga: It could be fun. I guess we'll come too.

Asia: If you go, I'll go with you.

"Your choice, not mine. Let's hunt us some tuxedos."

The next evening:

The whole group was waiting for going to the celebration, all wearing tuxedos or fancy dresses for the occasion.

"It shouldn't be long before they get here to fetch us."

Asia: I'm scared, it's the first time I'm attending a big event like that...

"I'm a little nervous too, but there's no reason for any of us to panic right now. It's just too bad that Arceus couldn't come with us. I should've expected that being the god of gods meant a lot of paperwork to do..."

A magic circle appeared on the ground, and from it emerged Grayfia, wearing the same sort of outfit.

Grayfia: If everyone's ready, should we go ?

"Yeah, let's go, everyone."

With a blinding flash, the eight of us disappeared, teleporting in the underworld for a memorable night.

"That is some serious manor, seriously I think an entire city could fit in it."

Grayfia: the Gremory household possess the most territory of all the underground. If I remember correctly, the entirety of their possessions is a surface about as large as Japan itself.

I raised my eyebrows out of surprise, and she led us to some empty hall, while the characteristic sound of a celebration could be heard on the other side of a door.

Grayfia: Please wait here for a moment, I need to inform Lord Sirzechs about your arrival.

She entered the main room through a side door, leaving us to nervously wait to enter.

At least, two of us were particularly nervous, I can easily understand that after living for several billions years, something like that isn't really unsettling for them.

Giratina: 'Stop being so nervous, it's gonna go well. Try just to avoid the turkey, he'll probably be here too.'

'Roger that, I don't want to see him anyway...'

The door slightly opened, revealing Sirzechs.

Sirzechs: Good, you managed to come, please enter.

We all followed him in the reception room, discovering what was the higher concentration of high-ranked devils I'll probably see in my life. Seriously, I couldn't even see the other side of the room, both because of the population, and because it's way too far away.

Sirzechs: Please enjoy yourselves here. Y/n, I'll make an announcement later, I'm counting on you.

I nodded, and parted ways with the others, as me and Asia were looking to find Kiba, Koneko and Akeno.

We soon found them, completely crowded by pieces from other peerages, apparently, since they were asking them about these techniques they used, back at the rating game.

"Hey guys, sure is crowdy this evening right ?"

Kiba: Y/n ?! What are you doing here ?

"We got a V.I.P. invitation from Sirzechs himself, and since we had nothing better to do, we decided to check things out."

Akeno: I though you didn't wanted to be involved with Rias anymore ?

"She isn't the one who invited me, and I have nothing against others devils. You guys made me especially proud, the other day, roasting that turkey."

Kiba: Speaking of him, I think he's here with his peerage.

"Yeah, I heard about that, I think I'll try to avoid him if I can."

Koneko: You should. If he see you here, he'll surely attack you.

"Speaking of peoples I don't want to be with, where are tomato and the pervert ?"

Kiba: After getting here, Issei was sulking against a wall, very depressed for some reason. I think Rias is currently discussing with other high-ranked devils.

We continued to talk for a bit, mostly making fun of Issei and Riser. Until a butler of sort told me that Sirzechs was just about to make that announcement, and that he needed me.

"Very well, I'll be going. Don't let the pervert be anywhere near Asia, guys."

He led me to a backstage, where Sirzechs was already waiting to start his speech.

"I guess you want to introduce them the one who saved your sister."

Sirzechs: You are indeed correct, it's not everyday that a human shows up with enough power to induce such a humiliation to the Phenex clan.

"I just hope you don't plan on telling everyone whose powers I truly possess.."

Sirzechs: Do not worry about that, the only ones that know that are the four satans themselves. If that news went to spread, it would surely cause some terrible panic across the underworld, to know that one of the dragon gods is back.

"Not just one, you know."

Sirzechs: What do you mean ?

"Now's not the right place or time for that, I think they're waiting for you."

He went on stage, preparing the big announcement.

Sirzechs: Greetings, devils from all the underworld ! I personally thank you all for your presence here, to celebrate the victory of my little sister's peerage on her first rating game. I know for sure that most of you, including myself, were absolutely subjugated by that battle, and how her pieces managed to overpower the next head of the Phenex household that easily.

There were murmurings of agreements in the crowd.

Sirzechs: Well, do not ask yourselves any more questions. As a matter of facts, the ones who trained them specifically for that battle, are amongst us tonight ! They accepted the invitation that was given to them, and attended to this celebration !

Sirzechs: Without further add, I shall present you, the one without whom the victory would've surely been unattainable.

At that instant I appeared by his side on the stage, and it wasn't long before whispers of disbelief filled the air. How could a human train a devil's peerage for a rating game, and what was a human doing here in the first place ?

Sirzechs: I know you must be quite surprised to see a human in this celebration, but I assure you that he is the one. In fact, most of you already know him.

Sirzechs: I hereby present you, Y/n L/n the human, but you know him better under his nickname, 'The human that can rival the strongest devils' !!

After these words, the crowd goes silent, until the sound of a fireball launched through the air broke it. It made direct contact and created some huge amounts of smoke.

Riser: How DARE this lowborn be here ?! But it doesn't matter. In fact, I'm glad that he's here right now, it means I won't need to search for him.

Unsurprisingly, the attacker was no other than Riser Phenex himself. And just as unsurprisingly, the only thing that was damaged was both my tuxedo, and my good mood from before.

Sirzechs: Riser Phenex, what gave you the right to attack my guest ?!

Riser: My lord, this human is not worthy of being here, and I'll prove it here and now, by defeating him in a duel !

"And what exactly make you think that I'll accept your stupid challenge ? We both know how it ended for you the last time you tried to pick a fight, turkey.

Even from here, I could hear a few snickers from that nickname.

"Two time, you tried to fight me, directly then indirectly, and you got your ass handed to you both times. What make you think you actually stand a chance now ?

Riser: Simply, I made sure that you couldn't refuse my challenge !

He snapped his fingers, and from behind him a pair of guards showed up, holding Asia as a hostage, both pointing their weapons at her neck.

Riser: Now, if you value that girl's life, you should accept my challenge, or else she'll lose her head.

But I wasn't on stage anymore, in fact, I was already behind him, holding Asia in my arms, with a couple of beheaded guards laying on the ground.

Riser: Wha- I mean, When ?!

"Like I already said, Riser... I could kill you right where you stand, before you could notice it, but since you absolutely want everyone to witness your corpse rotting in the dust... I'll accept your challenge. It'll be me against your whole peerage !"

I nodded at Sirzechs, and he understood that I was dead serious about this, as well as the fact that Riser will soon be seriously dead.

Sirzechs: Very well, since both parts came to an agreement, I'll allow this duel to take place.

I put Asia down, and gave her to the other to guard her, while I was preparing to fry that motherfucker myself.

A few minutes later, both contestants stood at each sides of the arena that was specially set for the occasion, while the rest of the crowd was watching from the sides.

Sirzechs: What do you think will happen now ? Will he be alright ?

Palkia: It depends; which one are you worried for ?

Sirzechs: Both of them.

Dialga: That chicken won't make it out of here alive. He bit more than he could chew, and now he'll pay the price for his arrogance. That should sound familiar to you.

Asia: I've never seen him angry like that... Not even when he lost control, before we went training...

Palkia: This is just the proof he's really adapting Giratina's powers has his owns. The stronger he becomes, the narrower the frontier between their two souls gets.

Dialga: You know what they say, 'Never stand between a dragon and it's treasure.'

Asia: I don't really understand...

Palkia: Guess he hasn't told you yet. You never found it strange, that he was living alone in his house, with no signs of his parents, or some family ?

Asia: I've... never really asked myself...

Palkia: He told us, after we started living here as well. Apparently, his parents died in a car crash when he was 5. He lived most of his life on his own.

Asia: So that's why he seemed really happy lately... He started to see us as a second family...

Dialga: Exactly, and he won't let anyone harm you, or any of us. Because we became what he treasure the most.

Dialga: If I were you, Sirzechs, I would start to order the flowers for the chicken's grave.

Back in the arena, everyone was getting ready for what was about to happen. Sirzechs gave the signal to begin, and the entirety of Riser's peerage immediately rushed through the field, while I calmly made my way toward my future victim.

First, it was his pawns who reached my position, and surrounded me, decided to end this battle as soon as possible.

Mira: I have a score to settle with you ! Don't think you'll get out of here alive !

"*sigh* Seriously, do you all have Alzheimer or something ? Or maybe you trained so much in ten days that you're now purely invincible ?"

I slowly walked toward them, the pressure getting stronger and stronger with each one of my steps, soon bringing them down to their knees once again.

"See what I meant ? I don't want to harm any of you, so you'd better surrender while you can still walk."

Mira: N... Never... Lord Riser entrusted us in eliminating you, and we won't deceive him !

"He 'Trusted' you, huh ? Tell me, has he already showed interest for something else than your bodies, at least once ? Has he made you think that he recruited you for your talents, and not just what you looked like ?"

This time, none of them was able to come up with an answer, they stayed silently on the ground.

"Just as I though. He never cared about you; He wasn't assembling a team of fighters, he was preparing his very own harem. He's even more of an asshole of Issei. Issei is a huge pervert, but I don't think he would force himself on someone..."

I left the battlefield, not even caring about achieving my enemies, my blood starting to boil in my veins, small amounts of power emanating from my body.

Grayfia: All 8 pawns of Lord Riser have withdrawn.

Continuing my way, I could already feel the movements coming from all around me. They just don't learn, trying to pull off the same stunt over and over...

"Come out now, I know where you are, all six of you.

His two knights, two rooks and two bishops, came out of hiding, seeming unsure of what to do next.

"Well, well, well, I guess the story repeat itself, you all, surrounding an enemy that doesn't seems phased in the slightest by your number... I think you remember very well what happened next..."

They all took a step back, but it was too late. The fear in their eyes was all I needed to strike.

One moment, I was standing in the middle of them all, the next moment they blinked, I was gone, to be back just as fast, but wings deployed, and dripping red.

"You already experienced the copy, now behold the original. Shadow claws."

The instant I said that, 5 of them fell to the ground bleeding out, while the 6th one managed to jump away in the neck of time, using a pair of flaming wings.

"So I was right about you being related to Riser... Who exactly are you to him ?"

Ravel: I... I'm Ravel Phenex, I'm his little sister...

"So that sick fuck doesn't hesitate to makes his own sister a servant... If we weren't already here, I would drag him to hell."

The second I approached her, she closed her eyes out of fear, soon reopening them, since she couldn't feel any pain, seeing that I just passed by her.

Ravel: H-hey ! Where do you think you're going ?! You're not even trying to fight ?!

"You are not a fighter. I do not have the need to fight you, as I have nothing against you."

Ravel: It doesn't matter ! If I can beat you here and now, I'll prove my value to my family !!

Hearing that, I stopped dead in my tracks, and slowly turned toward her.

"So, what you're trying to tell me... Is that you were forced to join your brother's peerage, only because you weren't strong enough on your own ?!"

She kept her head down, wearing an embarrassed expression.

Ravel: M-My parents told me, that if I joined my brother's peerage, I would be able to develop my own powers furthermore... But for as long as I was part of it, I couldn't really feel myself getting stronger.

"That's because your not doing it the right way. You can't develop your strength just by pledging loyalty to someone else. You shouldn't try to follow your brother's steps, but instead makes your own way, and decide of your fate yourself."

Ravel: But what about you ? Never have I heard about a human like you !

"And that strength, I gained it myself, with my own determination. You should do the same, and find what you're really capable of. I'll let you think about it later, but for now... Hypnosis..."

Putting two fingers against her forehead, I put her to sleep, laying her gently to the ground, and finally left.

"You are nothing like your brother... Once this is over, you'll surely become a great heir for your family."

Grayfia: lord Riser's two knights, two rooks... And one bishop have retired.

Sirzechs: H... has he gained even more power since last time ?! He isn't even trying here !

Palkia: This is just a fraction of his real power, and he hasn't unlocked most of his potential yet.

Sirzechs: 'Rival the strongest devils' ?! What a joke, with that strength, he could take on one of the four satans without much trouble... How did he became so strong in so short time ?

Dialga: Precisely, because he's a human. You're looking down at them, empowered by your natural magical abilities, but humanity was bestowed a wonderful gift, that the three factions could only dream of.

Sirzechs: And what is that gift ?

Palkia: An unlimited potential. You may be born with more powers than them, but no matter how hard you train, you'll hit a limit sooner or later. Humans are a different matter, if trained properly for long enough, a human can overthrow a devil or an angel without trouble.

Sirzechs: But if that's the case, why hasn't humans tried to overrun the three factions already ?

Dialga: The problem is time. In normal conditions, it would takes several decades for a human to awake its inner strength. Even if they would train their whole life, they would die before that.

Palkia: Now imagine what would happen, if somehow, that unlimited potential, was coupled with the natural power of a dragon god. What we're watching is not a duel, it's the birth of one of the strongest beings to ever exist.

Sirzechs: ... how badly is Riser dead ?

Dialga: You'll see soon enough.

Riser: They already lost ?! All of them ?!

Yubelluna: my lord, what should we do now ?

Riser: We have no choice, we'll take matter in hand, personally. Follow me, Yubelluna !

Yubelluna: Yes, my lor-

She got instantly vaporized by a purplish beam, before she could completely finish her line.

"Found you. Now it's just you and me, chicken."

Riser: You lowborn trash ! I don't know how you managed to beat them all, but don't think you're on the same level as I !!

"You know, as a matter of fact...

Next second, I was on his face, my fist firmly planted somewhere between his lungs and column.

"... You're not wrong."

He got launched away, puking blood.

"But it's not the same levels we're talking about."

"You're thinking of this as some sort of exhibition match, to prove your strength to everyone. Bad luck for you, this is not a duel."

"This is an execution, and I'm the hangman."

Riser: Y-You ?! You're just a human ! There's no way I would be overpowered by someone like you !

"Very well, then how about I show you something that'll make you piss your own pants."

Palkia: He's really intending on doing that ?

Dialga: I guess he wants to send a message, "Mess with me and that's what awaits you."

Sirzechs: What is he planning to do ?

Palkia: You'll see, just try to not lose consciousness from it.

"Let's go, Giratina. Draconic..."

Giratina: ... Destructive...

"... Chaotic..."

Y/n/Giratina: BALANCE BREAKER !!!

My power exploded, sending chunks of the arena flying everywhere, as my armor formed itself around my body, Riser grew a terrified face.

He, for a second time, unleashed a barrage of fireballs, but instead of just taking the hits head on, every single one of them got countered with a shadow ball, and soon enough, it was Riser's turn to be pelted.

"Ancient power."

I stomped the ground, provoking the rise of countless boulders, that I launched to Riser all at once, completely crushing him.

"Earth power"

From beneath the huge pile of rocks, a blazing stream of melted rocks and magma spurted out, completely enveloping the boulders.

"Rain dance/Icy wind."

The combined power of ice and water was able to cool down the magma, slowly changing it into a single sphere of magmatic glass and obsidian, Riser still trapped in it.

"Dark pulse."

The sphere got cut clean in half, and what was left of Riser fell to the ground, missing the lower half of his body as well as one of his arm, beaten, broken, heavily burned, his magic completely depleted, and barely alive.

I was about to achieve him, but someone jumped in between us two, arms spread and preventing me from doing so.

"Didn't think you'd be already awake, Ravel."

Ravel: Please, I beg you, don't kill him !

"Even after all he did, you still don't hesitate to stand by his side, no matter what..."

Ravel: He may be a pervert, and probably one of the worst people here, but he's still my brother, and I'll defend my family !

"Family... Haven't heard that one in a while..."

I lowered my hand, and turned around.

"He cannot fight anymore, I'll let him go this time. This duel is over now, just remember I won't be that nice the next time he attacks them."

I started to make my way to the exit of the arena, until I felt an enormous heat wave, coming from behind.

3rd Person POV:

A wall of flames, a literal fire tornado had just engulfed him, with a heat to rival the sun itself. Besides the fire, the only thing that could be heard was the triumphal laugh of Riser.

Riser: FINALLY !! I was finally able to shut him up !! That worthless trash finally learned what it costs to not bow down to your natural superiors !!

Ravel: B... Brother, what have you done ?! He was willing to leave you alive !

Riser: But I'm not ! That stupid compassion was his downfall ! This is just too bad that since he was reduced to ashes so quick, I couldn't enjoy his cries of pain and despair. Now that this is over, I'll collect my reward; I think that blondie and the triplets he came with here will be a fine addition to my group...

Dialga: Well, he did it.

Sirzechs: T-That's all this situation makes you think about ?! He just got burned alive in front of your eyes and you don't care ?!

Palkia: Don't alarm yourself. Of course we'd be mad if someone killed him. IF he was dead.

Sirzechs: Wha...

But he was cut, when a properly humongous wave of killing intent surged, making almost all the audience fall to the ground, as the still ongoing tornado was slowly starting to turn from orange to purple, and 8 glowing red points could be seen through the flames.

Your POV:

"you know, they're only a few things that can really piss me of: Hurting the innocents, attacking my friends... And threatening my family."

I stepped out of the fire, not only unharmed, but my armor looking way more violent as well.

"Congratulation Riser. You did the three in a row."

Once again, ravel tried to step in, but instead of that, she found herself standing on the side, just beside the others.

"Please do not interfere."

Ravel: W-What happened ?!

Palkia: He teleported you away before the slaughter. Don't try to go back, you'll just get yourself killed.

Riser: You're just becoming even more of an inconvenience by the second, I'll just finish the work.

I didn't reply, but the instant he blinked, I had his face in my grasp.

"Never-ending nightmare !"

"Hydro-vortex !"

"Black hole eclipse !"

No one, in the entire underworld, could think they'll see one day the regenerative abilities of a member of the Phenex clan being overrun like that, but it's what was happening. He couldn't keep up with the amount of damages that was dealt to him.

"And the last nail in the coffin: Draconic drake !"

Taking the appearance of a massive, six-winged dragon, the attack almost disintegrated him, while something else was appearing behind him.

"I would bid you farewell, Riser. But where I'm sending you, time doesn't matter anymore. Enjoy your endless stay in the Distortion realm !!"

The portal closed after engulfing Riser, and as I was teleported back out of the arena, my armor disappeared and I fell to my knees out of exhaustion.

Dialga: You know you took a huge risk, going directly for that power, right ?

"Yeah, sorry about that, but he just pissed me off. I'm glad to never see him again."

We were quite casually talking about that, while Sirzechs, on the other hand, was absolutely stunned and completely overwhelmed by that display of power.

Palkia: So you already can open portals between the two worlds ? Never thought that would be possible that early.

"I don't even know where I sent him, I just acted without thinking. I can't really decide to open them, it did it on its own."

Sirzechs: Where did you sent him ?

"Somewhere. It's the place where Giratina was exiled long ago, a place where time and space doesn't mean crap. He's fine, and no, I'm not bringing him back, Ravel. He deserved what he got."

Palkia: What's the plan, now ?

"Getting back home, and sleeping. All that exercising made me hungry too, I want fried chicken."

We were about to leave, but ANOTHER fireball exploded right in front of us, launched by someone who looked just like an adult version of Riser.

Lord Phenex: You're not going anywhere ! Not before my son's back !

"Alright, you may have misunderstood. When I say that I'm NOT bringing him back, it means that I CAN'T bring him back. He'll continue to drift away in a parallel dimension forever. there's nothing I can do for him anymore. Plus that battle was to the death by default, and he's still alive, I found this pretty generous."

Lord Phenex: You call that generous ?! You sentenced him to an eternity of sufferings !

"He had it coming, he can only blame himself for that; Maybe one day he'll eventually stop thinking, but that's what you get for hitting on a way too big target."

Lord Phenex: What, a human ?

"Sirzechs, I'm counting on you for making the big announcement. Also don't forget to mention that if they try to send someone, they'll get it back in several boxes. I'll see you later.

After passing the door and teleporting away to our house, I knew way too well that I just brought way more attention to me than I needed, or even wanted, but heh, I was really mad this time. So I just went to bed, hoping that things would calm down at least a little now.

Meanwhile, two hooded figures, carrying strange objects wrapped in a piece of cloth, were making they way toward Kuoh academy.

I think I'm gonna take a little break from this before the beginning of season 2. I have a lot of things coming up right now, and I'm having trouble keeping up with the publishing rate. So, I think season two should come out maybe in 2 weeks, on Sunday.

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