Please // Matty Healy

By retrosounds

33.9K 804 899

Ever since I met him, he had become my whole life. I had no purpose before him. Now my purpose was him. And I... More

the beginning
the second
the third
the fourth
the fifth
the sixth
the seventh
the eighth
the ninth
the eleventh
the twelfth
the thirteenth
the fourteenth
the fifteenth
the sixteenth
the seventeenth
the eighteenth
the nineteenth
the twentieth
the twenty-first
the twenty-second
the end

the tenth

1.5K 34 9
By retrosounds

A/N: Hello, my apologies for the delay in updates, I've been traveling a lot and have not had access to wifi. I'm currently in Cambodia now which is insane. Anyways, enough about me, on with the chapter. Thanks for all of the love and support!


The warm water beat down on my back, washing away his unwanted touch on my body, his blood on my face, so I only had the bruises on my wrist to remember him by. 

There was a knock at the door, pulling me from my sleep-like state.

"Hey love, it's Kai" she spoke as she walked in, "I've brought you some fresh clothes when you're ready,"

I hummed in response as she closed the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. The party had mostly cleared out by now, George gone off with Matty to discuss his outburst. I couldn't help but smile as I repeated the words "she's mine" in my head. Although I still didn't understand it, there was no question, I was his.

And suddenly, my eyes stung with tears. Yet, for the first time in a long time, they were good tears. Very good tears. I belonged to Matty Healy. 

I wrapped a towel around my body, giggling at my reflection as I wiped the tears away with my good wrist. 

"Love I-" Kai paused as she entered, a concerned look on her face as she saw my tears, "are you okay?"

"Yes," I nodded, "I'm so happy, Kai,"

Despite me wearing only a towel, Kai pulled me in for a hug.

"He really is your whole world isn't he," she asked. I nodded my head again. "Good, because he would do anything for you," 

She shot me a warm smile before disappearing again, allowing me to change. 

"Kai," I called out after her, "these are Matty's clothes"

"That's right," she winked.

I smiled again as I slipped into his joggers, noticing the striped jumper laid out for me was the one he was wearing that morning in London. The one I had longed to wear so badly as I wore the navy blue one belonging to my ex-boyfriend.  

I fabric as it hung over my small frame, Matty's scent entrancing me. 

The halls were quiet as I navigated towards the living room.

"Hey kid," George's warm voice echoed, "how are you doing?"

"Much better," I smiled at him. 

"Here," he spoke, running to grab some ice, "for your wrist,"

I took the pack gladly, wrapping it around my purple bruises as George pointed down the hall.

"Matty's down there, first room on the left" 

I said a quick thank you before making my way, feeling rather comfortable all wrapped in his clothes. Matty hummed as I entered the room, glasses propped up on the bridge of his nose. 

"My shirt looks so good when it's just hanging off your back," he teased. I was taken back to the show, where I had stood backstage, listening to that song, longing for it to be real. Longing for it to be about me. This was a fantasy.

"Don't use your lyrics on me," I scolded playfully.

"I was just making sure you were paying attention," he winked, opening a spot on the bed next to him.

I fell into his arms as they wrapped around me, nestling my face into his chest.

"But fine," Matty sighed, "no old lyrics. I'd rather write new ones about you anyways"

"Oh yeah?" I asked, the idea exciting me more than I was letting it show, "If you were to write a song about me, what would you call it?" 

"No spoilers!" Matty shushed as he tangled my hair, eliciting giggles as I squirmed beneath him, "Just because you're in bed with me doesn't mean I'll leak the second album" he joked, kissing my forehead.

"Second album?" I raised my eyebrow, looking up at him now.

"Yeah, it's almost finished anyway. I've already got the title for it," he smiled.

I didn't ask further questions, rather just focused on the feeling of being in his arms. I could stay here forever, swaddled by his scent and his safety. Heaven on earth. 

Yet, as the night grew on, the adrenaline from the day did not subside. I lay comfortably in his arms for nearly an hour before the restless finally caught up to me. Perhaps a warm tea would help.

I slipped out cautiously beneath his grasp in an attempt not to wake him. I had made it halfway to the door before I heard a rustling behind me.

"Alright, love?" he said groggily. 

"Can't sleep," I spoke gently, hoping he would go back to bed.

"You should have said something," he replied, sitting up.

"Did I wake you?" I asked sheepishly.

"Never mind that. I only sleep well now because of you. I rest when you are okay."

Before I had time to feel bad, he had slipped into a fresh pair of joggers and made his way to the door.

"Well come along then," he spoke, leading me down the hall and out of the flat.

The cool evening air wrapped around me as I inhaled sharply, burying my fingers in the long sleeves of Matty's jumper. 

"Where are we going?" I asked as I adjusted to the breeze.

"Anywhere," Matty responded. I took his hand. 

We navigated our way through the quiet neighborhood, guided only by the light from the streets as the world slept around us. Finally, we stopped, finding a spot that overlooked the city. It was late, yet some cars still winded between streets and shops. It's quite a spectacle when you watch life from a distance, realizing how individual people truly are. Some asleep in their beds, some in their beds but far from sleep, some far from their beds. Some days long over and some days just beginning. Some not in work, some going to or coming from, some working right now as others slept. And then there was us. Just another two humans, hand in hand, a small puzzle in this world. It's humbling from this angle. Matty was a rockstar, praised and idolized by so many. Yet here, at this moment, he was so small. He was just another human. 

"This city is so beautiful," I spoke finally, pulling myself from the trance.

"I'm glad you are here," Matty said, guiding us to a patch of grass where we could sit for a moment. "I know you explored it quite a bit earlier," 

"It's refreshing to allow yourself to get lost sometimes," I spoke, my gaze shifting up to the star-cluttered sky. "Besides, I didn't quite enjoy the company of the girls laying around the flat," I half-joked.

"Neither do I," Matty chuckled. 

"When do we leave here?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning," Matty responded.

"Oh," I said, unable to hide the disappointment in my voice.

Matty turned to me, and I knew better than to let him pry, so I just gave him the answer he was looking for before he had to ask twice.

"I don't know how I'm going to face Elias," I admitted.

"He's not upset with you, love. I'm his problem. I'll sort things out with him, don't you worry." He assured me, he hands scratching my head gently as I laid against his chest. 

"I'm not ready to lose him, Matty" I nearly whispered. My heart ached at the idea that he was still mad at me. He was my truest friend, and I'm not sure how I would navigate life without him. 

"I know, darling. You won't lose him. I promise." Matty cooed. 

"He was also worried about me ruining his business with you," I added.

"Well you very well might have," Matty laughed, but I was filled with concern, sitting up to look at him.

"Wait, why?" I stammered, "Let me fix it, I-"

"Jess," Matty said firmly, shutting me up instantly. "When I am with you, I don't need the escape anymore. As long as I have you around, I can fight the cravings. I don't need Elias anymore because you, Jess, are my medicine."

I couldn't seem to find the words to say, so instead, I just kissed him. It was our first kiss that wasn't simply to justify feelings after some outburst like the others had been. This kiss was confident, knowing, passionate, and tender. This kiss wasn't to prove anything, rather embrace it. This was the first kiss Matty and I shared where we both meant it so, so much.


"Good morning, love" Matty's voice cooed as he gently woke me from my sleep.

However, I wasn't in the mood for cooperating, nestling deeper into his embrace. 

"Let's just stay here forever," I spoke groggily. 

"That sounds lovely, and one day we will, but it's in our best interest to get packed up before George storms in here and beats the piss out of us lot," Matty chuckled.

I sighed dramatically, rolling out from his arms and standing up, my messy hair decorating my face as I rubbed my eyes. 

"You're so adorable," Matty whispered. 

I reluctantly slipped out of Matty's clothes, changing into my final clean outfit before joining Kai in the kitchen to help pour coffees while the crew finished loading the bus. 

"Hey happy," Kai spoke, "drink up"

I took the mug of fresh coffee from her hands, drinking it quickly so I could help clean. However, the caffeine was no use, for the moment we got onto the bus, Matty began rubbing soothing circles into my scalp, putting me to sleep instantly. 

Due to the lack of proper seating, the only suitable location for me to sleep was on his lap, but neither of us was complaining. I lay, curled up atop his knees, one of his hands running through my hair, the other supporting my back, holding me against him. Every time I would stir, he would break his soft conversation with George to check in on me before pulling me closer and scratching my head until I was limp in his arms again. This wasn't too bad. 

If only Elias could see us now and realize just how wrong he was. 


A/N: Hey yall, here is a cute little happy chapter before things get intense again. I just thought after all of the shit they have been through. Matty and Jess deserved a little fluff and a break from conflict for a bit. Anyways, more drama to come. Thank you for all of your support and love. If you have any predictions for what you think will happen with Elias, I'd love to hear them!! 

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