Therapy- One Direction fanfic

By LeeshaStylesXx

6.3K 143 45

Amelia Dunn is an 16 year old girl with issues and is infamous for making bad decisions. She has severe depre... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Five

598 15 5
By LeeshaStylesXx

*Contains swearing*

The next month went pretty fast, I texted and skyped Harry most of the time, and me and Eleanor seem to be getting along better. I haven't cut in a few days, which is an improvement for me, but don't get me wrong I always thought about it. Exactly a month since me and Harry met, Harry invited me to go swimming with him and his friends and said I could bring Eleanor. I ran down stairs to Jenny.

"Hello Jennifer my dear!" I said cheerfully

""Hello Amy, what are you after?" She smirked. She knew me too well!

"Well, I'm not grounded anymore, correct?"

"That is correct"

"And I have payed both of my bills this month, even though they were disgustingly high, correct?"

"Ha ha, correct"

"And I have not been able to watch what I want on telly, and had to put up with that God awful 16 and pregnant, correct?"

"Yes, Amelia"

"For a month correct?"

"Just tell me what you want or you definitely wont get it..." Jenny snapped since I must've worn her patience thin.

"Can I go swimming with Eleanor and a few other friends today?" I blurted out fast

"Yeah, sure as long as you don't stay out till the next day without letting me know" She said pleasantly

"Aw, thanks Jen!" I said exited

I ran up stairs and told Eleanor the good news. I told Harry that we'd be able to go and he said he'd pick us up at one. I looked at my phone. It was 12:45! I quickly chose my red and white polka dot strapless bikini and Eleanor chose her union jack one. We tied our hair up in messy pony tails and I put my Lizabeth stars and stripe sweater on and a pair of denim shorts with my blue and white stripey TOMS, and Eleanor had her ivory sweater and a pair of black leggings with military boots. We decide not to put any make up on since it would only run off in the water anyway. We quickly said bye to Jenny and stepped outside the fresh air felt good on my skin. I have stopped cutting for a few weeks, but I have a lot of bruises on my skin from trying to stop myself. I put my red wayfarers on and smiled widely at Eleanor and stuck a outrageous pose for her to take a picture on her new I-phone.

"That's gonna have to be my new lock screen!" She giggles

"Lemme see!" I shout grabbing her arm

"Oh no, that's totes disgusting" I say in a posh voice

"No, it's beautiful..." She says pushing me sideways slightly.

I giggle and full on push Eleanor nearly off her feet! That's when the blue mini pulled up!

I smile widely

"This is them" I say trying to stay calm. My palms became sweaty as Harry got out of the car a ruffled his hair and I bit my bottom lip. He did look truly beautiful. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and his red trunks that came down to his knees and a pair of red TOMS. He had his ray-ban aviators on so I couldn't see he bright eyes but I was soon distracted by his dazzling smile. I waved and waved back and pulled out his tongue and turned to the car.

"Is that Harry?!" Eleanor whispered

"Sure is!" I beamed back at her.

He face was a picture he jaw was nearly on the floor!

"Hey, stop it! He's mine!" I laughed

She pulled a sad face and pouted, I walked towards Harry smiling slightly

"Hello, beautiful!" Harry chimed

"Hello, Styles" I giggled

Harry stretched his arm around my lower back and pulled me closer to him I put my hand in his chest and he covered it with his own hand. I was close enough to see his eyes through his glasses now and we stood there until Eleanor cleared her throat. I pulled away from Harry and then I noticed Louis smiling next to him.

"LOUIS!" I smiled

"Hey babe 'gis a hug" He giggled pulling me in to a hug anyway. We laughed and rocked side to side slightly.

"Are you gonna introduce me to your friend Louis smirked looking at Eleanor, she smiled and blushed, she liked him, I could tell!

"Oh yeah, sorry, Harry, Louis, this is Eleanor. Ell, this is Harry and Louis!" I say

"Nice to meet you both finally! Amy hasn't shut up about you both! Especially you, Harry!" Eleanor giggles

"Shut up Eleanor!" I say shocked

"If I'm honest, I've seen the chemistry between you two are you together?" Louis asked.

Me and Harry exchanged a look. What were we supposed to say? I didn't know myself...

"No, we're just friends..." Harry said grabbing my hand and smiling, he must've picked up on my panic.

"Yeah, just friends..." I say slightly disappointed

"Well... I've got evidence to suggest otherwise..." Louis smirked

"What?" I said worrying what he'll say

"Just drop it will you, Lou?" Harry said quietly

"The other night, Harry was in his room, and I heard him moaning your name, Amy... And he was alone with the door locked..." He laughed

"LOUIS I SAID DROP IT!" Harry said turning red and slapping Louis' chest. Louis and Eleanor was in hysterics over it, I just laughed and blushed.

"Shall we get going then? The lads will be waiting for us" Harry said scratching his head obviously feeling awkward. We all got in the car and drove off, going past Janny's window I saw her looking at me. I smiled and waved my phone at her, she smiled back and nodded her head.

When we got there and changed and in the water, it was already 1:25! I usually hat swimming, I feel everyone is watching me. I still do feel like that, but with Harry holding my hand, I felt a little better. I didn't have to worry about Eleanor either she seemed pretty happy to stay with Louis... Me and Harry jumped in together, still holding each others hands and came to the surface together, laughing.

"Come with me, I want you to meet my friends" Harry smiled pulling on my hand. We swam up to three boys that were splashing each other, Louis and Eleanor were already playing with them.

"GUYS, I want you to meet Amelia!"  Harry said in a raised voice so that everyone could hear him. The three boys rushed towards us. I felt really uncomfortable with the boys so close and me only in my bikini, but Harry let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Amelia, these are my mates, Niall, Liam and Zayn" Harry said quietly leaning his forehead against my temple and lightly kissing my jaw.

"Aren't you gonna introduce us to Amelia, Harold?" The boy Liam laughed.

"Oh, yeah... Guys this is Amelia Dunn... My beautiful girlfriend..." Harry smiled widely showing his perfectly straight teeth and I melted a bit inside.Then I realised... He called me his girlfriend! I looked at Harry shocked! He caught my eye

"I mean, if you want to be, Amelia..." He said blushing. I wrapped my arm around his neck and locked my lips onto his, he placed his hands on my hips lightly, smiling into the kiss. This earned a chorus of 'Ooh's from the gang but I took no notice of them and deepened the kiss, Harry's hands made their way up to the back of my bikini and that's when we were interrupted my Louis... Again... He splashed water in our faces

"Ew, get a room you two! Honestly, you can't keep off each other..." Louis said separating us.

"I like it, I think it's cute..." the blond boy, Niall said in a thick Irish accent

"That's because you're a pervert, Niall..." Louis said cheekily.

Niall frowned and splashed Louis in the face with water, the rest of us laughed and Louis jumped on Niall dunking him under water and a whole water fight broke out between them, until the life guard had a go at them! We all laughed and played and Harry swam away from the group taking me with him. We just stood there at the side of the pool, the water was up to my shoulders but only up to Harry's chest. He just stood there, staring into my eyes.

"Are you alright, Harry?" I ask with a slight frown

"Yeah, I just wanted to spend some time with just you, since it's been a month since I saw you last, and you weren't okay then, how are you doing anyway?  With you know... your um.."

"My self harming?" I interrupted

"Yeah, that" Harry said looking down into the water then back up to my eyes

"Well, I haven't cut for a month, but I use an elastic band a lot, as an interception" I say holding my wrists up showing him my forearm which was riddled with old bumpy scars and big purple bruises. Harry placed his hands delicately underneath mine as a frown formed on his perfect face like he was concentrating solely on my arms like they were a riddle he had to solve.

"And, between you and me, I'm still not okay, I think of cutting every day... And doing other things, about death, but you really can't tell anyone that otherwise I'll have to go to therapy again.." I said watching his face tears brimming my eyes, but I my eyes were fixated on his face which turned from concentration to heartbreak. Then his eyes snapped up and met mine. His perfect green orbs were now glossy like he was going to cry.

"But, you would never actually do anything like that would you, Amelia? You would never actually kill yourself would you?" He asked, his grasp tightening on my arms. I looked down into the water. I couldn't look at his eyes so full of pain, because of something i said. Harry pulled me into a bear hug.

"Amelia, please don't you ever do anything like that. You deserve to live you know" Harry whispered into my ear with a slight wobble like he was going to cry.

"You wouldn't believe how many people have told me that... And it gets less believable every time..." I say burying my head in the crook of his neck. Harry let out a big sigh and stroked the back of my head.

"I love you, you know, Amelia" Harry whispered. I nodded my head.

"I love you to Harry" I said raising my head and letting out a little giggle...

"What are you laughing at now, Dunn?" He smiled

"This just sound so cheesy, like we're expected to live happily ever after or something...

"Well, we will. I can promise you that! Me and you we're going to get married, have two children, one girl and none boy called Darcy and McKenzie, we'll watch them grow up and grow old with each other, and tell each other that we love each other everyday, and live a full and happy life together..." He said stroking my hand and smiling. I melted slightly inside since what he said was so sweet but gave a cheeky smile and splashed him!

"Cheesy!" I chimed.

"Cheeky!" Harry exclaimed and splashed me back. we started repeatably splashing each other then realised Louis had been thrown out of the pool after splashing a five year old girl. We all got changed and I got into the car with Eleanor, who I'd caught kissing Louis before, Louis and Harry.

"Guys, do you want to spend the night at ours, we can go to the shops on the way home get a load of treats and rent a movie and have a movie night, the rest of the lads are coming?" Louis asked me and Eleanor

"Yeah, we'd love to, better call Jenny first though..." Eleanor said pulling her phone out and typing in her number. Jenny agreed since we had done all our chores for the weekend. 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz came on,

"This can be our song" Harry whispered to me grabbing my hand. He was so cute! I smiled. Me and Eleanor quickly collected some Pj's from home and made our way off to Harry and Lou's for the movie night!


So I've finally finished, sorry it took so long, but schools handed out loads of homework and I fell over last Tuesday and hurt my knee real bad so I've been dosed up on painkillers all week and feeling like shite! So soorry if this chapter is shite aswell! Comment + Vote lemme know what you think!!! :) Xxxx

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