5 Seconds Of Summer Preferenc...

By 5SOS007

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5SOS Preferences and Imagines. More

#1 You cheat
#2 Your first kiss.
#3 He tweets you while on tour
#4 Morning after
#6 Your on your period
#7 Bikini
#8 He proposes on stage
#9 Cuddling
#10 He leaves for tour
#11 Your Song
#12 He talks in his sleep
#13 Someone walks in on you
#14 Your Scared
#15 You cry
#16 He wants a kiss
#17 He's Sick
#18 Nightmares
#19 How he is with your kids
#20. Your child is bad
#21 Wedding day
#22 Your in hospital
#23 I Miss You
#24 Self Harm
#25 He hits you
#26 He hits you Part (2)
#27 Stay...
#28 Back from tour
#29 Little things
#30 Teenage Pregnancy
#31 He cries
#32 Visits on tour
#33 Jealous
#34 Things You Do
#35 I love you's
#36 Amusement Park
#37 Rainy Day
#38 Holding Hands
#39 Skype
#40 Physically Defends You
#41 Insecurities
#42 PDA
#43 He entertains you
#44 Your Nicknames
#45 His Nicknames
#46 Airports
#47 You Break Up
#48 Kissing
#49 Caught
#50 Mornings
#51 Late Nights
#52 Keek
#53 Looking at your bum
#54 Winter
#55 He asks you out
#56 Your sick
#57 Asks To Move In
#58 Meeting his family
#59 Christmas Tree
#60 Christmas with him
#61 Mistletoe
#62 Christmas Morning
#63 Your Birthday
#64 Sneezeing
#65 Tickling
#66 Writing Songs
#67 Interviewer Insults you
#68 Time Zones
#69 Twitcam
#70 His Birthday
#71 Your body
#72 Your Famous
#73 Sleeping
#74 Flowers
#75 Your in Magazine
#76 Cramps
#77 Virgin
#78 Valentines Day
#79 Thinks your cheating (Pt 1)
#80 Thinks your cheating (Pt 2)
#81 He's off limits
#82 Meet for first time
#83 Facetime
#84 Back Together
#85 He does your makeup
#86 Walks in on you changing
#87 Meeting the boys
#88 Snapback
#89 Overhears the boys talking about you
#90 Disneyland
#91 Lovebites
#92 The Baby kicks
#93 He says your dress is too short
#94 Your child walks in on you
#95 Your a cheerleader
#96 Showering together
#97 Favourite thing about you
#98 Your a bad influence
#99 He does your hair
#100 Moaning
#101 Whipped
#102 Confessions
#103 You used to like annother member
#104 You take a break
#105 Dancing
#106 Silent Treatment
#107 Secretly like eachother
#108 He talks about your sex life
#109 Hickey
#110 Fight and makeout
#111 Slumber Party
#112 Your his date to an event
#113 New Years
#114 Your a photographer
#115 Flying
#116 Water fight
#117 Hungover
#118 His mom finds condoms
#119 Scratch Marks
Forced to Marry Luke Hemmings
#120 Christmas Decorating
#121 Christmas Eve
#122 Picking out a tree
#123 Decorating the tree
#124 Wrapping Presents
#125 Christmas Shopping
#126 Water Fight
Blue Blood

#5 He meets your parents

8.5K 109 13
By 5SOS007


"Babe are you almost ready?" you shout to your boyfriend, Ashton.

"Yeah one sec!"he yells back.

"You said that ten minutes ago! Ash, we’re going to be late! They won’t like it if we’re late!" you yell, knowing that bringing up them not liking him will make him listen to you.

"Ok babe I’m coming!" he shrieks, running out of the bathroom to the front door, where you’re standing.

"I’m gonna drive, you seem a little frazzled." you smile, opening the door for him.

"No, I’m fine. Perfectly fine."

"Ash, you know they’re gonna love you."

"I’m not worried." he responds, but his face does not match his words.

"Okay." you laugh and drive over to your parents’ house. 

"Ash we’re here." you say, noticing that he’s not getting out of the car.

He says something inaudibly and nods.

"Ash get out." you say sternly, thinking that you’ll scare him inside.

"Uh huh." he says, slowly reaching over and unbuckling his seatbelt. He won’t stop staring forward so you lean over and kiss his cheek, making him look at you.

"Ash, come on, they’ll love you, trust me." you smile at him. He nods again and opens the car door, getting out. You smile at yourself, knowing that he’s one step away from meeting your parents. You walk around the car and grab his hand, walking him to the door. You open it and lead him in. You walk him into the kitchen, where your parents and family are sitting.

"Hey guys! This is Ashton. Ashton, this is my family." you smile.

Your mom stands up and hugs Ashton, “it’s nice to finally meet you, Ashton.” she smiles.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. y/last/n." he smiles,

Your dad stands up and shakes his hand. 

"I’m y/dad’s/n"


The hours fly by and Ashton really starts to feel comfortable. You eat dinner and play games until 10:00.

"Oh crap guys, it’s getting late, we should probably leave, we have an early start tomorrow." you say, standing up and hugging your parents.

"Bye guys it was nice to meet you!" Ashton says, hugging each of your family members before you exit out the front door.

"See they love you, Ash!" you say once you shut the door.

"I don’t know if you know this, but I was really stressed."

You giggle, “really I had no idea!” you sarcastically respond.

"No really! I was! Believe me!" 

"Oh trust me, I do!" you laugh and hold him tight, as it’s freezing outside.

"Are you cold?"

You nod,

"Well let’s go back to my house and I can keep you warm all night." he smiles.

"I don’t know if you were trying to be sexual or cute but I’ll take it." you smile and he kisses your forehead.


"Excuse me?" your mother growls into the phone.

"Yeah. I’m dating Calum. Do you have a problem? It’s on speaker phone so just express all your feelings right now."

"Let me get your father." she breathes and you hear her get up and walk around.

You can’t even bear to look up at Calum right now. You’re sitting right next to each other on the couch, but you aren’t making any body contact or anything. You feel so bad that your parents don’t approve of you dating someone in a band especially this band. They know that you’ve loved the band for a long time now and they weren’t too keen on you making your own band, but they faked smiles the whole way through. When you found out that your band was opening for 5 Seconds of Summer, they were more excited than before, but still never liked the career choice. When you and Calum started dating, you knew you needed to tell them. At this point, it didn’t even matter if they didn’t approve, because they would find something else to complain about. 

"She’s WHAT?" you hear your father yelling at your mother.

"Here talk to them."


"Yeah. They’re on speaker phone."

You hear a grumble.

"Hey honey." your dad pretends to not know anything.

"Hey dad!" you fake back.

"So did you want to tell me something?" again, playing innocent.

"Yeah dad, Calum and I wanted to tell you that we’re dating now."

"Oh, really?" he sighs.

"Yeah, dad. Wait can you put this on speaker phone?" he grumbles and you hear a click.

"So mom and dad. I just wanted to say that I don’t give a shit what you think about me and Calum. We have been together for a few months now and we love each other and we don’t give a shit if we have your blessing so don’t fake it to us, just say if you even care to meet him." 

You breathe out deeply, finally telling your parents what you’ve needed to say for a while. You feel a hand snake around your back and you lean into Calum’s shoulder. 

 The line goes silent for a while.

"You know actually I think we want to meet him." your mom finally says.

"Good. Because you can come out to the show next week. You can meet us backstage after the show." you say before hanging up the phone.

You sit there silently for what seemed like forever.

"I love you." you hear Calum say.

"I love you too, I just wish my parents were as accepting of you as yours are of me."

"I don’t care about that. This relationship is between me and you and no one else. I don’t care if every single person on the planet doesn’t want us together. I want you and you want me and that’s all I need."

You look up at him and finally crash your lips into his.

"I love you." he whispers again.


You walk around the county fair and you finally spot Michael. You notice that your parents are standing there with him. They all look serious. Shit. You knew you should’ve come earlier. A few feet before you get to them, your family starts laughing like crazy. You walk up behind Michael and hug him.

"Hey Mikey!"

"Hey babe!" he says, hugging you then placing you in front of him so he can wrap his arms around your front.

"So I see you’ve met Michael." you say to your parents.

"Yeah he’s really funny!" your mom says, giggling.

You giggle to yourself. You’re just glad that he got along with your family. It was your biggest worry that they wouldn’t like him. It’s not that he’s a bad person, it’s just that he’s not the typical rich Harvard tennis player that most parents want their kids to date.

"So do you guys wanna go on the ferris wheel?" you ask, knowing that you’ll get bored just standing there.

You grab Michael’s hand and start walking with your parents following close behind. You get to the front of the line and notice that each carriage only holds two people. Your mom gets into the first carriage and pulls you in with her. You look back at Michael with your dad. You can only imagine what kinda shit your dad’s gonna say. It’s not that he’s scary, it’s that he can be very sarcastic and will probably try to scare him in some way. He means well, but sometimes, it’s a little annoying. The ride starts moving and your mom notices your worried looks.

"Don’t worry, sweetie."

"You know Dad’s gonna pull something."

"Well if he does, I’ll have something to say. Michael is a very sweet boy. I’m glad you chose someone like him. He’s not your typical boy, but you’re not normal too. In the best way. You’re both quirky and I love it. And his hair is a really pretty color.”

You sigh.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. It’s just… I don’t know, I just feel like you guys wanted me to end up with some rich guy who went to Harvard and wears sweater vests."

"Now why would we want that? It might seem like it, but we’re not pricks. We can smell love from miles away. And what you two have is love. And I’d take that over the sweater vested loser you’re talking about.” You smile and lean on her shoulder.

"Thanks mom."

"You’re welcome sweetie." you look back at Michael and he looks terrified.

"Mom. Look at Michael and Dad."

"Well your dad is going to have a little talking to after this ride is over." she laughs.

The ride finishes and you get off, helping your mom out, then waiting a few seconds for Michael and your dad. Your dad gets out and joins your mom while you and Michael start walking a few paces behind.

"You okay babe?" you ask.

"Mhmm" he says, breathless.

"What’d he say?" you sigh.

"He said that he’d kill me if I even tried to get any piece of you. Sexually or emotionally. He’s terrifying."

You lightly laugh.

"Michael, don’t worry. He was just being funny." you start walking a little faster to catch up to your parents.

"Mom I told you." you say.

"y/dad’s/n, I told you not to say anything rude. Michael is a lovely boy, don’t scare him away by trying to be funny." She says, hitting your dad’s arm.

Your dad smirks, “I’m sorry, y/mom’s/n” before glaring at Michael, “all I said is true.”

"Oh hush. You know you’re just jealous of Michael’s adolescence and that he’s taking your daughter from you. Just be happy." your mom smirks.

"I’m happy!"

"Then apologize." she continues to smirk.

"I’m sorry." your dad says, pretending to be defeated.

"You guys are losers." you say, laughing.

"Hey, one day, you guys will be just like us!" your mom promises before stopping and buying cotton candy for all four of you.


"Mom I can’t take it anymore!"


"I can’t be stuck in this hell hole just trying to finish high school while Luke is away. I just can’t handle it."

"Hey, you’ll be fine, trust me, come here." she says, trying to hug you.

"No! I won’t be! MOM! PLEASE! You know how hard it is for me to even survive high school and now my whole support system is gone! Please I need to see him! I just can’t do this." you cry, before running up to your room. You’ve been recently bullied at school because you’re a little different than everyone else. Instead of everyone being excited for you when you started dating a famous musician, they made fun of you. You don’t know why, they just do, and now that Luke’s gone on tour, you can’t handle it. He was always there for you, and now you get to call him sometimes and text him a little, but it’s not the same. He’s been gone for two months being inseparable for six. You go to dial his number, but you’re too weak. You drop your cell phone and continue crying. You eventually cry for so long that you fall asleep.

You wake up and think that it’s been only a few hours. You look at the clock and it says that it’s 12:30 pm. You slowly sit up, then realize that it’s a school day. You quickly change your clothes and run to the bathroom you start to get ready when you hear voices coming from downstairs. Your mom should be gone by now, and there’s a younger voice too. You think it sounds like Luke, but figure it’s just an illusion, just your mind giving you false hope. You run into your room and put shoes on then grab your backpack and run downstairs.

"Mom…" you stutter, not believing what your eyes are telling you is there.

Luke smiles at you and you still think it’s a dream. You don’t believe it until his familiar hug engulfs you. You hug him back and bury your head in his shoulder.

"Mom…." you say, turning to her.

"Well, I saw the state you were in last night. I called him from your phone, which you left on the floor by the way. I also realized that I had never met Luke and I figured that if he came, I could meet him and you could be taken out of the state you’re in."

You feel tears welling up in your eyes again.

"No baby, don’t cry, I just want you to be happy. And Luke is an amazing guy. I really like him. I called you in sick for school today so we could go out and have some fun." she smiles, leading you out the door.

"Thank you" you whisper to her.

"Thank you so much, y/mom’s/n."

"You’re already on first name basis with each other?"

"Yeah, Lucas and I are pretty close." your mom smiles.

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